LMM / mogen /models /transformers /remodiffuse.py
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import random
import clip
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch import Tensor
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union
from mogen.models.utils.misc import zero_module
from ..builder import SUBMODULES, build_attention
from .motion_transformer import MotionTransformer
class FFN(nn.Module):
Feed-forward network (FFN) used in the transformer layers.
It consists of two linear layers with a GELU activation in between.
latent_dim (int): Input dimension of the FFN.
ffn_dim (int): Hidden dimension of the FFN.
dropout (float): Dropout rate applied after activation.
def __init__(self, latent_dim: int, ffn_dim: int, dropout: float):
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(latent_dim, ffn_dim)
self.linear2 = zero_module(nn.Linear(ffn_dim, latent_dim))
self.activation = nn.GELU()
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
def forward(self, x: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Tensor:
Forward pass for the FFN.
x (Tensor): Input tensor of shape (B, T, D).
Tensor: Output tensor after the FFN, of shape (B, T, D).
y = self.linear2(self.dropout(self.activation(self.linear1(x))))
y = x + y
return y
class EncoderLayer(nn.Module):
Encoder layer consisting of self-attention and feed-forward network.
sa_block_cfg (Optional[dict]): Configuration for the self-attention block.
ca_block_cfg (Optional[dict]): Configuration for the cross-attention block (if applicable).
ffn_cfg (dict): Configuration for the feed-forward network.
def __init__(self, sa_block_cfg: Optional[dict] = None, ca_block_cfg: Optional[dict] = None, ffn_cfg: dict = None):
self.sa_block = build_attention(sa_block_cfg)
self.ffn = FFN(**ffn_cfg)
def forward(self, **kwargs) -> Tensor:
Forward pass for the encoder layer.
kwargs: Dictionary containing the input tensor (x) and other related parameters.
Tensor: Output tensor after the encoder layer.
if self.sa_block is not None:
x = self.sa_block(**kwargs)
kwargs.update({'x': x})
if self.ffn is not None:
x = self.ffn(**kwargs)
return x
class RetrievalDatabase(nn.Module):
Retrieval database for retrieving motions and text features based on given captions.
num_retrieval (int): Number of retrievals for each caption.
topk (int): Number of top results to consider.
retrieval_file (str): Path to the retrieval file containing text, motion, and length data.
latent_dim (Optional[int]): Dimension of the latent space.
output_dim (Optional[int]): Output dimension of the retrieved features.
num_layers (Optional[int]): Number of layers in the text encoder.
num_motion_layers (Optional[int]): Number of layers in the motion encoder.
kinematic_coef (Optional[float]): Coefficient for scaling kinematic similarity.
max_seq_len (Optional[int]): Maximum sequence length.
num_heads (Optional[int]): Number of attention heads.
ff_size (Optional[int]): Feed-forward size for the transformer layers.
stride (Optional[int]): Stride for downsampling motion data.
sa_block_cfg (Optional[dict]): Configuration for the self-attention block.
ffn_cfg (Optional[dict]): Configuration for the feed-forward network.
dropout (Optional[float]): Dropout rate.
def __init__(self,
num_retrieval: int,
topk: int,
retrieval_file: str,
latent_dim: Optional[int] = 512,
output_dim: Optional[int] = 512,
num_layers: Optional[int] = 2,
num_motion_layers: Optional[int] = 4,
kinematic_coef: Optional[float] = 0.1,
max_seq_len: Optional[int] = 196,
num_heads: Optional[int] = 8,
ff_size: Optional[int] = 1024,
stride: Optional[int] = 4,
sa_block_cfg: Optional[dict] = None,
ffn_cfg: Optional[dict] = None,
dropout: Optional[float] = 0):
self.num_retrieval = num_retrieval
self.topk = topk
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.stride = stride
self.kinematic_coef = kinematic_coef
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.num_motion_layers = num_motion_layers
self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
# Load data from the retrieval file
data = np.load(retrieval_file)
self.text_features = torch.Tensor(data['text_features'])
self.captions = data['captions']
self.motions = data['motions']
self.m_lengths = data['m_lengths']
self.clip_seq_features = data['clip_seq_features']
self.train_indexes = data.get('train_indexes', None)
self.test_indexes = data.get('test_indexes', None)
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.motion_proj = nn.Linear(self.motions.shape[-1], self.latent_dim)
self.motion_pos_embedding = nn.Parameter(
torch.randn(max_seq_len, self.latent_dim))
self.motion_encoder_blocks = nn.ModuleList()
# Build motion encoder blocks
for i in range(num_motion_layers):
EncoderLayer(sa_block_cfg=sa_block_cfg, ffn_cfg=ffn_cfg))
# Transformer for encoding text
TransEncoderLayer = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=self.latent_dim,
self.text_encoder = nn.TransformerEncoder(TransEncoderLayer,
self.results = {}
def extract_text_feature(self, text: str, clip_model: nn.Module, device: torch.device) -> Tensor:
Extract text features from CLIP model.
text (str): Input text caption.
clip_model (nn.Module): CLIP model for encoding the text.
device (torch.device): Device for computation.
Tensor: Extracted text features of shape (1, 512).
text = clip.tokenize([text], truncate=True).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
text_features = clip_model.encode_text(text)
return text_features
def encode_text(self, text: List[str], device: torch.device) -> Tensor:
Encode text using the CLIP model's text encoder.
text (List[str]): List of input text captions.
device (torch.device): Device for computation.
Tensor: Encoded text features of shape (B, T, D).
with torch.no_grad():
text = clip.tokenize(text, truncate=True).to(device)
x = self.clip.token_embedding(text).type(self.clip.dtype)
x = x + self.clip.positional_embedding.type(self.clip.dtype)
x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND
x = self.clip.transformer(x)
x = self.clip.ln_final(x).type(self.clip.dtype)
# B, T, D
xf_out = x.permute(1, 0, 2)
return xf_out
def retrieve(self, caption: str, length: int, clip_model: nn.Module, device: torch.device, idx: Optional[int] = None) -> List[int]:
Retrieve motions and text features based on a given caption.
caption (str): Input text caption.
length (int): Length of the corresponding motion sequence.
clip_model (nn.Module): CLIP model for encoding the text.
device (torch.device): Device for computation.
idx (Optional[int]): Index for retrieval (if provided).
List[int]: List of indexes for the retrieved motions.
value = hash(caption)
if value in self.results:
return self.results[value]
text_feature = self.extract_text_feature(caption, clip_model, device)
rel_length = torch.LongTensor(self.m_lengths).to(device)
rel_length = torch.abs(rel_length - length)
rel_length = rel_length / torch.clamp(rel_length, min=length)
semantic_score = F.cosine_similarity(self.text_features.to(device),
kinematic_score = torch.exp(-rel_length * self.kinematic_coef)
score = semantic_score * kinematic_score
indexes = torch.argsort(score, descending=True)
data = []
cnt = 0
for idx in indexes:
caption, m_length = self.captions[idx], self.m_lengths[idx]
if not self.training or m_length != length:
cnt += 1
if cnt == self.num_retrieval:
self.results[value] = data
return data
assert False
def generate_src_mask(self, T: int, length: List[int]) -> Tensor:
Generate source mask for the motion sequences based on the motion lengths.
T (int): Maximum sequence length.
length (List[int]): List of motion lengths for each sample.
Tensor: A binary mask tensor of shape (B, T), where `B` is the batch size,
and `T` is the maximum sequence length. Mask values are 1 for valid positions
and 0 for padded positions.
B = len(length)
src_mask = torch.ones(B, T)
for i in range(B):
for j in range(length[i], T):
src_mask[i, j] = 0
return src_mask
def forward(self, captions: List[str], lengths: List[int], clip_model: nn.Module, device: torch.device, idx: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
Forward pass for retrieving motion sequences and text features.
captions (List[str]): List of input text captions.
lengths (List[int]): List of corresponding motion lengths.
clip_model (nn.Module): CLIP model for encoding the text.
device (torch.device): Device for computation.
idx (Optional[List[int]]): Optional list of indices for retrieval.
Dict[str, Tensor]: Dictionary containing retrieved text and motion features.
- re_text: Retrieved text features of shape (B, num_retrieval, T, D).
- re_motion: Retrieved motion features of shape (B, num_retrieval, T, D).
- re_mask: Source mask for the retrieved motion of shape (B, num_retrieval, T).
- raw_motion: Raw motion features of shape (B, T, motion_dim).
- raw_motion_length: Motion sequence lengths (before any stride).
- raw_motion_mask: Raw binary mask for valid motion positions of shape (B, T).
B = len(captions)
all_indexes = []
for b_ix in range(B):
length = int(lengths[b_ix])
if idx is None:
batch_indexes = self.retrieve(captions[b_ix], length, clip_model, device)
batch_indexes = self.retrieve(captions[b_ix], length, clip_model, device, idx[b_ix])
all_indexes = np.array(all_indexes)
all_motions = torch.Tensor(self.motions[all_indexes]).to(device)
all_m_lengths = torch.Tensor(self.m_lengths[all_indexes]).long()
# Generate masks and positional encodings
T = all_motions.shape[1]
src_mask = self.generate_src_mask(T, all_m_lengths).to(device)
raw_src_mask = src_mask.clone()
re_motion = self.motion_proj(all_motions) + self.motion_pos_embedding.unsqueeze(0)
for module in self.motion_encoder_blocks:
re_motion = module(x=re_motion, src_mask=src_mask.unsqueeze(-1))
re_motion = re_motion.view(B, self.num_retrieval, T, -1).contiguous()
re_motion = re_motion[:, :, ::self.stride, :].contiguous() # Apply stride
src_mask = src_mask[:, ::self.stride].contiguous()
src_mask = src_mask.view(B, self.num_retrieval, -1).contiguous()
# Process text sequences
T = 77 # CLIP's max token length
all_text_seq_features = torch.Tensor(self.clip_seq_features[all_indexes]).to(device)
all_text_seq_features = all_text_seq_features.permute(1, 0, 2)
re_text = self.text_encoder(all_text_seq_features)
re_text = re_text.permute(1, 0, 2)
re_text = re_text.view(B, self.num_retrieval, T, -1).contiguous()
re_text = re_text[:, :, -1:, :].contiguous() # Use the last token only for each sequence
re_dict = {
're_text': re_text,
're_motion': re_motion,
're_mask': src_mask,
'raw_motion': all_motions,
'raw_motion_length': all_m_lengths,
'raw_motion_mask': raw_src_mask
return re_dict
class ReMoDiffuseTransformer(MotionTransformer):
Transformer model for motion retrieval and diffusion.
retrieval_cfg (dict): Configuration for the retrieval database.
scale_func_cfg (dict): Configuration for scaling functions.
kwargs: Additional arguments for the base DiffusionTransformer.
def __init__(self, retrieval_cfg: dict, scale_func_cfg: dict, **kwargs):
self.database = RetrievalDatabase(**retrieval_cfg)
self.scale_func_cfg = scale_func_cfg
def scale_func(self, timestep: int) -> Dict[str, float]:
Scale function for adjusting the guidance between text and retrieval.
timestep (int): Current diffusion timestep.
Dict[str, float]: Scaling coefficients for different guidance types.
- both_coef: Coefficient for both text and retrieval guidance.
- text_coef: Coefficient for text-only guidance.
- retr_coef: Coefficient for retrieval-only guidance.
- none_coef: Coefficient for no guidance.
coarse_scale = self.scale_func_cfg['coarse_scale']
w = (1 - (1000 - timestep) / 1000) * coarse_scale + 1
if timestep > 100:
if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
output = {
'both_coef': w,
'text_coef': 0,
'retr_coef': 1 - w,
'none_coef': 0
output = {
'both_coef': 0,
'text_coef': w,
'retr_coef': 0,
'none_coef': 1 - w
both_coef = self.scale_func_cfg['both_coef']
text_coef = self.scale_func_cfg['text_coef']
retr_coef = self.scale_func_cfg['retr_coef']
none_coef = 1 - both_coef - text_coef - retr_coef
output = {
'both_coef': both_coef,
'text_coef': text_coef,
'retr_coef': retr_coef,
'none_coef': none_coef
return output
def get_precompute_condition(self,
text: Optional[str] = None,
motion_length: Optional[Tensor] = None,
xf_out: Optional[Tensor] = None,
re_dict: Optional[Dict] = None,
device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
sample_idx: Optional[Tensor] = None,
clip_feat: Optional[Tensor] = None,
**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Union[Tensor, Dict]]:
Precompute conditions for both text and retrieval-guided diffusion.
text (Optional[str]): Input text string for guidance.
motion_length (Optional[Tensor]): Lengths of the motion sequences.
xf_out (Optional[Tensor]): Encoded text feature (if precomputed).
re_dict (Optional[Dict]): Dictionary of retrieval results (if precomputed).
device (Optional[torch.device]): Device to perform computation on.
sample_idx (Optional[Tensor]): Sample indices for retrieval.
clip_feat (Optional[Tensor]): Clip features (if used).
Dict[str, Union[Tensor, Dict]]: Dictionary containing encoded features and retrieval results.
if xf_out is None:
xf_out = self.encode_text(text, clip_feat, device)
output = {'xf_out': xf_out}
if re_dict is None:
re_dict = self.database(text, motion_length, self.clip, device, idx=sample_idx)
output['re_dict'] = re_dict
return output
def post_process(self, motion: Tensor) -> Tensor:
Post-process the generated motion by normalizing or un-normalizing it.
motion (Tensor): Generated motion data.
Tensor: Post-processed motion data.
if self.post_process_cfg is not None:
if self.post_process_cfg.get("unnormalized_infer", False):
mean = torch.from_numpy(np.load(self.post_process_cfg['mean_path'])).type_as(motion)
std = torch.from_numpy(np.load(self.post_process_cfg['std_path'])).type_as(motion)
motion = motion * std + mean
return motion
def forward_train(self,
h: Tensor,
src_mask: Tensor,
emb: Tensor,
xf_out: Optional[Tensor] = None,
re_dict: Optional[Dict] = None,
**kwargs) -> Tensor:
Forward training pass for motion retrieval and diffusion model.
h (Tensor): Input motion features of shape (B, T, D).
src_mask (Tensor): Mask for the motion data of shape (B, T, 1).
emb (Tensor): Embedding tensor for timesteps.
xf_out (Optional[Tensor]): Precomputed text features.
re_dict (Optional[Dict]): Dictionary of retrieval features.
Tensor: Output motion data of shape (B, T, D).
B, T = h.shape[0], h.shape[1]
cond_type = torch.randint(0, 100, size=(B, 1, 1)).to(h.device)
for module in self.temporal_decoder_blocks:
h = module(x=h,
output = self.out(h).view(B, T, -1).contiguous()
return output
def forward_test(self,
h: Tensor,
src_mask: Tensor,
emb: Tensor,
xf_out: Optional[Tensor] = None,
re_dict: Optional[Dict] = None,
timesteps: Optional[Tensor] = None,
**kwargs) -> Tensor:
Forward testing pass for motion retrieval and diffusion model. This method handles
multiple conditional types such as both text and retrieval-based guidance.
h (Tensor): Input motion features of shape (B, T, D).
src_mask (Tensor): Mask for the motion data of shape (B, T, 1).
emb (Tensor): Embedding tensor for timesteps.
xf_out (Optional[Tensor]): Precomputed text features.
re_dict (Optional[Dict]): Dictionary of retrieval features.
timesteps (Optional[Tensor]): Tensor containing current timesteps in the diffusion process.
Tensor: Output motion data after applying multiple conditional types, of shape (B, T, D).
B, T = h.shape[0], h.shape[1]
# Define condition types for different guidance types
both_cond_type = torch.zeros(B, 1, 1).to(h.device) + 99
text_cond_type = torch.zeros(B, 1, 1).to(h.device) + 1
retr_cond_type = torch.zeros(B, 1, 1).to(h.device) + 10
none_cond_type = torch.zeros(B, 1, 1).to(h.device)
# Concatenate all conditional types and repeat inputs for different guidance modes
all_cond_type = torch.cat((both_cond_type, text_cond_type, retr_cond_type, none_cond_type), dim=0)
h = h.repeat(4, 1, 1)
xf_out = xf_out.repeat(4, 1, 1)
emb = emb.repeat(4, 1)
src_mask = src_mask.repeat(4, 1, 1)
# Repeat retrieval features if necessary
if re_dict['re_motion'].shape[0] != h.shape[0]:
re_dict['re_motion'] = re_dict['re_motion'].repeat(4, 1, 1, 1)
re_dict['re_text'] = re_dict['re_text'].repeat(4, 1, 1, 1)
re_dict['re_mask'] = re_dict['re_mask'].repeat(4, 1, 1)
# Pass through the temporal decoder blocks
for module in self.temporal_decoder_blocks:
h = module(x=h, xf=xf_out, emb=emb, src_mask=src_mask, cond_type=all_cond_type, re_dict=re_dict)
# Retrieve output features and handle different guidance coefficients
out = self.out(h).view(4 * B, T, -1).contiguous()
out_both = out[:B].contiguous()
out_text = out[B:2 * B].contiguous()
out_retr = out[2 * B:3 * B].contiguous()
out_none = out[3 * B:].contiguous()
# Apply scaling coefficients based on the timestep
coef_cfg = self.scale_func(int(timesteps[0]))
both_coef = coef_cfg['both_coef']
text_coef = coef_cfg['text_coef']
retr_coef = coef_cfg['retr_coef']
none_coef = coef_cfg['none_coef']
# Compute the final output by blending the different guidance outputs
output = out_both * both_coef
output += out_text * text_coef
output += out_retr * retr_coef
output += out_none * none_coef
return output