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import os
import dropbox
import streamlit as st
import torch
import pandas as pd
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel
# Set up Streamlit app
st.title("Document Scoring App for Various Categories")
# Model directories and corresponding Dropbox paths
model_directories = {
'finance': 'models/finance_model',
'accounting': 'models/accounting_model',
'technology': 'models/technology_model',
'international': 'models/international_model',
'operations': 'models/operations_model',
'marketing': 'models/marketing_model',
'management': 'models/management_model',
'legal': 'models/legal_model'
# Dropbox paths to main model directories
dropbox_model_paths = {
'international': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/international_model',
'finance': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/finance_model',
'accounting': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/accounting_model',
'technology': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/technology_model',
'operations': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/operations_model',
'marketing': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/marketing_model',
'management': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/management_model',
'legal': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/legal_model'
# Dropbox paths to model checkpoints (all 8 models)
dropbox_checkpoint_paths = {
'international': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/international_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3',
'finance': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/finance_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3',
'accounting': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/accounting_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3',
'technology': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/technology_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3',
'operations': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/operations_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3',
'marketing': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/marketing_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3',
'management': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/management_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3',
'legal': '/3) Conferences and Publications/2) Current_Projects/VIVEK/COMPLETE_REWORK/legal_model/checkpoint-174-epoch-3'
# Check if CUDA is available
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
# Function to download files from Dropbox recursively, including checkpoint directories
def download_files_from_dropbox(dbx, dropbox_path, local_dir):
# List all files and subfolders in the Dropbox path
for entry in dbx.files_list_folder(dropbox_path).entries:
local_path = os.path.join(local_dir,
if isinstance(entry, dropbox.files.FileMetadata):
# It's a file, download it
with open(local_path, "wb") as f:
metadata, res = dbx.files_download(path=entry.path_lower)
elif isinstance(entry, dropbox.files.FolderMetadata):
# It's a folder, create it locally and download its contents
os.makedirs(local_path, exist_ok=True)
download_files_from_dropbox(dbx, entry.path_lower, local_path)
except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as err:
st.error(f"Dropbox API error: {err}")
# Function to download models and checkpoints from Dropbox
def download_model(category):
model_path = model_directories[category]
if not os.path.exists(model_path):
os.makedirs(model_path, exist_ok=True)
dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(st.secrets["dropbox_api_key"])
# Download the main model files
st.write(f"Downloading {category} model...")
download_files_from_dropbox(dbx, dropbox_model_paths[category], model_path)
# Download the checkpoint files if available
if category in dropbox_checkpoint_paths:
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(model_path, "checkpoint-174-epoch-3")
os.makedirs(checkpoint_path, exist_ok=True)
st.write(f"Downloading checkpoint for {category} model...")
download_files_from_dropbox(dbx, dropbox_checkpoint_paths[category], checkpoint_path)
st.success(f"{category} model and checkpoints downloaded successfully.")
# Function to load a model, skipping if it can't be loaded
def load_model(category):
model_path = model_directories[category]
# Ensure the model is downloaded
model = ClassificationModel(
args={"silent": True} # Suppress output
return model
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Failed to load model for {category}: {e}")
return None
# Function to score a document and return the prediction and probability for class '1'
def score_document(model, text_data):
if isinstance(text_data, str):
text_data = [text_data]
predictions, raw_outputs = model.predict(text_data)
# Get the probability associated with class '1'
probability_class_1 = torch.nn.functional.softmax(torch.tensor(raw_outputs[0]), dim=0)[1].item()
return predictions[0], probability_class_1
# Let the user upload a file
doc_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a document (.txt)", type=["txt"])
# Track the start time
start_time = time.time()
# Make predictions when a file is uploaded
if doc_file is not None:
# Read the content of the uploaded .txt file
text_data ="utf-8")
# Initialize an empty DataFrame for results
result_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Category", "Prediction", "Probability"])
# Progress bar
progress_bar = st.progress(0)
total_categories = len(model_directories)
for i, category in enumerate(tqdm(model_directories.keys(), desc="Scoring documents")):
# Load the pre-trained model for the current category
model = load_model(category)
# Skip the category if model loading fails
if model is not None:
# Score the document
prediction, probability = score_document(model, text_data)
# Create a DataFrame for the current result
new_row = pd.DataFrame({
"Category": [category],
"Prediction": [prediction],
"Probability": [probability]
# Use pd.concat to append the new row to the DataFrame
result_df = pd.concat([result_df, new_row], ignore_index=True)
# Update the progress bar
progress_bar.progress((i + 1) / total_categories)
# Estimate remaining time
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
estimated_total_time = (elapsed_time / (i + 1)) * total_categories
st.write(f"Elapsed time: {elapsed_time:.2f}s, Estimated time remaining: {estimated_total_time - elapsed_time:.2f}s")
# Save results to CSV
csv = result_df.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8')
label="Download results as CSV",
# Display completion message
st.success("Document scoring complete!")
st.write("Note: Ensure the uploaded document is in .txt format containing text data.")