File size: 5,635 Bytes
fc64043 07d6846 fc64043 07d6846 1c5f9da fc64043 07d6846 1c5f9da fc64043 |
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import datasets
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
# parse out gene_ids from URL query args to it's possible to link to this page
query_params = st.query_params
if "gene_id_1" in query_params.keys():
gene_id_1 = query_params["gene_id_1"]
gene_id_1 = "TGME49_231630"
if "gene_id_2" in query_params.keys():
gene_id_2 = query_params["gene_id_2"]
gene_id_2 = "TGME49_230210"
# ToxoCEN Expression Scatter
**ToxoCEN** is a co-expression network for *Toxoplasma gondii* built on 719 RNA-seq runs across 39 studies.
A pair of genes are said to be co-expressed when their expression is correlated across different conditions and
is often a marker for genes to be involved in similar processes.
To Cite:
CS Arnold, Y Wang, VB Carruthers, MJ O'Meara
ToxoCEN: A Co-Expression Network for Toxoplasma gondii
* Code available at
* Full network and dataset:
## Plot scatter plot expression for a pair of genes across studies.
Put in the ``TGME49_######`` gene_id for two genes.
TGME49_transcript_annotations = datasets.load_dataset(
path = "maomlab/ToxoCEN",
data_files = {"TGME49_transcript_annotations": "TGME49_transcript_annotations.tsv"})
TGME49_transcript_annotations = TGME49_transcript_annotations["TGME49_transcript_annotations"].to_pandas()
estimated_expression_meta = datasets.load_dataset(
path = "maomlab/ToxoCEN",
data_files = {"estimated_expression_meta": "data/estimated_expression_meta.tsv"})
estimated_expression_meta = estimated_expression_meta["estimated_expression_meta"].to_pandas()
estimated_expression = datasets.load_dataset(
path = "maomlab/ToxoCEN",
data_files = {"estimated_expression": "data/estimated_expression.parquet"})
estimated_expression = estimated_expression["estimated_expression"].to_pandas()
print(f"estimated_expression shape: {estimated_expression.shape}")
col1, col2, col3, padding = st.columns(spec = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4])
with col1:
gene_id_1 = st.text_input(
label = "Gene ID 1",
value = f"{gene_id_1}",
max_chars = 10,
help = "TGME49 Gene ID e.g. TGME49_231630")
with col2:
gene_id_2 = st.text_input(
label = "Gene ID 2",
value = f"{gene_id_2}",
max_chars = 10,
help = "TGME49 Gene ID e.g. TGME49_230210")
# check the user input
TGME49_id_1 = TGME49_transcript_annotations.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1]["TGME49_id"].values[0]
gene_name_1 = TGME49_transcript_annotations.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1]["gene_name"].values[0]
description_1 = TGME49_transcript_annotations.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1]["description"].values[0]
st.error(f"Unable to locate TGME49_id for Gene ID 1: {gene_id_1}, it should be of the form 'TGME49_######'")
TGME49_id_2 = TGME49_transcript_annotations.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2]["TGME49_id"].values[0]
gene_name_2 = TGME49_transcript_annotations.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2]["gene_name"].values[0]
description_2 = TGME49_transcript_annotations.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2]["description"].values[0]
st.error(f"Unable to locate TGME49_id for Gene ID 2: {gene_id_2}, it should be of the form 'TGME49_######'")
chart_data = pd.DataFrame({
"gene_id_1": gene_id_1,
"gene_id_2": gene_id_2,
"expression_1": estimated_expression.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1].to_numpy()[0],
"expression_2": estimated_expression.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2].to_numpy()[0],
"log_expression_1": np.log10(estimated_expression.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1].to_numpy()[0] + 1),
"log_expression_2": np.log10(estimated_expression.loc[TGME49_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2].to_numpy()[0] + 1),
"run_accession": estimated_expression.columns})
chart_data = chart_data.merge(
right = estimated_expression_meta,
on = "run_accession")
with col3:
st.text('') # help alignment with input box
label = "Download data as TSV",
data = chart_data.to_csv(sep ='\t').encode('utf-8'),
file_name = f"ToxoCEN_expression_{gene_id_1}_vs_{gene_id_2}.tsv",
mime = "text/csv")
#### Gene 1:
* *Gene ID*: [{gene_id_1}]({gene_id_1})
{'* *Gene Name*:' + gene_name_1 if gene_name_1 is not None else ''}
* *Description*: {description_1}
* *Top [Co-Expressed Partners]({gene_id_1})*
#### Gene 2:
* *Gene ID*: [{gene_id_2}]({gene_id_2})
{'* *Gene Name*:' + gene_name_2 if gene_name_2 is not None else ''}
* *Description*: {description_2}
* *Top [Co-Expressed Partners]({gene_id_2})*
chart = (
width = 750,
height = 750)
x=alt.X("log_expression_1", title=f"Log10[{gene_id_1}+1] Expression"),
y=alt.Y("log_expression_2", title=f"Log10[{gene_id_2}+1] Expression"),
color=alt.Color("study_accession", title="Study Accession"),
tooltip=["run_accession", "study_accession"]))