hma / sim /
liruiw's picture
tiny fix
import cv2
import torch
import numpy as np
import einops
import skimage
import time
from genie.st_mask_git import STMaskGIT
from genie.st_mar import STMAR
from datasets.utils import get_image_encoder
from data import DATA_FREQ_TABLE
from train_diffusion import SVD_SCALE
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Callable, Dict
class Simulator:
def set_initial_state(self, state):
the initial state of the simulated scene
1. in robomimic, it's the scene state vector
2. in genie, it's the initial frames to prompt the model
raise NotImplementedError
def step(self, action):
raise NotImplementedError
def reset(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def dt(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class PhysicsSimulator(Simulator):
def __init__(self):
# physics engine should be able to update dt
def set_dt(self, dt):
raise NotImplementedError
# physics engine should be able to get scene state
# e.g., robot joint positions, object positions, etc.
def get_raw_state(self, port: Optional[str] = None):
raise NotImplementedError
def action_dimension(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class LearnedSimulator(Simulator):
def __init__(self):
# data replayed respect physics, so we inherit from PhysicsSimulator
# it can be considered as a special case of PhysicsSimulator
class ReplaySimulator(PhysicsSimulator):
def __init__(self,
prompt_horizon: int = 0,
dt: Optional[float] = None
self.frames = frames
self.frame_idx = prompt_horizon
assert self.frame_idx < len(self.frames)
self._dt = dt
self.prompt_horizon = prompt_horizon
def __len__(self):
return len(self.frames) - self.prompt_horizon
def step(self, action):
frame = self.frames[self.frame_idx]
assert self.frame_idx < len(self.frames)
self.frame_idx = self.frame_idx + 1
return {
'pred_next_frame': frame
def reset(self): # return current frame = last frame of prompt
self.frame_idx = self.prompt_horizon
return self.prompt()[-1]
def prompt(self):
return self.frames[:self.prompt_horizon]
def dt(self):
return self._dt
class GenieSimulator(LearnedSimulator):
average_delta_psnr_over = 5
def __init__(self,
# image preprocessing
max_image_resolution: int = 1024,
resize_image: bool = True,
resize_image_resolution: int = 256,
# tokenizer setting
image_encoder_type: str = "temporalvae",
image_encoder_ckpt: str = "stabilityai/stable-video-diffusion-img2vid",
quantize: bool = False,
quantization_slice_size: int = 16,
# dynamics backbone setting
backbone_type: str = "stmar",
backbone_ckpt: str = "data/mar_ckpt/robomimic",
prompt_horizon: int = 11,
inference_iterations: Optional[int] = None,
sampling_temperature: float = 0.0,
action_stride: Optional[int] = None,
domain: str = "robomimic",
genie_frequency: int = 2,
# misc
measure_step_time: bool = False,
compute_psnr: bool = False,
compute_delta_psnr: bool = False, # act as a signal for controlability
gaussian_action_perturbation_scale: Optional[float] = None,
device: str = 'cuda',
physics_simulator: Optional[PhysicsSimulator] = None,
physics_simulator_teacher_force: Optional[int] = None,
post_processor: Optional[Callable] = None, # on the predicted image, e.g., add action
allow_external_prompt: bool = False
assert quantize == (image_encoder_type == "magvit"), \
"Currently quantization if and only if magvit is the image encoder."
assert image_encoder_type in ["magvit", "temporalvae"], \
"Image encoder type must be either 'magvit' or 'temporalvae'."
assert not quantize or image_encoder_type == "magvit", \
"If quantize is enabled, image encoder type must be 'magvit'."
assert backbone_type in ["stmaskgit", "stmar"], \
"Backbone type must be either 'stmaskgit' or 'stmar'."
if physics_simulator is None:
assert physics_simulator_teacher_force is None, \
"Physics simulator teacher force is only available when physics simulator is provided."
assert compute_psnr is False, \
"PSNR computation is only available when physics simulator is provided."
assert compute_delta_psnr is False, \
"Delta PSNR computation is only available when physics simulator is provided."
if action_stride is None:
action_stride = DATA_FREQ_TABLE[domain] // genie_frequency
if compute_delta_psnr:
compute_psnr = True # to compute delta psnr, psnr must be computed
if inference_iterations is None:
if backbone_type == "stmaskgit":
inference_iterations = 2
elif backbone_type == "stmar":
inference_iterations = 2
# misc
self.device = torch.device(device)
self.measure_step_time = measure_step_time
self.compute_psnr = compute_psnr
self.compute_delta_psnr = compute_delta_psnr
self.allow_external_prompt = allow_external_prompt
# image preprocessing
self.max_image_resolution = max_image_resolution
self.resize_image = resize_image
self.resize_image_resolution = resize_image_resolution
# load image encoder
self.image_encoding_dtype = torch.bfloat16
self.quantize = quantize
self.quant_slice_size = quantization_slice_size
self.image_encoder_type = image_encoder_type
self.image_encoder = get_image_encoder(
).to(device=self.device, dtype=self.image_encoding_dtype).eval()
# load STMaskGIT model (STMAR is inherited from STMaskGIT)
self.prompt_horizon = prompt_horizon
self.domain = domain
self.genie_frequency = genie_frequency
self.inference_iterations = inference_iterations
self.sampling_temperature = sampling_temperature
self.action_stride = action_stride
self.gauss_act_perturb_scale = gaussian_action_perturbation_scale
self.backbone_type = backbone_type
if backbone_type == "stmaskgit":
self.backbone = STMaskGIT.from_pretrained(backbone_ckpt)
self.backbone = STMAR.from_pretrained(backbone_ckpt)
self.backbone =
self.post_processor = post_processor
# load physics simulator if available
# the phys sim to get ground truth image,
# assume the phys sim has aligned prompt frames
self.gt_phys_sim = physics_simulator
self.gt_teacher_force = physics_simulator_teacher_force
# history buffer, i.e., the input to the model
self.cached_actions = None # (prompt_horizon, action_stride, A)
self.cached_latent_frames = None # (prompt_horizon, ...)
self.init_prompt = None # (prompt_frames, prompt_actions)
self.step_count = 0
# report model size
"================ Model Size Report ================\n"
f" encoder size: {sum(p.numel() for p in self.image_encoder.parameters()) / 1e6:.3f}M \n"
f" backbone size: {sum(p.numel() for p in self.backbone.parameters()) / 1e6:.3f}M\n"
def set_initial_state(self, state: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]):
if not self.allow_external_prompt and self.gt_phys_sim is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Initial state is set by the physics simulator.")
self.init_prompt = state
def step(self, action: np.ndarray) -> Dict:
# action: (action_stride, A) OR (A,)
# return: (H, W, 3)
assert self.cached_latent_frames is not None and self.cached_actions is not None, \
"Model is not prompted yet. Please call `set_initial_state` first."
if action.ndim == 1:
action = np.tile(action, (self.action_stride, 1))
# perturb action
if self.gauss_act_perturb_scale is not None:
action = np.random.normal(action, self.gauss_act_perturb_scale)
# encoding
input_latent_states =[
input_latent_states = input_latent_states[:, :self.prompt_horizon + 1]
# dtype conversion and mask token
if self.backbone_type == "stmaskgit":
input_latent_states = input_latent_states.long()
input_latent_states[:, -1] = self.backbone.mask_token_id
elif self.backbone_type == "stmar":
input_latent_states[:, -1] = self.backbone.mask_token
# dynamics rollout
action = torch.from_numpy(action).to(device=self.device)
input_actions =[ # (1, prompt_horizon + 1, action_stride * A)
action.unsqueeze(0) # the last action is not used, but we need a_{t-1}, s_{t-1} to predict s_t
]).view(1, -1, action.shape[-1]).to(torch.float32) # + 1
input_actions = input_actions[:, :self.prompt_horizon + 1]
if self.measure_step_time:
start_time = time.time()
pred_next_latent_state = self.backbone.maskgit_generate(
out_t=input_latent_states.shape[1] - 1,
# decoding
pred_next_frame = self._decode_image(pred_next_latent_state)
# timing
if self.measure_step_time:
end_time = time.time()
step_result = {'pred_next_frame': pred_next_frame,}
if self.measure_step_time:
step_result['step_time'] = end_time - start_time
# physics simulation
if self.gt_phys_sim is not None:
for a in action.cpu().numpy():
gt_result = self.gt_phys_sim.step(a)
gt_next_frame = cv2.resize(gt_result['pred_next_frame'], pred_next_frame.shape[:2])
step_result['gt_next_frame'] = gt_next_frame
# gt state observation
raw_state = self.gt_phys_sim.get_raw_state()
except NotImplementedError:
# compute PSNR against ground truth
if self.compute_psnr:
psnr = skimage.metrics.peak_signal_noise_ratio(
image_true=gt_next_frame / 255.,
image_test=pred_next_frame / 255.,
step_result['psnr'] = psnr
# controlability metric
if self.compute_delta_psnr:
delta_psnr = 0.0
for _ in range(self.average_delta_psnr_over):
# re-mask the input latent states for masked prediction
if self.backbone_type == "stmaskgit":
input_latent_states = input_latent_states.long()
input_latent_states[:, self.prompt_horizon] = self.backbone.mask_token_id
elif self.backbone_type == "stmar":
input_latent_states[:, self.prompt_horizon] = self.backbone.mask_token
# sample random action from N(0, 1)
random_input_actions = torch.randn_like(input_actions)
random_pred_next_latent_state = self.backbone.maskgit_generate(
random_pred_next_frame = self._decode_image(random_pred_next_latent_state)
this_delta_psnr = step_result['psnr'] - skimage.metrics.peak_signal_noise_ratio(
image_true=gt_next_frame / 255.,
image_test=random_pred_next_frame / 255.,
delta_psnr += this_delta_psnr / self.average_delta_psnr_over
step_result['delta_psnr'] = delta_psnr
if self.gt_teacher_force is not None and self.step_count % self.gt_teacher_force == 0:
pred_next_latent_state = self._encode_image(gt_next_frame)
# update history buffer
self.cached_latent_frames =[
self.cached_latent_frames[1:], pred_next_latent_state.unsqueeze(0)
self.cached_actions =[
self.cached_actions[1:], action.unsqueeze(0)
# post processing
if self.post_processor is not None:
pred_next_frame = self.post_processor(pred_next_frame, action)
self.step_count += 1
return step_result
def _encode_image(self, image: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor:
# (H, W, 3)
image = torch.from_numpy(
self._normalize_image(image).transpose(2, 0, 1)
).to(device=self.device, dtype=self.image_encoding_dtype
H, W = image.shape[-2:]
if self.quantize:
H //= self.quant_slice_size
W //= self.quant_slice_size
_, _, indices, _ = self.image_encoder.encode(image, flip=True)
indices = einops.rearrange(indices, "(h w) -> h w", h=H, w=W)
indices =
return indices
if self.image_encoder_type == "magvit":
latent = self.image_encoder.encode_without_quantize(image)
elif self.image_encoder_type == "temporalvae":
latent_dist = self.image_encoder.encode(image).latent_dist
latent = latent_dist.mean
latent *= SVD_SCALE
latent = einops.rearrange(latent, "b c h w -> b h w c")
latent = latent.squeeze(0).to(torch.float32)
return latent
def _decode_image(self, latent: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
# latent can be either quantized indices or raw latent
# return (H, W, 3)
latent =
if self.quantize:
latent = self.image_encoder.quantize.get_codebook_entry(
einops.rearrange(latent, "b h w -> b (h w)"),
bhwc=(*latent.shape, self.image_encoder.quantize.codebook_dim)
latent =, dtype=self.image_encoding_dtype)
if self.image_encoder_type == "magvit":
decoded_image = self.image_encoder.decode(latent)
elif self.image_encoder_type == "temporalvae":
latent = einops.rearrange(latent, "b h w c -> b c h w")
latent /= SVD_SCALE
# HACK: clip for less visual artifacts
latent = torch.clamp(latent, -25, 25)
decoded_image = self.image_encoder.decode(latent, num_frames=1).sample
decoded_image = decoded_image.squeeze(0).to(torch.float32).detach().cpu().numpy()
decoded_image = self._unnormalize_image(decoded_image).transpose(1, 2, 0)
return decoded_image
def _normalize_image(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# (H, W, 3) normalized to [-1, 1]
# if `resize`, resize the shorter side to `resized_res`
# and then do a center crop
image = np.asarray(image, dtype=np.float32)
image /= 255.
H, W = image.shape[:2]
# resize if asked
if self.resize_image:
resized_res = self.resize_image_resolution
if H < W:
Hnew, Wnew = resized_res, int(resized_res * W / H)
Hnew, Wnew = int(resized_res * H / W), resized_res
image = cv2.resize(image, (Wnew, Hnew))
# center crop
H, W = image.shape[:2]
Hstart = (H - resized_res) // 2
Wstart = (W - resized_res) // 2
image = image[Hstart:Hstart + resized_res, Wstart:Wstart + resized_res]
# resize if resolution is too large
elif H > self.max_image_resolution or W > self.max_image_resolution:
if H < W:
Hnew, Wnew = int(self.max_image_resolution * H / W), self.max_image_resolution
Hnew, Wnew = self.max_image_resolution, int(self.max_image_resolution * W / H)
image = cv2.resize(image, (Wnew, Hnew))
image = (image * 2 - 1.)
return image
def _unnormalize_image(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# (H, W, 3) from [-1, 1] to [0, 255]
# NOTE: clip happens here
image = (image + 1.) * 127.5
image = np.clip(image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
return image
def reset(self) -> np.ndarray:
# if ground truth physics simulator is provided,
# return the the side-by-side concatenated image
# get the initial prompt from the physics simulator if not yet set
if not self.allow_external_prompt and self.gt_phys_sim is not None:
image_prompt = np.tile(
self.gt_phys_sim.reset(), (self.prompt_horizon, 1, 1, 1)
action_prompt = np.zeros(
(self.prompt_horizon, self.action_stride, self.gt_phys_sim.action_dimension)
assert self.init_prompt is not None, "Initial state is not set."
image_prompt, action_prompt = self.init_prompt
# standardize the image
image_prompt = [self._unnormalize_image(self._normalize_image(frame)) for frame in image_prompt]
current_image = image_prompt[-1]
action_prompt = torch.from_numpy(action_prompt).to(device=self.device)
self.cached_actions = action_prompt
# convert to latent
self.cached_latent_frames = torch.stack([
self._encode_image(frame) for frame in image_prompt
], axis=0)
if self.resize_image:
current_image = cv2.resize(current_image,
(self.resize_image_resolution, self.resize_image_resolution))
if self.gt_phys_sim is not None:
current_image = np.concatenate([current_image, current_image], axis=1)
self.step_count = 0
return current_image
def close(self):
if self.gt_phys_sim is not None:
except NotImplementedError:
def dt(self):
return 1.0 / self.genie_frequency