kkuczkowska's picture
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import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.fftpack import next_fast_len
from skimage.transform import rotate
from skimage._shared.utils import convert_to_float
from skimage.transform import warp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
from copy import deepcopy
def get_directional_std(image, theta=None,*, preserve_range=False):
if image.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('The input image must be 2-D')
if theta is None:
theta = np.arange(180)
image = convert_to_float(image.copy(), preserve_range) #TODO: needed?
shape_min = min(image.shape)
img_shape = np.array(image.shape)
# Crop image to make it square
slices = tuple(slice(int(np.ceil(excess / 2)),
int(np.ceil(excess / 2) + shape_min))
if excess > 0 else slice(None)
for excess in (img_shape - shape_min))
image = image[slices]
shape_min = min(image.shape)
img_shape = np.array(image.shape)
radius = shape_min // 2
coords = np.array(np.ogrid[:image.shape[0], :image.shape[1]],
dist = ((coords - img_shape // 2) ** 2).sum(0)
outside_reconstruction_circle = dist > radius ** 2
image[outside_reconstruction_circle] = 0
valid_square_slice = slice(int(np.ceil(radius*(1-1/np.sqrt(2)))), int(np.ceil(radius*(1+1/np.sqrt(2)))) )
# padded_image is always square
if image.shape[0] != image.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('padded_image must be a square')
center = image.shape[0] // 2
result = np.zeros(len(theta))
for i, angle in enumerate(np.deg2rad(theta)):
cos_a, sin_a = np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)
R = np.array([[cos_a, sin_a, -center * (cos_a + sin_a - 1)],
[-sin_a, cos_a, -center * (cos_a - sin_a - 1)],
[0, 0, 1]])
rotated = warp(image, R, clip=False)
result[i] = rotated[valid_square_slice, valid_square_slice].std(axis=0).mean()
return result
def acf2d(x, nlags=None):
xo = x - x.mean(axis=0)
n = len(x)
if nlags is None:
nlags = n -1
lag_len = nlags
xi = np.arange(1, n + 1)
d = np.expand_dims(np.hstack((xi, xi[:-1][::-1])),1)
nobs = len(xo)
n = next_fast_len(2 * nobs + 1)
Frf = np.fft.fft(xo, n=n, axis=0)
acov = np.fft.ifft(Frf * np.conjugate(Frf), axis=0)[:nobs] / d[nobs - 1 :]
acov = acov.real
ac = acov[: nlags + 1] / acov[:1]
return ac
def get_period(acf_table, n_samples=50):
#TODO: use peak heights to select best candidates. use std to eliminate outliers
period_candidates = []
period_candidates_hights = []
for i in np.random.randint(0, acf_table.shape[1], min(acf_table.shape[1], n_samples)):
peaks = signal.find_peaks(acf_table[:,i])[0]
if len(peaks) == 0:
peak_idx = peaks[0]
period_candidates = np.array(period_candidates)
period_candidates_hights = np.array(period_candidates_hights)
if len(period_candidates) == 0:
return np.nan, np.nan
elif len(period_candidates) == 1:
return period_candidates[0], np.nan
q1, q3 = np.quantile(period_candidates, [0.25, 0.75])
candidates_std = np.std(period_candidates[(period_candidates>=q1)&(period_candidates<=q3)])
# return period_candidates, period_candidates_hights
return np.median(period_candidates), candidates_std
def get_rotation_with_confidence(padded_image, blur_size=4, make_plots=True):
std_by_angle = get_directional_std(cv2.blur(padded_image, (blur_size,blur_size)))
rotation_angle = np.argmin(std_by_angle)
rotation_quality = 1 - np.min(std_by_angle)/np.median(std_by_angle)
if make_plots:
plt.axvline(rotation_angle, c='k')
plt.title(f'quality: {rotation_quality:0.2f}')
return rotation_angle, rotation_quality
def calculate_autocorrelation(oriented_img, blur_kernel=(7,1), make_plots=True):
autocorrelation = acf2d(cv2.blur(oriented_img.T, blur_kernel))
if make_plots:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12,6))
return autocorrelation
def get_period_with_confidence(autocorrelation_tab, n_samples=30):
period, period_std = get_period(autocorrelation_tab, n_samples=n_samples)
if period_std == np.nan:
period_confidence = 0.001
period_confidence = period/(period+2*period_std)
return period, period_confidence
def calculate_white_fraction(img, blur_size=4, make_plots=True): #TODO: add mask
blurred = cv2.blur(img, (blur_size, blur_size))
blurred_sum = blurred.sum(axis=0)
lower, upper = np.quantile(blurred_sum, [0.15, 0.85])
sign = blurred_sum > (lower+upper)/2
sign_change = sign[:-1] != sign[1:]
sign_change_indices = np.where(sign_change)[0]
if len(sign_change_indices) >= 2 + (sign[-1] == sign[0]):
cut_first = sign_change_indices[0]+1
if sign[-1] == sign[0]:
cut_last = sign_change_indices[-2]
cut_last = sign_change_indices[-1]
white_fraction = np.mean(sign[cut_first:cut_last])
white_fraction = np.nan
cut_first, cut_last = None, None
if make_plots:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(16,6))
blurred_sum_normalized = blurred_sum - blurred_sum.min()
blurred_sum_normalized /= blurred_sum_normalized.max()
axs[2].imshow(img, cmap='gray')
for i, idx in enumerate(sign_change_indices):
plt.axvline(idx, c=['r', 'lime'][i%2])
fig.suptitle(f'fraction: {white_fraction:0.2f}')
return white_fraction
def process_img_crop(img, nm_per_px=1, make_plots=False, return_extra=False):
# image must be square
assert img.shape[0] == img.shape[1]
crop_size = img.shape[0]
# find orientation
rotation_angle, rotation_quality = get_rotation_with_confidence(img, blur_size=4, make_plots=make_plots)
# rotate and crop image
crop_margin = int((1 - 1/np.sqrt(2))*crop_size*0.5)
oriented_img = rotate(img, -rotation_angle)[2*crop_margin:-crop_margin, crop_margin:-crop_margin]
# calculate autocorrelation
autocorrelation = calculate_autocorrelation(oriented_img, blur_kernel=(7,1), make_plots=make_plots)
# find period
period, period_confidence = get_period_with_confidence(autocorrelation)
if make_plots:
print(f'period: {period}, confidence: {period_confidence}')
# find white fraction
white_fraction = calculate_white_fraction(oriented_img, make_plots=make_plots)
white_width = white_fraction*period
result = {
'direction': rotation_angle,
'direction confidence': rotation_quality,
'period': period*nm_per_px,
'period confidence': period_confidence,
'lumen width': white_width*nm_per_px
if return_extra:
result['extra'] = {
'autocorrelation': autocorrelation,
'oriented_img': oriented_img
return result
def get_top_k(a, k):
ind = np.argpartition(a, -k)[-k:]
return a[ind]
def get_crops(img, distance_map, crop_size, N_sample):
crop_r= np.sqrt(2)*crop_size / 2
possible_positions_y, possible_positions_x = np.where(distance_map >= crop_r)
no_edge_mask = (possible_positions_y>crop_r) & \
(possible_positions_x>crop_r) & \
(possible_positions_y<(distance_map.shape[0]-crop_r)) & \
possible_positions_x = possible_positions_x[no_edge_mask]
possible_positions_y = possible_positions_y[no_edge_mask]
N_available = len(possible_positions_x)
positions_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(N_available), min(N_sample, N_available), replace=False)
for idx in positions_indices:
yield img[possible_positions_y[idx]-crop_size//2:possible_positions_y[idx]+crop_size//2,possible_positions_x[idx]-crop_size//2:possible_positions_x[idx]+crop_size//2].copy()
def sliced_mean(x, slice_size):
cs_y = np.cumsum(x, axis=0)
cs_y = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, cs_y.shape[1]), dtype=cs_y.dtype), cs_y), axis=0)
slices_y = (cs_y[slice_size:] - cs_y[:-slice_size])/slice_size
cs_xy = np.cumsum(slices_y, axis=1)
cs_xy = np.concatenate((np.zeros((cs_xy.shape[0], 1), dtype=cs_xy.dtype), cs_xy), axis=1)
slices_xy = (cs_xy[:,slice_size:] - cs_xy[:,:-slice_size])/slice_size
return slices_xy
def sliced_var(x, slice_size):
x = x.astype('float64')
return sliced_mean(x**2, slice_size) - sliced_mean(x, slice_size)**2
def select_samples(granum_image, granum_mask, crop_size=96, n_samples=64, granum_fraction_min=1.0, variance_p=2):
granum_occupancy = sliced_mean(granum_mask, crop_size)
possible_indices = np.stack(np.where(granum_occupancy >= granum_fraction_min), axis=1)
if variance_p == 0:
p = np.ones(len(possible_indices))
variance_map = sliced_var(granum_image, crop_size)
p = variance_map[possible_indices[:,0], possible_indices[:,1]]**variance_p
p /= np.sum(p)
chosen_indices = np.random.choice(
min(len(possible_indices), n_samples),
p = p
crops = []
for crop_idx, idx in enumerate(chosen_indices):
return np.array(crops)
def calculate_distance_map(mask):
padded = np.pad(mask, pad_width=1, mode='constant', constant_values=False)
distance_map_padded = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(padded)
return distance_map_padded[1:-1,1:-1]
def measure_object(
img, mask,
nm_per_px=1, n_tries = 3,
direction_thr_min = 0.07, direction_thr_enough = 0.1,
crop_size = 200,
distance_map = calculate_distance_map(mask)
crop_size = min(crop_size, int(min(get_top_k(distance_map.flatten(), n_tries)*0.5**0.5)))
direction_confidence = 0
best_stripes_data = {}
for i, img_crop in enumerate(get_crops(img, distance_map, crop_size, n_tries)):
stripes_data = process_img_crop(img_crop, nm_per_px=nm_per_px)
if stripes_data['direction confidence'] >= direction_confidence:
best_stripes_data = deepcopy(stripes_data)
direction_confidence = stripes_data['direction confidence']
if direction_confidence > direction_thr_enough:
result = best_stripes_data
if direction_confidence >= direction_thr_min:
mask_oriented = rotate(mask, 90-result['direction'], resize=True).astype('bool')
idx_begin_x, idx_end_x = np.where(np.any(mask_oriented, axis=0))[0][np.array([0, -1])]
idx_begin_y, idx_end_y = np.where(np.any(mask_oriented, axis=1))[0][np.array([0, -1])]
result['mask_oriented'] = mask_oriented[idx_begin_y:idx_end_y, idx_begin_x:idx_end_x]
result['img_oriented'] = rotate(img, 90-result['direction'], resize=True)[idx_begin_y:idx_end_y, idx_begin_x:idx_end_x]
# measurements = measure_granum_shape(result['mask_oriented'], nm_per_px=nm_per_px, oriented=True)
# else:
# measurements = measure_granum_shape(mask, nm_per_px=nm_per_px, oriented=False)
# result.update(**measurements)
# N_layers = result['height'] / result['period']
# if np.isfinite(N_layers):
# N_layers = round(N_layers)
return result
# def measure_object(
# img, mask,
# nm_per_px=1, n_tries = 3,
# direction_thr_min = 0.07, direction_thr_enough = 0.1,
# crop_size = 200,
# **kwargs):
# distance_map = calculate_distance_map(mask)
# crop_size = min(crop_size, int((min(get_top_k(distance_map.flatten(), n_tries)*0.5)**0.5)))
# direction_confidence = 0
# best_stripes_data = {}
# for i, img_crop in enumerate(select_samples(img, mask, crop_size=crop_size, n_samples=n_tries)):
# stripes_data = process_img_crop(img_crop, nm_per_px=nm_per_px)
# if stripes_data['direction_confidence'] >= direction_confidence:
# best_stripes_data = deepcopy(stripes_data)
# direction_confidence = stripes_data['direction_confidence']
# if direction_confidence > direction_thr_enough:
# break
# result = best_stripes_data
# if direction_confidence >= direction_thr_min:
# mask_oriented = rotate(mask, 90-result['direction'], resize=True).astype('bool')
# idx_begin_x, idx_end_x = np.where(np.any(mask_oriented, axis=0))[0][np.array([0, -1])]
# idx_begin_y, idx_end_y = np.where(np.any(mask_oriented, axis=1))[0][np.array([0, -1])]
# result['mask_oriented'] = mask_oriented[idx_begin_y:idx_end_y, idx_begin_x:idx_end_x]
# result['img_oriented'] = rotate(img, 90-result['direction'], resize=True)[idx_begin_y:idx_end_y, idx_begin_x:idx_end_x]
# # measurements = measure_granum_shape(result['mask_oriented'], nm_per_px=nm_per_px, oriented=True)
# # else:
# # measurements = measure_granum_shape(mask, nm_per_px=nm_per_px, oriented=False)
# # result.update(**measurements)
# # N_layers = result['height'] / result['period']
# # if np.isfinite(N_layers):
# # N_layers = round(N_layers)
# return result #{**measurements, **best_stripes_data, 'N layers': N_layers}