Configuration error
Configuration error
import guitarpro | |
from guitarpro import * | |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt | |
import mgzip | |
import numpy as np | |
import os | |
from os.path import join | |
import pickle | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
from tensorflow import keras | |
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint | |
from keras.models import Sequential | |
from keras.layers import Activation, Dense, LSTM, Dropout, Flatten | |
from _Decompressor import SongWriter | |
# Define some constants: | |
# PITCH[i] = the pitch associated with midi note number i. | |
# For example, PITCH[69] = 'A4' | |
PITCH = {val : str(GuitarString(number=0, value=val)) for val in range(128)} | |
# MIDI[string] = the midi number associated with the note described by string. | |
# For example, MIDI['A4'] = 69. | |
MIDI = {str(GuitarString(number=0, value=val)) : val for val in range(128)} | |
# Generation helper methods: | |
def thirty_seconds_to_duration(count): | |
if count % 3 == 0: | |
# If the note is dotted, do 32 / (i * 2/3), and return isDotted = True. | |
return (48//count, True) | |
else: | |
# If the note is not dotted, to 32 / i, and return isDotted = False. | |
return (32//count, False) | |
def quantize_thirty_seconds(value): | |
# 32nd-note values of each fundamental type of note (not including 64th-notes, of course). | |
vals = np.array([32, # whole | |
24, # dotted half | |
16, # half | |
12, # dotted quarter | |
8, # quarter | |
6, # dotted eigth | |
4, # eigth | |
3, # dotted sixteenth | |
2, # sixteenth | |
1]) # thirty-second | |
list_out = [] | |
for v in vals: | |
if v <= value: | |
list_out.append(thirty_seconds_to_duration(v)) | |
value -= v | |
return np.array(list_out) | |
def adjust_to_4_4(prediction_output): | |
''' | |
Adjust prediction output to be in 4/4 time. | |
Then, separate the beats into measures. | |
''' | |
# This will be the prediction output | |
new_prediction_output = [] | |
time = 0 | |
for beat in prediction_output: | |
# Calculate the fraction of a measure encompassed by the current beat / chord. | |
beat_time = (1 / beat[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat[2]) | |
# Calculate the fraction of a measure taken up by all notes in the measure. | |
# Calculate any residual time to see if this measure (in 4/4 time) is longer than 1 measure. | |
measure_time = time + beat_time | |
leftover_time = (measure_time) % 1 | |
# If the measure count (i.e., the measure integer) has changed and there is significant left-over beat time: | |
if (int(measure_time) > int(time)) and (leftover_time > 1/128): | |
# Calculate the initial 32nd notes encompassed by this beat in the current measure. | |
this_measure_thirty_seconds = int(32 * (1 - time % 1)) | |
# Calculate the remaining 32nd notes encompassed by this beat in the next measure. | |
next_measure_thirty_seconds = int(32 * leftover_time) | |
# Get the Duration object parameters for this measure and the next measure. | |
this_measure_durations = quantize_thirty_seconds(this_measure_thirty_seconds) | |
next_measure_durations = quantize_thirty_seconds(next_measure_thirty_seconds) | |
#print(f'{{ {32 / beat[1]}') | |
for duration_idx, duration in enumerate(this_measure_durations): | |
time += (1 / duration[0]) * (1 + 0.5 * duration[1]) | |
#print(time, '\t', time * 32) | |
chord = beat[0] if duration_idx == 0 else 'tied' | |
new_prediction_output.append((chord, duration[0], duration[1], beat[3])) | |
for duration in next_measure_durations: | |
time += (1 / duration[0]) * (1 + 0.5 * duration[1]) | |
#print(time, '\t', time * 32) | |
new_prediction_output.append(('tied', duration[0], duration[1], beat[3])) | |
continue | |
time += beat_time | |
new_prediction_output.append((beat[0], beat[1], beat[2], beat[3])) | |
#print(time, '\t', time * 32) | |
''' | |
# Code for debugging | |
time = 0 | |
time2 = 0 | |
idx = 0 | |
for idx2, beat2 in enumerate(new_prediction_output[:100]): | |
beat = prediction_output[idx] | |
if time == time2: | |
print(beat[0], '\t', time, '\t\t', beat2[0], '\t', time2) | |
idx += 1 | |
time += (1 / beat[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat[2]) | |
else: | |
print('\t\t\t\t', beat2[0], '\t', time2) | |
time2 += (1 / beat2[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat2[2]) | |
'''; | |
# Use the previously calculated cumulative time as the number of measures in the new 4/4 song. | |
num_measures = int(np.ceil(time)) | |
song = np.empty(num_measures, dtype=object) | |
time = 0 | |
m_idx = 0 | |
timestamps = [] | |
for beat in new_prediction_output: | |
#print(time) | |
timestamps.append(time) | |
m_idx = int(time) | |
if song[m_idx] is None: | |
song[m_idx] = [beat] | |
else: | |
song[m_idx].append(beat) | |
time += (1 / beat[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat[2]) | |
print(f'4/4 adjusted correctly: {set(range(num_measures)).issubset(set(timestamps))}') | |
return song | |
class Generator: | |
def __init__(self, num_tracks_to_generate=5, as_fingerings=True, sequence_length=100): | |
with'data', 'notes_data.pickle.gz'), 'rb') as filepath: | |
self.notes = pickle.load(filepath) | |
self.note_to_int = pickle.load(filepath) | |
self.int_to_note = pickle.load(filepath) | |
self.n_vocab = pickle.load(filepath) | |
self.NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE = num_tracks_to_generate | |
self.as_fingerings = as_fingerings | |
self.sequence_length = sequence_length | |
with'data', 'track_data.pickle.gz'), 'rb') as filepath: | |
self.track_data = pickle.load(filepath) | |
self.model = keras.models.load_model('minigpt') | |
self.ints = np.array([self.note_to_int[x] for x in self.notes]) | |
def generate_track(self, track_idx=None): | |
if track_idx is None: | |
# Choose a random track | |
track_idx = np.random.choice(len(self.track_data)) | |
# Get the note indices corresponding to the beginning and ending of the track | |
song_note_idx_first = self.track_data.loc[track_idx]['noteStartIdx'] | |
song_note_idx_last = self.track_data.loc[track_idx+1]['noteStartIdx'] | |
# Choose a random starting point within the track | |
start_idx = np.random.randint(low=song_note_idx_first, | |
high=song_note_idx_last) | |
# Choose a number of initial notes to select from the track, at most 100. | |
#num_initial_notes = np.random.choice(min(100, song_note_idx_last - start_idx)) | |
num_initial_notes = np.random.choice(min(100, song_note_idx_last - start_idx)) | |
# Select the initial notes (tokens) | |
start_tokens = [_ for _ in self.ints[start_idx:start_idx+num_initial_notes]] | |
max_tokens = 100 | |
def sample_from(logits, top_k=10): | |
logits, indices = tf.math.top_k(logits, k=top_k, sorted=True) | |
indices = np.asarray(indices).astype("int32") | |
preds = keras.activations.softmax(tf.expand_dims(logits, 0))[0] | |
preds = np.asarray(preds).astype("float32") | |
return np.random.choice(indices, p=preds) | |
num_tokens_generated = 0 | |
tokens_generated = [] | |
while num_tokens_generated <= max_tokens: | |
pad_len = self.sequence_length - len(start_tokens) | |
sample_index = len(start_tokens) - 1 | |
if pad_len < 0: | |
x = start_tokens[:self.sequence_length] | |
sample_index = self.sequence_length - 1 | |
elif pad_len > 0: | |
x = start_tokens + [0] * pad_len | |
else: | |
x = start_tokens | |
x = np.array([x]) | |
y, _ = self.model.predict(x) | |
sample_token = sample_from(y[0][sample_index]) | |
tokens_generated.append(sample_token) | |
start_tokens.append(sample_token) | |
num_tokens_generated = len(tokens_generated) | |
generated_notes = [self.int_to_note[num] for num in np.concatenate((start_tokens, tokens_generated))] | |
return track_idx, generated_notes | |
def generate_track_batch(self, artist=None): | |
self.track_indices = np.zeros(self.NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE) | |
self.tracks = np.zeros(self.NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE, dtype=object) | |
for i in tqdm(range(self.NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE)): | |
if artist is None: | |
idx, t = self.generate_track() | |
else: | |
idx, t = self.generate_track(track_idx=np.random.choice(list(self.track_data[self.track_data.artist==artist].index))) | |
self.track_indices[i] = idx | |
self.tracks[i] = t | |
def save_tracks(self, filepath='_generation.gp5'): | |
songWriter = SongWriter(initialTempo=self.track_data.loc[self.track_indices[0]]['tempo']) | |
for idx in range(len(self.tracks)): | |
new_track = adjust_to_4_4(self.tracks[idx]) | |
# Get the tempo and tuning (lowest string note) of the song: | |
#print( track_data.loc[track_indices[idx]]) | |
tempo = self.track_data.loc[self.track_indices[idx]]['tempo'] | |
instrument = self.track_data.loc[self.track_indices[idx]]['instrument'] | |
name = self.track_data.loc[self.track_indices[idx]]['song'] | |
lowest_string = self.track_data.loc[self.track_indices[idx]]['tuning'] | |
if not self.as_fingerings: | |
# Get all the unique pitch values from the new track | |
pitchnames = set.union(*[set([beat[0].split('_')[0] for beat in measure]) for measure in new_track]) | |
pitchnames.discard('rest') # Ignore rests | |
pitchnames.discard('tied') # Ignore tied notes | |
pitchnames.discard('dead') # Ignore dead/ghost notes | |
lowest_string = min([MIDI[pitch] for pitch in pitchnames]) # Get the lowest MIDI value / pitch | |
lowest_string = min(lowest_string, MIDI['E2']) # Don't allow any tunings higher than standard. | |
# Standard tuning | |
tuning = {1: MIDI['E4'], | |
2: MIDI['B3'], | |
3: MIDI['G3'], | |
4: MIDI['D3'], | |
5: MIDI['A2'], | |
6: MIDI['E2']} | |
if lowest_string <= MIDI['B1']: | |
# 7-string guitar case | |
tuning[7] = MIDI['B1'] | |
downtune = MIDI['B1'] - lowest_string | |
else: | |
# downtune the tuning by however much is necessary. | |
downtune = MIDI['E2'] - lowest_string | |
tuning = {k: v - downtune for k, v in tuning.items()} # Adjust to the new tuning | |
# Write the track to the song writer | |
songWriter.decompress_track(new_track, tuning, tempo=tempo, instrument=instrument, name=name, as_fingerings=self.as_fingerings) | |
songWriter.write(filepath) | |
print('Finished') | |
''' | |
def init_generator(): | |
global NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE, notes, note_to_int, int_to_note, n_vocab, track_data, model, ints | |
with'data\\notes_data.pickle.gz', 'rb') as filepath: | |
notes = pickle.load(filepath) | |
note_to_int = pickle.load(filepath) | |
int_to_note = pickle.load(filepath) | |
n_vocab = pickle.load(filepath) | |
with'data\\track_data.pickle.gz', 'rb') as filepath: | |
track_data = pickle.load(filepath) | |
#with'output\\generated_songs.pickle.gz', 'rb') as filepath: | |
# track_indices = pickle.load(filepath) | |
# tracks = pickle.load(filepath) | |
model = keras.models.load_model('minigpt') | |
ints = np.array([note_to_int[x] for x in notes]) | |
def generate_track(track_idx=None): | |
global track_data, ints, int_to_note | |
if track_idx is None: | |
# Choose a random track | |
track_idx = np.random.choice(len(track_data)) | |
# Get the note indices corresponding to the beginning and ending of the track | |
song_note_idx_first = track_data.loc[track_idx]['noteStartIdx'] | |
song_note_idx_last = track_data.loc[track_idx+1]['noteStartIdx'] | |
# Choose a random starting point within the track | |
start_idx = np.random.randint(low=song_note_idx_first, | |
high=song_note_idx_last) | |
# Choose a number of initial notes to select from the track, at most 100. | |
#num_initial_notes = np.random.choice(min(100, song_note_idx_last - start_idx)) | |
num_initial_notes = np.random.choice(min(100, song_note_idx_last - start_idx)) | |
# Select the initial notes (tokens) | |
start_tokens = [_ for _ in ints[start_idx:start_idx+num_initial_notes]] | |
max_tokens = 100 | |
def sample_from(logits, top_k=10): | |
logits, indices = tf.math.top_k(logits, k=top_k, sorted=True) | |
indices = np.asarray(indices).astype("int32") | |
preds = keras.activations.softmax(tf.expand_dims(logits, 0))[0] | |
preds = np.asarray(preds).astype("float32") | |
return np.random.choice(indices, p=preds) | |
num_tokens_generated = 0 | |
tokens_generated = [] | |
while num_tokens_generated <= max_tokens: | |
pad_len = maxlen - len(start_tokens) | |
sample_index = len(start_tokens) - 1 | |
if pad_len < 0: | |
x = start_tokens[:maxlen] | |
sample_index = maxlen - 1 | |
elif pad_len > 0: | |
x = start_tokens + [0] * pad_len | |
else: | |
x = start_tokens | |
x = np.array([x]) | |
y, _ = model.predict(x) | |
sample_token = sample_from(y[0][sample_index]) | |
tokens_generated.append(sample_token) | |
start_tokens.append(sample_token) | |
num_tokens_generated = len(tokens_generated) | |
generated_notes = [int_to_note[num] for num in np.concatenate((start_tokens, tokens_generated))] | |
return track_idx, generated_notes | |
def generate_track_batch(artist=None): | |
global track_indices, tracks, NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE, track_data | |
track_indices = np.zeros(NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE) | |
tracks = np.zeros(NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE, dtype=object) | |
for i in tqdm(range(NUM_TRACKS_TO_GENERATE)): | |
if artist is None: | |
idx, t = generate_track() | |
else: | |
idx, t = generate_track(track_idx=np.random.choice(list(track_data[track_data.artist==artist].index))) | |
track_indices[i] = idx | |
tracks[i] = t | |
# Generation helper methods: | |
def thirty_seconds_to_duration(count): | |
if count % 3 == 0: | |
# If the note is dotted, do 32 / (i * 2/3), and return isDotted = True. | |
return (48//count, True) | |
else: | |
# If the note is not dotted, to 32 / i, and return isDotted = False. | |
return (32//count, False) | |
def quantize_thirty_seconds(value): | |
# 32nd-note values of each fundamental type of note (not including 64th-notes, of course). | |
vals = np.array([32, # whole | |
24, # dotted half | |
16, # half | |
12, # dotted quarter | |
8, # quarter | |
6, # dotted eigth | |
4, # eigth | |
3, # dotted sixteenth | |
2, # sixteenth | |
1]) # thirty-second | |
list_out = [] | |
for v in vals: | |
if v <= value: | |
list_out.append(thirty_seconds_to_duration(v)) | |
value -= v | |
return np.array(list_out) | |
def adjust_to_4_4(prediction_output): | |
#Adjust prediction output to be in 4/4 time. | |
#Then, separate the beats into measures. | |
# This will be the prediction output | |
new_prediction_output = [] | |
time = 0 | |
for beat in prediction_output: | |
# Calculate the fraction of a measure encompassed by the current beat / chord. | |
beat_time = (1 / beat[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat[2]) | |
# Calculate the fraction of a measure taken up by all notes in the measure. | |
# Calculate any residual time to see if this measure (in 4/4 time) is longer than 1 measure. | |
measure_time = time + beat_time | |
leftover_time = (measure_time) % 1 | |
# If the measure count (i.e., the measure integer) has changed and there is significant left-over beat time: | |
if (int(measure_time) > int(time)) and (leftover_time > 1/128): | |
# Calculate the initial 32nd notes encompassed by this beat in the current measure. | |
this_measure_thirty_seconds = int(32 * (1 - time % 1)) | |
# Calculate the remaining 32nd notes encompassed by this beat in the next measure. | |
next_measure_thirty_seconds = int(32 * leftover_time) | |
# Get the Duration object parameters for this measure and the next measure. | |
this_measure_durations = quantize_thirty_seconds(this_measure_thirty_seconds) | |
next_measure_durations = quantize_thirty_seconds(next_measure_thirty_seconds) | |
#print(f'{{ {32 / beat[1]}') | |
for duration_idx, duration in enumerate(this_measure_durations): | |
time += (1 / duration[0]) * (1 + 0.5 * duration[1]) | |
#print(time, '\t', time * 32) | |
chord = beat[0] if duration_idx == 0 else 'tied' | |
new_prediction_output.append((chord, duration[0], duration[1])) | |
for duration in next_measure_durations: | |
time += (1 / duration[0]) * (1 + 0.5 * duration[1]) | |
#print(time, '\t', time * 32) | |
new_prediction_output.append(('tied', duration[0], duration[1])) | |
continue | |
time += beat_time | |
new_prediction_output.append((beat[0], beat[1], beat[2])) | |
#print(time, '\t', time * 32) | |
# Code for debugging | |
#time = 0 | |
#time2 = 0 | |
#idx = 0 | |
#for idx2, beat2 in enumerate(new_prediction_output[:100]): | |
# beat = prediction_output[idx] | |
# if time == time2: | |
# print(beat[0], '\t', time, '\t\t', beat2[0], '\t', time2) | |
# idx += 1 | |
# time += (1 / beat[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat[2]) | |
# else: | |
# print('\t\t\t\t', beat2[0], '\t', time2) | |
# time2 += (1 / beat2[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat2[2]) | |
# Use the previously calculated cumulative time as the number of measures in the new 4/4 song. | |
num_measures = int(np.ceil(time)) | |
song = np.empty(num_measures, dtype=object) | |
time = 0 | |
m_idx = 0 | |
timestamps = [] | |
for beat in new_prediction_output: | |
#print(time) | |
timestamps.append(time) | |
m_idx = int(time) | |
if song[m_idx] is None: | |
song[m_idx] = [beat] | |
else: | |
song[m_idx].append(beat) | |
time += (1 / beat[1]) * (1 + 0.5 * beat[2]) | |
print(f'4/4 adjusted correctly: {set(range(num_measures)).issubset(set(timestamps))}') | |
return song | |
def save_tracks(filepath='_generation.gp5'): | |
global track_data, track_indice, tracks | |
songWriter = SongWriter(initialTempo=track_data.loc[track_indices[0]]['tempo']) | |
for idx in range(len(tracks)): | |
new_track = adjust_to_4_4(tracks[idx]) | |
# Get the tempo and tuning (lowest string note) of the song: | |
#print( track_data.loc[track_indices[idx]]) | |
tempo = track_data.loc[track_indices[idx]]['tempo'] | |
instrument = track_data.loc[track_indices[idx]]['instrument'] | |
name = track_data.loc[track_indices[idx]]['song'] | |
lowest_string = track_data.loc[track_indices[idx]]['tuning'] | |
if not as_fingerings: | |
# Get all the unique pitch values from the new track | |
pitchnames = set.union(*[set([beat[0].split('_')[0] for beat in measure]) for measure in new_track]) | |
pitchnames.discard('rest') # Ignore rests | |
pitchnames.discard('tied') # Ignore tied notes | |
pitchnames.discard('dead') # Ignore dead/ghost notes | |
lowest_string = min([MIDI[pitch] for pitch in pitchnames]) # Get the lowest MIDI value / pitch | |
lowest_string = min(lowest_string, MIDI['E2']) # Don't allow any tunings higher than standard. | |
# Standard tuning | |
tuning = {1: MIDI['E4'], | |
2: MIDI['B3'], | |
3: MIDI['G3'], | |
4: MIDI['D3'], | |
5: MIDI['A2'], | |
6: MIDI['E2']} | |
if lowest_string <= MIDI['B1']: | |
# 7-string guitar case | |
tuning[7] = MIDI['B1'] | |
downtune = MIDI['B1'] - lowest_string | |
else: | |
# downtune the tuning by however much is necessary. | |
downtune = MIDI['E2'] - lowest_string | |
tuning = {k: v - downtune for k, v in tuning.items()} # Adjust to the new tuning | |
# Write the track to the song writer | |
songWriter.decompress_track(new_track, tuning, tempo=tempo, instrument=instrument, name=name, as_fingerings=as_fingerings) | |
songWriter.write(filepath) | |
print('Finished') | |
''' |