Configuration error
Configuration error
''' | |
Imports | |
''' | |
import guitarpro | |
from guitarpro import * | |
import numpy as np | |
import os | |
import pickle | |
import re | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from keras.utils import np_utils | |
''' | |
Constants | |
''' | |
# PITCH[i] = the pitch associated with midi note number i. | |
# For example, PITCH[69] = 'A4' | |
PITCH = {val : str(GuitarString(number=0, value=val)) for val in range(128)} | |
# MIDI[string] = the midi number associated with the note described by string. | |
# For example, MIDI['A4'] = 69. | |
MIDI = {str(GuitarString(number=0, value=val)) : val for val in range(128)} | |
''' | |
get_strings function | |
''' | |
def get_strings(chord, tuning, as_fingerings=True): | |
lowest_string = len(tuning) # Bass has 4 strings, while metal guitars can have 6-8 strings. | |
if as_fingerings: | |
# NEW CODE: | |
# Represent the tuning as the number of semitones between the open strings and the lowest string. | |
# i.e., relative_tuning[lowest_string] = 0 | |
relative_tuning = {k : v - tuning[lowest_string] for k, v in tuning.items()} | |
chord_parts = chord.split('_') | |
if as_fingerings: | |
# NEW CODE: | |
root_value = int(chord_parts[0]) | |
else: | |
# NEW CODE: | |
root_value = MIDI[chord_parts[0]] | |
if as_fingerings: | |
# NEW CODE: | |
if root_value < 0: | |
print(f'!!!!! error !!!!!\t {root_value} < 0') | |
else: | |
# OLD CODE: | |
if root_value < tuning[lowest_string]: | |
print(f'!!!!! error !!!!!\t {root_value} < {tuning[lowest_string]}') | |
# Using the tuning, get a list of all possible fret positions for the root note. | |
if as_fingerings: | |
# NEW CODE: | |
tuning_values = np.array(list(relative_tuning.values())) | |
else: | |
# OLD CODE: | |
tuning_values = np.array(list(tuning.values())) | |
fingerings = root_value - tuning_values | |
# + 1 because tuning[] is 1-indexed. | |
string = np.where(fingerings >= 0, fingerings, np.inf).argmin() + 1 | |
fret = fingerings[string-1] | |
# If we are just playing a single note, then the function can just return what it has now. | |
if len(chord_parts) == 1: | |
return [(fret, string)] | |
# If the chord requires a very high pitch, lower its fingering to the second-highest string, | |
# so as to save the highest string for the other part of the chord. | |
if string == 1: | |
string = 2 | |
fret = fingerings[string-1] | |
if chord_parts[1] == '5': | |
upper_value = root_value + 7 # perfect fifth | |
elif chord_parts[1] == 'dim5': | |
upper_value = root_value + 6 # tritone | |
elif chord_parts[1] == '4': | |
upper_value = root_value + 5 | |
else: | |
upper_value = root_value + 5 # in case of an error, assume that the upper value is a perfect 4th above the root. | |
if as_fingerings: | |
# NEW CODE: | |
upper_fret = upper_value - relative_tuning[string-1] | |
else: | |
# OLD CODE: | |
upper_fret = upper_value - tuning[string-1] | |
if upper_fret < 0: | |
# There are some rare cases where the chord cannot be played given a tuning. | |
# For example, a tritone or a perfect 4th with root C2 in a drop-C guitar. | |
# In that case, just return the root note. | |
return [(fret, string)] | |
return [(fret, string), (upper_fret, string-1)] | |
class SongWriter: | |
def __init__(self, initialTempo): | | = guitarpro.models.Song(tempo=initialTempo) | | = [] # Initialize song.tracks to an empty list. | |
self.currentTempo = initialTempo | |
''' | |
decompress_track function | |
''' | |
def decompress_track(self, track, tuning, tempo=None, instrument=None, name=None, as_fingerings=True): | |
# Instantiate the Midi Channel / Instrument for this track, | |
# making sure to avoid channel 9 (the drum channel) | |
channel = MidiChannel(channel = len( + (len( >= 9), | |
effectChannel = len( + (len( >= 9)) | |
if instrument is not None: | |
channel.instrument = instrument | |
# Instantiate the name for this track | |
if name is None: | |
name = f'Track {len( + 1}' | |
# Pre-format the name to avoid any characters that the tab file format doesn't like. | |
# Keep only spaces and alphanumeric characters. | |
name = name.split('(')[0] | |
name = re.sub(r' \W+', '', name) | |
# Instantiate the actual Track itself | |, name=name, channel=channel)) | |
# Calculate the dict key corresponding to the lowest-tuned string. | |
lowest_string = len(tuning) | |
# Set the guitar tuning for the instrument. | |[-1].strings = [GuitarString(number=num, value=val) for num, val in tuning.items()] | |
# The first measureHeader and measure are already added by default. Let's remove them to make things more standard. | |
if len( == 1: | | = [] | |[0].measures = [] | |
startingTrackIdx = len( | |
for i in range(startingTrackIdx, startingTrackIdx+len(track)): | |
start = guitarpro.Duration.quarterTime * (1 + i*6) | |, start=start)) | |
# Add new measure to every existing track. | |
for existing_track in | |
existing_track.measures.append( Measure(existing_track,[i]) ) | |
for m_i, measure in enumerate([-1].measures): | |
if m_i < startingTrackIdx: | |
continue # Skip tracks that have already been written to. | |
# "beats" starts off as an empy array []. | |
voice = measure.voices[0] | |
beats = | |
#print(m_i - startingTrackIdx) | |
# For the m_i-th measure, get the indices b_i and the beats track_beat of the compressed song. | |
for b_i, track_beat in enumerate(track[m_i - startingTrackIdx]): | |
#print(f'\t{b_i}') | |
# If a tempo change is needed: | |
if tempo is not None and tempo != self.currentTempo: | |
# Implement the tempo change, then update the current tempo. | |
effect = BeatEffect(mixTableChange=MixTableChange(tempo=MixTableItem(value=tempo), hideTempo=False)) | |
self.currentTempo = tempo | |
else: | |
effect = BeatEffect() | |
chord = track_beat[0] | |
duration = Duration(value=int(track_beat[1]), isDotted=bool(track_beat[2])) | |
# since "beats" is empty, we can append Beat objects to it. | |
beats.append(Beat(voice, duration=duration, effect=effect)) | |
if chord == 'rest': | |
beats[b_i].status = | |
elif chord == 'tied': | |
# If this tied note is the first beat in its measure: | |
if b_i == 0: | |
# If this tied note is the first beat in the first measure: | |
if m_i == 0: | |
# Designate this beat as a rest, then move on to the next beat. | |
beats[b_i].status = | |
continue | |
else: | |
# Get the last Beat object from the previous Measure. | |
previous_beats =[-1].measures[m_i-1].voices[0].beats | |
if len(previous_beats) == 0: | |
beats[b_i].status = | |
continue | |
previous_beat = previous_beats[-1] | |
else: | |
# Get the previous Beat object from the current Measure. | |
previous_beat = beats[b_i-1] | |
for note in previous_beat.notes: | |
beats[b_i].notes.append(Note(beat=beats[b_i], value=note.value, string=note.string, type=NoteType.tie)) | |
elif chord == 'dead': | |
beats[b_i].notes.append(Note(beat=beats[b_i], value=0, string=lowest_string, type=NoteType.dead)) | |
beats[b_i].notes.append(Note(beat=beats[b_i], value=0, string=lowest_string-1, type=NoteType.dead)) | |
beats[b_i].notes.append(Note(beat=beats[b_i], value=0, string=lowest_string-2, type=NoteType.dead)) | |
else: | |
for fret, string in get_strings(chord, tuning, as_fingerings): | |
noteEffect = NoteEffect(palmMute=track_beat[3]) | |
beats[b_i].notes.append(Note(beat=beats[b_i], value=fret, string=string, | |
type=NoteType.normal, effect=noteEffect)) | |
#print('\t\t', chord, '\t', duration) | |
# Lastly, return the song so that it can be saved to a .gp5 file. | |
# return new_song | |
def write(self, filename): | |
guitarpro.write(, filename) |