TEOChat / videollava /eval /geochat_s2looking_utils.py
jirvin16's picture
Initial commit
import json
import numpy as np
import cv2
import re
from eval_referring import referring_expression
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely import wkt
import time
import math
from matplotlib.path import Path
from eval_classification import accuracy_precision_recall
def convert_geochat_string(build, img_size=256):
convert the raw str geochat output {<40><89><56><100>|<57>}, {<0><89><56><100>|<57>}
to a list of rotated bboxes
build = build.strip('{}')
bbox_segments = build.split("}{")
# Regular expression to find all numbers inside angle brackets
pattern = r"<(\d+)>"
# Extract numbers, convert them to integers, and collect into a list
bboxes = [
list(map(int, re.findall(pattern, segment)))
for segment in bbox_segments]
rotated_bboxes = []
for bbox in bboxes:
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle = [float(v) for v in bbox]
# Convert percentages to pixel coordinates
xmin = xmin * img_size / 100
ymin = ymin * img_size / 100
xmax = xmax * img_size / 100
ymax = ymax * img_size / 100
# Calculate rectangle dimensions
rect_width = xmax - xmin
rect_height = ymax - ymin
center_x = xmin + rect_width / 2
center_y = ymin + rect_height / 2
# Calculate corners before rotation
corners = np.array([
[xmin, ymin],
[xmax, ymin],
[xmax, ymax],
[xmin, ymax]
# Rotate corners
angle_rad = math.radians(angle)
cos_angle = math.cos(angle_rad)
sin_angle = math.sin(angle_rad)
rotated_corners = []
for x, y in corners:
tx = x - center_x
ty = y - center_y
rotated_x = tx * cos_angle - ty * sin_angle + center_x
rotated_y = tx * sin_angle + ty * cos_angle + center_y
rotated_corners.append([rotated_x, rotated_y])
return rotated_bboxes
def get_changed_buildings(build1, build2, img_size=256, task=None):
Given a list of predicted buildings in image 1 and image 2, this function
- creates two img_size * img_size numpy arrays for both of the images
- gets the mask differences between the two numpy arrays
- returns a list of bounding boxes that reflect those differences, as well as the difference mask
- build1: [[x,y],[x,y],[x,y],[x,y]] array of four x,y coordinates of the bounding box of a building
- task can be either None, constructed or destructed
Note: those bboxes can be rotated
image1 = np.zeros((img_size, img_size), np.uint8)
image2 = np.zeros((img_size, img_size), np.uint8)
build1 = convert_geochat_string(build1)
build2 = convert_geochat_string(build2)
# fill in with ones the pixels that are inside the rotated bboxes
for b in build1:
path = Path(b)
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(img_size), np.arange(img_size))
points = np.vstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten())).T
image1[path.contains_points(points).reshape(img_size, img_size)] = 1
for b in build2:
path = Path(b)
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(img_size), np.arange(img_size))
points = np.vstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten())).T
image2[path.contains_points(points).reshape(img_size, img_size)] = 1
# xor between the two images
if task == None:
diff = cv2.bitwise_xor(image1, image2)
elif task == "constructed":
# if the task is constructed, we want to find the pixels that are in image2 but not in image1
diff = cv2.bitwise_and(image2, cv2.bitwise_not(image1))
elif task == "destructed":
# if the task is destructed, we want to find the pixels that are in image1 but not in image2
diff = cv2.bitwise_and(image1, cv2.bitwise_not(image2))
# get the bounding boxes of the difference pixels
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(diff, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
bboxes = []
for contour in contours:
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
x, y, w, h = y, x, h, w
bboxes.append([x, y, x+w, y+h])
return bboxes, diff
def get_canonical_answer_dataset(answers):
This function creates a new dataset with questions and answers for geochat, ready to parse into the evaluation metrics."""
new_dataset = {}
for key, answer in answers.items():
num, quadrant, geovlmid = key.split("_")
task = answer['task']
if geovlmid == "1" in task:
# find the paired image
id2 = num + "_" + quadrant + "_" + "1"
answer1 = answers[key]
answer2 = answers[id2]
print(f"The associated image to {key} wasn't present in the dataset")
# get the pixel diff boxes
change_bboxes, mask = get_changed_buildings(answer1['predicted'], answer2['predicted'])
# create the new dataset adapted for running metrics on it
new_line = {}
new_line['predicted'] = ""
if len(change_bboxes)>0:
for bbox in change_bboxes:
new_line['predicted'] += str(bbox) + ", "
new_line['predicted'] = new_line['predicted'][:-2]
new_line['predicted_mask'] = mask.tolist()
new_line['ground_truth'] = answer1['original_answer']
new_line['question'] = answer1['original_question']
new_line['task'] = answer1['task']
new_line['original_input_polygon'] = answer1['original_input_polygon']
new_key = num + "_" + quadrant
new_dataset[new_key] = new_line
return new_dataset
def postprocess_auxiliary_qa(key, answer, original_answers):
new_line = {}
new_line['ground_truth'] = answer['ground_truth']
new_line['question'] = answer['question']
new_line['task'] = answer['task']
new_line['original_input_polygon'] = answer['original_input_polygon']
# retrieve the original 2 anwers
answer1 = original_answers[key + '_0']['predicted']
answer2 = original_answers[key + '_1']['predicted']
# retrieve the task (construction or destruction)
setting = None
if "constructed" or "built" in answer['original_question']:
setting = "constructed"
elif "destructed" or "torn down" in answer['original_question']:
setting = "destructed"
print("The task is not recognized")
print("Original question: ", answer['original_question'])
# get the pixel diff boxes
change_bboxes, mask = get_changed_buildings(answer1, answer2, task=setting)
new_line['predicted_mask'] = mask.tolist()
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
found_convex_polygon = False
for contour in contours:
# check if the contour is a bounding box (4 vertices, rectangle shape)
epsilon = 0.04 * cv2.arcLength(contour, True)
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True)
if len(approx) == 4:
found_convex_polygon = True
if found_convex_polygon:
new_line['predicted'] = "Yes"
new_line['predicted'] = "No"
return new_line
def postprocess_auxiliary_region_qa(key, answer, original_answers, img_size=256):
There is a bbox in the input polygon, we need to find the changed buildings in the image
inside that bbox
new_line = {}
new_line['ground_truth'] = answer['ground_truth']
new_line['question'] = answer['question']
new_line['task'] = answer['task']
new_line['original_input_polygon'] = answer['original_input_polygon']
# retrieve the original 2 anwers
answer1 = original_answers[key + '_0']['predicted']
answer2 = original_answers[key + '_1']['predicted']
# get the pixel diff boxes
change_bboxes, mask = get_changed_buildings(answer1, answer2)
# get the input bbox
question = new_line['question']
# find the positions of '[' and ']'
start = question.find('[')
end = question.find(']')
bbox = question[start+1:end].split(',')
bbox = [int(b) * img_size // 100 for b in bbox]
# adapt the mask, put 0s outside the bbox
mask[:bbox[0], :] = 0
mask[bbox[2]:, :] = 0
mask[:, :bbox[1]] = 0
mask[:, bbox[3]:] = 0
# predict yes or no if there is a convex polygon in the mask
found_convex_polygon = False
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
for contour in contours:
# check if the contour is a bounding box (4 vertices, rectangle shape)
epsilon = 0.04 * cv2.arcLength(contour, True)
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True)
if len(approx) == 4:
found_convex_polygon = True
new_line['predicted_mask'] = mask.tolist()
if found_convex_polygon:
new_line['predicted'] = "Yes"
new_line['predicted'] = "No"
return new_line
def postprocess_auxiliary_referring(key, answer, original_answers):
new_line = {}
new_line['ground_truth'] = answer['ground_truth']
new_line['question'] = answer['question']
new_line['task'] = answer['task']
new_line['original_input_polygon'] = answer['original_input_polygon']
# retrieve the original 2 anwers
answer1 = original_answers[key + '_0']['predicted']
answer2 = original_answers[key + '_1']['predicted']
# retrieve the task (construction or destruction)
setting = None
if "constructed" or "built" in answer['original_question']:
setting = "constructed"
elif "destructed" or "torn down" in answer['original_question']:
setting = "destructed"
print("The task is not recognized")
print("Original question: ", answer['original_question'])
# get the pixel diff boxes
change_bboxes, mask = get_changed_buildings(answer1, answer2, task=setting)
new_line['predicted_mask'] = mask.tolist()
new_line['predicted'] = ""
if len(change_bboxes)>0:
for bbox in change_bboxes:
new_line['predicted'] += str(bbox) + ", "
new_line['predicted'] = new_line['predicted'][:-2]
return new_line
def postprocess_auxiliary_geochat_s2looking(canonical_answers, original_answers):
Postprocess the auxiliary file for geochat_s2looking
The present questions are
question1 = 'temporal_question_answering: Are there any buildings in the first image which were {destructed,torn down} in the second?'
question2 = 'temporal_referring_expression: Identify the buildings in the first image which were {built,constructed,destructed,torn down} as seen in the second image.'
question3 = 'localization_task: Identify all changed buildings.'
question4 = 'referring_expression: identify the {constructed, destructed} buildings in the image.'
question5 = 'question_answering: Have any buildings been task in the area? Please answer with Yes or No'
The goal is to update the 'predicted' field with the correct bounding boxes of the changed buildings.
- Localization can be kept as is.
- For question answering tasks, the 'predicted' field should be updated with 'Yes' or 'No' depending on the answer.
We output 'Yes' if there is a convex polygon in the 'predicted' field.
- For referring expression, we first need to identify if the task is 'constructed' or 'destructed' and then update the 'predicted' field with the correct mask of the changed buildings.
- answers: dictionary with the answers paired with the get_canonical_answer_dataset function
- postprocessed_answers: dictionary with 'predicted' and 'predicted_mask' fields updated
postprocessed_answers = {}
for key, answer in canonical_answers.items():
task = answer['task']
if 'localization' in task:
postprocessed_answers[key] = answer
if 'region_based_question_answering' in task:
answer = postprocess_auxiliary_region_qa(key, answer, original_answers)
postprocessed_answers[key] = answer
if 'question_answering' in task:
answer = postprocess_auxiliary_qa(key, answer, original_answers)
postprocessed_answers[key] = answer
if 'referring_expression' in task:
answer = postprocess_auxiliary_referring(key, answer, original_answers)
postprocessed_answers[key] = answer
return postprocessed_answers
def evaluate_geochat_s2looking(answer_file, dataset_file, split):
answers = {}
with open(answer_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = json.loads(line)
answers[list(line.keys())[0]] = line[list(line.keys())[0]]
dataset = dataset_file.split("/")[-1]
if dataset == "dataset_canonical.json":
# create a new dataset with questions and answers for geochat
postprocessed_answers = get_canonical_answer_dataset(answers)
referring_expression(postprocessed_answers, "geochat_s2looking", False, "s2looking/answers/geochat_canonical_test", split=split)
elif dataset == "dataset_v01_v02_canonical_filtered.json" or dataset == "dataset_RQA.json":
# create a new dataset with questions and answers for geochat
postprocessed_answers = get_canonical_answer_dataset(answers)
postprocessed_answers = postprocess_auxiliary_geochat_s2looking(postprocessed_answers, answers)
print("Referring expression")
referring_expression(postprocessed_answers, "geochat_s2looking", False, "s2looking/answers/geochat_v01_v02_canonical_filtered_test", split=split)
accuracy_precision_recall(postprocessed_answers, "s2looking", verbose=False)
# also run per-question referring expression
question1 = 'temporal_question_answering: Are there any buildings in the first image which were {destructed,torn down} in the second?'
question2 = 'temporal_referring_expression: Identify the buildings in the first image which were {built,constructed,destructed,torn down} as seen in the second image.'
question3 = 'localization_task: Identify all changed buildings.'
question4 = 'referring_expression: identify the {constructed, destructed} buildings in the image.'
question5 = 'question_answering: Have any buildings been task in the area? Please answer with Yes or No'
for question in [question1, question2, question3, question4, question5]:
dataset_question = {}
for data in postprocessed_answers:
if postprocessed_answers[data]['task'] == question:
dataset_question[data] = postprocessed_answers[data]
if len(dataset_question) > 0:
print('Evaluating for question ', question)
print('Size of the dataset is ', len(dataset_question))
referring_expression(dataset_question, "geochat_s2looking", False, "s2looking/answers/geochat_v01_v02_canonical_filtered_test", split=split)
print("Evaluation is not suppored for this dataset. Please provide a valid dataset.")
print("The supported datasets are: dataset_canonical.json, dataset_v01_v02_canonical_filtered.json")