Runtime error
Runtime error
import argparse | |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw | |
from evaluator import Evaluator | |
from omegaconf import OmegaConf | |
from ldm.models.diffusion.ddim import DDIMSampler | |
from ldm.models.diffusion.plms import PLMSSampler | |
import os | |
from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel | |
from copy import deepcopy | |
import torch | |
from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config | |
from trainer import read_official_ckpt, batch_to_device | |
from evaluator import set_alpha_scale, save_images, draw_masks_from_boxes | |
import numpy as np | |
import clip | |
from functools import partial | |
import torchvision.transforms.functional as F | |
import random | |
device = "cuda" | |
def alpha_generator(length, type=[1,0,0]): | |
""" | |
length is total timestpes needed for sampling. | |
type should be a list containing three values which sum should be 1 | |
It means the percentage of three stages: | |
alpha=1 stage | |
linear deacy stage | |
alpha=0 stage. | |
For example if length=100, type=[0.8,0.1,0.1] | |
then the first 800 stpes, alpha will be 1, and then linearly decay to 0 in the next 100 steps, | |
and the last 100 stpes are 0. | |
""" | |
assert len(type)==3 | |
assert type[0] + type[1] + type[2] == 1 | |
stage0_length = int(type[0]*length) | |
stage1_length = int(type[1]*length) | |
stage2_length = length - stage0_length - stage1_length | |
if stage1_length != 0: | |
decay_alphas = np.arange(start=0, stop=1, step=1/stage1_length)[::-1] | |
decay_alphas = list(decay_alphas) | |
else: | |
decay_alphas = [] | |
alphas = [1]*stage0_length + decay_alphas + [0]*stage2_length | |
assert len(alphas) == length | |
return alphas | |
def draw_box(img, locations): | |
colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "olive", "orange", "brown", "cyan", "purple"] | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) | |
WW,HH = img.size | |
for bid, box in enumerate(locations): | |
draw.rectangle([box[0]*WW, box[1]*HH, box[2]*WW, box[3]*HH], outline =colors[bid % len(colors)], width=5) | |
return img | |
def load_common_ckpt(config, common_ckpt): | |
autoencoder = instantiate_from_config(config.autoencoder).to(device).eval() | |
text_encoder = instantiate_from_config(config.text_encoder).to(device).eval() | |
diffusion = instantiate_from_config(config.diffusion).to(device) | |
autoencoder.load_state_dict( common_ckpt["autoencoder"] ) | |
text_encoder.load_state_dict( common_ckpt["text_encoder"] ) | |
diffusion.load_state_dict( common_ckpt["diffusion"] ) | |
return [autoencoder, text_encoder, diffusion] | |
def load_ckpt(config, state_dict, common_instances): | |
model = instantiate_from_config(config.model).to(device).eval() | |
model.load_state_dict(state_dict['model']) | |
set_alpha_scale(model, config.alpha_scale) | |
print("ckpt is loaded") | |
return [model] + common_instances | |
def project(x, projection_matrix): | |
""" | |
x (Batch*768) should be the penultimate feature of CLIP (before projection) | |
projection_matrix (768*768) is the CLIP projection matrix, which should be of Linear layer | |
defined in CLIP (out_dim, in_dim), thus we need to apply transpose below. | |
this function will return the CLIP feature (without normalziation) | |
""" | |
return [email protected](projection_matrix, 0, 1) | |
def get_clip_feature(model, processor, input, is_image=False): | |
feature_type = ['before','after_reproject'] # text feature, image feature | |
if is_image: | |
image = input"RGB") | |
inputs = processor(images=[image], return_tensors="pt", padding=True) | |
inputs['pixel_values'] = inputs['pixel_values'].cuda() # we use our own preprocessing without center_crop | |
inputs['input_ids'] = torch.tensor([[0,1,2,3]]).cuda() # placeholder | |
outputs = model(**inputs) | |
feature = outputs.image_embeds | |
if feature_type[1] == 'after_renorm': | |
feature = feature*28.7 | |
if feature_type[1] == 'after_reproject': | |
feature = project( feature, torch.load('gligen/projection_matrix.pth').cuda().T ).squeeze(0) | |
feature = ( feature / feature.norm() ) * 28.7 | |
feature = feature.unsqueeze(0) | |
else: | |
inputs = processor(text=input, return_tensors="pt", padding=True) | |
inputs['input_ids'] = inputs['input_ids'].cuda() | |
inputs['pixel_values'] = torch.ones(1,3,224,224).cuda() # placeholder | |
inputs['attention_mask'] = inputs['attention_mask'].cuda() | |
outputs = model(**inputs) | |
feature = outputs.text_embeds if feature_type[0] == 'after' else outputs.text_model_output.pooler_output | |
return feature | |
def complete_mask(has_mask, max_objs): | |
mask = torch.ones(1,max_objs) | |
if type(has_mask) == int or type(has_mask) == float: | |
return mask * has_mask | |
else: | |
for idx, value in enumerate(has_mask): | |
mask[0,idx] = value | |
return mask | |
def fire_clip(text_encoder, meta, batch=1, max_objs=30, clip_model=None): | |
phrases = meta["phrases"] | |
images = meta["images"] | |
if clip_model is None: | |
version = "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14" | |
model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(version).cuda() | |
processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(version) | |
else: | |
version = "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14" | |
assert clip_model['version'] == version | |
model = clip_model['model'] | |
processor = clip_model['processor'] | |
boxes = torch.zeros(max_objs, 4) | |
masks = torch.zeros(max_objs) | |
text_embeddings = torch.zeros(max_objs, 768) | |
image_embeddings = torch.zeros(max_objs, 768) | |
text_features = [] | |
image_features = [] | |
for phrase, image in zip(phrases,images): | |
text_features.append( get_clip_feature(model, processor, phrase, is_image=False) ) | |
image_features.append( get_clip_feature(model, processor, image, is_image=True) ) | |
if len(text_features) > 0: | |
text_features =, dim=0) | |
image_features =, dim=0) | |
for idx, (box, text_feature, image_feature) in enumerate(zip( meta['locations'], text_features, image_features)): | |
boxes[idx] = torch.tensor(box) | |
masks[idx] = 1 | |
text_embeddings[idx] = text_feature | |
image_embeddings[idx] = image_feature | |
out = { | |
"boxes" : boxes.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch,1,1), | |
"masks" : masks.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch,1), | |
"text_masks" : masks.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch,1)*complete_mask( meta["has_text_mask"], max_objs ), | |
"image_masks" : masks.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch,1)*complete_mask( meta["has_image_mask"], max_objs ), | |
"text_embeddings" : text_embeddings.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch,1,1), | |
"image_embeddings" : image_embeddings.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch,1,1) | |
} | |
return batch_to_device(out, device) | |
def grounded_generation_box(loaded_model_list, instruction, *args, **kwargs): | |
# -------------- prepare model and misc --------------- # | |
model, autoencoder, text_encoder, diffusion = loaded_model_list | |
batch_size = instruction["batch_size"] | |
is_inpaint = True if "input_image" in instruction else False | |
save_folder = os.path.join("create_samples", instruction["save_folder_name"]) | |
# -------------- set seed if required --------------- # | |
if instruction.get('fix_seed', False): | |
random_seed = instruction['rand_seed'] | |
random.seed(random_seed) | |
np.random.seed(random_seed) | |
torch.manual_seed(random_seed) | |
# ------------- prepare input for the model ------------- # | |
batch = fire_clip(text_encoder, instruction, batch_size, clip_model=kwargs.get('clip_model', None)) | |
context = text_encoder.encode( [instruction["prompt"]]*batch_size ) | |
uc = text_encoder.encode( batch_size*[""] ) | |
# print(batch['boxes']) | |
input = dict(x = None, | |
timesteps = None, | |
context = context, | |
boxes = batch['boxes'], | |
masks = batch['masks'], | |
text_masks = batch['text_masks'], | |
image_masks = batch['image_masks'], | |
text_embeddings = batch["text_embeddings"], | |
image_embeddings = batch["image_embeddings"] ) | |
inpainting_mask = x0 = None # used for inpainting | |
if is_inpaint: | |
input_image = F.pil_to_tensor( instruction["input_image"] ) | |
input_image = ( input_image.float().unsqueeze(0).cuda() / 255 - 0.5 ) / 0.5 | |
x0 = autoencoder.encode( input_image ) | |
if instruction["actual_mask"] is not None: | |
inpainting_mask = instruction["actual_mask"][None, None].expand(batch['boxes'].shape[0], -1, -1, -1).cuda() | |
else: | |
# inpainting_mask = draw_masks_from_boxes( batch['boxes'], (x0.shape[-2], x0.shape[-1]) ).cuda() | |
actual_boxes = [instruction['inpainting_boxes_nodrop'] for _ in range(batch['boxes'].shape[0])] | |
inpainting_mask = draw_masks_from_boxes(actual_boxes, (x0.shape[-2], x0.shape[-1]) ).cuda() | |
# extra input for the model | |
masked_x0 = x0*inpainting_mask | |
inpainting_extra_input =[masked_x0,inpainting_mask], dim=1) | |
input["inpainting_extra_input"] = inpainting_extra_input | |
# ------------- prepare sampler ------------- # | |
alpha_generator_func = partial(alpha_generator, type=instruction["alpha_type"]) | |
if False: | |
sampler = DDIMSampler(diffusion, model, alpha_generator_func=alpha_generator_func, set_alpha_scale=set_alpha_scale) | |
steps = 250 | |
else: | |
sampler = PLMSSampler(diffusion, model, alpha_generator_func=alpha_generator_func, set_alpha_scale=set_alpha_scale) | |
steps = 50 | |
# ------------- run sampler ... ------------- # | |
shape = (batch_size, model.in_channels, model.image_size, model.image_size) | |
samples_fake = sampler.sample(S=steps, shape=shape, input=input, uc=uc, guidance_scale=instruction['guidance_scale'], mask=inpainting_mask, x0=x0) | |
samples_fake = autoencoder.decode(samples_fake) | |
# ------------- other logistics ------------- # | |
sample_list = [] | |
for sample in samples_fake: | |
sample = torch.clamp(sample, min=-1, max=1) * 0.5 + 0.5 | |
sample = sample.cpu().numpy().transpose(1,2,0) * 255 | |
sample = Image.fromarray(sample.astype(np.uint8)) | |
sample_list.append(sample) | |
return sample_list, None | |
# if __name__ == "__main__": | |
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
# parser.add_argument("--folder", type=str, default="create_samples", help="path to OUTPUT") | |
# parser.add_argument("--official_ckpt", type=str, default='../../../data/sd-v1-4.ckpt', help="") | |
# parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=10, help="This will overwrite the one in yaml.") | |
# parser.add_argument("--no_plms", action='store_true') | |
# parser.add_argument("--guidance_scale", type=float, default=5, help="") | |
# parser.add_argument("--alpha_scale", type=float, default=1, help="scale tanh(alpha). If 0, the behaviour is same as original model") | |
# args = parser.parse_args() | |
# assert "sd-v1-4.ckpt" in args.official_ckpt, "only support for stable-diffusion model" | |
# grounded_generation(args) | |