import { NextResponse, NextRequest } from "next/server" | |
import queryString from "query-string" | |
import { createSecretKey } from "crypto" | |
import { jwtVerify } from "jose" | |
import { newRender, getRender } from "../../providers/videochain/renderWithVideoChain" | |
import { generateSeed } from "@/lib/utils/generateSeed" | |
import { sleep } from "@/lib/utils/sleep" | |
import { getNegativePrompt, getPositivePrompt } from "../../utils/imagePrompts" | |
import { getContentType } from "@/lib/data/getContentType" | |
import { whoAmI, WhoAmIUser } from "@huggingface/hub" | |
import { getValidNumber } from "@/lib/utils/getValidNumber" | |
const secretKey = createSecretKey(`${process.env.API_SECRET_JWT_KEY || ""}`, 'utf-8'); | |
export async function GET(req: NextRequest) { | |
const qs = queryString.parseUrl(req.url || "") | |
const query = (qs || {}).query | |
/* | |
TODO Julian: check the validity of the JWT token | |
let token = "" | |
try { | |
token = decodeURIComponent(query?.t?.toString() || "").trim() | |
// verify token | |
const { payload, protectedHeader } = await jwtVerify(token, secretKey, { | |
issuer: `${process.env.API_SECRET_JWT_ISSUER || ""}`, // issuer | |
audience: `${process.env.API_SECRET_JWT_AUDIENCE || ""}`, // audience | |
}); | |
// log values to console | |
console.log(payload); | |
console.log(protectedHeader); | |
} catch (err) { | |
// token verification failed | |
console.log("Token is invalid"); | |
return NextResponse.json({ error: `access denied ${err}` }, { status: 400 }); | |
} | |
*/ | |
let prompt = "" | |
try { | |
prompt = decodeURIComponent(query?.p?.toString() || "").trim() | |
} catch (err) {} | |
if (!prompt) { | |
return NextResponse.json({ error: 'no prompt provided' }, { status: 400 }); | |
} | |
let width = 512 | |
try { | |
const rawString = decodeURIComponent(query?.w?.toString() || "").trim() | |
width = getValidNumber(rawString, 256, 8192, 512) | |
} catch (err) {} | |
let height = 288 | |
try { | |
const rawString = decodeURIComponent(query?.h?.toString() || "").trim() | |
height = getValidNumber(rawString, 256, 8192, 288) | |
} catch (err) {} | |
let format = "binary" | |
try { | |
const f = decodeURIComponent(query?.f?.toString() || "").trim() | |
if (f === "json" || f === "binary") { format = f } | |
} catch (err) {} | |
prompt = getPositivePrompt(prompt) | |
const negativePrompt = getNegativePrompt() | |
// console.log("calling await newRender") | |
let render = await newRender({ | |
prompt, | |
negativePrompt, | |
// ATTENTION: changing those will slow things to 5-6s of loading time (compared to 3-4s) | |
// and with no real visible change | |
// ATTENTION! if you change those values, | |
// please make sure that the backend API can support them, | |
// and also make sure to update the Zustand store values in the frontend: | |
// videoModelFPS: number | |
// videoModelNumOfFrames: number | |
// videoModelDurationInSec: number | |
// | |
// note: internally, the model can only do 16 frames at 10 FPS | |
// (1.6 second of video) | |
// but I have added a FFmpeg interpolation step, which adds some | |
// overhead (2-3 secs) but at least can help smooth things out, or make | |
// them artificially longer | |
// those settings are pretty good, takes about 2.9,, 3.1 seconds to compute | |
// represents 3 secs of 16fps | |
// with those parameters, we can generate a 2.584s long video at 24 FPS | |
// note that there is a overhead due to smoothing, | |
// on the A100 it takes betwen 5.3 and 7 seconds to compute | |
// although it will appear a bit "slo-mo" | |
// since the original is a 1.6s long video at 10 FPS | |
nbFrames: 80, | |
nbFPS: 24, | |
// nbFrames: 48, | |
// nbFPS: 24, | |
// it generated about: | |
// 24 frames | |
// 2.56s run time | |
// possibles values are 1, 2, 4, and 8 | |
// but with 2 steps the video "flashes" and it creates monstruosity | |
// like fishes with 2 tails etc | |
// and with 8 steps I don't see much improvements with 8 to be honest | |
nbSteps: 4, | |
// this corresponds roughly to 16:9 | |
// which is the aspect ratio video used by AiTube | |
// unfortunately, this is too compute intensive, | |
// and it creates monsters like two-headed fishes | |
// (although this artifact could probably be fixed with more steps, | |
// but we cannot afford those) | |
// width: 1024, | |
// height: 576, | |
// IMPORTANT: since we use the tailwind class aspect-video, | |
// you cannot use use anything here! | |
// this must be aligned with whatever you choose in the frontend UI | |
// | |
// if you don't do this: | |
// - that's pixel waste, you are rendering some area for nothing (and on this project each pixel is a precious nanosecond) | |
// - clicks won't be aligned with the video, so segmentation will be off | |
// eg you cannot use 1024x512 or 512x256, because that's not aspect-video | |
// (you would have to create an entry in the tailwind config to do that properly) | |
// | |
// that's not the only constraint: you also need to respect this: | |
// `height` and `width` have to be divisible by 8 (use 32 to be safe) | |
width, | |
height, | |
// we save about 500ms if we go below, | |
// but there we will be some deformed artifacts as the model | |
// doesn't perform well below 512px | |
// it also makes things more "flashy" | |
// width: 456, // 512, | |
// height: 256, // 288, | |
turbo: true, // without much effect for videos as of now, as we only supports turbo (AnimateDiff Lightning) | |
shouldRenewCache: true, | |
seed: generateSeed() | |
}) | |
let attempts = 10 | |
while (attempts-- > 0) { | |
if (render.status === "completed") { | |
if (format === "json") { | |
return NextResponse.json(render, { | |
status: 200, | |
statusText: "OK", | |
}) | |
} else { | |
const contentType = getContentType(render.assetUrl) | |
const base64String = render.assetUrl.split(";base64,").pop() || "" | |
const data = Buffer.from(base64String, "base64") | |
const headers = new Headers() | |
headers.set('Content-Type', contentType) | |
return new NextResponse(data, { | |
status: 200, | |
statusText: "OK", | |
headers | |
}) | |
} | |
} | |
if (render.status === "error") { | |
return NextResponse.json(render, { | |
status: 200, | |
statusText: "OK", | |
}) | |
} | |
await sleep(1000) // minimum wait time | |
// console.log("asking getRender") | |
render = await getRender(render.renderId) | |
} | |
return NextResponse.json({ error: 'failed to call VideoChain (timeout expired)' }, { status: 500 }); | |
} | |