VideoChain-API / src /production /interpolateVideo.mts
jbilcke-hf's picture
jbilcke-hf HF staff
added an upscaler for images
history blame
2.5 kB
import path from "node:path"
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"
import puppeteer from "puppeteer"
import { downloadFileToTmp } from "../utils/downloadFileToTmp.mts"
import { pendingFilesDirFilePath } from "../config.mts"
import { moveFileFromTmpToPending } from "../utils/moveFileFromTmpToPending.mts"
export const state = {
load: 0
const instances: string[] = [
// TODO we should use an inference endpoint instead
export async function interpolateVideo(fileName: string, steps: number, fps: number) {
if (state.load === instances.length) {
throw new Error(`all video interpolation servers are busy, try again later..`)
state.load += 1
try {
const inputFilePath = path.join(pendingFilesDirFilePath, fileName)
console.log(`interpolating ${fileName}`)
console.log(`warning: interpolateVideo parameter "${steps}" is ignored!`)
console.log(`warning: interpolateVideo parameter "${fps}" is ignored!`)
const instance = instances.shift()
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true,
protocolTimeout: 400000,
try {
const page = await browser.newPage()
await page.goto(instance, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' })
// await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000))
const fileField = await page.$('input[type=file]')
// console.log(`uploading file..`)
await fileField.uploadFile(inputFilePath)
// console.log('looking for the button to submit')
const submitButton = await page.$('button.lg')
// console.log('clicking on the button')
await page.waitForSelector('a[download="interpolated_result.mp4"]', {
timeout: 400000, // need to be large enough in case someone else attemps to use our space
const interpolatedFileUrl = await page.$$eval('a[download="interpolated_result.mp4"]', el => => x.getAttribute("href"))[0])
// it is always a good idea to download to a tmp dir before saving to the pending dir
// because there is always a risk that the download will fail
const tmpFileName = `${uuidv4()}.mp4`
await downloadFileToTmp(interpolatedFileUrl, tmpFileName)
await moveFileFromTmpToPending(tmpFileName, fileName)
} catch (err) {
throw err
} finally {
await browser.close()
} catch (err) {
throw err
} finally {
state.load -= 1