import streamlit as st |
import yfinance as yf |
import plotly.graph_objs as go |
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots |
from crew import crew_creator |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
load_dotenv() |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="Finance Agent", initial_sidebar_state="expanded") |
st.sidebar.markdown('<p class="medium-font">Configuration</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown(""" |
<div class="analysis-card"> |
<h2 class="analysis-title">AI-Agents Finance Analyst Platform</h2> |
<p class="analysis-content"> |
Welcome to my cutting-edge stock analysis platform, leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models (LLMs) to deliver professional-grade investment insights. Our system offers: |
</p> |
<ul class="analysis-list"> |
<li class="analysis-list-item">Comprehensive Data Analysis on stocks, and investing.</li> |
<li class="analysis-list-item">In-depth fundamental and technical analyses</li> |
<li class="analysis-list-item">Extensive web and news research integration</li> |
<li class="analysis-list-item">Customizable analysis parameters including time frames and specific indicators</li> |
</ul> |
<p class="analysis-content"> |
Users can obtain a detailed, AI-generated analysis report by simply selecting a stock symbol, specifying a time period, and choosing desired analysis indicators. This platform aims to empower investors with data-driven, AI-enhanced decision-making tools for the complex world of stock market investments. |
</p> |
<p class="analysis-content"> |
Please note, this analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. |
</div> |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
stock_symbol = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter Stock Symbol", value="META", placeholder="META, AAPL, NVDA") |
time_period = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Time Period", ['1mo', '3mo', '6mo', '1y', '2y', '5y', 'max']) |
indicators = st.sidebar.multiselect("Select Indicators", ['Moving Averages', 'Volume', 'RSI', 'MACD']) |
analyze_button = st.sidebar.button("π Analyze Stock", help="Click to start the stock analysis") |
if 'analyzed' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.analyzed = False |
st.session_state.stock_info = None |
st.session_state.stock_data = None |
st.session_state.result_file_path = None |
def get_stock_data(stock_symbol, period='1y'): |
return yf.download(stock_symbol, period=period) |
def plot_stock_chart(stock_data, indicators): |
fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.05, row_heights=[0.6, 0.2, 0.2]) |
fig.add_trace(go.Candlestick(x=stock_data.index, |
open=stock_data['Open'], |
high=stock_data['High'], |
low=stock_data['Low'], |
close=stock_data['Close'], |
name='Price'), |
row=1, col=1) |
if 'Moving Averages' in indicators: |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=stock_data.index, y=stock_data['Close'].rolling(window=50).mean(), name='50 MA', line=dict(color='orange')), row=1, col=1) |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=stock_data.index, y=stock_data['Close'].rolling(window=200).mean(), name='200 MA', line=dict(color='red')), row=1, col=1) |
if 'Volume' in indicators: |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=stock_data.index, y=stock_data['Volume'], name='Volume'), row=2, col=1) |
if 'RSI' in indicators: |
delta = stock_data['Close'].diff() |
gain = (delta.where(delta > 0, 0)).rolling(window=14).mean() |
loss = (-delta.where(delta < 0, 0)).rolling(window=14).mean() |
rs = gain / loss |
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs)) |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=stock_data.index, y=rsi, name='RSI'), row=3, col=1) |
if 'MACD' in indicators: |
ema12 = stock_data['Close'].ewm(span=12, adjust=False).mean() |
ema26 = stock_data['Close'].ewm(span=26, adjust=False).mean() |
macd = ema12 - ema26 |
signal = macd.ewm(span=9, adjust=False).mean() |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=stock_data.index, y=macd, name='MACD'), row=3, col=1) |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=stock_data.index, y=signal, name='Signal'), row=3, col=1) |
fig.update_layout( |
title='Stock Analysis', |
yaxis_title='Price', |
xaxis_rangeslider_visible=False, |
height=800, |
showlegend=True |
) |
fig.update_xaxes( |
rangeselector=dict( |
buttons=list([ |
dict(count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward"), |
dict(count=6, label="6m", step="month", stepmode="backward"), |
dict(count=1, label="YTD", step="year", stepmode="todate"), |
dict(count=1, label="1y", step="year", stepmode="backward"), |
dict(step="all") |
]) |
), |
rangeslider=dict(visible=False), |
type="date" |
) |
return fig |
if analyze_button: |
st.session_state.analyzed = False |
st.snow() |
with st.spinner(f"Fetching data for {stock_symbol}..."): |
stock = yf.Ticker(stock_symbol) |
st.session_state.stock_info = stock.info |
st.session_state.stock_data = get_stock_data(stock_symbol, period=time_period) |
with st.spinner("Running analysis, please wait..."): |
st.session_state.result_file_path = crew_creator(stock_symbol) |
st.session_state.analyzed = True |
if st.session_state.stock_info: |
st.markdown('<p class="medium-font">Stock Information</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
info = st.session_state.stock_info |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"**Company Name:** {info.get('longName', 'N/A')}") |
st.markdown(f"**Sector:** {info.get('sector', 'N/A')}") |
with col2: |
st.markdown(f"**Industry:** {info.get('industry', 'N/A')}") |
st.markdown(f"**Country:** {info.get('country', 'N/A')}") |
with col3: |
st.markdown(f"**Current Price:** ${info.get('currentPrice', 'N/A')}") |
st.markdown(f"**Market Cap:** ${info.get('marketCap', 'N/A')}") |
if st.session_state.result_file_path: |
st.markdown('<p class="medium-font">Analysis Result</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown("---") |
st.markdown(st.session_state.result_file_path) |
if st.session_state.analyzed and st.session_state.stock_data is not None: |
st.markdown('<p class="medium-font">Interactive Stock Chart</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.plotly_chart(plot_stock_chart(st.session_state.stock_data, indicators), use_container_width=True) |
st.markdown("---") |
st.markdown('<p class="small-font">Crafted by base234 </p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |