somewhere /
itachi-ai's picture
allow html
29b2b56 verified
import os
import streamlit as st
from mongodb import add_post,get_post_titles, get_post_by_id, update_post, delete_post
from dotenv import load_dotenv
USERNAME = os.getenv("USERNAME_")
PASSWORD = os.getenv("PASSWORD_")
def admin():
# Create a placeholder for the password input field
user_placeholder = st.empty()
password_placeholder = st.empty()
# Show password input if it's not already correct
username = user_placeholder.text_input("Enter Username")
password = password_placeholder.text_input("Enter Password", type="password")
# Check if the password is correct
if password == PASSWORD and username == USERNAME:
password_placeholder.empty() # Hide the password input
user_placeholder.empty() # Hide the password input
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Read Post", "Add Post", "Update & Delete Post"])
with tab1:
if st.session_state.get('selected_post_id', None):
selected_post = get_post_by_id(st.session_state.selected_post_id)
# Display the content of the selected post
st.markdown(selected_post["content"], unsafe_allow_html =True) # Render the content as Markdown
with tab2:
st.subheader("Add a new Post")
title = st.text_input("Post Title")
# Text input area for Markdown content
content = st.text_area("Post Content (Markdown supported)", height=800)
status = st.selectbox("Status", ["private", "public", "achieve"], index=0)
if st.button("Add Post"):
if title and content:
res = add_post(title, content, status, username)
st.error("Please fill both the title and content.")
with tab3:
show_status = st.sidebar.selectbox("Status", ["private", "public", "achieve"], index = 1)
post_titles = list(get_post_titles(show_status))
if post_titles:
# Use session state to remember the selected post ID
if "selected_post_id" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.selected_post_id = None
# Display titles as clickable buttons in the sidebar
selected_post = None
for post in post_titles:
# Check if the post is selected
if st.sidebar.button(post["title"], key=f"button_{post['_id']}"):
st.session_state.selected_post_id = post["_id"]
# Only show the update section if a post is selected
if st.session_state.selected_post_id:
post_id = st.session_state.selected_post_id
selected_post = get_post_by_id(post_id)
if selected_post:
# Display the content of the selected post
new_title = st.text_input("New Title", value=selected_post["title"])
new_content = st.text_area("New Content (Markdown supported)", value=selected_post["content"],
options = ["private", "public", "achieve"]
new_status = st.selectbox("Status", options, index= options.index(selected_post['status']), key="status_update")
left, right = st.columns(2)
if left.button("Update Post", use_container_width=True, key=f"update_button_{post_id}"):
if new_title and new_content:
# Call the update_post function to save the changes to MongoDB
res = update_post(post_id, new_title, new_content, new_status)
st.success(res) # Display the result from the update function
# Optionally, display updated content for the user to confirm the changes
st.error("Please fill both the new title and content.")
# Permanent delete logic
delete_password = st.text_input("Password", type="password", key=f"delete_password_{post_id}")
delete_button = right.button("Permanent Delete Post", use_container_width=True,
if delete_button:
if delete_password == PASSWORD:
res = delete_post(post_id)
if res:
st.success("Post deleted successfully!")
st.session_state.selected_post_id = None # Reset selected post after deletion
post_titles = list(get_post_titles(show_status)) # Refresh the list of posts
st.error("An error occurred while deleting the post.")
elif delete_password: # If password is filled but incorrect
st.error("Incorrect password.")
st.error("Post not found.")
st.error("Please select a post first.")
st.write("No posts available.")
if password: # If password is entered but incorrect
st.error("Incorrect password. Please try again.")
else: # If no password is entered"Please enter your Username & Password.")