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import re
import time
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
from openfactcheck.core.base import OpenFactCheck
from import metric_card
def extract_text(claim):
Extracts text from a claim that might be a string formatted as a dictionary.
# Try to extract text using regular expression if claim is a string formatted as a dictionary
match ="'text': '([^']+)'", claim)
if match:
return claim # Return as is if no dictionary format detected
# Create a function to check a LLM response
def evaluate_response(ofc: OpenFactCheck):
This function creates a Streamlit app to evaluate the factuality of a LLM response.
if 'response' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.response = None
# Initialize the solvers
claimprocessors = ofc.list_claimprocessors()
retrievers = ofc.list_retrievers()
verifiers = ofc.list_verifiers()
st.write("This is where you can check factuality of a LLM response.")
# Customize FactChecker
st.write("Customize FactChecker")
# Dropdown in three columns
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
claimprocessor = st.selectbox("Select Claim Processor", list(claimprocessors))
with col2:
retriever = st.selectbox("Select Retriever", list(retrievers))
with col3:
verifier = st.selectbox("Select Verifier", list(verifiers))
# Input
input_text = {"text": st.text_area("Enter LLM response here", "This is a sample LLM response.")}
# Button to check factuality
if st.button("Check Factuality"):
with st.status("Checking factuality...", expanded=True) as status:
# Configure the pipeline
st.write("Configuring pipeline...")
ofc.init_pipeline_manually([claimprocessor, retriever, verifier])
st.write("Pipeline configured...")
# Evaluate the response
st.write("Evaluating response...")
response = ofc(input_text, stream=True)
st.write("Response evaluated...")
status.update(label="Factuality checked...", state="complete", expanded=False)
# Display pipeline configuration
pipeline_str = " ┈➤ ".join([claimprocessor, retriever, verifier])"""**Pipeline**: \n{pipeline_str}""")
# Store the final response in the session state
st.session_state.final_response = None
col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1])
with col1:
def process_stream(responses):
Process each response from the stream as a simulated chat output.
This function yields each word from the formatted text of the response,
adding a slight delay to simulate typing in a chat.
for response in responses:
if "claimprocessor" in response["solver_name"]:
# Extract response details
output_text = response["output"]
# Get the number of detected claims
detected_claims = output_text.get("claims", [])
# Generate formatted text with enumerated claims in Markdown format
formatted_text = "### Detected Claims\n"
formatted_text += "\n".join(f"{i}. {extract_text(claim)}" for i, claim in enumerate(detected_claims, start=1))
formatted_text += "\n"
with col2:
metric_card(label="Detected Claims", value=len(detected_claims))
# Yield each word with a space and simulate typing by sleeping
for word in formatted_text.split(" "):
yield word + " "
st.session_state.claimprocessor_flag = True
elif "retriever" in response["solver_name"]:
# Extract response details
output_text = response["output"]
evidences = []
for _, claim_with_evidences in output_text.get("claims_with_evidences", {}).items():
for evidence in claim_with_evidences:
# # Generate formatted text with enumerated evidences in Markdown format
# formatted_text = "#### Retrieved Evidences\n"
# formatted_text += "\n".join(f"{i}. {evidence}" for i, evidence in enumerate(evidences, start=1))
# formatted_text += "\n"
with col2:
metric_card(label="Retrieved Evidences", value=len(evidences))
# # Yield each word with a space and simulate typing by sleeping
# for word in formatted_text.split(" "):
# yield word + " "
# time.sleep(0.01)
elif "verifier" in response["solver_name"]:
# Extract response details
output_text = response["output"]
# Get detail
details = output_text.get("detail", None)
if details is None:
detail_text = "The verifier did not provide any detail. Please use other verifiers for more information."
detail_text = ""
# Apply color to the claim based on factuality
false_claims = 0
true_claims = 0
for i, detail in enumerate(details):
if detail.get("factuality", None) is not None:
claim=detail.get("claim", "")
if detail.get("factuality", None) == -1:
detail_text += f'##### :red[{str(i+1) + ". " + extract_text(claim)}]'
detail_text += "\n"
claims += 1
false_claims += 1
elif detail.get("factuality", None) == 1:
detail_text += f'##### :green[{str(i+1) + ". " + extract_text(claim)}]'
detail_text += "\n"
claims += 1
true_claims += 1
detail_text += f'##### :yellow[{str(i+1) + ". " + extract_text(claim)}]'
detail_text += "\n"
claims += 1
st.error("Factuality not found in the verifier output.")
# Add error information
if detail.get("error", None) is not "None":
detail_text += f"- **Error**: {detail.get('error', '')}"
detail_text += "\n"
# Add reasoning information
if detail.get("reasoning", None) is not "None":
detail_text += f"- **Reasoning**: {detail.get('reasoning', '')}"
detail_text += "\n"
# Add correction
if detail.get("correction", None) is not "":
detail_text += f"- **Correction**: {detail.get('correction', '')}"
detail_text += "\n"
# Add evidence
if detail.get("evidence", None) is not "":
evidence_text = ""
for evidence in detail.get("evidences", []):
evidence_text += f" - {evidence[1]}"
evidence_text += "\n"
detail_text += f"- **Evidence**:\n{evidence_text}"
# Generate formatted text with the overall factuality in Markdown format
formatted_text = "### Factuality Detail\n"
formatted_text += "Factuality of each claim is color-coded (red:[red means false], green:[green means true], yellow:[yellow means unknown]) as follows:\n"
formatted_text += f"{detail_text}\n"
formatted_text += "\n"
# Get the number of true and false claims
with col2:
metric_card(label="Supported Claims", value=true_claims, background_color="#D1ECF1", border_left_color="#17A2B8")
metric_card(label="Conflicted Claims", value=false_claims, background_color="#D1ECF1", border_left_color="#17A2B8")
# Get overall factuality (label)
overall_factuality = output_text.get("label", "Unknown")
with col2:
with st.container():
if overall_factuality == True:
metric_card(label="Overall Factuality", value="True", background_color="#D4EDDA", border_left_color="#28A745")
elif overall_factuality == False:
metric_card(label="Overall Factuality", value="False", background_color="#F8D7DA", border_left_color="#DC3545")
# Get overall credibility (score)
overall_credibility = true_claims / claims if claims > 0 else 0
with col2:
if overall_credibility > 0.75 and overall_credibility <= 1:
# Green background
metric_card(label="Overall Credibility", value=f"{overall_credibility:.2%}", background_color="#D4EDDA", border_left_color="#28A745")
elif overall_credibility > 0.25 and overall_credibility <= 0.75:
# Yellow background
metric_card(label="Overall Credibility", value=f"{overall_credibility:.2%}", background_color="#FFF3CD", border_left_color="#FFC107")
# Red background
metric_card(label="Overall Credibility", value=f"{overall_credibility:.2%}", background_color="#F8D7DA", border_left_color="#DC3545")
# Yield each word with a space and simulate typing by sleeping
for word in formatted_text.split(" "):
yield word + " "