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# Form
# Use a #form to collect data or show textual information.
# ---
from .synth import FakeCategoricalSeries
from h2o_wave import main, app, Q, ui, pack, data
import random
html = '''
menu = '''
{{#each dishes}}
<li><strong>{{name}}</strong> costs {{price}}</li>
spec = '''
"description": "A simple bar plot with embedded data.",
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "a", "type": "ordinal"},
"y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"}
f = FakeCategoricalSeries()
n = 20
# Generate random datum between 1 and 100
def rnd():
return random.randint(1, 100)
async def serve(q: Q):['example'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 -1 -1', items=[
ui.text_xl(content='Extra-large text, for headings.'),
ui.text_l(content='Large text, for sub-headings.'),
ui.text_m(content='Body text, for paragraphs and other content.'),
ui.text_s(content='Small text, for small print.'),
ui.text_xs(content='Extra-small text, for really small print.'),
title='Monty Python',
ui.separator(label='A separator sections forms'),
ui.progress(label='A progress bar'),
ui.message_bar(type='success', text='Message bar'),
ui.textbox(name='textbox', label='Textbox'),
ui.checkbox(name='checkbox1', label='A checkbox'),
ui.checkbox(name='checkbox2', label='Another checkbox'),
ui.checkbox(name='checkbox3', label='Yet another checkbox'),
ui.toggle(name='toggle', label='Toggle'),
ui.choice_group(name='choice_group', label='Choice group', choices=[
ui.choice(name=x, label=x) for x in ['Egg', 'Bacon', 'Spam']
ui.checklist(name='checklist', label='Checklist', choices=[
ui.choice(name=x, label=x) for x in ['Egg', 'Bacon', 'Spam']
ui.dropdown(name='dropdown1', label='Dropdown', choices=[
ui.choice(name=x, label=x) for x in ['Egg', 'Bacon', 'Spam']
ui.dropdown(name='dropdown2', label='Multi-valued Dropdown', values=[], choices=[
ui.choice(name=x, label=x) for x in ['Egg', 'Bacon', 'Spam']
ui.combobox(name='combobox', label='Combobox', choices=['Choice 1', 'Choice 2', 'Choice 3']),
ui.slider(name='slider', label='Slider'),
ui.range_slider(name='range_slider', label='Range slider', max=99),
ui.spinbox(name='spinbox', label='Spinbox'),
ui.date_picker(name='date_picker', label='Date picker'),
ui.time_picker(name='time_picker', label='Time picker'),
ui.color_picker(name='color_picker', label='Color picker'),
ui.button(name='primary_button', label='Primary', primary=True),
ui.button(name='standard_button', label='Standard'),
ui.button(name='standard_disabled_button', label='Standard', disabled=True),
ui.file_upload(name='file_upload', label='File upload'),
ui.table(name='table', columns=[
ui.table_column(name='col1', label='Column 1'),
ui.table_column(name='col2', label='Column 2'),
], rows=[
ui.table_row(name='row1', cells=['Text A', 'Text B']),
ui.table_row(name='row2', cells=['Text C', 'Text D']),
ui.table_row(name='row3', cells=['Text E', 'Text F']),
ui.tabs(name='tabs', items=['email', label='Mail', icon='Mail'),'events', label='Events', icon='Calendar'),'spam', label='Spam'),
ui.expander(name='expander', label='Expander', items=[
ui.combobox(name='combobox', label='Combobox', choices=['Choice 1', 'Choice 2', 'Choice 3']),
ui.slider(name='slider', label='Slider'),
ui.range_slider(name='range_slider', label='Range slider', max=99),
ui.spinbox(name='spinbox', label='Spinbox'),
dict(name='Spam', price='$2.00'),
dict(name='Ham', price='$3.45'),
dict(name='Eggs', price='$1.75'),
ui.picker(name='picker', label='Picker', choices=[
ui.choice('choice1', label='Choice 1'),
ui.choice('choice2', label='Choice 2'),
ui.choice('choice3', label='Choice 3'),
ui.stepper(name='stepper', items=[
ui.step(label='Step 1', icon='MailLowImportance'),
ui.step(label='Step 2', icon='TaskManagerMirrored'),
ui.step(label='Step 3', icon='Cafe'),
plot=ui.plot([ui.mark(type='interval', x='=product', y='=price', y_min=0)]),
data=data(fields='product price', rows=[(c, x) for c, x, _ in [ for _ in range(n)]], pack=True),
data=data(fields=["a", "b"], rows=[
["A", rnd()], ["B", rnd()], ["C", rnd()],
["D", rnd()], ["E", rnd()], ["F", rnd()],
["G", rnd()], ["H", rnd()], ["I", rnd()]
], pack=True),
ui.button(name='show_inputs', label='Submit', primary=True),