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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
from .camera_base import CAMERAS, SingleCameraBase
class SimpleCamera(SingleCameraBase):
"""Camera model to calculate coordinate transformation with given
intrinsic/extrinsic camera parameters.
The keypoint coordinate should be an np.ndarray with a shape of
[...,J, C] where J is the keypoint number of an instance, and C is
the coordinate dimension. For example:
[J, C]: shape of joint coordinates of a person with J joints.
[N, J, C]: shape of a batch of person joint coordinates.
[N, T, J, C]: shape of a batch of pose sequences.
param (dict): camera parameters including:
- R: 3x3, camera rotation matrix (camera-to-world)
- T: 3x1, camera translation (camera-to-world)
- K: (optional) 2x3, camera intrinsic matrix
- k: (optional) nx1, camera radial distortion coefficients
- p: (optional) mx1, camera tangential distortion coefficients
- f: (optional) 2x1, camera focal length
- c: (optional) 2x1, camera center
if K is not provided, it will be calculated from f and c.
world_to_camera: Project points from world coordinates to camera
camera_to_pixel: Project points from camera coordinates to pixel
world_to_pixel: Project points from world coordinates to pixel
def __init__(self, param):
self.param = {}
# extrinsic param
R = np.array(param['R'], dtype=np.float32)
T = np.array(param['T'], dtype=np.float32)
assert R.shape == (3, 3)
assert T.shape == (3, 1)
# The camera matrices are transposed in advance because the joint
# coordinates are stored as row vectors.
self.param['R_c2w'] = R.T
self.param['T_c2w'] = T.T
self.param['R_w2c'] = R
self.param['T_w2c'] = -self.param['T_c2w'] @ self.param['R_w2c']
# intrinsic param
if 'K' in param:
K = np.array(param['K'], dtype=np.float32)
assert K.shape == (2, 3)
self.param['K'] = K.T
self.param['f'] = np.array([K[0, 0], K[1, 1]])[:, np.newaxis]
self.param['c'] = np.array([K[0, 2], K[1, 2]])[:, np.newaxis]
elif 'f' in param and 'c' in param:
f = np.array(param['f'], dtype=np.float32)
c = np.array(param['c'], dtype=np.float32)
assert f.shape == (2, 1)
assert c.shape == (2, 1)
self.param['K'] = np.concatenate((np.diagflat(f), c), axis=-1).T
self.param['f'] = f
self.param['c'] = c
raise ValueError('Camera intrinsic parameters are missing. '
'Either "K" or "f"&"c" should be provided.')
# distortion param
if 'k' in param and 'p' in param:
self.undistortion = True
self.param['k'] = np.array(param['k'], dtype=np.float32).flatten()
self.param['p'] = np.array(param['p'], dtype=np.float32).flatten()
assert self.param['k'].size in {3, 6}
assert self.param['p'].size == 2
self.undistortion = False
def world_to_camera(self, X):
assert isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
assert X.ndim >= 2 and X.shape[-1] == 3
return X @ self.param['R_w2c'] + self.param['T_w2c']
def camera_to_world(self, X):
assert isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
assert X.ndim >= 2 and X.shape[-1] == 3
return X @ self.param['R_c2w'] + self.param['T_c2w']
def camera_to_pixel(self, X):
assert isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
assert X.ndim >= 2 and X.shape[-1] == 3
_X = X / X[..., 2:]
if self.undistortion:
k = self.param['k']
p = self.param['p']
_X_2d = _X[..., :2]
r2 = (_X_2d**2).sum(-1)
radial = 1 + sum(ki * r2**(i + 1) for i, ki in enumerate(k[:3]))
if k.size == 6:
radial /= 1 + sum(
(ki * r2**(i + 1) for i, ki in enumerate(k[3:])))
tangential = 2 * (p[1] * _X[..., 0] + p[0] * _X[..., 1])
_X[..., :2] = _X_2d * (radial + tangential)[..., None] + np.outer(
r2, p[::-1]).reshape(_X_2d.shape)
return _X @ self.param['K']
def pixel_to_camera(self, X):
assert isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
assert X.ndim >= 2 and X.shape[-1] == 3
_X = X.copy()
_X[:, :2] = (X[:, :2] - self.param['c'].T) / self.param['f'].T * X[:,
return _X