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# Original from: https://github.com/xavysp/TEED
# TEED: is a Tiny but Efficient Edge Detection, it comes from the LDC-B3
# with a Slightly modification
# LDC parameters:
# 155665
# TED > 58K
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .Fsmish import smish as Fsmish
from .Xsmish import Smish
def weight_init(m):
if isinstance(m, (nn.Conv2d,)):
torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(m.weight, gain=1.0)
if m.bias is not None:
# for fusion layer
if isinstance(m, (nn.ConvTranspose2d,)):
torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(m.weight, gain=1.0)
if m.bias is not None:
class CoFusion(nn.Module):
# from LDC
def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch):
super(CoFusion, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
in_ch, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1
) # before 64
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(
32, out_ch, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1
) # before 64 instead of 32
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.norm_layer1 = nn.GroupNorm(4, 32) # before 64
def forward(self, x):
# fusecat = torch.cat(x, dim=1)
attn = self.relu(self.norm_layer1(self.conv1(x)))
attn = F.softmax(self.conv3(attn), dim=1)
return ((x * attn).sum(1)).unsqueeze(1)
class CoFusion2(nn.Module):
# TEDv14-3
def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch):
super(CoFusion2, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
in_ch, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1
) # before 64
# self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=3,
# stride=1, padding=1)# before 64
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(
32, out_ch, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1
) # before 64 instead of 32
self.smish = Smish() # nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
def forward(self, x):
# fusecat = torch.cat(x, dim=1)
attn = self.conv1(self.smish(x))
attn = self.conv3(self.smish(attn)) # before , )dim=1)
# return ((fusecat * attn).sum(1)).unsqueeze(1)
return ((x * attn).sum(1)).unsqueeze(1)
class DoubleFusion(nn.Module):
# TED fusion before the final edge map prediction
def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch):
super(DoubleFusion, self).__init__()
self.DWconv1 = nn.Conv2d(
in_ch, in_ch * 8, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=in_ch
) # before 64
self.PSconv1 = nn.PixelShuffle(1)
self.DWconv2 = nn.Conv2d(
24, 24 * 1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=24
) # before 64 instead of 32
self.AF = Smish() # XAF() #nn.Tanh()# XAF() # # Smish()#
def forward(self, x):
# fusecat = torch.cat(x, dim=1)
attn = self.PSconv1(
) # #TEED best res TEDv14 [8, 32, 352, 352]
attn2 = self.PSconv1(
) # #TEED best res TEDv14[8, 3, 352, 352]
return Fsmish(((attn2 + attn).sum(1)).unsqueeze(1)) # TED best res
class _DenseLayer(nn.Sequential):
def __init__(self, input_features, out_features):
super(_DenseLayer, self).__init__()
(self.add_module("smish1", Smish()),)
nn.Conv2d(out_features, out_features, kernel_size=3, stride=1, bias=True),
def forward(self, x):
x1, x2 = x
new_features = super(_DenseLayer, self).forward(Fsmish(x1)) # F.relu()
return 0.5 * (new_features + x2), x2
class _DenseBlock(nn.Sequential):
def __init__(self, num_layers, input_features, out_features):
super(_DenseBlock, self).__init__()
for i in range(num_layers):
layer = _DenseLayer(input_features, out_features)
self.add_module("denselayer%d" % (i + 1), layer)
input_features = out_features
class UpConvBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_features, up_scale):
super(UpConvBlock, self).__init__()
self.up_factor = 2
self.constant_features = 16
layers = self.make_deconv_layers(in_features, up_scale)
assert layers is not None, layers
self.features = nn.Sequential(*layers)
def make_deconv_layers(self, in_features, up_scale):
layers = []
all_pads = [0, 0, 1, 3, 7]
for i in range(up_scale):
kernel_size = 2**up_scale
pad = all_pads[up_scale] # kernel_size-1
out_features = self.compute_out_features(i, up_scale)
layers.append(nn.Conv2d(in_features, out_features, 1))
out_features, out_features, kernel_size, stride=2, padding=pad
in_features = out_features
return layers
def compute_out_features(self, idx, up_scale):
return 1 if idx == up_scale - 1 else self.constant_features
def forward(self, x):
return self.features(x)
class SingleConvBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, stride, use_ac=False):
super(SingleConvBlock, self).__init__()
# self.use_bn = use_bs
self.use_ac = use_ac
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_features, out_features, 1, stride=stride, bias=True)
if self.use_ac:
self.smish = Smish()
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv(x)
if self.use_ac:
return self.smish(x)
return x
class DoubleConvBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(
self, in_features, mid_features, out_features=None, stride=1, use_act=True
super(DoubleConvBlock, self).__init__()
self.use_act = use_act
if out_features is None:
out_features = mid_features
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_features, mid_features, 3, padding=1, stride=stride)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(mid_features, out_features, 3, padding=1)
self.smish = Smish() # nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.smish(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
if self.use_act:
x = self.smish(x)
return x
class TED(nn.Module):
"""Definition of Tiny and Efficient Edge Detector
def __init__(self):
super(TED, self).__init__()
self.block_1 = DoubleConvBlock(
self.block_2 = DoubleConvBlock(16, 32, use_act=False)
self.dblock_3 = _DenseBlock(1, 32, 48) # [32,48,100,100] before (2, 32, 64)
self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
# skip1 connection, see fig. 2
self.side_1 = SingleConvBlock(16, 32, 2)
# skip2 connection, see fig. 2
self.pre_dense_3 = SingleConvBlock(32, 48, 1) # before (32, 64, 1)
# USNet
self.up_block_1 = UpConvBlock(16, 1)
self.up_block_2 = UpConvBlock(32, 1)
self.up_block_3 = UpConvBlock(48, 2) # (32, 64, 1)
self.block_cat = DoubleFusion(3, 3) # TEED: DoubleFusion
def slice(self, tensor, slice_shape):
t_shape = tensor.shape
img_h, img_w = slice_shape
if img_w != t_shape[-1] or img_h != t_shape[2]:
new_tensor = F.interpolate(
tensor, size=(img_h, img_w), mode="bicubic", align_corners=False
new_tensor = tensor
# tensor[..., :height, :width]
return new_tensor
def resize_input(self, tensor):
t_shape = tensor.shape
if t_shape[2] % 8 != 0 or t_shape[3] % 8 != 0:
img_w = ((t_shape[3] // 8) + 1) * 8
img_h = ((t_shape[2] // 8) + 1) * 8
new_tensor = F.interpolate(
tensor, size=(img_h, img_w), mode="bicubic", align_corners=False
new_tensor = tensor
return new_tensor
def crop_bdcn(data1, h, w, crop_h, crop_w):
# Based on BDCN Implementation @ https://github.com/pkuCactus/BDCN
_, _, h1, w1 = data1.size()
assert h <= h1 and w <= w1
data = data1[:, :, crop_h : crop_h + h, crop_w : crop_w + w]
return data
def forward(self, x, single_test=False):
assert x.ndim == 4, x.shape
# supose the image size is 352x352
# Block 1
block_1 = self.block_1(x) # [8,16,176,176]
block_1_side = self.side_1(block_1) # 16 [8,32,88,88]
# Block 2
block_2 = self.block_2(block_1) # 32 # [8,32,176,176]
block_2_down = self.maxpool(block_2) # [8,32,88,88]
block_2_add = block_2_down + block_1_side # [8,32,88,88]
# Block 3
block_3_pre_dense = self.pre_dense_3(
) # [8,64,88,88] block 3 L connection
block_3, _ = self.dblock_3([block_2_add, block_3_pre_dense]) # [8,64,88,88]
# upsampling blocks
out_1 = self.up_block_1(block_1)
out_2 = self.up_block_2(block_2)
out_3 = self.up_block_3(block_3)
results = [out_1, out_2, out_3]
# concatenate multiscale outputs
block_cat = torch.cat(results, dim=1) # Bx6xHxW
block_cat = self.block_cat(block_cat) # Bx1xHxW DoubleFusion
return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
batch_size = 8
img_height = 352
img_width = 352
# device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
device = "cpu"
input = torch.rand(batch_size, 3, img_height, img_width).to(device)
# target = torch.rand(batch_size, 1, img_height, img_width).to(device)
print(f"input shape: {input.shape}")
model = TED().to(device)
output = model(input)
print(f"output shapes: {[t.shape for t in output]}")
# for i in range(20000):
# print(i)
# output = model(input)
# loss = nn.MSELoss()(output[-1], target)
# loss.backward()