File size: 8,869 Bytes
8c31b90 95312c3 cebe383 8c31b90 df9abf4 24aac30 aa98a89 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 95312c3 8c31b90 0d0ab89 df9abf4 8c31b90 0d0ab89 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 8c31b90 df9abf4 c103e03 0d0ab89 df9abf4 8c31b90 3e36801 0d0ab89 c103e03 b0547a1 0d0ab89 95312c3 c103e03 0d0ab89 c103e03 95312c3 c103e03 3e36801 b0547a1 95312c3 523c064 24aac30 b0547a1 523c064 edb8447 b0547a1 95312c3 cebe383 523c064 24aac30 523c064 95312c3 523c064 902a216 89de2dd 40684c5 89de2dd 0d0ab89 b0547a1 902a216 3e36801 b0547a1 523c064 cebe383 aa98a89 902a216 b0547a1 523c064 cebe383 aa98a89 523c064 24aac30 89de2dd 24aac30 89de2dd 24aac30 523c064 aa98a89 89de2dd 902a216 523c064 95312c3 523c064 b0547a1 95312c3 523c064 b0547a1 95312c3 edb8447 523c064 95312c3 b0547a1 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 |
import os
import subprocess
import glob
import streamlit as st
from utils import get_configs, get_display_names, get_path_for_viz, get_video_height, get_text_str
# from gdrive import download_file
# st.header("EVREAL - Event-based Video Reconstruction Evaluation and Analysis Library")
# paper_link = ""
# code_link = ""
# page_link = ""
# instructions_video = ""
# st.markdown("Paper: " + paper_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# st.markdown("Code: " + paper_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# st.markdown("Page: " + paper_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# st.markdown("Please see this video for instructions on how to use this tool: " + instructions_video, unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.title("Result Analysis Tool")
font_path = "font/Ubuntu-B.ttf"
dataset_cfg_path = os.path.join("cfg", "dataset")
model_cfg_path = os.path.join("cfg", "model")
metric_cfg_path = os.path.join("cfg", "metric")
viz_cfg_path = os.path.join("cfg", "viz")
datasets = get_configs(dataset_cfg_path)
models = get_configs(model_cfg_path)
metrics = get_configs(metric_cfg_path)
visualizations = get_configs(viz_cfg_path)
dataset_display_names = get_display_names(datasets)
model_display_names = get_display_names(models)
metric_display_names = get_display_names(metrics)
viz_display_names = get_display_names(visualizations)
assert len(set(dataset_display_names)) == len(dataset_display_names), "Dataset display names are not unique"
assert len(set(model_display_names)) == len(model_display_names), "Model display names are not unique"
assert len(set(metric_display_names)) == len(metric_display_names), "Metric display names are not unique"
assert len(set(viz_display_names)) == len(viz_display_names), "Viz display names are not unique"
selected_model_names = st.multiselect('Select multiple methods to compare', model_display_names)
selected_models = [model for model in models if model['display_name'] in selected_model_names]
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
selected_dataset_name = st.selectbox('Select dataset', options=dataset_display_names)
selected_dataset = [dataset for dataset in datasets if dataset['display_name'] == selected_dataset_name][0]
with col2:
selected_sequence = st.selectbox('Select sequence', options=selected_dataset["sequences"].keys())
usable_metrics = [metric for metric in metrics if metric['no_ref'] == selected_dataset['no_ref']]
usable_metric_display_names = get_display_names(usable_metrics)
selected_metric_names = st.multiselect('Select metrics to display', usable_metric_display_names)
selected_metrics = [metric for metric in usable_metrics if metric['display_name'] in selected_metric_names]
if not selected_dataset['has_frames']:
usable_viz = [viz for viz in visualizations if viz['gt_type'] != 'frame']
usable_viz = visualizations
usable_viz_display_names = get_display_names(usable_viz)
selected_viz = st.multiselect('Select other visualizations to display', usable_viz_display_names)
selected_visualizations = [viz for viz in visualizations if viz['display_name'] in selected_viz]
if not st.button('Get Results'):
st.write("Retrieving results...")
progress_bar = st.progress(0)
gt_only_viz = [viz for viz in selected_visualizations if viz['viz_type'] == 'gt_only']
model_only_viz = [viz for viz in selected_visualizations if viz['viz_type'] == 'model_only']
both_viz = [viz for viz in selected_visualizations if viz['viz_type'] == 'both']
recon_viz = {"name": "recon", "display_name": "Reconstruction", "viz_type": "both", "gt_type": "frame"}
ground_truth = {"name": "gt", "display_name": "Ground Truth", "model_id": "groundtruth"}
model_viz = [recon_viz] + both_viz + selected_metrics + model_only_viz
num_model_rows = len(model_viz)
gt_viz = []
if selected_dataset['has_frames']:
gt_viz.extend([viz for viz in both_viz if viz['gt_type'] == 'frame'])
gt_viz.extend([viz for viz in gt_only_viz if viz['gt_type'] == 'frame'])
gt_viz.extend([viz for viz in both_viz if viz['gt_type'] == 'event'])
gt_viz.extend([viz for viz in gt_only_viz if viz['gt_type'] == 'event'])
num_gt_rows = len(gt_viz)
num_rows = max(num_model_rows, num_gt_rows)
total_videos_needed = len(selected_models) * num_model_rows + num_gt_rows
if len(gt_viz) > 0:
padding = 2
font_size = 20
num_cols = len(selected_models)
crop_str = "crop=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2"
pad_str = "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2+{}:ceil(ih/2)*2+{}:{}:{}:white".format(padding*2, padding*2, padding, padding)
num_elements = num_rows * num_cols
# remove previous temp data
files = glob.glob('temp_data/temp_*.mp4')
for f in files:
w = selected_dataset["width"]
h = selected_dataset["height"]
input_filter_parts = []
xstack_input_parts = []
layout_parts = []
video_paths = []
row_heights = [""]*num_rows
gt_viz_indices = []
if len(model_viz) > 1:
left_pad = (font_size*0.7)*max([len(viz['display_name']) for viz in model_viz[1:]]) + padding*2
left_pad = 0
for row_idx in range(num_rows):
for col_idx in range(num_cols):
vid_idx = len(video_paths)
progress_bar.progress(float(vid_idx) / total_videos_needed)
cur_model = selected_models[col_idx]
if cur_model['name'] == "gt":
if row_idx < len(gt_viz):
video_path = get_path_for_viz(selected_dataset, selected_sequence, cur_model, gt_viz[row_idx])
video_path = os.path.join("data", video_path)
# download_file(video_path, local_video_path)
if not os.path.isfile(video_path):
raise ValueError("Could not find video: " + video_path)
if row_idx < len(model_viz):
video_path = get_path_for_viz(selected_dataset, selected_sequence, cur_model, model_viz[row_idx])
video_path = os.path.join("data", video_path)
# download_file(video_path, local_video_path)
if not os.path.isfile(video_path):
raise ValueError("Could not find video: " + video_path)
if row_heights[row_idx] == "":
row_heights[row_idx] = "h{}".format(vid_idx)
if row_idx == 0:
pad_height = font_size+padding*2
pad_txt_str = ",pad={}:{}:0:{}:white".format(w+padding*2, h+font_size+padding*4, pad_height)
text_str = get_text_str(pad_height, w, cur_model['display_name'], font_path, font_size)
pad_txt_str = pad_txt_str + "," + text_str
elif row_idx > 0 and col_idx == 0:
pad_txt_str = ",pad={}:ih:{}:0:white".format(w + left_pad + padding*2, left_pad)
text_str = get_text_str("h", left_pad, model_viz[row_idx]['display_name'], font_path, font_size)
pad_txt_str = pad_txt_str + "," + text_str
pad_txt_str = ""
input_filter_part = "[{}:v]scale={}:-1,{}{}[v{}]".format(vid_idx, w, pad_str, pad_txt_str, vid_idx)
xstack_input_part = "[v{}]".format(vid_idx)
if row_idx == 0 or col_idx > 0:
layout_w_parts = [str(left_pad)] + ["w{}".format(i) for i in range(col_idx)]
layout_w = "+".join(layout_w_parts)
layout_w = "+".join(["w{}".format(i) for i in range(col_idx)]) if col_idx > 0 else "0"
if cur_model['name'] == "gt":
layout_h = "+".join(["h{}".format(i) for i in gt_viz_indices[:-1]]) if row_idx > 0 else "0"
layout_h = "+".join(row_heights[:row_idx]) if row_idx > 0 else "0"
layout_part = layout_w + "_" + layout_h
inputs_str = " ".join(["-i " + video_path for video_path in video_paths])
num_inputs = len(video_paths)
input_scaling_str = ";".join(input_filter_parts)
xstack_input_str = "".join(xstack_input_parts)
layout_str = "|".join(layout_parts)
# opt = "-c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 18 -c:a copy"
opt = ""
# opt_fill = ":fill=black"
opt_fill = ":fill=white"
# opt_fill = ""
ffmpeg_command_str = "ffmpeg -y " + inputs_str + " -filter_complex \"" + input_scaling_str + ";" + xstack_input_str + "xstack=inputs=" + str(num_inputs) + ":layout=" + layout_str + opt_fill + "\"" + opt + " output.mp4"
ret =, shell=True)
if ret != 0:
st.error("Error while generating video.")
video_file = open('output.mp4', 'rb')
video_bytes =