import streamlit as st | |
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON | |
from streamlit_agraph import agraph, TripleStore, Node, Edge, Config | |
from layout import footer | |
import json | |
def get_inspired(): | |
sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") | |
query_string = """ | |
SELECT ?name_pe1_en ?rel_en ?name_pe2_en | |
WHERE { | |
{ | |
SELECT ?name_p1 ?rel ?name_p2 | |
WHERE { | |
?p1 a foaf:Person . | |
?p1 dbo:influencedBy ?p2 . | |
?p2 a foaf:Person . | |
?p1 foaf:name ?name_p1 . | |
?p2 foaf:name ?name_p2 . | |
dbo:influencedBy rdfs:label ?rel . | |
} | |
LIMIT 100 | |
} | |
{ | |
SELECT ?name_p1 ?rel ?name_p2 | |
WHERE { | |
?p1 a foaf:Person . | |
?p1 dbo:influenced ?p2 . | |
?p2 a foaf:Person . | |
?p1 foaf:name ?name_p1 . | |
?p2 foaf:name ?name_p2 . | |
dbo:influenced rdfs:label ?rel . | |
} | |
LIMIT 100 | |
} | |
FILTER ( LANG(?name_p1) = "en" && LANG(?rel) = "en" && LANG(?name_p2) = "en" ) | |
BIND ( STR(?name_p1) AS ?name_pe1_en ) | |
BIND ( STR(?rel) AS ?rel_en ) | |
BIND ( STR(?name_p2) AS ?name_pe2_en ) | |
} | |
""" | |
sparql.setQuery(query_string) | |
sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) | |
results = sparql.query().convert() | |
store = TripleStore() | |
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]: | |
node1 = result["name_pe1_en"]["value"] | |
link = result["rel_en"]["value"] | |
node2 = result["name_pe2_en"]["value"] | |
store.add_triple(node1, link, node2) | |
return store | |
def app(): | |
footer() | |
st.title("Graph Example") | |
st.sidebar.title("Welcome") | |
query_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Query Tpye: ", ["Inspirationals", "Marvel", "Fraud"]) # could add more stuff here later on or add other endpoints in the sidebar. | |
config = Config(height=600, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, | |
collapsible=True) | |
if query_type=="Inspirationals": | |
st.subheader("Inspirationals") | |
with st.spinner("Loading data"): | |
store = get_inspired() | |
st.write("Nodes loaded: " + str(len(store.getNodes()))) | |
st.success("Done") | |
agraph(list(store.getNodes()), (store.getEdges() ), config) | |
if query_type=="Marvel": | |
#based on | |
with open("data/marvel.json", encoding="utf8") as f: | |
marvel_file = json.loads( | |
marvel_store = TripleStore() | |
for sub_graph in marvel_file["children"]: | |
marvel_store.add_triple(marvel_file["name"], "has_subgroup", sub_graph["name"], picture=marvel_file["img"]) | |
for node in sub_graph["children"]: | |
node1 = node["hero"] | |
link = "blongs_to" | |
node2 = sub_graph["name"] | |
pic = node["img"] | |
marvel_store.add_triple(node1, link, node2, picture=pic) | |
agraph(list(marvel_store.getNodes()), (marvel_store.getEdges()), config) | |
if query_type=="Fraud": | |
#based on | |
with open("data/fraud.json", encoding="utf8") as f: | |
marvel_file = json.loads( | |
marvel_store = TripleStore() | |
for sub_graph in marvel_file["children"]: | |
marvel_store.add_triple(marvel_file["name"], "has_subgroup", sub_graph["name"], picture=marvel_file["img"]) | |
for node in sub_graph["children"]: | |
node1 = node["role"] | |
link = "blongs_to" | |
node2 = sub_graph["name"] | |
pic = node["img"] | |
marvel_store.add_triple(node1, link, node2, picture=pic) | |
agraph(list(marvel_store.getNodes()), (marvel_store.getEdges()), config) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
app() |