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import re
import sqlparse
from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Iterator, Dict, Any, Union
from sqlparse.sql import Comparison, Identifier
from sqlparse.tokens import Whitespace
import itertools
from collections import namedtuple
Token = namedtuple("Token", ["ttype", "value"])
QUOTE_CHARS = {"`", "'", '"'}
def tokenize(query: str) -> List[Token]:
tokens = list([Token(t.ttype, t.value) for t in sqlparse.parse(query)[0].flatten()])
return tokens
def join_tokens(tokens: List[Token]) -> str:
return "".join([x.value for x in tokens]).strip().replace(" ", " ")
def round_trip_test(query: str) -> None:
tokens = tokenize(query)
reconstructed = "".join([token.value for token in tokens])
assert query == reconstructed, "Round trip test fails for string %s" % query
def postprocess(query: str) -> str:
query = query.replace("> =", ">=").replace("< =", "<=").replace("! =", "!=")
return query
# strip_query, reformat_query and replace values
# were implemented by Yu Tao for processing CoSQL
def strip_query(query: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
query_keywords, all_values = [], []
# then replace all stuff enclosed by "" with a numerical value to get it marked as {VALUE}
# Tao's implementation is commented out here.
str_1 = re.findall("\"[^\"]*\"", query)
str_2 = re.findall("\'[^\']*\'", query)
values = str_1 + str_2
toks = sqlparse.parse(query)[0].flatten()
values = [
for t in toks
if t.ttype == sqlparse.tokens.Literal.String.Single
or t.ttype == sqlparse.tokens.Literal.String.Symbol
for val in values:
query = query.replace(val.strip(), VALUE_NUM_SYMBOL)
query_tokenized = query.split()
float_nums = re.findall("[-+]?\d*\.\d+", query)
all_values += [qt for qt in query_tokenized if qt in float_nums]
query_tokenized = [
VALUE_NUM_SYMBOL if qt in float_nums else qt for qt in query_tokenized
query = " ".join(query_tokenized)
int_nums = [i.strip() for i in re.findall("[^tT]\d+", query)]
all_values += [qt for qt in query_tokenized if qt in int_nums]
query_tokenized = [
VALUE_NUM_SYMBOL if qt in int_nums else qt for qt in query_tokenized
# print int_nums, query, query_tokenized
for tok in query_tokenized:
if "." in tok:
table = re.findall("[Tt]\d+\.", tok)
if len(table) > 0:
to = tok.replace(".", " . ").split()
to = [t.lower() for t in to if len(t) > 0]
elif len(tok) > 0:
return query_keywords, all_values
def reformat_query(query: str) -> str:
query = query.strip().replace(";", "").replace("\t", "")
query = " ".join(
[t.value for t in tokenize(query) if t.ttype != sqlparse.tokens.Whitespace]
t_stars = ["t1.*", "t2.*", "t3.*", "T1.*", "T2.*", "T3.*"]
for ts in t_stars:
query = query.replace(ts, "*")
return query
def replace_values(sql: str) -> Tuple[List[str], Set[str]]:
sql = sqlparse.format(sql, reindent=False, keyword_case="upper")
# sql = re.sub(r"(<=|>=|!=|=|<|>|,)", r" \1 ", sql)
sql = re.sub(r"(T\d+\.)\s", r"\1", sql)
query_toks_no_value, values = strip_query(sql)
return query_toks_no_value, set(values)
# extract the non-value tokens and the set of values
# from a sql query
def extract_query_values(sql: str) -> Tuple[List[str], Set[str]]:
reformated = reformat_query(query=sql)
query_value_replaced, values = replace_values(reformated)
return query_value_replaced, values
# plug in the values into query with value slots
def plugin(query_value_replaced: List[str], values_in_order: List[str]) -> str:
q_length = len(query_value_replaced)
query_w_values = query_value_replaced[:]
value_idx = [
for idx in range(q_length)
if query_value_replaced[idx] == VALUE_NUM_SYMBOL.lower()
assert len(value_idx) == len(values_in_order)
for idx, value in zip(value_idx, values_in_order):
query_w_values[idx] = value
return " ".join(query_w_values)
# a generator generating all possible ways of
# filling values into predicted query
def plugin_all_permutations(
query_value_replaced: List[str], values: Set[str]
) -> Iterator[str]:
num_slots = len([v for v in query_value_replaced if v == VALUE_NUM_SYMBOL.lower()])
for values in itertools.product(*[list(values) for _ in range(num_slots)]):
yield plugin(query_value_replaced, list(values))
# given the gold query and the model prediction
# extract values from the gold, extract predicted sql with value slots
# return 1) number of possible ways to plug in gold values and 2) an iterator of predictions with value plugged in
def get_all_preds_for_execution(gold: str, pred: str) -> Tuple[int, Iterator[str]]:
_, gold_values = extract_query_values(gold)
pred_query_value_replaced, _ = extract_query_values(pred)
num_slots = len(
[v for v in pred_query_value_replaced if v == VALUE_NUM_SYMBOL.lower()]
num_alternatives = len(gold_values) ** num_slots
return (
plugin_all_permutations(pred_query_value_replaced, gold_values),
def remove_distinct(s):
toks = [t.value for t in list(sqlparse.parse(s)[0].flatten())]
return "".join([t for t in toks if t.lower() != "distinct"])
def extract_all_comparison_from_node(node: Token) -> List[Comparison]:
comparison_list = []
if hasattr(node, "tokens"):
for t in node.tokens:
if type(node) == Comparison:
return comparison_list
def extract_all_comparison(query: str) -> List[Comparison]:
tree = sqlparse.parse(query)[0]
comparison_list = extract_all_comparison_from_node(tree)
return comparison_list
def extract_toks_from_comparison(comparison_node: Comparison) -> List[Token]:
tokens = [t for t in comparison_node.tokens if t.ttype != Whitespace]
return tokens
def extract_info_from_comparison(comparison_node: Comparison) -> Dict[str, Any]:
tokens = extract_toks_from_comparison(comparison_node)
left, op, right = tokens
returned_dict = {"left": left, "op": op.value, "right": right}
if type(left) != Identifier:
return returned_dict
table = None
if len(left.tokens) == 3 and re.match("^[tT][0-9]$", left.tokens[0].value) is None:
table = left.tokens[0].value.lower()
col = left.tokens[-1].value
if type(right) == Identifier:
if len(right.tokens) == 1 and type(right.tokens[0]) == sqlparse.sql.Token:
right_val = right.tokens[0].value
return returned_dict
elif type(right) == sqlparse.sql.Token:
right_val = right.value
return returned_dict
returned_dict["table_col"], returned_dict["val"] = (
(table, col.upper()),
return returned_dict
def extract_all_comparison_from_query(query: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
comparison_list = extract_all_comparison(query)
return [extract_info_from_comparison(c) for c in comparison_list]
def extract_typed_value_in_comparison_from_query(
query: str,
) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[Union[str, None], str], str]]:
cmps = extract_all_comparison_from_query(query)
typed_values = [
(cmp["table_col"], cmp["val"]) for cmp in cmps if "table_col" in cmp
for table, col, val1, val2 in re.findall(
"(?:([^\.\s]*)\.)?([^\.\s]+) between ([^\s;]+) and ([^\s;]+)",
if table == "":
table = None
table = table.lower()
col = col.upper()
for v in [val1, val2]:
typed_values.append(((table, col), v))
return typed_values
def process_str_value(v: str) -> str:
if len(v) > 0 and v[0] in QUOTE_CHARS:
v = v[1:]
if len(v) > 0 and v[-1] in QUOTE_CHARS:
v = v[:-1]
for c in QUOTE_CHARS:
v = v.replace(c + c, c)
return v