import spaces |
import torch |
import gradio as gr |
import librosa |
import numpy as np |
import json |
from transformers import WhisperProcessor, WhisperForConditionalGeneration |
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter |
def load_model_list(file_path="model_list.json"): |
try: |
with open(file_path, "r") as f: |
return json.load(f) |
except Exception as e: |
raise ValueError(f"Erreur lors du chargement de la liste des modèles : {str(e)}") |
MODEL_LIST = load_model_list() |
def load_model_and_processor(model_name): |
model_info = MODEL_LIST.get(model_name) |
if not model_info: |
raise ValueError("Modèle non trouvé dans la liste.") |
model_path = model_info["model_path"] |
processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained(model_path) |
model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_path) |
model.eval() |
return processor, model |
def preprocess_audio(audio, sr=16000): |
audio_data, _ = librosa.load(audio, sr=sr) |
b, a = butter(6, 0.1, btype="low", analog=False) |
audio_data = lfilter(b, a, audio_data) |
audio_data = librosa.util.normalize(audio_data) |
return audio_data |
@spaces.GPU(duration=120) |
def transcribe_audio(audio, model_name): |
try: |
processor, model = load_model_and_processor(model_name) |
audio_input = preprocess_audio(audio) |
inputs = processor(audio_input, sampling_rate=16000, return_tensors="pt") |
inputs["attention_mask"] = torch.ones_like(inputs["input_features"]).to(inputs["input_features"].dtype) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
predicted_ids = model.generate( |
inputs['input_features'], |
forced_decoder_ids=None, |
language="fr", |
task="transcribe" |
) |
transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) |
return transcription[0] |
except Exception as e: |
return f"Erreur de transcription : {str(e)}" |
[name, details.get("dataset", "Non spécifié"), details.get("performance", {}).get("WER", "Non spécifié"), details.get("performance", {}).get("CER", "Non spécifié")] |
for name, details in MODEL_LIST.items() |
] |
with gr.Blocks() as app: |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
gr.Markdown("## Téléchargez ou enregistrez un fichier audio") |
audio_input = gr.Audio(type="filepath", label="Audio (télécharger ou enregistrer)") |
model_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(choices=list(MODEL_LIST.keys()), label="Sélectionnez un modèle", value="Wolof ASR - dofbi") |
submit_button = gr.Button("Transcrire") |
with gr.Column(scale=3): |
transcription_output = gr.Textbox(label="Transcription", lines=6) |
gr.Markdown("## Informations sur les modèles disponibles") |
gr.Dataframe( |
headers=["Nom du modèle", "Dataset utilisé", "WER", "CER"], |
value=MODEL_TABLE, |
interactive=False, |
label="Informations sur les modèles" |
) |
submit_button.click( |
fn=transcribe_audio, |
inputs=[audio_input, model_dropdown], |
outputs=transcription_output |
) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app.launch() |