Build error
Build error
{ | |
"components": { | |
"atoms": { | |
"buttons": { | |
"userButton": { | |
"menu": { | |
"settings": "Settings", | |
"settingsKey": "S", | |
"APIKeys": "API Keys", | |
"logout": "Logout" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
"molecules": { | |
"newChatButton": { | |
"newChat": "New Chat" | |
}, | |
"tasklist": { | |
"TaskList": { | |
"title": "\ud83d\uddd2\ufe0f Task List", | |
"loading": "Loading...", | |
"error": "An error occured" | |
} | |
}, | |
"attachments": { | |
"cancelUpload": "Cancel upload", | |
"removeAttachment": "Remove attachment" | |
}, | |
"newChatDialog": { | |
"createNewChat": "Create new chat?", | |
"clearChat": "This will clear the current messages and start a new chat.", | |
"cancel": "Cancel", | |
"confirm": "Confirm" | |
}, | |
"settingsModal": { | |
"settings": "Settings", | |
"expandMessages": "Expand Messages", | |
"hideChainOfThought": "Hide Chain of Thought", | |
"darkMode": "Dark Mode" | |
}, | |
"detailsButton": { | |
"using": "Using", | |
"running": "Running", | |
"took_one": "Took {{count}} step", | |
"took_other": "Took {{count}} steps" | |
}, | |
"auth": { | |
"authLogin": { | |
"title": "Login to access the app.", | |
"form": { | |
"email": "Email address", | |
"password": "Password", | |
"noAccount": "Don't have an account?", | |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Already have an account?", | |
"signup": "Sign Up", | |
"signin": "Sign In", | |
"or": "OR", | |
"continue": "Continue", | |
"forgotPassword": "Forgot password?", | |
"passwordMustContain": "Your password must contain:", | |
"emailRequired": "email is a required field", | |
"passwordRequired": "password is a required field" | |
}, | |
"error": { | |
"default": "Unable to sign in.", | |
"signin": "Try signing in with a different account.", | |
"oauthsignin": "Try signing in with a different account.", | |
"redirect_uri_mismatch": "The redirect URI is not matching the oauth app configuration.", | |
"oauthcallbackerror": "Try signing in with a different account.", | |
"oauthcreateaccount": "Try signing in with a different account.", | |
"emailcreateaccount": "Try signing in with a different account.", | |
"callback": "Try signing in with a different account.", | |
"oauthaccountnotlinked": "To confirm your identity, sign in with the same account you used originally.", | |
"emailsignin": "The e-mail could not be sent.", | |
"emailverify": "Please verify your email, a new email has been sent.", | |
"credentialssignin": "Sign in failed. Check the details you provided are correct.", | |
"sessionrequired": "Please sign in to access this page." | |
} | |
}, | |
"authVerifyEmail": { | |
"almostThere": "You're almost there! We've sent an email to ", | |
"verifyEmailLink": "Please click on the link in that email to complete your signup.", | |
"didNotReceive": "Can't find the email?", | |
"resendEmail": "Resend email", | |
"goBack": "Go Back", | |
"emailSent": "Email sent successfully.", | |
"verifyEmail": "Verify your email address" | |
}, | |
"providerButton": { | |
"continue": "Continue with {{provider}}", | |
"signup": "Sign up with {{provider}}" | |
}, | |
"authResetPassword": { | |
"newPasswordRequired": "New password is a required field", | |
"passwordsMustMatch": "Passwords must match", | |
"confirmPasswordRequired": "Confirm password is a required field", | |
"newPassword": "New password", | |
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password", | |
"resetPassword": "Reset Password" | |
}, | |
"authForgotPassword": { | |
"email": "Email address", | |
"emailRequired": "email is a required field", | |
"emailSent": "Please check the email address {{email}} for instructions to reset your password.", | |
"enterEmail": "Enter your email address and we will send you instructions to reset your password.", | |
"resendEmail": "Resend email", | |
"continue": "Continue", | |
"goBack": "Go Back" | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
"organisms": { | |
"chat": { | |
"history": { | |
"index": { | |
"showHistory": "Show history", | |
"lastInputs": "Last Inputs", | |
"noInputs": "Such empty...", | |
"loading": "Loading..." | |
} | |
}, | |
"inputBox": { | |
"input": { | |
"placeholder": "Type your message here..." | |
}, | |
"speechButton": { | |
"start": "Start recording", | |
"stop": "Stop recording" | |
}, | |
"SubmitButton": { | |
"sendMessage": "Send message", | |
"stopTask": "Stop Task" | |
}, | |
"UploadButton": { | |
"attachFiles": "Attach files" | |
}, | |
"waterMark": { | |
"text": "Built with" | |
} | |
}, | |
"Messages": { | |
"index": { | |
"running": "Running", | |
"executedSuccessfully": "executed successfully", | |
"failed": "failed", | |
"feedbackUpdated": "Feedback updated", | |
"updating": "Updating" | |
} | |
}, | |
"dropScreen": { | |
"dropYourFilesHere": "Drop your files here" | |
}, | |
"index": { | |
"failedToUpload": "Failed to upload", | |
"cancelledUploadOf": "Cancelled upload of", | |
"couldNotReachServer": "Could not reach the server", | |
"continuingChat": "Continuing previous chat" | |
}, | |
"settings": { | |
"settingsPanel": "Settings panel", | |
"reset": "Reset", | |
"cancel": "Cancel", | |
"confirm": "Confirm" | |
} | |
}, | |
"threadHistory": { | |
"sidebar": { | |
"filters": { | |
"FeedbackSelect": { | |
"feedbackAll": "Feedback: All", | |
"feedbackPositive": "Feedback: Positive", | |
"feedbackNegative": "Feedback: Negative" | |
}, | |
"SearchBar": { | |
"search": "Search" | |
} | |
}, | |
"DeleteThreadButton": { | |
"confirmMessage": "This will delete the thread as well as it's messages and elements.", | |
"cancel": "Cancel", | |
"confirm": "Confirm", | |
"deletingChat": "Deleting chat", | |
"chatDeleted": "Chat deleted" | |
}, | |
"index": { | |
"pastChats": "Past Chats" | |
}, | |
"ThreadList": { | |
"empty": "Empty...", | |
"today": "Today", | |
"yesterday": "Yesterday", | |
"previous7days": "Previous 7 days", | |
"previous30days": "Previous 30 days" | |
}, | |
"TriggerButton": { | |
"closeSidebar": "Close sidebar", | |
"openSidebar": "Open sidebar" | |
} | |
}, | |
"Thread": { | |
"backToChat": "Go back to chat", | |
"chatCreatedOn": "This chat was created on" | |
} | |
}, | |
"header": { | |
"chat": "Chat", | |
"readme": "Readme" | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
"hooks": { | |
"useLLMProviders": { | |
"failedToFetchProviders": "Failed to fetch providers:" | |
} | |
}, | |
"pages": { | |
"Design": {}, | |
"Env": { | |
"savedSuccessfully": "Saved successfully", | |
"requiredApiKeys": "Required API Keys", | |
"requiredApiKeysInfo": "To use this app, the following API keys are required. The keys are stored on your device's local storage." | |
}, | |
"Page": { | |
"notPartOfProject": "You are not part of this project." | |
}, | |
"ResumeButton": { | |
"resumeChat": "Resume Chat" | |
} | |
} | |
} |