import discord |
import threading |
import os |
import gradio as gr |
from discord.ext import commands |
from slack_sdk import WebClient |
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError |
import aiojobs |
import asyncio |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta |
from apscheduler.executors.pool import ThreadPoolExecutor |
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler |
ASK_FOR_HELP_CHANNEL_ID = 1019883044724822016 |
GRADIO_CHANNEL_ID = 1025174734427656283 |
ARGILLA_HELP_CHANNEL_ID = 1253640751481356330 |
DATA_DISCUSSIONS_CHANNEL_ID = 1217179426002047076 |
("discord bot",): "<@U051DB2754M>", |
("autotrain",): "<@U01E3LEC2N7>", |
("auto train",): "<@U01E3LEC2N7>", |
("competition",): "<@U01E3LEC2N7>", |
("competitions",): "<@U01E3LEC2N7>", |
("text to speech",): "<@U039C2GANMV>", |
("tts",): "<@U039C2GANMV>", |
("asr",): "<@U039C2GANMV>", |
("musicgen",): "<@U039C2GANMV>", |
("whisper",): "<@U039C2GANMV>", |
("speech recognition",): "<@U039C2GANMV>", |
("bark",): "<@U039C2GANMV>", |
("sentence-transformers",): "<@U04E4DNPWG7>", |
("sentence_transformers",): "<@U04E4DNPWG7>", |
("setfit",): "<@U04E4DNPWG7>", |
("sentence transformers",): "<@U04E4DNPWG7>", |
("argilla",): "<@U076B8C7G3E>", |
("distilabel",): "<@U076B8C7G3E>", |
("argilla",): "<@U0766H30T7F>", |
("dataset",): "<@U0766H30T7F>", |
("docs",): "<@U02DATT4C5B>", |
("documentation",): "<@U02DATT4C5B>", |
("gradio",): "<@U02NMK75F1V>", |
("gradio",): "<@U04FLGQ26PQ>", |
("argilla",): "<@U076MF65WEM>", |
("distilabel",): "<@U076MF65WEM>", |
("argilla",): "<@U0765RENPNZ>", |
("distilabel",): "<@U0765RENPNZ>", |
("dataset", "feedback"): "<@U0768RCHCRY>", |
("distilabel",): "<@U0768QEN0LA>", |
("distilabel",): "<@U076271MBUN>", |
} |
daily_pings = [] |
intents = discord.Intents.all() |
intents.messages = True |
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents) |
slack_client = WebClient(token=SLACK_BOT_TOKEN) |
thread_mapping = {} |
@bot.event |
async def on_ready(): |
print(f'Logged in as {bot.user}') |
@bot.event |
async def on_message(message): |
if message.author == bot.user: |
return |
print("on_message") |
huggingfolks_role = discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, id=897376942817419265) |
bots_role = discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, id=1258328471609016341) |
if huggingfolks_role not in message.author.roles: |
if bots_role not in message.author.roles: |
print(" not bot ") |
content = message.content.lower() |
for trigger, slack_mention in TRIGGERS.items(): |
if all(word in content for word in trigger): |
daily_pings.append({ |
'author': str(message.author), |
'content': message.content, |
'channel': message.channel.name, |
'url': message.jump_url, |
'mention': slack_mention, |
'trigger': trigger |
}) |
print(f"daily pings:{daily_pings}") |
break |
if isinstance(message.channel, discord.Thread): |
discord_thread_id = message.channel.id |
if discord_thread_id in thread_mapping: |
slack_thread_ts = thread_mapping[discord_thread_id] |
post_to_slack_forum_version(message, SLACK_CHANNEL_ID, message.content, message.author, thread_ts=slack_thread_ts) |
await bot.process_commands(message) |
@bot.event |
async def on_thread_create(thread): |
if isinstance(thread.parent, discord.ForumChannel) and thread.parent.id in {ASK_FOR_HELP_CHANNEL_ID, GRADIO_CHANNEL_ID, ARGILLA_HELP_CHANNEL_ID, DATA_DISCUSSIONS_CHANNEL_ID}: |
discord_thread_id = thread.id |
slack_thread_ts = post_to_slack_create_thread( |
f"New forum thread started in {thread.parent.name} by {thread.owner}: *{thread.name}*\n" |
f"{thread.jump_url}" |
) |
if slack_thread_ts: |
thread_mapping[discord_thread_id] = slack_thread_ts |
def post_to_slack_forum_version(message, channel, text, author, thread_ts=None): |
if message.attachments: |
for attachment in message.attachments: |
attachment_url = attachment.url |
text += f"\nAttachment: {attachment_url}" |
text = f"{author}" + ": " + text |
try: |
response = slack_client.chat_postMessage( |
channel=channel, |
text=text, |
thread_ts=thread_ts |
) |
return response['ts'] |
except SlackApiError as e: |
print(f"Error posting to Slack: {e.response['error']}") |
return None |
def post_to_slack_create_thread(channel, text, thread_ts=None): |
try: |
response = slack_client.chat_postMessage( |
channel=channel, |
text=text, |
thread_ts=thread_ts |
) |
return response['ts'] |
except SlackApiError as e: |
print(f"Error posting to Slack: {e.response['error']}") |
return None |
@bot.command() |
async def list_tags(ctx, forum_channel_id: int): |
if ctx.author.id == 811235357663297546: |
forum_channel = bot.get_channel(forum_channel_id) |
if isinstance(forum_channel, discord.ForumChannel): |
tags = forum_channel.available_tags |
tag_list = [f"{tag.name} (ID: {tag.id})" for tag in tags] |
await ctx.send(f'Available tags: {", ".join(tag_list)}') |
@bot.event |
async def on_thread_update(before, after): |
if isinstance(after.parent, discord.ForumChannel) and after.parent.id in {ASK_FOR_HELP_CHANNEL_ID, GRADIO_CHANNEL_ID, ARGILLA_HELP_CHANNEL_ID, DATA_DISCUSSIONS_CHANNEL_ID}: |
if 1026743978026094664 in [tag.id for tag in after.applied_tags]: |
discord_thread_id = after.id |
if discord_thread_id in thread_mapping: |
slack_thread_ts = thread_mapping[discord_thread_id] |
react_to_slack_message(slack_thread_ts, 'white_check_mark') |
def react_to_slack_message(thread_ts, emoji): |
try: |
response = slack_client.reactions_add( |
name=emoji, |
timestamp=thread_ts |
) |
except SlackApiError as e: |
print(f"Error reacting to Slack message: {e.response['error']}") |
def send_daily_pings(): |
global daily_pings |
if daily_pings: |
print("sending daily pings...") |
combined_message = '\n'.join(f"{ping['mention']} (for the keyword -> '{ping['trigger']}')\nFrom {ping['author']} in channel #{ping['channel']}: {ping['content']}\n{ping['url']}" for ping in daily_pings) |
response = slack_client.chat_postMessage( |
text=combined_message, |
unfurl_links=False, |
unfurl_media=False |
) |
daily_pings = [] |
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) |
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(executors={'default': executor}) |
scheduler.add_job(send_daily_pings, trigger='interval', days=1) |
scheduler.start() |
def run_bot(): |
bot.run(DISCORD_TOKEN) |
threading.Thread(target=run_bot).start() |
def greet(name): |
return "Hello " + name + "!" |
demo = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text") |
demo.launch() |