Animate_SVG_v2 / src /postprocessing /
Daniel Gil-U Fuhge
Bugfix duration
history blame
30.1 kB
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import os
import sys
from xml.dom import minidom
from collections import defaultdict
from src.postprocessing.get_svg_size_pos import get_svg_bbox, get_path_bbox, get_midpoint_of_path_bbox
from src.postprocessing.get_style_attributes import get_style_attributes_path
filter_id = 0
def animate_logo(model_output: pd.DataFrame, logo_path: str):
# Add animation id
document = minidom.parse(logo_path)
paths = document.getElementsByTagName('path')
for i in range(len(paths)):
paths[i].setAttribute('animation_id', str(i))
with open(logo_path, 'wb') as svg_file:
logo_xmin, logo_xmax, logo_ymin, logo_ymax = get_svg_bbox(logo_path)
# ---- Normalize model output ----
animations_by_id = defaultdict(list)
for row in model_output.iterrows():
# Structure animations by animation id
animation_id = row[1]['animation_id']
output = row[1]['model_output']
total_animations = []
for animation_id in animations_by_id.keys():
path_xmin, path_xmax, path_ymin, path_ymax = get_path_bbox(logo_path, animation_id)
path_xmin, path_xmax, path_ymin, path_ymax = 0, 0, 0, 0
xmin = logo_xmin - path_xmin
xmax = logo_xmax - path_xmax
ymin = logo_ymin - path_ymin
ymax = logo_ymax - path_ymax
# Structure animations by type (check first 10 parameters)
animations_by_type = defaultdict(list)
for animation in animations_by_id[animation_id]:
if animation[0] == 1:
animation_type = animation[1:10].index(1)
# No value found
print('Model output invalid: no animation type found')
for animation_type in animations_by_type.keys():
# Set up list of animations for later distribution
current_animations = []
# Sort animations by begin
animations_by_type[animation_type].sort(key=lambda l : l[10]) # Sort by begin
# For every animation, check consistency of begin and duration, then set parameters
for i in range(len(animations_by_type[animation_type])):
# Check if begin is equal to next animation's begin - in this case, set second begin to average of first and third animation
# Get next animation with different begin time
if len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) > 1:
j = 1
next_animation = animations_by_type[animation_type][j]
while (i + j) < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) and animations_by_type[animation_type][i][10] == next_animation[10]:
j += 1
next_animation = animations_by_type[animation_type][j]
if j != 1:
# Get difference
difference = animations_by_type[animation_type][j][10] - animations_by_type[animation_type][i][10]
interval = difference / (j - i)
factor = 0
for a in range(i, j):
animations_by_type[animation_type][a][10] = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][10] + interval * factor
factor += 1
# Check if duration and begin of next animation are consistent - if not, shorten duration
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
max_duration = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][10] - animations_by_type[animation_type][i][10]
if animations_by_type[animation_type][i][11] > max_duration:
animations_by_type[animation_type][i][11] = max_duration
# Get general parameters
begin = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][10]
dur = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][10]
if dur < 1:
dur = 1
# Check type and call method
if animation_type == 1:
# animation: translate
from_x = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][12]
from_y = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][13]
# Check if there is a next translate animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next translate animation's starting point
to_x = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][12]
to_y = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][13]
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_x = 0
to_y = 0
# Check if parameters are within boundary
if from_x < xmin:
from_x = xmin
elif from_x > xmax:
from_x = xmax
if from_y < ymin:
from_y = ymin
elif from_y > ymax:
from_y = ymax
if to_x < xmin:
to_x = xmin
elif to_x > xmax:
to_x = xmax
if to_y < ymin:
to_y = ymin
elif to_y > ymax:
to_y = ymax
# Append animation to list
current_animations.append(_animation_translate(animation_id, begin, dur, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y))
elif animation_type == 2:
from_x = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][12]
from_y = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][13]
via_x = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][14]
via_y = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][15]
# Check if there is a next curve animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next curve animation's starting point
to_x = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][12]
to_y = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][13]
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_x = 0
to_y = 0
# Check if parameters are within boundary
if from_x < xmin:
from_x = xmin
elif from_x > xmax:
from_x = xmax
if from_y < ymin:
from_y = ymin
elif from_y > ymax:
from_y = ymax
if via_x < xmin:
via_x = xmin
elif via_x > xmax:
via_x = xmax
if via_y < ymin:
via_y = ymin
elif via_y > ymax:
via_y = ymax
if to_x < xmin:
to_x = xmin
elif to_x > xmax:
to_x = xmax
if to_y < ymin:
to_y = ymin
elif to_y > ymax:
to_y = ymax
# Append animation to list
current_animations.append(_animation_curve(animation_id, begin, dur, from_x, from_y, via_x, via_y, to_x, to_y))
elif animation_type == 3:
# animation: scale
from_f = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][16]
if from_f <= 0:
from_f = 0.0000001
# Check if there is a next scale animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next scale animation's starting point
to_f = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][16]
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_f = 1
current_animations.append(_animation_scale(animation_id, begin, dur, from_f, to_f))
elif animation_type == 4:
# animation: rotate
from_degree = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][17]
if from_degree < 0:
from_degree = 0
elif from_degree > 360:
from_degree = 360
# Get midpoints
midpoints = get_midpoint_of_path_bbox(logo_path, animation_id)
# Check if there is a next scale animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next scale animation's starting point
to_degree = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][17]
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_degree = 360
current_animations.append(_animation_rotate(animation_id, begin, dur, from_degree, to_degree, midpoints))
elif animation_type == 5:
# animation: skewX
from_x = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][18]
# Check if there is a next skewX animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next skewX animation's starting point
to_x = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][18]
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_x = 1
# Check if parameters are within boundary
if from_x < xmin:
from_x = xmin
elif from_x > xmax:
from_x = xmax
if to_x < xmin:
to_x = xmin
elif to_x > xmax:
to_x = xmax
current_animations.append(_animation_skewX(animation_id, begin, dur, from_x, to_x))
elif animation_type == 6:
# animation: skewY
from_y = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][19]
# Check if there is a next skewY animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next skewY animation's starting point
to_y = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][19]
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_y = 1
# Check if parameters are within boundary
if from_y < ymin:
from_y = ymin
elif from_y > ymax:
from_y = ymax
if to_y < ymin:
to_y = ymin
elif to_y > ymax:
to_y = ymax
current_animations.append(_animation_skewY(animation_id, begin, dur, from_y, to_y))
elif animation_type == 7:
# animation: fill
from_rgb = '#' + _convert_to_hex_str(animations_by_type[animation_type][i][20]) + _convert_to_hex_str(animations_by_type[animation_type][i][21]) + _convert_to_hex_str(animations_by_type[animation_type][i][22])
# Check if there is a next fill animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next fill animation's starting point
to_rgb = '#' + _convert_to_hex_str(animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][20]) + _convert_to_hex_str(animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][21]) + _convert_to_hex_str(animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][22])
fill_style = get_style_attributes_path(logo_path, animation_id, "fill")
stroke_style = get_style_attributes_path(logo_path, animation_id, "stroke")
if fill_style == "none" and stroke_style != "none":
color_hex = stroke_style
color_hex = fill_style
to_rgb = color_hex
current_animations.append(_animation_fill(animation_id, begin, dur, from_rgb, to_rgb))
elif animation_type == 8:
# animation: opacity
from_f = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][23] / 100 # percent
if from_f < 0:
from_f = 0
elif from_f > 1:
from_f = 1
# Check if there is a next opacity animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next opacity animation's starting point
to_f = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][23] / 100 # percent
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_f = 1
current_animations.append(_animation_opacity(animation_id, begin, dur, from_f, to_f))
elif animation_type == 9:
# animation: blur
from_f = animations_by_type[animation_type][i][24]
if from_f <= 0:
from_f = 1
# Check if there is a next blur animation
if i < len(animations_by_type[animation_type]) - 1:
# animation endpoint is next blur animation's starting point
to_f = animations_by_type[animation_type][i+1][24]
# animation endpoint is final position of object
to_f = 1
current_animations.append(_animation_blur(animation_id, begin, dur, from_f, to_f))
total_animations += current_animations
# Shift begin - TODO test
min_b = np.inf
for animation in total_animations:
print(animation["begin"], min_b)
if float(animation["begin"]) < float(min_b):
min_b = animation["begin"]
for animation in total_animations:
animation["begin"] = float(animation["begin"]) - float(min_b)
_insert_animations(total_animations, logo_path, logo_path)
def _convert_to_hex_str(i: int):
h = str(hex(int(i)))[2:]
if i < 16:
h = '0' + h
return h
def _animation_translate(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_x: int, from_y: int, to_x: int, to_y: int):
print('animation: translate')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate_transform'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'transform'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'translate'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = f'{from_x} {from_y}'
animation_dict['to'] = f'{to_x} {to_y}'
return animation_dict
def _animation_curve(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_x: int, from_y: int, via_x: int, via_y: int, to_x: int, to_y: int):
print('animation: curve')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate_motion'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = f'{from_x} {from_y}'
animation_dict['via'] = f'{via_x} {via_y}'
animation_dict['to'] = f'{to_x} {to_y}'
return animation_dict
def _animation_scale(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_f: float, to_f: float):
print('animation: scale')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate_transform'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'transform'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'scale'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = str(from_f)
animation_dict['to'] = str(to_f)
return animation_dict
def _animation_rotate(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_degree: int, to_degree: int, midpoints: list):
print('animation: rotate')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate_transform'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'transform'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'rotate'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = f'{from_degree} {midpoints[0]} {midpoints[1]}'
animation_dict['to'] = f'{to_degree} {midpoints[0]} {midpoints[1]}'
return animation_dict
def _animation_skewX(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_i: int, to_i: int):
print('animation: skew')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate_transform'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'transform'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'skewX'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = f'{from_i}'
animation_dict['to'] = f'{to_i}'
return animation_dict
def _animation_skewY(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_i: int, to_i: int):
print('animation: skew')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate_transform'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'transform'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'skewY'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = f'{from_i}'
animation_dict['to'] = f'{to_i}'
return animation_dict
def _animation_fill(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_rgb: str, to_rgb: str):
print('animation: fill')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'fill'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'fill'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = from_rgb
animation_dict['to'] = to_rgb
return animation_dict
def _animation_opacity(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_f: float, to_f: float):
print('animation: opacity')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'opacity'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'opacity'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = str(from_f)
animation_dict['to'] = str(to_f)
return animation_dict
def _animation_blur(animation_id: int, begin: float, dur: float, from_f: float, to_f: float):
print('animation: blur')
animation_dict = {}
animation_dict['animation_id'] = animation_id
animation_dict['animation_type'] = 'animate_filter'
animation_dict['attributeName'] = 'transform'
animation_dict['attributeType'] = 'XML'
animation_dict['type'] = 'blur'
animation_dict['begin'] = str(begin)
animation_dict['dur'] = str(dur)
animation_dict['fill'] = 'freeze'
animation_dict['from'] = str(from_f)
animation_dict['to'] = str(to_f)
return animation_dict
def _insert_animations(animations: list, path: str, target_path: str):
print('Insert animations')
# Load XML
document = minidom.parse(path)
# Collect all elements
elements = document.getElementsByTagName('path') + document.getElementsByTagName('circle') + document.getElementsByTagName(
'ellipse') + document.getElementsByTagName('line') + document.getElementsByTagName(
'polygon') + document.getElementsByTagName('polyline') + document.getElementsByTagName(
'rect') + document.getElementsByTagName('text')
# Create statement
for animation in animations:
# Search for element
current_element = None
for element in elements:
if element.getAttribute('animation_id') == str(animation['animation_id']):
current_element = element
if current_element == None:
# Animation id not found - take next animation
if animation['animation_type'] == 'animate_transform':
animate_statement = _create_animate_transform_statement(animation)
elif animation['animation_type'] == 'animate_motion':
animate_statement = _create_animate_motion_statement(animation)
elif animation['animation_type'] == 'animate':
animate_statement = _create_animate_statement(animation)
elif animation['animation_type'] == 'animate_filter':
filter_element, fe_element, animate_statement = _create_animate_filter_statement(animation, document)
defs = document.getElementsByTagName('defs')
current_defs = None
# Check if defs tag exists; create otherwise
if len(defs) == 0:
svg = document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]
current_defs = document.createElement('defs')
current_defs = defs[0]
# Check if filter to be appended
if filter_element != None:
# Create filter
print('append filter')
# Check if FE to be created
if fe_element != None:
print('create fe statement')
# Check if filter set; else search
if filter_element == None:
# Search for filter
id = 'filter_' + str(animation['animation_id'])
for f in document.getElementsByTagName('filter'):
if f.getAttribute('id') == id:
filter_element = f
# Create FE
current_element.setAttribute('filter', f'url(#filter_{animation["animation_id"]})')
# Save XML to target path
with open(target_path, 'wb') as f:
def _create_animate_transform_statement(animation_dict: dict):
""" Set up animation statement from model output for ANIMATETRANSFORM animations
(Adapted from AnimateSVG)
animation = f'animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" ' \
f'type="{animation_dict["type"]}" ' \
f'begin="{str(animation_dict["begin"])}" ' \
f'dur="{str(animation_dict["dur"])}" ' \
f'from="{str(animation_dict["from"])}" ' \
f'to="{str(animation_dict["to"])}" ' \
f'fill="{str(animation_dict["fill"])}" ' \
return animation
def _create_animate_statement(animation_dict: dict):
""" Set up animation statement from model output for ANIMATE animations
(adapted from AnimateSVG)
animation = f'animate attributeName="{animation_dict["type"]}" ' \
f'begin="{str(animation_dict["begin"])}" ' \
f'dur="{str(animation_dict["dur"])}" ' \
f'from="{str(animation_dict["from"])}" ' \
f'to="{str(animation_dict["to"])}" ' \
f'fill="{str(animation_dict["fill"])}" '\
return animation
def _create_animate_motion_statement(animation_dict: dict):
""" Set up animatie motion statement from model output for ANIMATE_MOTION animations
animation = f'animateMotion ' \
f'begin="{str(animation_dict["begin"])}" ' \
f'dur="{str(animation_dict["dur"])}" ' \
f'path="M{animation_dict["from"]}" Q{animation_dict["via"]} {animation_dict["to"]}' \
f'fill="{str(animation_dict["fill"])}" '\
return animation
def _create_animate_filter_statement(animation_dict: dict, document: minidom.Document):
global filter_id
filter_id += 1
filter_element = None
fe_element = None
animate_statement = None
if animation_dict['type'] == 'blur':
# Check if filter already exists
filters = document.getElementsByTagName('filter')
current_filter = None
current_fe = None
for f in filters:
#print(f.getAttribute('id') == f'filter_{str(animation_dict["animation_id"])}')
if f.getAttribute('id') == f'filter_{str(animation_dict["animation_id"])}':
current_filter = f
fe_elements = document.getElementsByTagName('feGaussianBlur')
for fe in fe_elements:
if fe.getAttribute('id') == f'filter_blur_{str(animation_dict["animation_id"])}':
current_fe = fe
if current_filter == None:
filter_element = document.createElement('filter')
filter_element.setAttribute('id', f'filter_{str(animation_dict["animation_id"])}')
if current_fe == None:
fe_element = document.createElement('feGaussianBlur')
fe_element.setAttribute('id', f'filter_blur_{str(animation_dict["animation_id"])}')
fe_element.setAttribute('stdDeviation', '0')
animate_statement = f'animate href="#filter_blur_{str(animation_dict["animation_id"])}" ' \
f'attributeName="stdDeviation" ' \
f'begin="{str(animation_dict["begin"])}" ' \
f'dur="{str(animation_dict["dur"])}" ' \
f'from="{str(animation_dict["from"])}" ' \
f'to="{str(animation_dict["to"])}" ' \
return filter_element, fe_element, animate_statement
def randomly_animate_logo(logo_path: str, target_path: str, number_of_animations: int, previously_generated: pd.DataFrame = None):
# Creates model output equal to defined number of animations. They are then randomly distributed over the paths.
# Assign animation id to every path - TODO this changes the original logo!
document = minidom.parse(logo_path)
paths = document.getElementsByTagName('path') + document.getElementsByTagName('circle') + document.getElementsByTagName(
'ellipse') + document.getElementsByTagName('line') + document.getElementsByTagName(
'polygon') + document.getElementsByTagName('polyline') + document.getElementsByTagName(
'rect') + document.getElementsByTagName('text')
for i in range(len(paths)):
paths[i].setAttribute('animation_id', str(i))
with open(target_path, 'wb') as svg_file:
# Create random animations
for i in range(0, number_of_animations):
animation_type = random.randint(0, 8) # Determine animation type (as of now only primitive animation types)
model_output = np.zeros(18)
model_output[animation_type] = 1 # Set animation type
# Set animation parameters
# model_output = [
# {
# 'animation_id': 1,
# 'model_output': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 10, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10]
# },
# {
# 'animation_id': 1,
# 'model_output': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1000, 20]
# }
# ]
# model_output = pd.DataFrame(model_output)
# #print(model_output)
# path = 'src/postprocessing/logo_0.svg'
# # Assign animation id to every path - TODO this changes the original logo!
# document = minidom.parse(path)
# paths = document.getElementsByTagName('path')
# for i in range(len(paths)):
# paths[i].setAttribute('animation_id', str(i))
# with open(path, 'wb') as svg_file:
# svg_file.write(document.toxml(encoding='iso-8859-1'))
# #print('Inserted animation id')
# animate_logo(model_output, path)