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"""This code is taken from <>
by Alexandre Carlier, Martin Danelljan, Alexandre Alahi and Radu Timofte
from the paper >>
from src.preprocessing.deepsvg.deepsvg_config.config import _Config
from src.preprocessing.deepsvg.deepsvg_difflib.tensor import SVGTensor
from src.preprocessing.deepsvg.deepsvg_svglib.svg import SVG
from src.preprocessing.deepsvg.deepsvg_svglib.geom import Point
import math
import torch
import random
from typing import List, Union
import pandas as pd
import os
import pickle
Num = Union[int, float]
class SVGDataset(
def __init__(self, data_dir, meta_filepath, model_args, max_num_groups, max_seq_len, max_total_len=None,
filter_uni=None, filter_platform=None, filter_category=None, train_ratio=1.0, df=None, PAD_VAL=-1,
nb_augmentations=1, already_preprocessed=True):
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.already_preprocessed = already_preprocessed
self.MAX_NUM_GROUPS = max_num_groups
self.MAX_SEQ_LEN = max_seq_len
self.MAX_TOTAL_LEN = max_total_len
if max_total_len is None:
self.MAX_TOTAL_LEN = max_num_groups * max_seq_len
if df is None:
df = pd.read_csv(meta_filepath)
if len(df) > 0:
if filter_uni is not None:
df = df[df.uni.isin(filter_uni)]
if filter_platform is not None:
df = df[df.platform.isin(filter_platform)]
if filter_category is not None:
df = df[df.category.isin(filter_category)]
df = df[(df.nb_groups <= max_num_groups) & (df.max_len_group <= max_seq_len)]
if max_total_len is not None:
df = df[df.total_len <= max_total_len]
self.df = df.sample(frac=train_ratio) if train_ratio < 1.0 else df
self.model_args = model_args
self.nb_augmentations = nb_augmentations
def search_name(self, name):
return self.df[self.df.commonName.str.contains(name)]
def _filter_categories(self, filter_category):
self.df = self.df[self.df.category.isin(filter_category)]
def _uni_to_label(uni):
if 48 <= uni <= 57:
return uni - 48
elif 65 <= uni <= 90:
return uni - 65 + 10
return uni - 97 + 36
def _label_to_uni(label_id):
if 0 <= label_id <= 9:
return label_id + 48
elif 10 <= label_id <= 35:
return label_id + 65 - 10
return label_id + 97 - 36
def _category_to_label(category):
categories = ['characters', 'free-icons', 'logos', 'alphabet', 'animals', 'arrows', 'astrology', 'baby', 'beauty',
'business', 'cinema', 'city', 'clothing', 'computer-hardware', 'crime', 'cultures', 'data', 'diy',
'drinks', 'ecommerce', 'editing', 'files', 'finance', 'folders', 'food', 'gaming', 'hands', 'healthcare',
'holidays', 'household', 'industry', 'maps', 'media-controls', 'messaging', 'military', 'mobile',
'music', 'nature', 'network', 'photo-video', 'plants', 'printing', 'profile', 'programming', 'science',
'security', 'shopping', 'social-networks', 'sports', 'time-and-date', 'transport', 'travel', 'user-interface',
'users', 'weather', 'flags', 'emoji', 'men', 'women']
return categories.index(category)
def get_label(self, idx=0, entry=None):
if entry is None:
entry = self.df.iloc[idx]
if "uni" in self.df.columns: # Font dataset
label = self._uni_to_label(entry.uni)
return torch.tensor(label)
elif "category" in self.df.columns: # Icons dataset
label = self._category_to_label(entry.category)
return torch.tensor(label)
return None
def idx_to_id(self, idx):
return self.df.iloc[idx].id
def entry_from_id(self, id):
return self.df[ == str(id)].iloc[0]
def _load_svg(self, icon_id):
svg = SVG.load_svg(os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{icon_id}.svg"))
if not self.already_preprocessed:
svg = svg.simplify_heuristic()
return svg
def __len__(self):
return len(self.df) * self.nb_augmentations
def random_icon(self):
return self[random.randrange(0, len(self))]
def random_id(self):
idx = random.randrange(0, len(self)) % len(self.df)
return self.idx_to_id(idx)
def random_id_by_uni(self, uni):
df = self.df[self.df.uni == uni]
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.get(idx, self.model_args)
def _augment(svg, mean=False):
dx, dy = (0, 0) if mean else (5 * random.random() - 2.5, 5 * random.random() - 2.5)
factor = 0.7 if mean else 0.2 * random.random() + 0.6
return svg.zoom(factor).translate(Point(dx, dy))
def simplify(svg, normalize=True):
svg = svg.simplify_heuristic()
return svg.normalize()
def preprocess(svg, augment=True, numericalize=True, mean=False):
if augment:
svg = SVGDataset._augment(svg, mean=mean)
if numericalize:
return svg.numericalize(256)
return svg
def get(self, idx=0, model_args=None, random_aug=True, id=None, svg: SVG=None):
if id is None:
idx = idx % len(self.df)
id = self.idx_to_id(idx)
if svg is None:
svg = self._load_svg(id)
svg = SVGDataset.preprocess(svg, augment=random_aug)
t_sep, fillings = svg.to_tensor(concat_groups=False, PAD_VAL=self.PAD_VAL), svg.to_fillings()
# Note: DeepSVG can only handle 8 paths in a SVG and 30 sequences per path
if len(t_sep) > 8:
#print(f"SVG {id} has more than 30 segments.")
t_sep = t_sep[0:8]
fillings = fillings[0:8]
for i in range(len(t_sep)):
if len(t_sep[i]) > 30:
#print(f"SVG {id}: Path nr {i} has more than 30 segments.")
t_sep[i] = t_sep[i][0:30]
label = self.get_label(idx)
return self.get_data(t_sep, fillings, model_args=model_args, label=label)
def get_data(self, t_sep, fillings, model_args=None, label=None):
res = {}
if model_args is None:
model_args = self.model_args
pad_len = max(self.MAX_NUM_GROUPS - len(t_sep), 0)
t_sep.extend([torch.empty(0, 14)] * pad_len)
fillings.extend([0] * pad_len)
t_grouped = [SVGTensor.from_data(, dim=0), PAD_VAL=self.PAD_VAL).add_eos().add_sos().pad(
seq_len=self.MAX_TOTAL_LEN + 2)]
t_sep = [SVGTensor.from_data(t, PAD_VAL=self.PAD_VAL, filling=f).add_eos().add_sos().pad(seq_len=self.MAX_SEQ_LEN + 2) for
t, f in zip(t_sep, fillings)]
for arg in set(model_args):
if "_grouped" in arg:
arg_ = arg.split("_grouped")[0]
t_list = t_grouped
arg_ = arg
t_list = t_sep
if arg_ == "tensor":
res[arg] = t_list
if arg_ == "commands":
res[arg] = torch.stack([t.cmds() for t in t_list])
if arg_ == "args_rel":
res[arg] = torch.stack([t.get_relative_args() for t in t_list])
if arg_ == "args":
res[arg] = torch.stack([t.args() for t in t_list])
if "filling" in model_args:
res["filling"] = torch.stack([torch.tensor(t.filling) for t in t_sep]).unsqueeze(-1)
if "label" in model_args:
res["label"] = label
return res
def load_dataset(cfg: _Config, already_preprocessed=True):
dataset = SVGDataset(cfg.data_dir, cfg.meta_filepath, cfg.model_args, cfg.max_num_groups, cfg.max_seq_len, cfg.max_total_len,
cfg.filter_uni, cfg.filter_platform, cfg.filter_category, cfg.train_ratio,
nb_augmentations=cfg.nb_augmentations, already_preprocessed=already_preprocessed)
return dataset