import os |
import json |
import uuid |
import time |
import base64 |
import sys |
import inspect |
import secrets |
from loguru import logger |
import requests |
from flask import Flask, request, Response, jsonify, stream_with_context, render_template, redirect, session |
from curl_cffi import requests as curl_requests |
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix |
class Logger: |
def __init__(self, level="INFO", colorize=True, format=None): |
logger.remove() |
if format is None: |
format = ( |
"<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss}</green> | " |
"<level>{level: <8}</level> | " |
"<cyan>{extra[filename]}</cyan>:<cyan>{extra[function]}</cyan>:<cyan>{extra[lineno]}</cyan> | " |
"<level>{message}</level>" |
) |
logger.add( |
sys.stderr, |
level=level, |
format=format, |
colorize=colorize, |
backtrace=True, |
diagnose=True |
) |
self.logger = logger |
def _get_caller_info(self): |
frame = inspect.currentframe() |
try: |
caller_frame = frame.f_back.f_back |
full_path = caller_frame.f_code.co_filename |
function = caller_frame.f_code.co_name |
lineno = caller_frame.f_lineno |
filename = os.path.basename(full_path) |
return { |
'filename': filename, |
'function': function, |
'lineno': lineno |
} |
finally: |
del frame |
def info(self, message, source="API"): |
caller_info = self._get_caller_info() |
self.logger.bind(**caller_info).info(f"[{source}] {message}") |
def error(self, message, source="API"): |
caller_info = self._get_caller_info() |
if isinstance(message, Exception): |
self.logger.bind(**caller_info).exception(f"[{source}] {str(message)}") |
else: |
self.logger.bind(**caller_info).error(f"[{source}] {message}") |
def warning(self, message, source="API"): |
caller_info = self._get_caller_info() |
self.logger.bind(**caller_info).warning(f"[{source}] {message}") |
def debug(self, message, source="API"): |
caller_info = self._get_caller_info() |
self.logger.bind(**caller_info).debug(f"[{source}] {message}") |
async def request_logger(self, request): |
caller_info = self._get_caller_info() |
self.logger.bind(**caller_info).info(f"请求: {request.method} {request.path}", "Request") |
logger = Logger(level="INFO") |
CONFIG = { |
"MODELS": { |
'grok-2': 'grok-latest', |
'grok-2-imageGen': 'grok-latest', |
'grok-2-search': 'grok-latest', |
"grok-3": "grok-3", |
"grok-3-search": "grok-3", |
"grok-3-imageGen": "grok-3", |
"grok-3-deepsearch": "grok-3", |
"grok-3-reasoning": "grok-3" |
}, |
"API": { |
"IS_TEMP_CONVERSATION": os.environ.get("IS_TEMP_CONVERSATION", "true").lower() == "true", |
"IS_CUSTOM_SSO": os.environ.get("IS_CUSTOM_SSO", "false").lower() == "true", |
"BASE_URL": "https://grok.com", |
"API_KEY": os.environ.get("API_KEY", "sk-123456"), |
"PICGO_KEY": os.environ.get("PICGO_KEY") or None, |
"TUMY_KEY": os.environ.get("TUMY_KEY") or None, |
"RETRY_TIME": 1000, |
"PROXY": os.environ.get("PROXY") or None |
}, |
"ADMIN": { |
"MANAGER_SWITCH": os.environ.get("MANAGER_SWITCH") or None, |
"PASSWORD": os.environ.get("ADMINPASSWORD") or None |
}, |
"SERVER": { |
"COOKIE": None, |
"CF_CLEARANCE":os.environ.get("CF_CLEARANCE") or None, |
"PORT": int(os.environ.get("PORT", 5200)), |
"BASE_URL": os.environ.get("BASE_URL", "https://deeme-grok.hf.space"), |
}, |
"RETRY": { |
}, |
"SHOW_THINKING": os.environ.get("SHOW_THINKING") == "true", |
"IS_THINKING": False, |
"IS_IMG_GEN": False, |
"IS_IMG_GEN2": False, |
"ISSHOW_SEARCH_RESULTS": os.environ.get("ISSHOW_SEARCH_RESULTS", "true").lower() == "true" |
} |
'Accept': '*/*', |
'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', |
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd', |
'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8', |
'Connection': 'keep-alive', |
'Origin': 'https://grok.com', |
'Priority': 'u=1, i', |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', |
'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Not(A:Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="133", "Chromium";v="133"', |
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?0', |
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"macOS"', |
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty', |
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors', |
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin', |
'Baggage': 'sentry-public_key=b311e0f2690c81f25e2c4cf6d4f7ce1c' |
} |
class AuthTokenManager: |
def __init__(self): |
self.token_model_map = {} |
self.expired_tokens = set() |
self.token_status_map = {} |
self.model_config = { |
"grok-2": { |
"RequestFrequency": 30, |
"ExpirationTime": 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000 |
}, |
"grok-3": { |
"RequestFrequency": 20, |
"ExpirationTime": 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000 |
}, |
"grok-3-deepsearch": { |
"RequestFrequency": 10, |
"ExpirationTime": 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 |
}, |
"grok-3-reasoning": { |
"RequestFrequency": 10, |
"ExpirationTime": 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 |
} |
} |
self.token_reset_switch = False |
self.token_reset_timer = None |
def add_token(self, token): |
sso = token.split("sso=")[1].split(";")[0] |
for model in self.model_config.keys(): |
if model not in self.token_model_map: |
self.token_model_map[model] = [] |
if sso not in self.token_status_map: |
self.token_status_map[sso] = {} |
existing_token_entry = next((entry for entry in self.token_model_map[model] if entry["token"] == token), None) |
if not existing_token_entry: |
self.token_model_map[model].append({ |
"token": token, |
"RequestCount": 0, |
"AddedTime": int(time.time() * 1000), |
"StartCallTime": None |
}) |
if model not in self.token_status_map[sso]: |
self.token_status_map[sso][model] = { |
"isValid": True, |
"invalidatedTime": None, |
"totalRequestCount": 0 |
} |
def set_token(self, token): |
models = list(self.model_config.keys()) |
self.token_model_map = {model: [{ |
"token": token, |
"RequestCount": 0, |
"AddedTime": int(time.time() * 1000), |
"StartCallTime": None |
}] for model in models} |
sso = token.split("sso=")[1].split(";")[0] |
self.token_status_map[sso] = {model: { |
"isValid": True, |
"invalidatedTime": None, |
"totalRequestCount": 0 |
} for model in models} |
def delete_token(self, token): |
try: |
sso = token.split("sso=")[1].split(";")[0] |
for model in self.token_model_map: |
self.token_model_map[model] = [entry for entry in self.token_model_map[model] if entry["token"] != token] |
if sso in self.token_status_map: |
del self.token_status_map[sso] |
logger.info(f"令牌已成功移除: {token}", "TokenManager") |
return True |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(f"令牌删除失败: {str(error)}") |
return False |
def reduce_token_request_count(self, model_id, count): |
try: |
normalized_model = self.normalize_model_name(model_id) |
if normalized_model not in self.token_model_map: |
logger.error(f"模型 {normalized_model} 不存在", "TokenManager") |
return False |
if not self.token_model_map[normalized_model]: |
logger.error(f"模型 {normalized_model} 没有可用的token", "TokenManager") |
return False |
token_entry = self.token_model_map[normalized_model][0] |
new_count = max(0, token_entry["RequestCount"] - count) |
reduction = token_entry["RequestCount"] - new_count |
token_entry["RequestCount"] = new_count |
if token_entry["token"]: |
sso = token_entry["token"].split("sso=")[1].split(";")[0] |
if sso in self.token_status_map and normalized_model in self.token_status_map[sso]: |
self.token_status_map[sso][normalized_model]["totalRequestCount"] = max( |
0, |
self.token_status_map[sso][normalized_model]["totalRequestCount"] - reduction |
) |
return True |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(f"重置校对token请求次数时发生错误: {str(error)}", "TokenManager") |
return False |
def get_next_token_for_model(self, model_id, is_return=False): |
normalized_model = self.normalize_model_name(model_id) |
if normalized_model not in self.token_model_map or not self.token_model_map[normalized_model]: |
return None |
token_entry = self.token_model_map[normalized_model][0] |
if is_return: |
return token_entry["token"] |
if token_entry: |
if token_entry["StartCallTime"] is None: |
token_entry["StartCallTime"] = int(time.time() * 1000) |
if not self.token_reset_switch: |
self.start_token_reset_process() |
self.token_reset_switch = True |
token_entry["RequestCount"] += 1 |
if token_entry["RequestCount"] > self.model_config[normalized_model]["RequestFrequency"]: |
self.remove_token_from_model(normalized_model, token_entry["token"]) |
next_token_entry = self.token_model_map[normalized_model][0] if self.token_model_map[normalized_model] else None |
return next_token_entry["token"] if next_token_entry else None |
sso = token_entry["token"].split("sso=")[1].split(";")[0] |
if sso in self.token_status_map and normalized_model in self.token_status_map[sso]: |
if token_entry["RequestCount"] == self.model_config[normalized_model]["RequestFrequency"]: |
self.token_status_map[sso][normalized_model]["isValid"] = False |
self.token_status_map[sso][normalized_model]["invalidatedTime"] = int(time.time() * 1000) |
self.token_status_map[sso][normalized_model]["totalRequestCount"] += 1 |
return token_entry["token"] |
return None |
def remove_token_from_model(self, model_id, token): |
normalized_model = self.normalize_model_name(model_id) |
if normalized_model not in self.token_model_map: |
logger.error(f"模型 {normalized_model} 不存在", "TokenManager") |
return False |
model_tokens = self.token_model_map[normalized_model] |
token_index = next((i for i, entry in enumerate(model_tokens) if entry["token"] == token), -1) |
if token_index != -1: |
removed_token_entry = model_tokens.pop(token_index) |
self.expired_tokens.add(( |
removed_token_entry["token"], |
normalized_model, |
int(time.time() * 1000) |
)) |
if not self.token_reset_switch: |
self.start_token_reset_process() |
self.token_reset_switch = True |
logger.info(f"模型{model_id}的令牌已失效,已成功移除令牌: {token}", "TokenManager") |
return True |
logger.error(f"在模型 {normalized_model} 中未找到 token: {token}", "TokenManager") |
return False |
def get_expired_tokens(self): |
return list(self.expired_tokens) |
def normalize_model_name(self, model): |
if model.startswith('grok-') and 'deepsearch' not in model and 'reasoning' not in model: |
return '-'.join(model.split('-')[:2]) |
return model |
def get_token_count_for_model(self, model_id): |
normalized_model = self.normalize_model_name(model_id) |
return len(self.token_model_map.get(normalized_model, [])) |
def get_remaining_token_request_capacity(self): |
remaining_capacity_map = {} |
for model in self.model_config.keys(): |
model_tokens = self.token_model_map.get(model, []) |
model_request_frequency = self.model_config[model]["RequestFrequency"] |
total_used_requests = sum(token_entry.get("RequestCount", 0) for token_entry in model_tokens) |
remaining_capacity = (len(model_tokens) * model_request_frequency) - total_used_requests |
remaining_capacity_map[model] = max(0, remaining_capacity) |
return remaining_capacity_map |
def get_token_array_for_model(self, model_id): |
normalized_model = self.normalize_model_name(model_id) |
return self.token_model_map.get(normalized_model, []) |
def start_token_reset_process(self): |
def reset_expired_tokens(): |
now = int(time.time() * 1000) |
tokens_to_remove = set() |
for token_info in self.expired_tokens: |
token, model, expired_time = token_info |
expiration_time = self.model_config[model]["ExpirationTime"] |
if now - expired_time >= expiration_time: |
if not any(entry["token"] == token for entry in self.token_model_map.get(model, [])): |
if model not in self.token_model_map: |
self.token_model_map[model] = [] |
self.token_model_map[model].append({ |
"token": token, |
"RequestCount": 0, |
"AddedTime": now, |
"StartCallTime": None |
}) |
sso = token.split("sso=")[1].split(";")[0] |
if sso in self.token_status_map and model in self.token_status_map[sso]: |
self.token_status_map[sso][model]["isValid"] = True |
self.token_status_map[sso][model]["invalidatedTime"] = None |
self.token_status_map[sso][model]["totalRequestCount"] = 0 |
tokens_to_remove.add(token_info) |
self.expired_tokens -= tokens_to_remove |
for model in self.model_config.keys(): |
if model not in self.token_model_map: |
continue |
for token_entry in self.token_model_map[model]: |
if not token_entry.get("StartCallTime"): |
continue |
expiration_time = self.model_config[model]["ExpirationTime"] |
if now - token_entry["StartCallTime"] >= expiration_time: |
sso = token_entry["token"].split("sso=")[1].split(";")[0] |
if sso in self.token_status_map and model in self.token_status_map[sso]: |
self.token_status_map[sso][model]["isValid"] = True |
self.token_status_map[sso][model]["invalidatedTime"] = None |
self.token_status_map[sso][model]["totalRequestCount"] = 0 |
token_entry["RequestCount"] = 0 |
token_entry["StartCallTime"] = None |
import threading |
def run_timer(): |
while True: |
reset_expired_tokens() |
time.sleep(3600) |
timer_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_timer) |
timer_thread.daemon = True |
timer_thread.start() |
def get_all_tokens(self): |
all_tokens = set() |
for model_tokens in self.token_model_map.values(): |
for entry in model_tokens: |
all_tokens.add(entry["token"]) |
return list(all_tokens) |
def get_current_token(self, model_id): |
normalized_model = self.normalize_model_name(model_id) |
if normalized_model not in self.token_model_map or not self.token_model_map[normalized_model]: |
return None |
token_entry = self.token_model_map[normalized_model][0] |
return token_entry["token"] |
def get_token_status_map(self): |
return self.token_status_map |
class Utils: |
@staticmethod |
def organize_search_results(search_results): |
if not search_results or 'results' not in search_results: |
return '' |
results = search_results['results'] |
formatted_results = [] |
for index, result in enumerate(results): |
title = result.get('title', '未知标题') |
url = result.get('url', '#') |
preview = result.get('preview', '无预览内容') |
formatted_result = f"\r\n<details><summary>资料[{index}]: {title}</summary>\r\n{preview}\r\n\n[Link]({url})\r\n</details>" |
formatted_results.append(formatted_result) |
return '\n\n'.join(formatted_results) |
@staticmethod |
def create_auth_headers(model, is_return=False): |
return token_manager.get_next_token_for_model(model, is_return) |
@staticmethod |
def get_proxy_options(): |
proxy = CONFIG["API"]["PROXY"] |
proxy_options = {} |
if proxy: |
logger.info(f"使用代理: {proxy}", "Server") |
if proxy.startswith("socks5://"): |
proxy_options["proxy"] = proxy |
if '@' in proxy: |
auth_part = proxy.split('@')[0].split('://')[1] |
if ':' in auth_part: |
username, password = auth_part.split(':') |
proxy_options["proxy_auth"] = (username, password) |
else: |
proxy_options["proxies"] = {"https": proxy, "http": proxy} |
return proxy_options |
class GrokApiClient: |
def __init__(self, model_id): |
if model_id not in CONFIG["MODELS"]: |
raise ValueError(f"不支持的模型: {model_id}") |
self.model_id = CONFIG["MODELS"][model_id] |
def process_message_content(self, content): |
if isinstance(content, str): |
return content |
return None |
def get_image_type(self, base64_string): |
mime_type = 'image/jpeg' |
if 'data:image' in base64_string: |
import re |
matches = re.search(r'data:([a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-.+]+);base64,', base64_string) |
if matches: |
mime_type = matches.group(1) |
extension = mime_type.split('/')[1] |
file_name = f"image.{extension}" |
return { |
"mimeType": mime_type, |
"fileName": file_name |
} |
def upload_base64_file(self, message, model): |
try: |
message_base64 = base64.b64encode(message.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') |
upload_data = { |
"fileName": "message.txt", |
"fileMimeType": "text/plain", |
"content": message_base64 |
} |
logger.info("发送文字文件请求", "Server") |
cookie = f"{Utils.create_auth_headers(model, True)};{CONFIG['SERVER']['CF_CLEARANCE']}" |
proxy_options = Utils.get_proxy_options() |
response = curl_requests.post( |
"https://grok.com/rest/app-chat/upload-file", |
headers={ |
"Cookie":cookie |
}, |
json=upload_data, |
impersonate="chrome133a", |
**proxy_options |
) |
if response.status_code != 200: |
logger.error(f"上传文件失败,状态码:{response.status_code}", "Server") |
raise Exception(f"上传文件失败,状态码:{response.status_code}") |
result = response.json() |
logger.info(f"上传文件成功: {result}", "Server") |
return result.get("fileMetadataId", "") |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
raise Exception(f"上传文件失败,状态码:{response.status_code}") |
def upload_base64_image(self, base64_data, url): |
try: |
if 'data:image' in base64_data: |
image_buffer = base64_data.split(',')[1] |
else: |
image_buffer = base64_data |
image_info = self.get_image_type(base64_data) |
mime_type = image_info["mimeType"] |
file_name = image_info["fileName"] |
upload_data = { |
"rpc": "uploadFile", |
"req": { |
"fileName": file_name, |
"fileMimeType": mime_type, |
"content": image_buffer |
} |
} |
logger.info("发送图片请求", "Server") |
proxy_options = Utils.get_proxy_options() |
response = curl_requests.post( |
url, |
headers={ |
}, |
json=upload_data, |
impersonate="chrome133a", |
**proxy_options |
) |
if response.status_code != 200: |
logger.error(f"上传图片失败,状态码:{response.status_code}", "Server") |
return '' |
result = response.json() |
logger.info(f"上传图片成功: {result}", "Server") |
return result.get("fileMetadataId", "") |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
return '' |
def prepare_chat_request(self, request): |
""" |
if ((request["model"] == 'grok-2-imageGen' or request["model"] == 'grok-3-imageGen') and |
not CONFIG["API"]["PICGO_KEY"] and not CONFIG["API"]["TUMY_KEY"] and |
request.get("stream", False)): |
raise ValueError("该模型流式输出需要配置PICGO或者TUMY图床密钥!") |
""" |
todo_messages = request["messages"] |
if request["model"] in ['grok-2-imageGen', 'grok-3-imageGen', 'grok-3-deepsearch']: |
last_message = todo_messages[-1] |
if last_message["role"] != 'user': |
raise ValueError('此模型最后一条消息必须是用户消息!') |
todo_messages = [last_message] |
file_attachments = [] |
messages = '' |
last_role = None |
last_content = '' |
message_length = 0 |
convert_to_file = False |
last_message_content = '' |
search = request["model"] in ['grok-2-search', 'grok-3-search'] |
def remove_think_tags(text): |
import re |
text = re.sub(r'<think>[\s\S]*?<\/think>', '', text).strip() |
text = re.sub(r'!\[image\]\(data:.*?base64,.*?\)', '[图片]', text) |
return text |
def process_content(content): |
if isinstance(content, list): |
text_content = '' |
for item in content: |
if item["type"] == 'image_url': |
text_content += ("[图片]" if not text_content else '\n[图片]') |
elif item["type"] == 'text': |
text_content += (remove_think_tags(item["text"]) if not text_content else '\n' + remove_think_tags(item["text"])) |
return text_content |
elif isinstance(content, dict) and content is not None: |
if content["type"] == 'image_url': |
return "[图片]" |
elif content["type"] == 'text': |
return remove_think_tags(content["text"]) |
return remove_think_tags(self.process_message_content(content)) |
for current in todo_messages: |
role = 'assistant' if current["role"] == 'assistant' else 'user' |
is_last_message = current == todo_messages[-1] |
if is_last_message and "content" in current: |
if isinstance(current["content"], list): |
for item in current["content"]: |
if item["type"] == 'image_url': |
processed_image = self.upload_base64_image( |
item["image_url"]["url"], |
f"{CONFIG['API']['BASE_URL']}/api/rpc" |
) |
if processed_image: |
file_attachments.append(processed_image) |
elif isinstance(current["content"], dict) and current["content"].get("type") == 'image_url': |
processed_image = self.upload_base64_image( |
current["content"]["image_url"]["url"], |
f"{CONFIG['API']['BASE_URL']}/api/rpc" |
) |
if processed_image: |
file_attachments.append(processed_image) |
text_content = process_content(current.get("content", "")) |
if is_last_message and convert_to_file: |
last_message_content = f"{role.upper()}: {text_content or '[图片]'}\n" |
continue |
if text_content or (is_last_message and file_attachments): |
if role == last_role and text_content: |
last_content += '\n' + text_content |
messages = messages[:messages.rindex(f"{role.upper()}: ")] + f"{role.upper()}: {last_content}\n" |
else: |
messages += f"{role.upper()}: {text_content or '[图片]'}\n" |
last_content = text_content |
last_role = role |
message_length += len(messages) |
if message_length >= 40000: |
convert_to_file = True |
if convert_to_file: |
file_id = self.upload_base64_file(messages, request["model"]) |
if file_id: |
file_attachments.insert(0, file_id) |
messages = last_message_content.strip() |
return { |
"temporary": CONFIG["API"].get("IS_TEMP_CONVERSATION", False), |
"modelName": self.model_id, |
"message": messages.strip(), |
"fileAttachments": file_attachments[:4], |
"imageAttachments": [], |
"disableSearch": False, |
"enableImageGeneration": True, |
"returnImageBytes": False, |
"returnRawGrokInXaiRequest": False, |
"enableImageStreaming": False, |
"imageGenerationCount": 1, |
"forceConcise": False, |
"toolOverrides": { |
"imageGen": request["model"] in ['grok-2-imageGen', 'grok-3-imageGen'], |
"webSearch": search, |
"xSearch": search, |
"xMediaSearch": search, |
"trendsSearch": search, |
"xPostAnalyze": search |
}, |
"enableSideBySide": True, |
"isPreset": False, |
"sendFinalMetadata": True, |
"customInstructions": "", |
"deepsearchPreset": "default" if request["model"] == 'grok-3-deepsearch' else "", |
"isReasoning": request["model"] == 'grok-3-reasoning' |
} |
class MessageProcessor: |
@staticmethod |
def create_chat_response(message, model, is_stream=False): |
base_response = { |
"id": f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}", |
"created": int(time.time()), |
"model": model |
} |
if is_stream: |
return { |
**base_response, |
"object": "chat.completion.chunk", |
"choices": [{ |
"index": 0, |
"delta": { |
"content": message |
} |
}] |
} |
return { |
**base_response, |
"object": "chat.completion", |
"choices": [{ |
"index": 0, |
"message": { |
"role": "assistant", |
"content": message |
}, |
"finish_reason": "stop" |
}], |
"usage": None |
} |
def process_model_response(response, model): |
result = {"token": None, "imageUrl": None} |
if response.get("cachedImageGenerationResponse") and not CONFIG["IS_IMG_GEN2"]: |
result["imageUrl"] = response["cachedImageGenerationResponse"]["imageUrl"] |
return result |
if model == 'grok-2': |
result["token"] = response.get("token") |
elif model in ['grok-2-search', 'grok-3-search']: |
if response.get("webSearchResults") and CONFIG["ISSHOW_SEARCH_RESULTS"]: |
result["token"] = f"\r\n<think>{Utils.organize_search_results(response['webSearchResults'])}</think>\r\n" |
else: |
result["token"] = response.get("token") |
elif model == 'grok-3': |
result["token"] = response.get("token") |
elif model == 'grok-3-deepsearch': |
if response.get("messageStepId") and not CONFIG["SHOW_THINKING"]: |
return result |
if response.get("messageStepId") and not CONFIG["IS_THINKING"]: |
result["token"] = "<think>" + response.get("token", "") |
elif not response.get("messageStepId") and CONFIG["IS_THINKING"] and response.get("messageTag") == "final": |
result["token"] = "</think>" + response.get("token", "") |
elif (response.get("messageStepId") and CONFIG["IS_THINKING"] and response.get("messageTag") == "assistant") or response.get("messageTag") == "final": |
result["token"] = response.get("token") |
elif model == 'grok-3-reasoning': |
if response.get("isThinking") and not CONFIG["SHOW_THINKING"]: |
return result |
if response.get("isThinking") and not CONFIG["IS_THINKING"]: |
result["token"] = "<think>" + response.get("token", "") |
elif not response.get("isThinking") and CONFIG["IS_THINKING"]: |
result["token"] = "</think>" + response.get("token", "") |
else: |
result["token"] = response.get("token") |
return result |
def save_image(image_buffer): |
import os |
from datetime import datetime |
import uuid |
os.makedirs('images', exist_ok=True) |
filename = f"{int(datetime.now().timestamp())}_{uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]}.jpg" |
filepath = os.path.join('images', filename) |
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: |
f.write(image_buffer) |
base_url = CONFIG["SERVER"]["BASE_URL"] |
return f"" |
def handle_image_response(image_url): |
max_retries = 2 |
retry_count = 0 |
image_base64_response = None |
while retry_count < max_retries: |
try: |
proxy_options = Utils.get_proxy_options() |
image_base64_response = curl_requests.get( |
f"https://assets.grok.com/{image_url}", |
headers={ |
}, |
impersonate="chrome133a", |
**proxy_options |
) |
if image_base64_response.status_code == 200: |
break |
retry_count += 1 |
if retry_count == max_retries: |
raise Exception(f"上游服务请求失败! status: {image_base64_response.status_code}") |
time.sleep(CONFIG["API"]["RETRY_TIME"] / 1000 * retry_count) |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
retry_count += 1 |
if retry_count == max_retries: |
raise |
time.sleep(CONFIG["API"]["RETRY_TIME"] / 1000 * retry_count) |
image_buffer = image_base64_response.content |
if not CONFIG["API"]["PICGO_KEY"] and not CONFIG["API"]["TUMY_KEY"]: |
""" |
base64_image = base64.b64encode(image_buffer).decode('utf-8') |
image_content_type = image_base64_response.headers.get('content-type', 'image/jpeg') |
return f"" |
""" |
return save_image(image_buffer) |
logger.info("开始上传图床", "Server") |
files = {'source': ('image.jpg', image_buffer, 'image/jpeg')} |
headers = { |
} |
response_url = requests.post( |
"https://www.picgo.net/api/1/upload", |
files=files, |
headers=headers |
) |
if response_url.status_code != 200: |
return save_image(image_buffer) |
else: |
logger.info("生图成功", "Server") |
result = response_url.json() |
return f"" |
elif CONFIG["API"]["TUMY_KEY"]: |
files = {'file': ('image.jpg', image_buffer, 'image/jpeg')} |
headers = { |
"Accept": "application/json", |
'Authorization': f"Bearer {CONFIG['API']['TUMY_KEY']}" |
} |
response_url = requests.post( |
"https://tu.my/api/v1/upload", |
files=files, |
headers=headers |
) |
if response_url.status_code != 200: |
return save_image(image_buffer) |
else: |
try: |
result = response_url.json() |
logger.info("生图成功", "Server") |
return f"" |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
return save_image(image_buffer) |
def handle_non_stream_response(response, model): |
try: |
logger.info("开始处理非流式响应", "Server") |
stream = response.iter_lines() |
full_response = "" |
CONFIG["IS_IMG_GEN"] = False |
CONFIG["IS_IMG_GEN2"] = False |
for chunk in stream: |
if not chunk: |
continue |
try: |
line_json = json.loads(chunk.decode("utf-8").strip()) |
if line_json.get("error"): |
logger.error(json.dumps(line_json, indent=2), "Server") |
return json.dumps({"error": "RateLimitError"}) + "\n\n" |
response_data = line_json.get("result", {}).get("response") |
if not response_data: |
continue |
if response_data.get("doImgGen") or response_data.get("imageAttachmentInfo"): |
result = process_model_response(response_data, model) |
if result["token"]: |
full_response += result["token"] |
if result["imageUrl"]: |
CONFIG["IS_IMG_GEN2"] = True |
return handle_image_response(result["imageUrl"]) |
except json.JSONDecodeError: |
continue |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"处理流式响应行时出错: {str(e)}", "Server") |
continue |
return full_response |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
raise |
def handle_stream_response(response, model): |
def generate(): |
logger.info("开始处理流式响应", "Server") |
stream = response.iter_lines() |
CONFIG["IS_IMG_GEN"] = False |
CONFIG["IS_IMG_GEN2"] = False |
for chunk in stream: |
if not chunk: |
continue |
try: |
line_json = json.loads(chunk.decode("utf-8").strip()) |
if line_json.get("error"): |
logger.error(json.dumps(line_json, indent=2), "Server") |
yield json.dumps({"error": "RateLimitError"}) + "\n\n" |
return |
response_data = line_json.get("result", {}).get("response") |
if not response_data: |
continue |
if response_data.get("doImgGen") or response_data.get("imageAttachmentInfo"): |
result = process_model_response(response_data, model) |
if result["token"]: |
yield f"data: {json.dumps(MessageProcessor.create_chat_response(result['token'], model, True))}\n\n" |
if result["imageUrl"]: |
CONFIG["IS_IMG_GEN2"] = True |
image_data = handle_image_response(result["imageUrl"]) |
yield f"data: {json.dumps(MessageProcessor.create_chat_response(image_data, model, True))}\n\n" |
except json.JSONDecodeError: |
continue |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"处理流式响应行时出错: {str(e)}", "Server") |
continue |
yield "data: [DONE]\n\n" |
return generate() |
def initialization(): |
sso_array = os.environ.get("SSO", "").split(',') |
logger.info("开始加载令牌", "Server") |
for sso in sso_array: |
if sso: |
token_manager.add_token(f"sso-rw={sso};sso={sso}") |
logger.info(f"成功加载令牌: {json.dumps(token_manager.get_all_tokens(), indent=2)}", "Server") |
logger.info(f"令牌加载完成,共加载: {len(token_manager.get_all_tokens())}个令牌", "Server") |
if CONFIG["API"]["PROXY"]: |
logger.info(f"代理已设置: {CONFIG['API']['PROXY']}", "Server") |
logger.info("初始化完成", "Server") |
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='images', static_url_path='/images') |
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) |
app.secret_key = os.environ.get('FLASK_SECRET_KEY') or secrets.token_hex(16) |
app.json.sort_keys = False |
@app.route('/manager/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def manager_login(): |
if request.method == 'POST': |
password = request.form.get('password') |
if password == CONFIG["ADMIN"]["PASSWORD"]: |
session['is_logged_in'] = True |
return redirect('/manager') |
return render_template('login.html', error=True) |
return render_template('login.html', error=False) |
else: |
return redirect('/') |
def check_auth(): |
return session.get('is_logged_in', False) |
@app.route('/manager') |
def manager(): |
if not check_auth(): |
return redirect('/manager/login') |
return render_template('manager.html') |
@app.route('/manager/api/get') |
def get_manager_tokens(): |
if not check_auth(): |
return jsonify({"error": "Unauthorized"}), 401 |
return jsonify(token_manager.get_token_status_map()) |
@app.route('/manager/api/add', methods=['POST']) |
def add_manager_token(): |
if not check_auth(): |
return jsonify({"error": "Unauthorized"}), 401 |
try: |
sso = request.json.get('sso') |
if not sso: |
return jsonify({"error": "SSO token is required"}), 400 |
token_manager.add_token(f"sso-rw={sso};sso={sso}") |
return jsonify({"success": True}) |
except Exception as e: |
return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500 |
@app.route('/manager/api/delete', methods=['POST']) |
def delete_manager_token(): |
if not check_auth(): |
return jsonify({"error": "Unauthorized"}), 401 |
try: |
sso = request.json.get('sso') |
if not sso: |
return jsonify({"error": "SSO token is required"}), 400 |
token_manager.delete_token(f"sso-rw={sso};sso={sso}") |
return jsonify({"success": True}) |
except Exception as e: |
return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500 |
@app.route('/manager/api/cf_clearance', methods=['POST']) |
def setCf_Manager_clearance(): |
if not check_auth(): |
return jsonify({"error": "Unauthorized"}), 401 |
try: |
cf_clearance = request.json.get('cf_clearance') |
if not cf_clearance: |
return jsonify({"error": "cf_clearance is required"}), 400 |
CONFIG["SERVER"]['CF_CLEARANCE'] = cf_clearance |
return jsonify({"success": True}) |
except Exception as e: |
return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500 |
@app.route('/get/tokens', methods=['GET']) |
def get_tokens(): |
auth_token = request.headers.get('Authorization', '').replace('Bearer ', '') |
return jsonify({"error": '自定义的SSO令牌模式无法获取轮询sso令牌状态'}), 403 |
elif auth_token != CONFIG["API"]["API_KEY"]: |
return jsonify({"error": 'Unauthorized'}), 401 |
return jsonify(token_manager.get_token_status_map()) |
@app.route('/add/token', methods=['POST']) |
def add_token(): |
auth_token = request.headers.get('Authorization', '').replace('Bearer ', '') |
return jsonify({"error": '自定义的SSO令牌模式无法添加sso令牌'}), 403 |
elif auth_token != CONFIG["API"]["API_KEY"]: |
return jsonify({"error": 'Unauthorized'}), 401 |
try: |
sso = request.json.get('sso') |
token_manager.add_token(f"sso-rw={sso};sso={sso}") |
return jsonify(token_manager.get_token_status_map().get(sso, {})), 200 |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
return jsonify({"error": '添加sso令牌失败'}), 500 |
@app.route('/set/cf_clearance', methods=['POST']) |
def setCf_clearance(): |
auth_token = request.headers.get('Authorization', '').replace('Bearer ', '') |
if auth_token != CONFIG["API"]["API_KEY"]: |
return jsonify({"error": 'Unauthorized'}), 401 |
try: |
cf_clearance = request.json.get('cf_clearance') |
CONFIG["SERVER"]['CF_CLEARANCE'] = cf_clearance |
return jsonify({"message": '设置cf_clearance成功'}), 200 |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
return jsonify({"error": '设置cf_clearance失败'}), 500 |
@app.route('/delete/token', methods=['POST']) |
def delete_token(): |
auth_token = request.headers.get('Authorization', '').replace('Bearer ', '') |
return jsonify({"error": '自定义的SSO令牌模式无法删除sso令牌'}), 403 |
elif auth_token != CONFIG["API"]["API_KEY"]: |
return jsonify({"error": 'Unauthorized'}), 401 |
try: |
sso = request.json.get('sso') |
token_manager.delete_token(f"sso-rw={sso};sso={sso}") |
return jsonify({"message": '删除sso令牌成功'}), 200 |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
return jsonify({"error": '删除sso令牌失败'}), 500 |
@app.route('/v1/models', methods=['GET']) |
def get_models(): |
return jsonify({ |
"object": "list", |
"data": [ |
{ |
"id": model, |
"object": "model", |
"created": int(time.time()), |
"owned_by": "grok" |
} |
for model in CONFIG["MODELS"].keys() |
] |
}) |
@app.route('/v1/chat/completions', methods=['POST']) |
def chat_completions(): |
response_status_code = 500 |
try: |
auth_token = request.headers.get('Authorization', |
'').replace('Bearer ', '') |
if auth_token: |
result = f"sso={auth_token};sso-rw={auth_token}" |
token_manager.set_token(result) |
elif auth_token != CONFIG["API"]["API_KEY"]: |
return jsonify({"error": 'Unauthorized'}), 401 |
else: |
return jsonify({"error": 'API_KEY缺失'}), 401 |
data = request.json |
model = data.get("model") |
stream = data.get("stream", False) |
retry_count = 0 |
grok_client = GrokApiClient(model) |
request_payload = grok_client.prepare_chat_request(data) |
while retry_count < CONFIG["RETRY"]["MAX_ATTEMPTS"]: |
retry_count += 1 |
CONFIG["API"]["SIGNATURE_COOKIE"] = Utils.create_auth_headers(model) |
raise ValueError('该模型无可用令牌') |
logger.info( |
f"当前令牌: {json.dumps(CONFIG['API']['SIGNATURE_COOKIE'], indent=2)}","Server") |
logger.info( |
f"当前可用模型的全部可用数量: {json.dumps(token_manager.get_remaining_token_request_capacity(), indent=2)}","Server") |
else: |
logger.info(json.dumps(request_payload,indent=2),"Server") |
try: |
proxy_options = Utils.get_proxy_options() |
response = curl_requests.post( |
f"{CONFIG['API']['BASE_URL']}/rest/app-chat/conversations/new", |
headers={ |
}, |
data=json.dumps(request_payload), |
impersonate="chrome133a", |
stream=True, |
**proxy_options) |
logger.info(CONFIG["SERVER"]['COOKIE'],"Server") |
if response.status_code == 200: |
response_status_code = 200 |
logger.info("请求成功", "Server") |
logger.info(f"当前{model}剩余可用令牌数: {token_manager.get_token_count_for_model(model)}","Server") |
try: |
if stream: |
return Response(stream_with_context( |
handle_stream_response(response, model)),content_type='text/event-stream') |
else: |
content = handle_non_stream_response(response, model) |
return jsonify( |
MessageProcessor.create_chat_response(content, model)) |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "Server") |
raise ValueError(f"自定义SSO令牌当前模型{model}的请求次数已失效") |
token_manager.remove_token_from_model(model, CONFIG["API"]["SIGNATURE_COOKIE"]) |
if token_manager.get_token_count_for_model(model) == 0: |
raise ValueError(f"{model} 次数已达上限,请切换其他模型或者重新对话") |
elif response.status_code == 403: |
response_status_code = 403 |
token_manager.reduce_token_request_count(model,1) |
if token_manager.get_token_count_for_model(model) == 0: |
raise ValueError(f"{model} 次数已达上限,请切换其他模型或者重新对话") |
raise ValueError(f"IP暂时被封无法破盾,请稍后重试或者更换ip") |
elif response.status_code == 429: |
response_status_code = 429 |
token_manager.reduce_token_request_count(model,1) |
raise ValueError(f"自定义SSO令牌当前模型{model}的请求次数已失效") |
token_manager.remove_token_from_model( |
if token_manager.get_token_count_for_model(model) == 0: |
raise ValueError(f"{model} 次数已达上限,请切换其他模型或者重新对话") |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"自定义SSO令牌当前模型{model}的请求次数已失效") |
logger.error(f"令牌异常错误状态!status: {response.status_code}","Server") |
token_manager.remove_token_from_model(model, CONFIG["API"]["SIGNATURE_COOKIE"]) |
logger.info( |
f"当前{model}剩余可用令牌数: {token_manager.get_token_count_for_model(model)}", |
"Server") |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"请求处理异常: {str(e)}", "Server") |
raise |
continue |
if response_status_code == 403: |
raise ValueError('IP暂时被封无法破盾,请稍后重试或者更换ip') |
elif response_status_code == 500: |
raise ValueError('当前模型所有令牌暂无可用,请稍后重试') |
except Exception as error: |
logger.error(str(error), "ChatAPI") |
return jsonify( |
{"error": { |
"message": str(error), |
"type": "server_error" |
}}), response_status_code |
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''}) |
@app.route('/<path:path>') |
def catch_all(path): |
return 'api运行正常', 200 |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
token_manager = AuthTokenManager() |
initialization() |
app.run( |
host='', |
port=CONFIG["SERVER"]["PORT"], |
debug=False |
) |