dattarij's picture
testing new latent space visualization code
import argparse
import os
import os.path as osp
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import json
from torchvision.transforms import ToPILImage
from lib import SupportSets, GENFORCE_MODELS, update_progress, update_stdout, STYLEGAN_LAYERS
from models.load_generator import load_generator
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
class DataParallelPassthrough(nn.DataParallel):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return super(DataParallelPassthrough, self).__getattr__(name)
except AttributeError:
return getattr(self.module, name)
class ModelArgs:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def tensor2image(tensor, img_size=None, adaptive=False):
# Squeeze tensor image
tensor = tensor.squeeze(dim=0)
if adaptive:
tensor = (tensor - tensor.min()) / (tensor.max() - tensor.min())
if img_size:
return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)).resize((img_size, img_size))
return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8))
tensor = (tensor + 1) / 2
tensor.clamp(0, 1)
if img_size:
return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)).resize((img_size, img_size))
return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8))
def one_hot(dims, value, idx):
vec = torch.zeros(dims)
vec[idx] = value
return vec
def create_strip(image_list, N=5, strip_height=256):
"""Create strip of images across a given latent path.
image_list (list) : list of images (PIL.Image.Image) across a given latent path
N (int) : number of images in strip
strip_height (int) : strip height in pixels -- its width will be N * strip_height
transformed_images_strip (PIL.Image.Image) : strip PIL image
step = len(image_list) // N + 1
transformed_images_strip = Image.new('RGB', (N * strip_height, strip_height))
for i in range(N):
j = i * step if i * step < len(image_list) else len(image_list) - 1
transformed_images_strip.paste(image_list[j].resize((strip_height, strip_height)), (i * strip_height, 0))
return transformed_images_strip
def create_gif(image_list, gif_height=256):
"""Create gif frames for images across a given latent path.
image_list (list) : list of images (PIL.Image.Image) across a given latent path
gif_height (int) : gif height in pixels -- its width will be N * gif_height
transformed_images_gif_frames (list): list of gif frames in PIL (PIL.Image.Image)
transformed_images_gif_frames = []
for i in range(len(image_list)):
# Create gif frame
gif_frame = Image.new('RGB', (2 * gif_height, gif_height))
gif_frame.paste(image_list[len(image_list) // 2].resize((gif_height, gif_height)), (0, 0))
gif_frame.paste(image_list[i].resize((gif_height, gif_height)), (gif_height, 0))
# Draw progress bar
draw_bar = ImageDraw.Draw(gif_frame)
bar_h = 12
bar_colour = (252, 186, 3)
draw_bar.rectangle(xy=((gif_height, gif_height - bar_h),
((1 + (i / len(image_list))) * gif_height, gif_height)),
return transformed_images_gif_frames
def visualize_latent_space(tsne_latent_codes, semantic_dipoles, output_dir, save_filename="latent_space_tsne.png", shift_steps=16):
Visualize the t-SNE reduced latent space with minimal annotations.
tsne_latent_codes (np.ndarray): The 3D latent codes after t-SNE transformation.
semantic_dipoles (list): List of semantic directions (labels) for paths.
shift_steps (int): Number of positive/negative steps along each path.
output_dir (str): Directory to save the generated plot.
save_filename (str): Name of the file to save the plot.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) # Larger figure for clarity
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
num_paths = len(semantic_dipoles) # Each dipole represents one path
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('tab10', num_paths)
for i in range(num_paths):
# Indices for the path in tsne_latent_codes
start_idx = i * (2 * shift_steps + 1)
pos_idx = start_idx + shift_steps # Positive endpoint
neg_idx = start_idx + 2 * shift_steps # Negative endpoint
# Extract path points
path_indices = list(range(start_idx, neg_idx + 1))
path_coords = tsne_latent_codes[path_indices]
# Plot the entire path (all intermediate points in a single color)
path_coords[:, 0], path_coords[:, 1], path_coords[:, 2],
# Extract positive and negative endpoint coordinates
pos_coords = tsne_latent_codes[pos_idx]
neg_coords = tsne_latent_codes[neg_idx]
# Plot positive and negative endpoints
ax.scatter(*pos_coords, color=cmap(i), s=100, label=f"{semantic_dipoles[i][0]}{semantic_dipoles[i][1]}")
ax.scatter(*neg_coords, color=cmap(i), s=100)
# Add legend
ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=10)
# Set titles and labels
ax.set_title("t-SNE Latent Space Visualization")
ax.set_xlabel("t-SNE Dimension 1")
ax.set_ylabel("t-SNE Dimension 2")
ax.set_zlabel("t-SNE Dimension 3")
# Save the plot
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
save_path = osp.join(output_dir, save_filename)
plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
print(f"Visualization saved to {save_path}")
def main():
"""ContraCLIP -- Latent space traversal script.
A script for traversing the latent space of a pre-trained GAN generator through paths defined by the warpings of
a set of pre-trained support vectors. Latent codes are drawn from a pre-defined collection via the `--pool`
argument. The generated images are stored under `results/` directory.
-v, --verbose : set verbose mode on
--exp : set experiment's model dir, as created by `train.py`, i.e., it should contain a subdirectory
`models/` with two files, namely `reconstructor.pt` and `support_sets.pt`, which
contain the weights for the reconstructor and the support sets, respectively, and an `args.json`
file that contains the arguments the model has been trained with.
--pool : directory of pre-defined pool of latent codes (created by `sample_gan.py`)
--w-space : latent codes in the pool are in W/W+ space (typically as inverted codes of real images)
--shift-steps : set number of shifts to be applied to each latent code at each direction (positive/negative).
That is, the total number of shifts applied to each latent code will be equal to
2 * args.shift_steps.
--eps : set shift step magnitude for generating G(z'), where z' = z +/- eps * direction.
--shift-leap : set path shift leap (after how many steps to generate images)
--batch-size : set generator batch size (if not set, use the total number of images per path)
--img-size : set size of saved generated images (if not set, use the output size of the respective GAN
--img-quality : JPEG image quality (max 95)
--gif : generate collated GIF images for all paths and all latent codes
--gif-height : set GIF image height -- width will be 2 * args.gif_height
--gif-fps : set number of frames per second for the generated GIF images
--strip : create traversal strip images
--strip-number : set number of images per strip
--strip-height : set strip height -- width will be 2 * args.strip_height
--cuda : use CUDA (default)
--no-cuda : do not use CUDA
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ContraCLIP latent space traversal script")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="set verbose mode on")
# ================================================================================================================ #
parser.add_argument('--w-space', action='store_true', help="latent codes are given in the W-space")
parser.add_argument('--exp', type=str, required=True, help="set experiment's model dir (created by `train.py`)")
parser.add_argument('--pool', type=str, required=True, help="directory of pre-defined pool of latent codes"
"(created by `sample_gan.py`)")
parser.add_argument('--shift-steps', type=int, default=16, help="set number of shifts per positive/negative path "
parser.add_argument('--eps', type=float, default=0.2, help="set shift step magnitude")
parser.add_argument('--shift-leap', type=int, default=1,
help="set path shift leap (after how many steps to generate images)")
parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, help="set generator batch size (if not set, use the total number of "
"images per path)")
parser.add_argument('--img-size', type=int, help="set size of saved generated images (if not set, use the output "
"size of the respective GAN generator)")
parser.add_argument('--img-quality', type=int, default=50, help="set JPEG image quality")
parser.add_argument('--strip', action='store_true', help="create traversal strip images")
parser.add_argument('--strip-number', type=int, default=9, help="set number of images per strip")
parser.add_argument('--strip-height', type=int, default=256, help="set strip height")
parser.add_argument('--gif', action='store_true', help="create GIF traversals")
parser.add_argument('--gif-height', type=int, default=256, help="set gif height")
parser.add_argument('--gif-fps', type=int, default=30, help="set gif frame rate")
# ================================================================================================================ #
parser.add_argument('--cuda', dest='cuda', action='store_true', help="use CUDA during training")
parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', dest='cuda', action='store_false', help="do NOT use CUDA during training")
# ================================================================================================================ #
# Parse given arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check structure of `args.exp`
if not osp.isdir(args.exp):
raise NotADirectoryError("Invalid given directory: {}".format(args.exp))
# -- args.json file (pre-trained model arguments)
args_json_file = osp.join(args.exp, 'args.json')
if not osp.isfile(args_json_file):
raise FileNotFoundError("File not found: {}".format(args_json_file))
args_json = ModelArgs(**json.load(open(args_json_file)))
gan = args_json.__dict__["gan"]
stylegan_space = args_json.__dict__["stylegan_space"]
stylegan_layer = args_json.__dict__["stylegan_layer"] if "stylegan_layer" in args_json.__dict__ else None
truncation = args_json.__dict__["truncation"]
# TODO: Check if `--w-space` is valid
if args.w_space and (('stylegan' not in gan) or ('W' not in stylegan_space)):
raise NotImplementedError
# -- models directory (support sets and reconstructor, final or checkpoint files)
models_dir = osp.join(args.exp, 'models')
if not osp.isdir(models_dir):
raise NotADirectoryError("Invalid models directory: {}".format(models_dir))
# ---- Get all files of models directory
models_dir_files = [f for f in os.listdir(models_dir) if osp.isfile(osp.join(models_dir, f))]
# ---- Check for latent support sets (LSS) model file (final or checkpoint)
latent_support_sets_model = osp.join(models_dir, 'latent_support_sets.pt')
model_iter = ''
if not osp.isfile(latent_support_sets_model):
latent_support_sets_checkpoint_files = []
for f in models_dir_files:
if 'latent_support_sets-' in f:
latent_support_sets_model = osp.join(models_dir, latent_support_sets_checkpoint_files[-1])
model_iter = '-{}'.format(latent_support_sets_checkpoint_files[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[-1])
# -- Get prompt corpus list
with open(osp.join(models_dir, 'semantic_dipoles.json'), 'r') as f:
semantic_dipoles = json.load(f)
# semantic_directions = [f"{dipole[0]} → {dipole[1]}" for dipole in semantic_dipoles]
# Check given pool directory
pool = osp.join('experiments', 'latent_codes', gan, args.pool)
if not osp.isdir(pool):
raise NotADirectoryError("Invalid pool directory: {} -- Please run sample_gan.py to create it.".format(pool))
use_cuda = False
multi_gpu = False
if torch.cuda.is_available():
if args.cuda:
use_cuda = True
if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
multi_gpu = True
print("*** WARNING ***: It looks like you have a CUDA device, but aren't using CUDA.\n"
" Run with --cuda for optimal training speed.")
# Build GAN generator model and load with pre-trained weights
if args.verbose:
print("#. Build GAN generator model G and load with pre-trained weights...")
print(" \\__GAN generator : {} (res: {})".format(gan, GENFORCE_MODELS[gan][1]))
print(" \\__Pre-trained weights: {}".format(GENFORCE_MODELS[gan][0]))
G = load_generator(model_name=gan,
latent_is_w=('stylegan' in gan) and ('W' in args_json.__dict__["stylegan_space"]),
# Upload GAN generator model to GPU
if use_cuda:
G = G.cuda()
# Parallelize GAN generator model into multiple GPUs if available
if multi_gpu:
G = DataParallelPassthrough(G)
# Build latent support sets model LSS
if args.verbose:
print("#. Build Latent Support Sets model LSS...")
# Get support vector dimensionality
support_vectors_dim = G.dim_z
if ('stylegan' in gan) and (stylegan_space == 'W+'):
support_vectors_dim *= (stylegan_layer + 1)
LSS = SupportSets(num_support_sets=len(semantic_dipoles),
# Load pre-trained weights and set to evaluation mode
if args.verbose:
print(" \\__Pre-trained weights: {}".format(latent_support_sets_model))
LSS.load_state_dict(torch.load(latent_support_sets_model, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
if args.verbose:
print(" \\__Set to evaluation mode")
# Upload support sets model to GPU
if use_cuda:
LSS = LSS.cuda()
# Set number of generative paths
num_gen_paths = LSS.num_support_sets
# Create output dir for generated images
out_dir = osp.join(args.exp, 'results', args.pool + model_iter,
'{}_{}_{}'.format(2 * args.shift_steps, args.eps, round(2 * args.shift_steps * args.eps, 3)))
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Set default batch size
if args.batch_size is None:
args.batch_size = 2 * args.shift_steps + 1
## ============================================================================================================== ##
## ##
## [Latent Codes Pool] ##
## ##
## ============================================================================================================== ##
# Get latent codes from the given pool
if args.verbose:
print("#. Use latent codes from pool {}...".format(args.pool))
latent_codes_dirs = [dI for dI in os.listdir(pool) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pool, dI))]
latent_codes_list = [torch.load(osp.join(pool, subdir, 'latent_code_{}.pt'.format('w+' if args.w_space else 'z')),
map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) for subdir in latent_codes_dirs]
# Get latent codes in torch Tensor format -- xs refers to z or w+ codes
xs = torch.cat(latent_codes_list)
if use_cuda:
xs = xs.cuda()
num_of_latent_codes = xs.size()[0]
## ============================================================================================================== ##
## ##
## [Latent space traversal] ##
## ##
## ============================================================================================================== ##
if args.verbose:
print("#. Traverse latent space...")
print(" \\__Experiment : {}".format(osp.basename(osp.abspath(args.exp))))
print(" \\__Number of test latent codes : {}".format(num_of_latent_codes))
print(" \\__Test latent codes shape : {}".format(xs.shape))
print(" \\__Shift magnitude : {}".format(args.eps))
print(" \\__Shift steps : {}".format(2 * args.shift_steps))
print(" \\__Traversal length : {}".format(round(2 * args.shift_steps * args.eps, 3)))
# Store latent codes for T-SNE visualization (for all paths across each latent code)
all_paths_latent_codes = []
# Iterate over given latent codes
for i in range(num_of_latent_codes):
# Get latent code
x_ = xs[i, :].unsqueeze(0)
latent_code_hash = latent_codes_dirs[i]
if args.verbose:
update_progress(" \\__.Latent code hash: {} [{:03d}/{:03d}] ".format(latent_code_hash,
num_of_latent_codes, i)
# Append the starting latent code to tsne_latent_codes
# tsne_latent_codes.append(x_.clone().cpu().numpy().flatten())
# Create directory for current latent code
latent_code_dir = osp.join(out_dir, '{}'.format(latent_code_hash))
os.makedirs(latent_code_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Create directory for storing path images
transformed_images_root_dir = osp.join(latent_code_dir, 'paths_images')
os.makedirs(transformed_images_root_dir, exist_ok=True)
transformed_images_strips_root_dir = osp.join(latent_code_dir, 'paths_strips')
os.makedirs(transformed_images_strips_root_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Keep all latent paths the current latent code (sample)
paths_latent_codes = []
# Keep phi coefficients
phi_coeffs = dict()
## ========================================================================================================== ##
## ##
## [ Path Traversal ] ##
## ##
## ========================================================================================================== ##
# Iterate over (interpretable) directions
for dim in range(num_gen_paths):
if args.verbose:
update_progress(" \\__path: {:03d}/{:03d} ".format(dim + 1, num_gen_paths), num_gen_paths, dim + 1)
# Create shifted latent codes (for the given latent code z) and generate transformed images
transformed_images = []
# Current path's latent codes and shifts lists
latent_code = x_
if (not args.w_space) and ('stylegan' in gan) and ('W' in stylegan_space):
latent_code = G.get_w(x_, truncation=truncation)
if stylegan_space == 'W':
latent_code = latent_code[:, 0, :]
current_path_latent_codes = [latent_code]
current_path_latent_shifts = [torch.zeros_like(latent_code).cuda() if use_cuda
else torch.zeros_like(latent_code)]
## ====================================================================================================== ##
## ##
## [ Traverse through current path (positive/negative directions) ] ##
## ##
## ====================================================================================================== ##
# == Positive direction ==
latent_code = x_.clone()
if (not args.w_space) and ('stylegan' in gan) and ('W' in stylegan_space):
latent_code = G.get_w(x_, truncation=truncation).clone()
if stylegan_space == 'W':
latent_code = latent_code[:, 0, :]
cnt = 0
for k in range(args.shift_steps):
cnt += 1
# Calculate shift vector based on current z
support_sets_mask = torch.zeros(1, LSS.num_support_sets)
support_sets_mask[0, dim] = 1.0
if use_cuda:
# Get latent space shift vector and shifted latent code
if ('stylegan' in gan) and (stylegan_space == 'W+'):
with torch.no_grad():
shift = args.eps * LSS(support_sets_mask,
latent_code[:, :stylegan_layer + 1, :].reshape(latent_code.shape[0], -1))
latent_code = latent_code + \
F.pad(input=shift, pad=(0, (STYLEGAN_LAYERS[gan] - 1 - stylegan_layer) * 512),
mode='constant', value=0).reshape_as(latent_code)
current_path_latent_code = latent_code
with torch.no_grad():
shift = args.eps * LSS(support_sets_mask, latent_code)
latent_code = latent_code + shift
current_path_latent_code = latent_code
# Append intermediate latent code
# if k != args.shift_steps - 1:
# tsne_latent_codes.append(latent_code.clone().cpu().numpy().flatten())
# Store latent codes and shifts
if cnt == args.shift_leap:
if ('stylegan' in gan) and (stylegan_space == 'W+'):
F.pad(input=shift, pad=(0, (STYLEGAN_LAYERS[gan] - 1 - stylegan_layer) * 512),
mode='constant', value=0).reshape_as(latent_code))
cnt = 0
positive_endpoint = latent_code.clone().reshape(1, -1)
# tsne_latent_codes.append(positive_endpoint.clone().cpu().numpy().flatten())
# ========================
# == Negative direction ==
latent_code = x_.clone()
if (not args.w_space) and ('stylegan' in gan) and ('W' in stylegan_space):
latent_code = G.get_w(x_, truncation=truncation).clone()
if stylegan_space == 'W':
latent_code = latent_code[:, 0, :]
cnt = 0
for k in range(args.shift_steps):
cnt += 1
# Calculate shift vector based on current z
support_sets_mask = torch.zeros(1, LSS.num_support_sets)
support_sets_mask[0, dim] = 1.0
if use_cuda:
# Get latent space shift vector and shifted latent code
if ('stylegan' in gan) and (stylegan_space == 'W+'):
with torch.no_grad():
shift = -args.eps * LSS(
support_sets_mask, latent_code[:, :stylegan_layer + 1, :].reshape(latent_code.shape[0], -1))
latent_code = latent_code + \
F.pad(input=shift, pad=(0, (STYLEGAN_LAYERS[gan] - 1 - stylegan_layer) * 512),
mode='constant', value=0).reshape_as(latent_code)
current_path_latent_code = latent_code
with torch.no_grad():
shift = -args.eps * LSS(support_sets_mask, latent_code)
latent_code = latent_code + shift
current_path_latent_code = latent_code
# Append intermediate latent code
# if k != args.shift_steps - 1:
# tsne_latent_codes.append(latent_code.clone().cpu().numpy().flatten())
# Store latent codes and shifts
if cnt == args.shift_leap:
if ('stylegan' in gan) and (stylegan_space == 'W+'):
current_path_latent_shifts = \
[F.pad(input=shift, pad=(0, (STYLEGAN_LAYERS[gan] - 1 - stylegan_layer) * 512),
mode='constant', value=0).reshape_as(latent_code)] + current_path_latent_shifts
current_path_latent_shifts = [shift] + current_path_latent_shifts
current_path_latent_codes = [current_path_latent_code] + current_path_latent_codes
cnt = 0
negative_endpoint = latent_code.clone().reshape(1, -1)
# tsne_latent_codes.append(latent_code.clone().cpu().numpy().flatten())
# ========================
# Calculate latent path phi coefficient (end-to-end distance / latent path length)
phi = torch.norm(negative_endpoint - positive_endpoint, dim=1).item() / (2 * args.shift_steps * args.eps)
phi_coeffs.update({dim: phi})
# Generate transformed images
# Split latent codes and shifts in batches
current_path_latent_codes = torch.cat(current_path_latent_codes)
current_path_latent_codes_batches = torch.split(current_path_latent_codes, args.batch_size)
current_path_latent_shifts = torch.cat(current_path_latent_shifts)
current_path_latent_shifts_batches = torch.split(current_path_latent_shifts, args.batch_size)
if len(current_path_latent_codes_batches) != len(current_path_latent_shifts_batches):
raise AssertionError()
num_batches = len(current_path_latent_codes_batches)
transformed_img = []
for t in range(num_batches):
with torch.no_grad():
transformed_img.append(G(current_path_latent_codes_batches[t] +
transformed_img = torch.cat(transformed_img)
# Convert tensors (transformed images) into PIL images
for t in range(transformed_img.shape[0]):
transformed_images.append(tensor2image(transformed_img[t, :].cpu(),
# Save all images in `transformed_images` list under `transformed_images_root_dir/<path_<dim>/`
transformed_images_dir = osp.join(transformed_images_root_dir, 'path_{:03d}'.format(dim))
os.makedirs(transformed_images_dir, exist_ok=True)
for t in range(len(transformed_images)):
transformed_images[t].save(osp.join(transformed_images_dir, '{:06d}.jpg'.format(t)),
"JPEG", quality=args.img_quality, optimize=True, progressive=True)
# Save original image
if (t == len(transformed_images) // 2) and (dim == 0):
transformed_images[t].save(osp.join(latent_code_dir, 'original_image.jpg'),
"JPEG", quality=95, optimize=True, progressive=True)
# Create strip of images
transformed_images_strip = create_strip(image_list=transformed_images, N=args.strip_number,
"JPEG", quality=args.img_quality, optimize=True, progressive=True)
# Save gif (static original image + traversal gif)
transformed_images_gif_frames = create_gif(transformed_images, gif_height=args.gif_height)
im = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(2 * args.gif_height, args.gif_height))
im.save(fp=osp.join(transformed_images_strips_root_dir, 'path_{:03d}.gif'.format(dim)),
duration=1000 // args.gif_fps)
# Append latent paths
if args.verbose:
# ============================================================================================================ #
# Save all latent paths and shifts for the current latent code (sample) in a tensor of size:
# paths_latent_codes : torch.Size([num_gen_paths, 2 * args.shift_steps + 1, G.dim_z])
paths_latent_codes_tensor = torch.cat(paths_latent_codes)
torch.save(paths_latent_codes_tensor, osp.join(latent_code_dir, 'paths_latent_codes.pt'))
if args.verbose:
# After processing all latent codes and paths
if args.verbose:
print("Performing t-SNE on latent codes for visualization...")
# # Consolidate all paths for T-SNE visualization (total_paths = num_of_latent_codes * num_gen_paths)
# all_paths_np = np.concatenate(all_paths_latent_codes, axis=0) # Shape: [total_paths, steps_per_path, latent_dim]
# all_paths_flattened = all_paths_np.reshape(-1, all_paths_np.shape[-1]) # Flatten paths into 2D array for T-SNE
# # Apply 3D T-SNE
# tsne_model = TSNE(n_components=3, perplexity=30, learning_rate=200, random_state=42)
# tsne_transformed = tsne_model.fit_transform(all_paths_flattened) # Shape: [total_points, 3]
# path_indices = [] # List to store indices for each path
# start_idx = 0 # Starting index for the current path in all_paths_np
# steps_per_path = 2 * args.shift_steps + 1 # Number of points in each path
# # Iterate over each latent code and its paths
# for i in range(num_of_latent_codes): # Loop through latent codes
# for dim in range(num_gen_paths): # Loop through directions (paths)
# # Generate the indices for this path
# indices = list(range(start_idx, start_idx + steps_per_path))
# path_indices.append(indices)
# # Update the starting index for the next path
# start_idx += steps_per_path
all_paths_latent_code_0 = all_paths_latent_codes[0]
num_paths, num_steps, _ = all_paths_latent_code_0.shape
tsne_latent_codes = all_paths_latent_code_0.reshape(-1, all_paths_latent_code_0.shape[-1])
# Apply 3D T-SNE
tsne_model = TSNE(n_components=3, perplexity=30, learning_rate=200, random_state=42)
tsne_transformed = tsne_model.fit_transform(tsne_latent_codes) # Shape: [total_points = num_paths * num_steps, 3]
# For this specific latent code, generate indices for each of its paths
path_indices = []
start_idx = 0
for _ in range(num_paths):
indices = list(range(start_idx, start_idx + num_steps))
start_idx += num_steps
tsne_vis_dir = osp.join(out_dir, 'tsne_visualizations')
tsne_latent_codes=tsne_transformed, # T-SNE-reduced latent codes
semantic_dipoles=semantic_dipoles, # Semantic labels for paths
paths=path_indices, # Indices of paths (for a single latent code)
# Create summarizing MD files
if args.gif or args.strip:
# For each interpretable path (warping function), collect the generated image sequences for each original latent
# code and collate them into a GIF file
print("#. Write summarizing MD files...")
# Write .md summary files
if args.gif:
md_summary_file = osp.join(out_dir, 'results.md')
md_summary_file_f = open(md_summary_file, "w")
md_summary_file_f.write("# Experiment: {}\n".format(args.exp))
if args.strip:
md_summary_strips_file = osp.join(out_dir, 'results_strips.md')
md_summary_strips_file_f = open(md_summary_strips_file, "w")
md_summary_strips_file_f.write("# Experiment: {}\n".format(args.exp))
if args.gif or args.strip:
for dim in range(num_gen_paths):
# Append to .md summary files
if args.gif:
md_summary_file_f.write("### \"{}\" &#8594; \"{}\"\n".format(semantic_dipoles[dim][1],
md_summary_file_f.write("<p align=\"center\">\n")
if args.strip:
md_summary_strips_file_f.write("## \"{}\" &#8594; \"{}\"\n".format(semantic_dipoles[dim][1],
md_summary_strips_file_f.write("<p align=\"center\">\n")
for lc in latent_codes_dirs:
if args.gif:
md_summary_file_f.write("<img src=\"{}\" width=\"450\" class=\"center\"/>\n".format(
osp.join(lc, 'paths_strips', 'path_{:03d}.gif'.format(dim))))
if args.strip:
md_summary_strips_file_f.write("<img src=\"{}\" style=\"width: 75vw\"/>\n".format(
osp.join(lc, 'paths_strips', 'path_{:03d}_strip.jpg'.format(dim))))
if args.gif:
if args.strip:
if args.gif:
if args.strip:
if __name__ == '__main__':