import pandas as pd |
import io |
data = """proposal_with_date,organization_name,organization_description,date,country,iso3,iso2,hdi_category,details,original_proposed_value,original_currency_name,original_currency_iso,average_value,usd_proposed_value,usd_conversion_date,value_units,environmental_units,methodologies_used,calculation_scope,is_range, |
International Foundation for Valuing Impacts (Apr 2024),International Foundation for Valuing Impacts,A non-profit organization working to standardize impact valuation.,2024-04-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Proposed a standardized approach for companies to report GHG emissions monetarily.,$236,US dollars,USD,236,236,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Standardized impact valuation,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
EPA (Final Report) (Dec 2023),Environmental Protection Agency,The primary federal agency responsible for environmental protection.,2023-12-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Updated SCC values using advanced methodologies and lower discount rates.,$120-$340,US dollars,USD,216,230,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Advanced methodologies,Social Cost of Carbon,1, |
U.S. EPA (Updated Proposal) (Dec 2023),Environmental Protection Agency,The primary federal agency responsible for environmental protection.,2023-12-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,"Finalized updated SCC values, reflecting significant increases based on best science.",$190,US dollars,USD,190,190,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Best available science,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
UC Davis (July 2023),University of California, Davis,2023-07-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Equity-weighted SCC emphasizing climate damages and uncertainty.,$283,US dollars,USD,283,283,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
IMF (Jan 2023),International Monetary Fund,An international organization promoting global financial stability.,2023-01-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Proposed international carbon price floor based on income levels of countries.,$15-$50,US dollars,USD,32.5,32.5,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Income-based carbon price floor,Carbon Pricing,1, |
New York State Agencies (Jan 2021),New York State Agencies,Various state agencies working on climate policy.,2021-01-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Guidance under Climate Leadership Act to reduce emissions and achieve net-zero.,$125,US dollars,USD,125,125,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Climate Leadership Act guidance,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
Biden Administration (IWG Interim Update) (Feb 2021),Biden Administration Interagency Working Group,A temporary group that develops guidance for federal agencies.,2021-02-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Interim update reinstating Obama-era methodology with adjustments.,$51,US dollars,USD,51,51,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Obama-era methodology with adjustments,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
Trump Administration (Oct 2017),Trump Administration,The executive branch of the US Federal government under Donald Trump.,2017-10-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Lowered SCC estimates focusing on domestic impacts with higher discount rates.,$3-$5,US dollars,USD,4,4,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Domestic impacts,Social Cost of Carbon,1, |
Climate Leadership Council (Feb 2017),Climate Leadership Council,A coalition advocating for a carbon dividends plan.,2017-02-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,"Carbon dividends plan starting at $40/ton, increasing annually by 5% above inflation.",$40-$50,US dollars,USD,45,45,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Carbon dividends plan,Carbon Pricing,1, |
Obama Administration (IWG Update) (Nov 2013),Obama Administration Interagency Working Group,A temporary group that develops guidance for federal agencies.,2013-11-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Updated SCC values for regulatory impact analyses under federal guidelines.,$37,US dollars,USD,37,37,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Updated SCC methodology,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
UK Government Economic Service (2002-01-01),UK Government Economic Service,The professional body of economists in the UK Civil Service.,2002-01-01,United Kingdom,GBR,GB,Very High,Recommended illustrative SCC range for policy appraisal across government sectors.,£35-£140,British pounds,GBP,112.8,109.475,2024-11-20,pounds per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Illustrative SCC range,Social Cost of Carbon,1, |
Stern Review (Oct 2006),Stern Review,A landmark report on the economics of climate change.,2006-10-01,United Kingdom,GBR,GB,Very High,Early influential report advocating for strong climate action.,~$85,US dollars,USD,85,85,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Economic modeling,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
Canada Government (Aug 2023),Government of Canada,The federal government of Canada.,2023-08-01,Canada,CAN,CA,Very High,The Federal Carbon Price was increased to CAD$65 per tonne CO2e in 2023.,CAD$65,Canadian dollars,CAD,48,48.01,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Federal carbon pricing,Carbon Pricing,0, |
French Government - Quinet Report (2019-01-01),French Government,The government of France.,2019-01-01,France,FRA,FR,Very High,"Recommended range for the SCC with a central value around 250 Euros per tonne CO2e by 2030, rising steeply after that.",€250-€770,Euros,EUR,420,555.14,2024-11-20,euros per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,SCC range with projected increase,Social Cost of Carbon,1, |
Nordhaus DICE Model (2017),Yale University,Integrated assessment model of climate change and economics.,2017-01-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Highly influential integrated assessment model for climate policy.,$31,US dollars,USD,31,31,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Integrated assessment modeling,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
RFF (2021),Resources for the Future,Independent research institution focusing on environmental and natural resource issues.,2021-01-01,United States,USA,US,Very High,Research and analysis on the social cost of carbon.,$51,US dollars,USD,51,51,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,SCC modeling analysis,Social Cost of Carbon,0, |
IPCC (AR6 Synthesis Report) (2023),Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,The leading international body for assessing climate change.,2023-01-01,Switzerland,CHE,CH,Very High,Synthesis of scientific literature on climate change, including the SCC.,Not Applicable,Not Applicable,Not Applicable,Varies,2024-11-20,,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Synthesis of scientific literature,0, |
FUND Model (2019),University College London,A climate economy model.,2019-01-01,United Kingdom,GBR,GB,Very High,Climate economy model focused on policy evaluation.,$25-$60,US dollars,USD,42.5,42.5,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Climate economy modeling,Social Cost of Carbon,1, |
PAGE Model (2019),Cambridge University,Policy Analysis model of climate damages.,2019-01-01,United Kingdom,GBR,GB,Very High,Policy Analysis model for Social Cost of Carbon.,$100-$200,US dollars,USD,150,150,2024-11-20,dollars per ton CO2e,tons of carbon dioxide equivalents,Policy Analysis Modeling,Social Cost of Carbon,1, |
""" |
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data)) |
df.rename(columns={'usd_proposed_value': 'Standardized Proposal USD'}, inplace=True) |
df['Standardized Proposal USD_MTC02E'] = df['Standardized Proposal USD'] * 1000000 |
print(df.to_markdown(index=False)) |