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Update script/functions.py
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter
from transformers import pipeline
import plotly.express as px
import joblib
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report,confusion_matrix
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
def get_tweets(username, length=10, option = None):
# Creating list to append tweet data to
query = username + " -filter:links filter:replies lang:id"
if option == "Advanced":
query = username
tweets = []
# Using TwitterSearchScraper to scrape
# Using TwitterSearchScraper to scrape
for i,tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper(query).get_items()):
if i>=length:
# Creating a dataframe from the tweets list above
tweets_df = pd.DataFrame(tweets, columns=["content"])
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('@[^\s]+','')
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('#[^\s]+','')
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('http\S+','')
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('pic.twitter.com\S+','')
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('RT','')
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('amp','')
# remove emoticon
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('[^\w\s#@/:%.,_-]', '', flags=re.UNICODE)
# remove whitespace leading & trailing
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.strip()
# remove multiple whitespace into single whitespace
tweets_df['content'] = tweets_df['content'].str.replace('\s+', ' ')
# remove row with empty content
tweets_df = tweets_df[tweets_df['content'] != '']
return tweets_df
def get_sentiment(df,option_model):
id2label = {0: "negatif", 1: "netral", 2: "positif"}
if option_model == "IndoBERT (Accurate,Slow)":
classifier = pipeline("sentiment-analysis",model = "indobert")
df['sentiment'] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: id2label[classifier(x)[0]['label']])
elif (option_model == "Logistic Regression (Less Accurate,Fast)"):
df_model = joblib.load('assets/df_model.pkl')
classifier = df_model[df_model.model_name == "Logistic Regression"].model.values[0]
df['sentiment'] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: id2label[classifier.predict([x])[0]])
else :
df_model = joblib.load('assets/df_model.pkl')
classifier = df_model[df_model.model_name == option_model].model.values[0]
df['sentiment'] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: id2label[classifier.predict([x])[0]])
# change order sentiment to first column
cols = df.columns.tolist()
cols = cols[-1:] + cols[:-1]
df = df[cols]
return df
def get_bar_chart(df):
df= df.groupby(['sentiment']).count().reset_index()
# plot barchart sentiment
# plot barchart sentiment
fig = px.bar(df, x="sentiment", y="content", color="sentiment",text = "content", color_discrete_map={"positif": "#00cc96", "negatif": "#ef553b","netral": "#636efa"})
# hide legend
# set margin top
fig.update_layout(margin=dict(t=0, b=150, l=0, r=0))
# set title in center
# set annotation in bar
fig.update_layout(uniformtext_minsize=8, uniformtext_mode='hide')
# set y axis title
fig.update_yaxes(title_text='Jumlah Komentar')
return fig
def plot_model_summary(df_model):
df_scatter = df_model[df_model.set_data == "test"][["score","time","model_name"]]
# plot scatter
fig = px.scatter(df_scatter, x="time", y="score", color="model_name", hover_data=['model_name'])
# set xlabel to time (s)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="time (s)")
# set ylabel to accuracy
# set point size
fig.update_layout(autosize = False,margin=dict(t=0, l=0, r=0),height = 400)
return fig
def plot_clfr(df_model,option_model,df):
df_clfr = pd.DataFrame(classification_report(df["label"],df[f"{option_model}_pred"],output_dict=True))
# heatmap using plotly
df_clfr.columns = ["positif","netral","negatif","accuracy","macro_avg","weighted_avg"]
fig = px.imshow(df_clfr.T.iloc[:,:-1], x=df_clfr.T.iloc[:,:-1].columns, y=df_clfr.T.iloc[:,:-1].index)
# remove colorbar
# get annot
annot = df_clfr.T.iloc[:,:-1].values
# add annot and set font size
fig.update_traces(text=annot, texttemplate='%{text:.2f}',textfont_size=12)
# set title to classification report
fig.update_layout(title_text="πŸ“„ Classification Report")
return fig
def plot_confusion_matrix(df_model,option_model,df):
# plot confusion matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(df['label'],df[f"{option_model}_pred"])
fig = px.imshow(cm, x=['negatif','netral','positif'], y=['negatif','netral','positif'])
# remove colorbar
fig.update_layout(coloraxis_colorscale='gnbu',title_text = "πŸ“Š Confusion Matrix")
# get annot
annot = cm
# add annot
fig.update_traces(text=annot, texttemplate='%{text:.0f}',textfont_size=15)
return fig