Runtime error
Runtime error
import json | |
import gradio as gr | |
import openai | |
import os | |
import sys | |
# import markdown | |
my_api_key = "" # 在这里输入你的 API 密钥 | |
initial_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant." | |
if my_api_key == "": | |
my_api_key = os.environ.get('my_api_key') | |
if my_api_key == "empty": | |
print("Please give a api key!") | |
sys.exit(1) | |
def parse_text(text): | |
lines = text.split("\n") | |
for i,line in enumerate(lines): | |
if "```" in line: | |
items = line.split('`') | |
if items[-1]: | |
lines[i] = f'<pre><code class="{items[-1]}">' | |
else: | |
lines[i] = f'</code></pre>' | |
else: | |
if i>0: | |
line = line.replace("<", "<") | |
line = line.replace(">", ">") | |
lines[i] = '<br/>'+line.replace(" ", " ") | |
return "".join(lines) | |
def get_response(system, context, myKey, raw = False): | |
openai.api_key = myKey | |
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( | |
model="gpt-3.5-turbo", | |
messages=[system, *context], | |
) | |
openai.api_key = "" | |
if raw: | |
return response | |
else: | |
statistics = f'本次对话Tokens用量【{response["usage"]["total_tokens"]} / 4096】 ( 提问+上文 {response["usage"]["prompt_tokens"]},回答 {response["usage"]["completion_tokens"]} )' | |
message = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] | |
message_with_stats = f'{message}\n\n================\n\n{statistics}' | |
# message_with_stats = markdown.markdown(message_with_stats) | |
return message, parse_text(message_with_stats) | |
def predict(chatbot, input_sentence, system, context, myKey): | |
if len(input_sentence) == 0: | |
return [] | |
context.append({"role": "user", "content": f"{input_sentence}"}) | |
try: | |
message, message_with_stats = get_response(system, context, myKey) | |
except: | |
chatbot.append((input_sentence, "请求失败,请检查API-key是否正确。")) | |
return chatbot, context | |
context.append({"role": "assistant", "content": message}) | |
chatbot.append((input_sentence, message_with_stats)) | |
return chatbot, context | |
def retry(chatbot, system, context, myKey): | |
if len(context) == 0: | |
return [], [] | |
try: | |
message, message_with_stats = get_response(system, context[:-1], myKey) | |
except: | |
chatbot.append(("重试请求", "请求失败,请检查API-key是否正确。")) | |
return chatbot, context | |
context[-1] = {"role": "assistant", "content": message} | |
chatbot[-1] = (context[-2]["content"], message_with_stats) | |
return chatbot, context | |
def delete_last_conversation(chatbot, context): | |
if len(context) == 0: | |
return [], [] | |
chatbot = chatbot[:-1] | |
context = context[:-2] | |
return chatbot, context | |
def reduce_token(chatbot, system, context, myKey): | |
context.append({"role": "user", "content": "请帮我总结一下上述对话的内容,实现减少tokens的同时,保证对话的质量。在总结中不要加入这一句话。"}) | |
response = get_response(system, context, myKey, raw=True) | |
statistics = f'本次对话Tokens用量【{response["usage"]["completion_tokens"]+12+12+8} / 4096】' | |
optmz_str = parse_text( f'好的,我们之前聊了:{response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]}\n\n================\n\n{statistics}' ) | |
chatbot.append(("请帮我总结一下上述对话的内容,实现减少tokens的同时,保证对话的质量。", optmz_str)) | |
context = [] | |
context.append({"role": "user", "content": "我们之前聊了什么?"}) | |
context.append({"role": "assistant", "content": f'我们之前聊了:{response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]}'}) | |
return chatbot, context | |
def save_chat_history(filepath, system, context): | |
if filepath == "": | |
return | |
history = {"system": system, "context": context} | |
with open(f"{filepath}.json", "w") as f: | |
json.dump(history, f) | |
def load_chat_history(fileobj): | |
with open(, "r") as f: | |
history = json.load(f) | |
context = history["context"] | |
chathistory = [] | |
for i in range(0, len(context), 2): | |
chathistory.append((parse_text(context[i]["content"]), parse_text(context[i+1]["content"]))) | |
return chathistory , history["system"], context, history["system"]["content"] | |
def get_history_names(): | |
with open("history.json", "r") as f: | |
history = json.load(f) | |
return list(history.keys()) | |
def reset_state(): | |
return [], [] | |
def update_system(new_system_prompt): | |
return {"role": "system", "content": new_system_prompt} | |
def set_apikey(new_api_key, myKey): | |
old_api_key = myKey | |
try: | |
get_response(update_system(initial_prompt), [{"role": "user", "content": "test"}], new_api_key) | |
except: | |
return "无效的api-key", myKey | |
encryption_str = "验证成功,api-key已做遮挡处理:" + new_api_key[:4] + "..." + new_api_key[-4:] | |
return encryption_str, new_api_key | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
keyTxt = gr.Textbox(show_label=True, placeholder=f"在这里输入你的API-key...", value=my_api_key, label="API Key").style(container=True) | |
chatbot = gr.Chatbot().style(color_map=("#1D51EE", "#585A5B")) | |
context = gr.State([]) | |
systemPrompt = gr.State(update_system(initial_prompt)) | |
myKey = gr.State(my_api_key) | |
topic = gr.State("未命名对话历史记录") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=12): | |
txt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="在这里输入").style(container=False) | |
with gr.Column(min_width=50, scale=1): | |
submitBtn = gr.Button("🚀", variant="primary") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
emptyBtn = gr.Button("🧹 新的对话") | |
retryBtn = gr.Button("🔄 重新生成") | |
delLastBtn = gr.Button("🗑️ 删除上条对话") | |
reduceTokenBtn = gr.Button("♻️ 优化Tokens") | |
newSystemPrompt = gr.Textbox(show_label=True, placeholder=f"在这里输入新的System Prompt...", label="更改 System prompt").style(container=True) | |
systemPromptDisplay = gr.Textbox(show_label=True, value=initial_prompt, interactive=False, label="目前的 System prompt").style(container=True) | |
with gr.Accordion(label="保存/加载对话历史记录(在文本框中输入文件名,点击“保存对话”按钮,历史记录文件会被存储到本地)", open=False): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=6): | |
saveFileName = gr.Textbox(show_label=True, placeholder=f"在这里输入保存的文件名...", label="保存对话", value="对话历史记录").style(container=True) | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
saveBtn = gr.Button("💾 保存对话") | |
uploadBtn = gr.UploadButton("📂 读取对话", file_count="single", file_types=["json"]) | |
txt.submit(predict, [chatbot, txt, systemPrompt, context, myKey], [chatbot, context], show_progress=True) | |
txt.submit(lambda :"", None, txt) | |, [chatbot, txt, systemPrompt, context, myKey], [chatbot, context], show_progress=True) | | :"", None, txt) | |, outputs=[chatbot, context]) | |
newSystemPrompt.submit(update_system, newSystemPrompt, systemPrompt) | |
newSystemPrompt.submit(lambda x: x, newSystemPrompt, systemPromptDisplay) | |
newSystemPrompt.submit(lambda :"", None, newSystemPrompt) | |, [chatbot, systemPrompt, context, myKey], [chatbot, context], show_progress=True) | |, [chatbot, context], [chatbot, context], show_progress=True) | |, [chatbot, systemPrompt, context, myKey], [chatbot, context], show_progress=True) | |
keyTxt.submit(set_apikey, [keyTxt, myKey], [keyTxt, myKey], show_progress=True) | |
uploadBtn.upload(load_chat_history, uploadBtn, [chatbot, systemPrompt, context, systemPromptDisplay], show_progress=True) | |, [saveFileName, systemPrompt, context], None, show_progress=True) | |
demo.launch() |