File size: 5,152 Bytes
2609434 0a6e4e2 e4cf87a 2609434 f6cb372 0a6e4e2 f6cb372 0a6e4e2 f6cb372 15553b2 0a6e4e2 f6cb372 0a6e4e2 f6cb372 0a6e4e2 f6cb372 0a6e4e2 f6cb372 0a6e4e2 f6cb372 15553b2 f6cb372 15553b2 f6cb372 15553b2 f6cb372 3a52889 f6cb372 15553b2 f6cb372 15553b2 f6cb372 15553b2 f6cb372 dd36097 f6cb372 |
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from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
import streamlit as st
USE_GPU = True
if USE_GPU and torch.cuda.is_available():
device = torch.device("cuda:0")
device = torch.device('cpu')
MODEL_NAME_CHINESE = "IDEA-CCNL/Erlangshen-DeBERTa-v2-186M-Chinese-SentencePiece"
#MODEL_NAME_CHINESE = "IDEA-CCNL/Erlangshen-DeBERTa-v2-97M-CWS-Chinese"
CHINESE_WORDLIST = ['一定','一样','不得了','主观','从此','便于','俗话','倒霉','候选','充沛','分别','反倒','只好','同情','吹捧','咳嗽','围绕','如意','实行','将近','就职','应该','归还','当面','忘记','急忙','恢复','悲哀','感冒','成长','截至','打架','把握','报告','抱怨','担保','拒绝','拜访','拥护','拳头','拼搏','损坏','接待','握手','揭发','攀登','显示','普遍','未免','欣赏','正式','比如','流浪','涂抹','深刻','演绎','留念','瞻仰','确保','稍微','立刻','精心','结算','罕见','访问','请示','责怪','起初','转达','辅导','过瘾','运动','连忙','适合','遭受','重叠','镇静']
def get_model_chinese():
return pipeline("fill-mask", MODEL_NAME_CHINESE, device = device)
def get_allowed_tokens():
df = pd.read_csv('allowed_token_ids.csv')
return set(list(df['token']))
def assess_chinese(word, sentence):
print("Assessing Chinese")
allowed_token_ids = get_allowed_tokens()
if sentence.lower().find(word.lower()) == -1:
print('Sentence does not contain the word!')
text = sentence.replace(word.lower(), "<mask>")
top_k_prediction = mask_filler_chinese(text, top_k=TOP_K_WORDS)
target_word_prediction = mask_filler_chinese(text, targets = word)
norm_factor = 0
for output in top_k_prediction:
if output['token'] not in allowed_token_ids:
norm_factor += output['score']
top_k_prediction_new = []
for output in top_k_prediction:
if output['token'] in allowed_token_ids:
output['score'] = output['score']/(1-min(0.5,norm_factor))
target_word_prediction[0]['score'] = target_word_prediction[0]['score'] / (1-min(0.5,norm_factor))
score = target_word_prediction[0]['score']
# append the original word if its not found in the results
top_k_prediction_filtered = [output for output in top_k_prediction_new if \
output['token_str'] == word]
if len(top_k_prediction_filtered) == 0:
return top_k_prediction_new, score
def assess_sentence(word, sentence):
return assess_chinese(word, sentence)
def get_chinese_word():
possible_words = CHINESE_WORDLIST
word = np.random.choice(possible_words)
return word
def get_word():
return get_chinese_word()
mask_filler_chinese = get_model_chinese()
#wordlist_chinese = get_wordlist_chinese()
def highlight_given_word(row):
color = '#ACE5EE' if row.Words == target_word else 'white'
return [f'background-color:{color}'] * len(row)
def get_top_5_results(top_k_prediction):
predictions_df = pd.DataFrame(top_k_prediction)
predictions_df = predictions_df.drop(columns=["token", "sequence"])
predictions_df = predictions_df.rename(columns={"score": "Probability", "token_str": "Words"})
if (predictions_df[:5].Words == target_word).sum() == 0:
print("target word not in top 5")
top_5_df = predictions_df[:5]
target_word_df = predictions_df[(predictions_df.Words == target_word)]
top_5_df = pd.concat([top_5_df, target_word_df])
top_5_df = predictions_df[:5]
top_5_df['Probability'] = top_5_df['Probability'].apply(lambda x: f"{x:.2%}")
return top_5_df
#### Streamlit Page
st.title("造句 Auto-marking Demo")
if 'target_word' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['target_word'] = get_word()
target_word = st.session_state['target_word']
st.write("Target word: ", target_word)
if st.button("Get new word"):
st.session_state['target_word'] = get_word()
st.subheader("Form your sentence and input below!")
sentence = st.text_input('Enter your sentence here', placeholder="Enter your sentence here!")
if st.button("Grade"):
top_k_prediction, score = assess_sentence(target_word, sentence)
with open('./result01.json', 'w') as outfile:
st.write(f"Probability: {score:.2%}")
st.write(f"Target probability: {WORD_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD:.2%}")
predictions_df = get_top_5_results(top_k_prediction)
df_style =, axis=1)
# st.balloons()
st.success("Yay good job! 🕺 Practice again with other words", icon="✅")
st.warning("Hmmm.. maybe try again?")