Runtime error
Runtime error
improvements for percent, area, crop querying
Browse files- fiboa/ +15 -1
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ before any spatial operations. Do not use ST_GeomFromWKB for non-spatial queries
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If you are asked to "map" or "show on a map", then be select the "geometry" column in your query.
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If asked to show a "table", you must not include the "geometry" column from the query results.
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Use the following format: return only the SQLQuery to run. DO NOT use the prefix with "SQLQuery:".
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Do not include an explanation. Do only use SQL functions that DuckDB supports.
@@ -52,10 +52,24 @@ NEVER use the "testing" table. Pay close attention to this table schema.
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The column "area" is in the unit hectares, you may need to convert it to other units, e.g. square meters.
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There is no other column related to area information, especially not total_area or similar!
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The column "perimeter" is in the unit meters, you may need to convert it to other units, e.g. kilometers.
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The column "collection" contains the country codes for the Baltic states:
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"ec_lt" for Latvia, "ec_lv" for Lithuania, "ec_es" for Estonia.
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Question: {input}
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If you are asked to "map" or "show on a map", then be select the "geometry" column in your query.
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If asked to show a "table", you must not include the "geometry" column from the query results.
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Use the following format: return only the SQLQuery to run. DO NOT use the prefix with "SQLQuery:".
45 |
Do not include an explanation. Do only use SQL functions that DuckDB supports.
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The column "area" is in the unit hectares, you may need to convert it to other units, e.g. square meters.
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There is no other column related to area information, especially not total_area or similar!
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If you need to compute the total area, do it manually, with a SUM of the area column. You should always use the 'area' column - never use a 'total_area' column.
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The column "perimeter" is in the unit meters, you may need to convert it to other units, e.g. kilometers.
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The column "collection" contains the country codes for the Baltic states:
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"ec_lt" for Latvia, "ec_lv" for Lithuania, "ec_es" for Estonia.
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Many questions will be about specific crops. The following is the list of strings that will appear in the crop_type column:
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arable_crops, cereal, common_soft_wheat, winter_common_soft_wheat, spring_common_soft_wheat, unspecified_season_common_soft_wheat, durum_hard_wheat, winter_durum_hard_wheat, spring_durum_hard_wheat, unspecified_season_durum_hard_wheat, rye, winter_rye, spring_rye, unspecified_season_rye, barley, winter_barley, spring_barley, unspecified_season_barley, oats, winter_oats, spring_oats, unspecified_season_oats, grain_maize_corn_popcorn, unspecified_season_grain_maize_corn_popcorn, rice, unspecified_season_rice, triticale, winter_triticale, spring_triticale, unspecified_season_triticale, millet_sorghum, winter_millet_sorghum, spring_millet_sorghum, teff, unspecified_season_millet_sorghum, spelt, winter_spelt, spring_spelt, unspecified_season_spelt, meslin, winter_meslin, spring_meslin, unspecified_season_meslin, emmer, winter_emmer, spring_emmer, unspecified_season_emmer, einkorn, winter_einkorn, spring_einkorn, unspecified_season_einkorn, canary_seed_canaryseed, unspecified_season_canary_seed_canaryseed, unspecified_cereals, winter_unspecified_cereals, spring_unspecified_cereals, summer_unspecified_cereals, unspecified_season_unspecified_cereals, other_cereals, unspecified_season_other_cereals, legumes_dried_pulses_protein_crops, beans, chickpeas, esparsette_onobrychis, fenugreek, lentils, peas, sweet_lupins, unspecified_legumes_dried_pulses_protein_crops, other_dry_pulses, potatoes, sweet_potatoes, fodder_roots, industrial_nonfood_crops, tobacco, hops, cotton, rapeseed_rape, winter_rapeseed_rape, spring_rapeseed_rape, summer_rapeseed_rape, unspecified_season_rapeseed_rape, sunflower, poppy, winter_poppy, summer_poppy, flax_linseed, flax_linen, flax_linseed_oil, oilseed_crops, guizotia_abyssinica_nyger, hemp_cannabis, finola, fibre_crops, aromatic_medicinal_culinary_plants_spices_herbs, actaea_baneberry_christopher_herbs, alchemilla_ladys_mantle, anethum_dill, angelica, anise_aniseed, artemisia, basil, black_cumin, borage, calendula_marigold, caraway, catnip, chamomile, chervil, coriander, ericaceae_heather, galium_bedstraw, hibiscus, lavender_lavandula, lemon_balm_melissa, lovage_maggiplant, mints_peppermint, moldavian_dragonhead, nasturtiums, nettles, oregano, parsly, piper_pepper, polygonum, rosemary, rubia_tinctorum_common_madder, saffron_crocus_sativus, silver_comb, st_johns_wort, stachys_hedgenettle_chinese_artichoke, tarragon, thyme, valerian, yarrow, unspecified_aromatic_medicinal_culinary_plants_spices_herbs, other_aromatic_medicinal_culinary_plants_spices_herbs, marian_thistles, phacelia, camelina, onobrychis_sainfoins, other_industrial_crops, fresh_vegetables, flowers_ornamental_plants, adonis, anemones_windflowers, asters, begonias, bluebells, bulrush, burnet, carnation, chrysanthemum, cornflowers, corsican_hellebore, dahlia, daisy_daisies, dandelions, echinacea_sun_hat, edelweiss, fiddleneck_amsinckia, fuchsias, galega, gentians, gladiolus_gladioli, goldenrod, iris, isatis_tinctoria_woad, lilies, lotus, lunaria_honesty_silver, malva, milk_star, miscanthus_silvergrass, monstera_adansonii_eyelet, moonseed, narcissus_daffodil, peony_peonies, primrose, rhododendron, roses, rudbeckia_coneflowers, safflower, salsify, sanvitalia_procumbens, serradella, silene_catchfly, silphium_rosinweeds, snapdragons, stonecrop, tagetes, thimbles, tulips, viola, violets_pansies, zinnias, unspecified_flowers_ornamental_plants, other_flowers_ornamental_plants, plants_harvested_green, temporary_grass, poaceae_grasses, elymus, festuca_fescue, cocksfoot_catgrass, festulolium, lolium_ryegrass, setaria, sod_turf, switchgrass, timothy, legumes_harvested_green, alfalfa_lucerne, arachis, clover, melilot, vetches, unspecified_legumes_harvested_green, green_silo_maize, other_plants_harvested_green, arable_land_seed_seedlings, fallow_land_not_crop, kitchen_gardens, strawberries, cucurbits, cucumber_pickle, honeydew, melon, pumpkin_squash_gourd, watermelon, zucchini_courgette, pseudocereal, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, soy_soybeans, fennel, topinambur_jerusalem_artichoke, sage_chia, asparagus, brassicaceae_cruciferae, mustard, brassica_oleracea_cabbage, bok_choy_pak_choi, broccoli, brussels_sprouts, cauliflower, chinese_cabbage, collard_greens, gai_lan, kale, kohlrabi, red_cabbage, savoy_cabbage, white_cabbage, other_brassica_oleracea_cabbage, cress, horseradish, swede_rutabaga, alliums, chives, garlic, leek, onions, scallion, shallot, rhubarb, purslane, celery, celeriac, leaf_celery, aubergine_eggplant, artichoke, tomato, root_vegetables, arctium_burdock, beetroot_beets, carrots_daucus, mangelwurzel_fodder_beet, parsnips, radish, sugar_beet, turnips, unspecified_root_vegetables, capsicum, bell_pepper_paprika, chili_pepper, salads_lettuce_leaf_vegetables, chard, chicory_chicories, endive, iceberg, lambs_lettuce_rapunzel, rocket_arugula, sorrel, spinach, other_salads_lettuce_leaf_vegetables, other_arable_land_crops, pasture_meadow_grassland_grass, permanent_crops_perennial, orchards_fruits, amelanchier_serviceberry, apples, apricots, cherry_cherries, feijoa, fig, kiwi, medlar_loquat, nectarine, pawpaw, peach, pears, plums, pomegranate, quinces, unspecified_orchards_fruits, berries_berry_species, aronia_chokeberries, blackberry, blackcurrant_cassis, blueberry, cranberry, currants, gooseberry_gooseberries_cranberries, hippophae_sea_buckthorns_seaberry, jostaberry, raspberry_raspberries, redcurrant, rose_hip_rosehip, rowan_rowanberries, tayberry, unspecified_berries_berry_species, nuts, almond, hazelnuts_hazel, pecan, pistachio, sweet_chestnuts, walnuts, citrus_plantations, olive_plantations, olives_for_oil_production, table_olives, vineyards_wine_vine_rebland_grapes, nurseries_nursery, shrubberries_shrubs, azaleas, chaenomeles_cathayensis, crataegus_hawthorn, elder_elderberry, honeysuckle, ricinus_castor, wire_bush, ginko, avocado, legumes_from_trees, carob, mesquite, tamarind, unspecified_permanent_crops, other_permanent_crops_plantations, mushrooms_energy_genetically_modified_crops, energy_crops, genetically_modified_crops, igniscum_candy, sida_virginia_mallow, truffle, other_mushrooms_energy_crops_genetically_modified_crops, greenhouse_foil_film, tree_wood_forest, afforestation_reforestation, aspen, birch, dogwood_cornus, eucalyptus, oak, populus, willows_osiers, unspecified_tree_wood_forest, other_tree_wood_forest, peat_turf, unmaintained, not_known_and_other
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You should take any crop name the user mentions and convert it to one of the strings in the list above. Always query on the crop_type column, using one of the above, never query on 'crop' column.
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If the user asks for 'percent' of crops or fields for one of the countries you must always calculate the percentage manually, by summing up the area manually. You total number of hectares to calculate the percentage from is 1583923 for Lithuania, 1788859 for latvia and 973945 for Estonia. If they don't specify a country use 4346727.
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There is no 'percent' column, so when you calculate the percentage manually you must sum the crop area and then use the total area of the country.
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one of the countries you must always calculate the percentage manually, by summing up the area manually. You can use 1583923 175015 km²
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If the user asks for the 'top 10' (or other number) of a crop then sum by area and then sort by that sum.
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Question: {input}
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