Runtime error
Runtime error
import time | |
import os | |
import pickle | |
import sys | |
sys.path.append('/') | |
from import encode_music | |
from src.music2cocktailrep.pipeline.music2cocktailrep import music2cocktailrep, setup_translation_models, debug_translation | |
from src.cocktails.pipeline.cocktailrep2recipe import cocktailrep2recipe | |
from src.debugger import Debugger | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from shutil import copy | |
import streamlit as st | |
from import AUDIO_PATH, MIDI_PATH | |
from pretty_midi import PrettyMIDI | |
import numpy as np | |
import pydub | |
from PIL import Image | |
st.set_page_config( | |
page_title="Test", | |
page_icon="🎹", | |
) | |
st.title('TastyPiano') | |
synestesia_path = 'data/synesthesia/' | |
debugger = Debugger(verbose=False) | |
def centered_module(func, text, args=None): | |
_, col2, _ = st.columns([1, 2, 1]) | |
with col2: | |
return func(text) | |
def centered_button(func, text, args=None): | |
_, _, _, col3, _, _, _ = st.columns([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) | |
with col3: | |
return func(text) | |
def setup_streamlite(): | |
setup_translation_models() | |
image ='./data/pianocktail.jpg') | |
st.image(image, caption='Pianocktail by Compagnie la Rumeur') | |
st.subheader("Ready to taste music?") | |
st.markdown("TastyPiano generates music--taste synesthetic experiences by letting you turn any piano song into a cocktail. It is inspired by the" | |
" *Pianocktail*, a literary invention from the French novelist, jazz musician, singer and engineer Boris Vian. I see TastyPiano as a digital member of the " | |
"Pianocktail species, along with [other]( " | |
"[wonderful]( [machines](") | |
st.markdown("But TastyPiano is different from existing pianocktails. While existing version merely map played notes to drops of corresponding ingredients, " | |
"TastyPiano listens to the song, analyzes the music, hallucinates matching tastes and flavors, before it starts generating cocktail recipes " | |
"until it finds the one matching its gustatory hallucination. Check my [blog post]( for more information." | |
" Hear and taste it for yourself!") | |
st.subheader("How to use it?") | |
st.markdown("Provide a piano solo input and click on the **Taste it!** button.\n" | |
"\nYou can input either: \n* a YouTube url **or**\n* an audio file (.mp3) **or**\n* a midi file (.mid)\n" | |
"All these should be **only piano**, no other instrument.\n" | |
"Note that audio sources are cropped to the first 40s because the process of " | |
"converting it to midi is rather slow (1sec/sec). Midi inputs are taken whole. Please report any bug / buggy url in the community tab.") | |
st.subheader("Prepare") | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) | |
generate_audio_from_midi = False | |
with col1: | |
st.markdown('**YouTube url**') | |
url = st.text_area('Type it below', '', height=160) | |
with col2: | |
st.markdown('**Audio file**') | |
audio = st.file_uploader("Upload it here (.mp3)", type=['.mp3']) | |
with col3: | |
st.markdown('**Midi file**') | |
midi = st.file_uploader("Upload it here (.mid)", type=['.mid']) | |
generate_audio_from_midi = st.checkbox('Generate audio? Untick if the song is too long (>10min)', value=True) | |
def run(unit): | |
setup_and_run(unit=unit, url=url, midi=midi, audio=audio, generate_audio_from_midi=generate_audio_from_midi, extra_code=None) | |
# url = "" | |
# unit = 'mL' | |
# run(unit) | |
st.markdown('##') | |
unit ='Pick the units (before pressing "Taste it!", default mL)', ['mL', 'oz'], index=0) | |
button = centered_button(st.button, 'Taste it!') | |
if button: | |
run(unit) | |
def pianocktail(unit='mL', record=False, url=None, midi=None, audio=None, processed=None, crop=40, verbose=False, debug=False, level=0): | |
assert url is not None or midi is not None or audio is not None or processed is not None | |
if verbose: print('------\nNew synesthetic exploration!') | |
init_time = time.time() | |
try: | |
with st.spinner("Listening to the song (~20s).."): | |
music_ai_rep, music_handcoded_rep, all_paths, error = encode_music(record=record, url=url, audio_path=audio, midi_path=midi, nb_aug=0, noise_injection=False, | |
augmentation=False, processed_path=processed, crop=crop, apply_filtering=False, verbose=verbose, | |
level=level+2) | |
if music_ai_rep is not None: | |
with st.spinner(text="Thinking about corresponding flavors.."): | |
cocktail_rep, affective_cluster_id, affect = music2cocktailrep(music_ai_rep, music_handcoded_rep, verbose=verbose, level=level+2) | |
with st.spinner("Trying recipes (15s).."): | |
cocktail_recipes, scores = cocktailrep2recipe(cocktail_rep, unit=unit, target_affective_cluster=affective_cluster_id, verbose=verbose, full_verbose=verbose, \ | |
level=level+2) | |
cocktail_recipe = cocktail_recipes[0] | |
recipe_score = scores[0] | |
if debug: | |
music_reconstruction = debug_translation(music_ai_rep) | |
debugger.extract_info(all_paths, affective_cluster_id, affect, cocktail_rep, music_reconstruction, recipe_score, verbose=verbose, level=level+2) | |
debug_info = debugger.debug_dict | |
else: | |
debug_info = None | |
if verbose: | |
print(cocktail_recipe.replace('Recipe', ' ' * (level + 2) + 'Generated recipe:').replace('None ()', '')) | |
debugger.print_debug(level=level+2) | |
print(f'\nEnd of synesthetic exploration ({int(time.time() - init_time)} secs).\n------') | |
st.success('Recipe found!') | |
else: | |
st.error('Error in listening. Is the url valid? the audio an .mp3? the midi a .mid?') | |
cocktail_recipe = None | |
debug_info = None | |
except: | |
st.error('Error: ' + error) | |
cocktail_recipe = None | |
debug_info = None | |
return cocktail_recipe, debug_info | |
def setup_and_run(unit='mL', url=None, midi=None, audio=None, generate_audio_from_midi=False, verbose=True, debug=True, extra_code=None): | |
if url is None and midi is None and audio is None: | |
st.error('Please enter a piano input.') | |
assert False | |
st.subheader('Synesthesia') | |
now = | |
folder_name = f'{now.year}-{now.month}-{}_{now.hour}:{now.minute}:{now.second}' | |
folder_path = synestesia_path + folder_name | |
if extra_code is not None: | |
folder_path += '_' + extra_code | |
if os.path.exists(folder_path): | |
folder_path += '_2' | |
folder_path += '/' | |
os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True) | |
if midi is not None: | |
st.write(f' \tReading from midi file: {}') | |
midi_path = MIDI_PATH + 'from_url_midi/' +[:-4] + '_midi.mid' | |
audio_path = AUDIO_PATH + 'from_url/' +'.mid', '.mp3') | |
with open(midi_path, "wb") as f: | |
f.write(midi.getbuffer()) | |
midi = midi_path | |
if generate_audio_from_midi: | |
midi_data = PrettyMIDI(midi_path) | |
audio_data = midi_data.fluidsynth(fs=44100) | |
y = np.int16(audio_data * 2 ** 15) | |
song = pydub.AudioSegment(y.tobytes(), frame_rate=44100, sample_width=2, channels=1) | |
song.export(audio_path, format="mp3", bitrate="320k") | |
# st.write(audio_data) | |, format='audio/mp3') | |
url = None | |
elif audio is not None: | |
st.write(f' \tReading from audio file: {}') | |
audio_path = AUDIO_PATH + 'from_url/' + | |
with open(audio_path, "wb") as f: | |
f.write(audio.getbuffer()) | |
audio = audio_path | |
audio_file = open(audio, 'rb') | |
audio_bytes = | |, format='audio/mp3') | |
url = None | |
else: | |
st.write(f' \tReading from YouTube url: {url}') | | | |
_, col2, _ = st.columns([1, 1, 1]) | |
with col2: | |
st.markdown('##') | |
recipe, debug = pianocktail(unit=unit, url=url, midi=midi, audio=audio, verbose=verbose, debug=debug) | |
with open(folder_path + '', 'wb') as f: | |
pickle.dump(debug, f) | |
with open(folder_path + 'recipe.txt', 'w') as f: | |
f.write(recipe) | |
paths = debug['all_paths'] | |
if paths['url'] is not None: | |
with open(folder_path + 'url.txt', 'w') as f: | |
f.write(paths['url']) | |
for k in ['audio_path', 'midi_path']: | |
origin = paths[k] | |
if origin is not None: | |
copy(origin, folder_path + origin.split('/')[-1]) | |
st.subheader('Recipe') | |
recipe = recipe.replace(' Enjoy!', ' \nEnjoy!').replace('\n', ' \n') | |
st.text(recipe) | |
st.markdown('**About this synesthesia**') | |
closest_songs = [debug['nn_music'][i][:-26].split('structured_')[1].replace('_', ' ') for i in range(3)] | |
str_songs = 'These are the closest song I know: ' | |
str_songs += ' '.join([f' \n* {closest_songs[i]}' for i in range(3)]) | |
st.markdown(str_songs + '.') | |
str_cocktails = 'These are existing cocktails that are close to the taste of this song:' | |
str_cocktails += ' '.join([f' \n* {cocktail_name}: {cocktail_url}' for cocktail_name, cocktail_url in zip(debug['nearest_cocktail_names'][:3], | |
debug['nearest_cocktail_urls'][:3])]) | |
st.markdown(str_cocktails + '.') | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
setup_streamlite() | |
# urls = ["", | |
# "", | |
# "", | |
# "", | |
# ""] | |
# setup_translation_models() | |
# setup_and_run(url=urls[0], verbose=True, debug=True) | |
# recipes = [] | |
# for url in urls: | |
# recipe = pianocktail(url=url, verbose=True, debug=True)[0] | |
# recipes.append(recipe) | |
# stop = 1 | |