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from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import random
theta = 0.5
AU = (149.6e6 * 1000) # 149.6 million km, in meters.
G = 6.67408e-11 #m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
fig1 = plt.figure()
sim = fig1.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
fig2 = plt.figure()
quadt = fig2.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
class Node:
children = None
mass = None
center_of_mass = None
bbox = None
vx = vy = None
def quad_insert(root, x, y, m):
if root.mass is None: #when the root is empty, add the first particle
root.mass = m
root.center_of_mass = [x,y]
elif root.children is None:
root.children = [None,None,None,None]
old_quadrant = quadrant_of_particle(root.bbox, root.center_of_mass[0], root.center_of_mass[1])
if root.children[old_quadrant] is None:
root.children[old_quadrant] = Node()
root.children[old_quadrant].bbox = quadrant_bbox(root.bbox,old_quadrant)
quad_insert(root.children[old_quadrant], root.center_of_mass[0], root.center_of_mass[1], root.mass)
new_quadrant = quadrant_of_particle(root.bbox, x, y)
if root.children[new_quadrant] is None:
root.children[new_quadrant] = Node()
root.children[new_quadrant].bbox = quadrant_bbox(root.bbox,new_quadrant)
quad_insert(root.children[new_quadrant], x, y, m)
root.center_of_mass[0] = (root.center_of_mass[0]*root.mass + x*m) / (root.mass + m)
root.center_of_mass[1] = (root.center_of_mass[1]*root.mass + y*m) / (root.mass + m)
root.mass = root.mass + m
new_quadrant = quadrant_of_particle(root.bbox, x, y)
if root.children[new_quadrant] is None:
root.children[new_quadrant] = Node()
root.children[new_quadrant].bbox = quadrant_bbox(root.bbox, new_quadrant)
quad_insert(root.children[new_quadrant], x, y, m)
root.center_of_mass[0] = (root.center_of_mass[0]*root.mass + x*m) / (root.mass + m)
root.center_of_mass[1] = (root.center_of_mass[1]*root.mass + y*m) / (root.mass + m)
root.mass = root.mass + m
def display(root):
if root.mass is None:
if root.children is not None:
x = (root.bbox[0] + root.bbox[1]) / 2
y = (root.bbox[2] + root.bbox[3]) / 2
width = x-root.bbox[0]
plt_node(root.bbox[0], root.bbox[2], width)
plt_node(root.bbox[0], y, width)
plt_node(x, root.bbox[2], width)
plt_node(x, y, width)
for i in xrange(4):
if root.children[i] is not None:
quadt.scatter(root.center_of_mass[0], root.center_of_mass[1])
def integrate(particles):
bodies = particles
n = len(bodies)
timestep = 24*3600 #one day
years = 2 * 365 #how many Earth years that simulate
for day in xrange(years):
particles_force = {}
root = Node()
root.center_of_mass = []
root.bbox = find_root_bbox(bodies)
for i in xrange(n):
quad_insert(root, bodies[i][3], bodies[i][4], bodies[i][2])
for i in xrange(n):
total_fx, total_fy = compute_force(root,bodies[i][3],bodies[i][4],bodies[i][2])
particles_force[bodies[i][0]] = (total_fx, total_fy)
for i in xrange(n):
fx, fy = particles_force[bodies[i][0]]
bodies[i][5] += fx / bodies[i][2] * timestep
bodies[i][6] += fy / bodies[i][2] * timestep
bodies[i][3] += bodies[i][5] * timestep
bodies[i][4] += bodies[i][6] * timestep
sim.scatter(bodies[i][3], bodies[i][4], c=bodies[i][1])
quadt.scatter(root.center_of_mass[0], root.center_of_mass[1], c='red', marker='x')
def compute_force(root,x,y,m):
if root.mass is None:
return 0, 0
if root.center_of_mass[0] == x and root.center_of_mass[1] == y and root.mass == m:
return 0, 0
d = root.bbox[1]-root.bbox[0]
r = distance(x,y, root.center_of_mass[0], root.center_of_mass[1])
if d/r < theta or root.children is None:
return force(m, x, y, root.mass, root.center_of_mass[0], root.center_of_mass[1])
fx = 0.0
fy = 0.0
for i in xrange(4):
if root.children[i] is not None:
fx += compute_force(root.children[i],x,y,m)[0]
fy += compute_force(root.children[i],x,y,m)[1]
return fx, fy
################################################# SUPPORTING FUNCTION ##############################################################
def force(m, x, y, mcm, xcm, ycm):
d = distance(x, y, xcm, ycm)
f = G*m*mcm/(d**2)
dx = xcm - x
dy = ycm - y
angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
fx = math.cos(angle) * f
fy = math.sin(angle) * f
return fx, fy
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2)
def plt_node(x, y, width):
quadt.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((x, y), width, width, fill = False))
def find_root_bbox(array):
""" Create a suitable square boundary box for the input particles
if len(array) == 0 or len(array) == 1:
return None
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = array[0][3], array[0][3], array[0][4], array[0][4]
for i in xrange(len(array)):
if array[i][3] > xmax:
xmax = array[i][3]
if array[i][3] < xmin:
xmin = array[i][3]
if array[i][4] > ymax:
ymax = array[i][4]
if array[i][4] < ymin:
ymin = array[i][4]
if xmax - xmin == ymax - ymin:
return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
elif xmax - xmin > ymax - ymin:
return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax+(xmax-xmin-ymax+ymin)
return xmin, xmax+(ymax-ymin-xmax+xmin), ymin, ymax
def quadrant_of_particle(bbox, x, y):
"""Return position of quadrant of the particle (x,y)
if y >= (bbox[3] + bbox[2])/2:
if x <= (bbox[1] + bbox[0])/2:
return 0
return 1
if x >= (bbox[1] + bbox[0])/2:
return 2
return 3
def quadrant_bbox(bbox,quadrant):
"""Return the coordinate of the quadrant
x = (bbox[0] + bbox[1]) / 2
y = (bbox[2] + bbox[3]) / 2
#Quadrant 0: (xmin, x, y, ymax)
if quadrant == 0:
return bbox[0], x, y, bbox[3]
#Quadrant 1: (x, xmax, y, ymax)
elif quadrant == 1:
return x, bbox[1], y, bbox[3]
#Quadrant 2: (x, xmax, ymin, y)
elif quadrant == 2:
return x, bbox[1], bbox[2], y
#Quadrant 3: (xmin, x, ymin, y)
elif quadrant == 3:
return bbox[0], x, bbox[2], y
def data_from_file(filename, array):
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '#':
name,color,m,x,y,vx,vy = line.split(',')
if __name__ == '__main__':
filename = ('solar-system.txt')
particles = []
data_from_file(filename, particles)
#root = Node()
#root.center_of_mass = []
#root.bbox = find_root_bbox(particles)
#for i in xrange(len(particles)):
# quad_insert(root, particles[i][3], particles[i][4], particles[i][2])
#print 'Boundary box: ',root.bbox
#print 'Total mass: ',root.mass
#print 'Coordinate of center of mass: ',root.center_of_mass
#plt.scatter(root.center_of_mass[0], root.center_of_mass[1], c='r', marker='x', s=50)
#print 'Theta: ', theta
integrate(particles) |