Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -3,26 +3,82 @@ import numpy as np
3 |
import h5py
4 |
import faiss
5 |
import json
6 |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
7 |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
8 |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
9 |
import re
10 |
from collections import Counter
11 |
import spacy
12 |
import torch
13 |
from nltk.corpus import
14 |
import nltk
15 |
16 |
# Download
17 |
18 |
19 |
# Load
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
def load_data():
28 |
@@ -50,50 +106,6 @@ def load_data():
50 |
print(f"An unexpected error occurred while loading data: {e}")
51 |
52 |
53 |
embeddings, patent_numbers, metadata, texts = load_data()
54 |
55 |
# Load BERT model for encoding search queries
56 |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('anferico/bert-for-patents')
57 |
bert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('anferico/bert-for-patents')
58 |
59 |
def encode_texts(texts, max_length=512):
60 |
inputs = tokenizer(texts, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=max_length, return_tensors='pt')
61 |
with torch.no_grad():
62 |
outputs = bert_model(**inputs)
63 |
embeddings = outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1)
64 |
return embeddings.numpy()
65 |
66 |
# Check if the embedding dimensions match
67 |
if embeddings.shape[1] != encode_texts(["test"]).shape[1]:
68 |
print("Embedding dimensions do not match. Rebuilding FAISS index.")
69 |
# Rebuild embeddings using the new model
70 |
embeddings = encode_texts(texts)
71 |
embeddings = embeddings / np.linalg.norm(embeddings, axis=1, keepdims=True)
72 |
73 |
# Normalize embeddings for cosine similarity
74 |
embeddings = embeddings / np.linalg.norm(embeddings, axis=1, keepdims=True)
75 |
76 |
# Create FAISS index for cosine similarity
77 |
index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(embeddings.shape[1])
78 |
79 |
80 |
# Create TF-IDF vectorizer
81 |
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
82 |
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
83 |
84 |
def extract_key_features(text):
85 |
# Use Spacy to extract technical terms and phrases
86 |
doc = nlp(text)
87 |
technical_terms = []
88 |
for token in doc:
89 |
if token.dep_ in ('amod', 'compound') or token.ent_type_ in ('PRODUCT', 'ORG', 'GPE', 'NORP'):
90 |
91 |
noun_phrases = [chunk.text.lower() for chunk in doc.noun_chunks]
92 |
feature_phrases = [sent.text.lower() for sent in doc.sents if re.search(r'(comprising|including|consisting of|deformable|insulation|heat-resistant|memory foam|high-temperature)', sent.text, re.IGNORECASE)]
93 |
94 |
all_features = technical_terms + noun_phrases + feature_phrases
95 |
return list(set(all_features))
96 |
97 |
def compare_features(query_features, patent_features):
98 |
common_features = set(query_features) & set(patent_features)
99 |
similarity_score = len(common_features) / max(len(query_features), len(patent_features))
@@ -102,17 +114,18 @@ def compare_features(query_features, patent_features):
102 |
def hybrid_search(query, top_k=5):
103 |
print(f"Original query: {query}")
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
# Encode the query using the transformer model
108 |
query_embedding = encode_texts([
109 |
query_embedding = query_embedding / np.linalg.norm(query_embedding)
110 |
111 |
# Perform semantic similarity search
112 |
semantic_distances, semantic_indices = index.search(np.array([query_embedding]).astype('float32'), top_k * 2)
113 |
114 |
# Perform TF-IDF based search
115 |
query_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform([
116 |
tfidf_similarities = cosine_similarity(query_tfidf, tfidf_matrix).flatten()
117 |
tfidf_indices = tfidf_similarities.argsort()[-top_k * 2:][::-1]
118 |
@@ -154,6 +167,27 @@ def hybrid_search(query, top_k=5):
154 |
155 |
return "\n".join(results)
156 |
157 |
# Create Gradio interface with additional input fields
158 |
iface = gr.Interface(
159 |
@@ -167,4 +201,4 @@ iface = gr.Interface(
167 |
168 |
169 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
170 |
3 |
import h5py
4 |
import faiss
5 |
import json
6 |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, AutoModelForMaskedLM
7 |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
8 |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
9 |
import re
10 |
from collections import Counter
11 |
import torch
12 |
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
13 |
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
14 |
import nltk
15 |
16 |
# Download necessary NLTK data
17 |
nltk.download('stopwords', quiet=True)
18 |
nltk.download('punkt', quiet=True)
19 |
20 |
# Load BERT model for lemmatization
21 |
bert_model_name = "bert-base-uncased"
22 |
bert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(bert_model_name)
23 |
bert_model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(bert_model_name).to(torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"))
24 |
25 |
# Load BERT model for encoding search queries
26 |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('anferico/bert-for-patents')
27 |
bert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('anferico/bert-for-patents')
28 |
29 |
def bert_lemmatize(text):
30 |
tokens = bert_tokenizer.tokenize(text)
31 |
input_ids = bert_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens)
32 |
input_tensor = torch.tensor([input_ids]).to(torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"))
33 |
with torch.no_grad():
34 |
outputs = bert_model(input_tensor)
35 |
predictions = outputs.logits.argmax(dim=-1)
36 |
lemmatized_tokens = bert_tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(predictions[0])
37 |
return ' '.join([token for token in lemmatized_tokens if token not in ['[CLS]', '[SEP]', '[PAD]']])
38 |
39 |
def preprocess_query(text):
40 |
# Convert to lowercase
41 |
text = text.lower()
42 |
43 |
# Remove any HTML tags (if present)
44 |
text = re.sub('<.*?>', '', text)
45 |
46 |
# Remove special characters, but keep hyphens, periods, and commas
47 |
text = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\.\,]', '', text)
48 |
49 |
# Tokenize
50 |
tokens = word_tokenize(text)
51 |
52 |
# Remove stopwords, but keep all other words
53 |
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
54 |
tokens = [word for word in tokens if word not in stop_words]
55 |
56 |
# Join tokens back into a string
57 |
processed_text = ' '.join(tokens)
58 |
59 |
# Apply BERT lemmatization
60 |
processed_text = bert_lemmatize(processed_text)
61 |
62 |
return processed_text
63 |
64 |
def extract_key_features(text):
65 |
# For queries, we'll just preprocess and return all non-stopword terms
66 |
processed_text = preprocess_query(text)
67 |
68 |
# Split the processed text into individual terms
69 |
features = processed_text.split()
70 |
71 |
# Remove duplicates while preserving order
72 |
features = list(dict.fromkeys(features))
73 |
74 |
return features
75 |
76 |
def encode_texts(texts, max_length=512):
77 |
inputs = tokenizer(texts, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=max_length, return_tensors='pt')
78 |
with torch.no_grad():
79 |
outputs = bert_model(**inputs)
80 |
embeddings = outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1)
81 |
return embeddings.numpy()
82 |
83 |
def load_data():
84 |
106 |
print(f"An unexpected error occurred while loading data: {e}")
107 |
108 |
109 |
def compare_features(query_features, patent_features):
110 |
common_features = set(query_features) & set(patent_features)
111 |
similarity_score = len(common_features) / max(len(query_features), len(patent_features))
114 |
def hybrid_search(query, top_k=5):
115 |
print(f"Original query: {query}")
116 |
117 |
processed_query = preprocess_query(query)
118 |
query_features = extract_key_features(processed_query)
119 |
120 |
# Encode the processed query using the transformer model
121 |
query_embedding = encode_texts([processed_query])[0]
122 |
query_embedding = query_embedding / np.linalg.norm(query_embedding)
123 |
124 |
# Perform semantic similarity search
125 |
semantic_distances, semantic_indices = index.search(np.array([query_embedding]).astype('float32'), top_k * 2)
126 |
127 |
# Perform TF-IDF based search
128 |
query_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform([processed_query])
129 |
tfidf_similarities = cosine_similarity(query_tfidf, tfidf_matrix).flatten()
130 |
tfidf_indices = tfidf_similarities.argsort()[-top_k * 2:][::-1]
131 |
167 |
168 |
return "\n".join(results)
169 |
170 |
# Load data and prepare the FAISS index
171 |
embeddings, patent_numbers, metadata, texts = load_data()
172 |
173 |
# Check if the embedding dimensions match
174 |
if embeddings.shape[1] != encode_texts(["test"]).shape[1]:
175 |
print("Embedding dimensions do not match. Rebuilding FAISS index.")
176 |
# Rebuild embeddings using the new model
177 |
embeddings = encode_texts(texts)
178 |
embeddings = embeddings / np.linalg.norm(embeddings, axis=1, keepdims=True)
179 |
180 |
# Normalize embeddings for cosine similarity
181 |
embeddings = embeddings / np.linalg.norm(embeddings, axis=1, keepdims=True)
182 |
183 |
# Create FAISS index for cosine similarity
184 |
index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(embeddings.shape[1])
185 |
186 |
187 |
# Create TF-IDF vectorizer
188 |
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
189 |
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
190 |
191 |
# Create Gradio interface with additional input fields
192 |
iface = gr.Interface(
193 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
204 |