CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
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a4b1e84 |
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streamlit # Core library for building interactive web apps. # Top functions: # 1. st.write() β Write text, markdown, or data to the app. # 2. st.button() β Add an interactive button. # 3. st.file_uploader() β Upload files directly to the app. Pillow # Image processing library (PIL fork). # Top functions: # 1. β Open an image file. # 2. β Save an image in a specific format. # 3. Image.resize() β Resize an image to desired dimensions. plotly # Visualization library for creating interactive plots. # Top functions: # 1. β Create scatter plots. # 2. β Generate line charts. # 3. plotly.graph_objects.Figure() β Create custom figure layouts. opencv-python # Real-time computer vision library. # Top functions: # 1. cv2.imread() β Read an image. # 2. cv2.imshow() β Display an image in a window. # 3. cv2.resize() β Resize images. moviepy # Video editing and processing. # Top functions: # 1. VideoFileClip() β Load and manipulate video files. # 2. concatenate_videoclips() β Combine multiple video clips. # 3. write_videofile() β Export videos to a file. python-dotenv # Load environment variables from .env files. # Top functions: # 1. load_dotenv() β Load variables from .env. # 2. dotenv_values() β Retrieve values as a dictionary. # 3. set_key() β Set new environment variables. pytz # Timezone definitions for datetime handling. # Top functions: # 1. timezone() β Get timezone info. # 2. localize() β Attach timezone info to naive datetimes. # 3. utc() β Get the UTC timezone. requests # HTTP requests to fetch data from APIs. # Top functions: # 1. get() β Perform HTTP GET requests. # 2. post() β Send POST data to an endpoint. # 3. json() β Parse JSON from responses. openai # Interface for OpenAI APIs (ChatGPT, DALLΒ·E). # Top functions: # 1. openai.ChatCompletion.create() β Generate chat responses. # 2. openai.Image.create() β Create images with DALLΒ·E. # 3. openai.Audio.transcribe() β Transcribe audio to text. beautifulsoup4 # Web scraping and parsing HTML/XML. # Top functions: # 1. BeautifulSoup() β Parse HTML/XML documents. # 2. find() β Search for elements. # 3. find_all() β Retrieve multiple elements. PyPDF2 # PDF processing and extraction. # Top functions: # 1. PdfReader() β Read PDF files. # 2. PdfWriter() β Create or manipulate PDFs. # 3. extract_text() β Extract text from PDF pages. textract # Extract text from documents of various formats. # Top functions: # 1. process() β Extract text from any file format. # 2. exceptions() β Handle specific errors. # 3. is_supported() β Check if file type is supported. gradio-client # Client to interact with Gradio interfaces. # Top functions: # 1. submit() β Submit input to Gradio endpoints. # 2. predict() β Call Gradio API predictions. # 3. Interface() β Define and load models. huggingface-hub # Access Hugging Face models and datasets. # Top functions: # 1. from_pretrained() β Load pretrained models. # 2. snapshot_download() β Download model snapshots. # 3. list_models() β List models available. audio-recorder-streamlit # Streamlit component for audio recording. # Top functions: # 1. audio_recorder() β Record audio directly in Streamlit apps. xmltodict # Parse XML into Python dictionaries. # Top functions: # 1. parse() β Convert XML to dictionary. # 2. unparse() β Convert dictionary back to XML. # 3. ordered_dict() β Maintain element order. mistune # Markdown parsing in Python. # Top functions: # 1. markdown() β Render markdown text to HTML. # 2. escape() β Escape HTML elements. # 3. renderer() β Customize rendering options. python-docx # Create and modify .docx files. # Top functions: # 1. Document() β Create or load Word documents. # 2. add_paragraph() β Add paragraphs. # 3. save() β Save to .docx format. faiss-cpu # Efficient similarity search and clustering. # Top functions: # 1. IndexFlatL2() β Create L2 norm index. # 2. search() β Perform similarity searches. # 3. add() β Add vectors to the index. scikit-learn # Machine learning tools. # Top functions: # 1. fit() β Train models. # 2. predict() β Generate predictions. # 3. train_test_split() β Split datasets for training/testing. langchain # Chain LLM calls and workflows. # Top functions: # 1. load_chain() β Load chain pipelines. # 2. llm() β Access LLM models. # 3. memory() β Add conversational memory. tiktoken # Tokenizer for OpenAI models. # Top functions: # 1. encode() β Encode text into tokens. # 2. decode() β Decode tokens to text. # 3. get_encoding() β Fetch encoding method. anthropic # Interface for Claude AI models. # Top functions: # 1. chat() β Generate Claude-based chat responses. extra-streamlit-components # Additional Streamlit components. # Top functions: # 1. st_marquee() β Add scrolling marquees. # 2. st_tooltip() β Add tooltips to elements. # 3. st_modal() β Create modals. edge_tts==6.1.12 # Text-to-speech via Edge browser. # Top functions: # 1. Communicate() β Convert text to speech. st_marquee # Scrolling text marquee for Streamlit apps. # Top functions: # 1. st_marquee() β Display scrolling text. |