import math |
from functools import lru_cache |
import torch |
from torch import nn |
from torch.autograd import Function |
from torch.autograd.function import once_differentiable |
from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair |
from torchvision.ops import deform_conv2d |
from annotator.oneformer.detectron2.utils.develop import create_dummy_class, create_dummy_func |
from .wrappers import _NewEmptyTensorOp |
class _DeformConv(Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward( |
ctx, |
input, |
offset, |
weight, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
dilation=1, |
groups=1, |
deformable_groups=1, |
im2col_step=64, |
): |
if input is not None and input.dim() != 4: |
raise ValueError( |
"Expected 4D tensor as input, got {}D tensor instead.".format(input.dim()) |
) |
ctx.stride = _pair(stride) |
ctx.padding = _pair(padding) |
ctx.dilation = _pair(dilation) |
ctx.groups = groups |
ctx.deformable_groups = deformable_groups |
ctx.im2col_step = im2col_step |
ctx.save_for_backward(input, offset, weight) |
output = input.new_empty( |
_DeformConv._output_size(input, weight, ctx.padding, ctx.dilation, ctx.stride) |
) |
ctx.bufs_ = [input.new_empty(0), input.new_empty(0)] |
if not input.is_cuda: |
if deformable_groups != 1: |
raise NotImplementedError( |
"Deformable Conv with deformable_groups != 1 is not supported on CPUs!" |
) |
return deform_conv2d( |
input, offset, weight, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation |
) |
else: |
cur_im2col_step = _DeformConv._cal_im2col_step(input.shape[0], ctx.im2col_step) |
assert (input.shape[0] % cur_im2col_step) == 0, "im2col step must divide batchsize" |
_C.deform_conv_forward( |
input, |
weight, |
offset, |
output, |
ctx.bufs_[0], |
ctx.bufs_[1], |
weight.size(3), |
weight.size(2), |
ctx.stride[1], |
ctx.stride[0], |
ctx.padding[1], |
ctx.padding[0], |
ctx.dilation[1], |
ctx.dilation[0], |
ctx.groups, |
ctx.deformable_groups, |
cur_im2col_step, |
) |
return output |
@staticmethod |
@once_differentiable |
def backward(ctx, grad_output): |
input, offset, weight = ctx.saved_tensors |
grad_input = grad_offset = grad_weight = None |
if not grad_output.is_cuda: |
raise NotImplementedError("Deformable Conv is not supported on CPUs!") |
else: |
cur_im2col_step = _DeformConv._cal_im2col_step(input.shape[0], ctx.im2col_step) |
assert (input.shape[0] % cur_im2col_step) == 0, "im2col step must divide batchsize" |
if ctx.needs_input_grad[0] or ctx.needs_input_grad[1]: |
grad_input = torch.zeros_like(input) |
grad_offset = torch.zeros_like(offset) |
_C.deform_conv_backward_input( |
input, |
offset, |
grad_output, |
grad_input, |
grad_offset, |
weight, |
ctx.bufs_[0], |
weight.size(3), |
weight.size(2), |
ctx.stride[1], |
ctx.stride[0], |
ctx.padding[1], |
ctx.padding[0], |
ctx.dilation[1], |
ctx.dilation[0], |
ctx.groups, |
ctx.deformable_groups, |
cur_im2col_step, |
) |
if ctx.needs_input_grad[2]: |
grad_weight = torch.zeros_like(weight) |
_C.deform_conv_backward_filter( |
input, |
offset, |
grad_output, |
grad_weight, |
ctx.bufs_[0], |
ctx.bufs_[1], |
weight.size(3), |
weight.size(2), |
ctx.stride[1], |
ctx.stride[0], |
ctx.padding[1], |
ctx.padding[0], |
ctx.dilation[1], |
ctx.dilation[0], |
ctx.groups, |
ctx.deformable_groups, |
1, |
cur_im2col_step, |
) |
return grad_input, grad_offset, grad_weight, None, None, None, None, None, None |
@staticmethod |
def _output_size(input, weight, padding, dilation, stride): |
channels = weight.size(0) |
output_size = (input.size(0), channels) |
for d in range(input.dim() - 2): |
in_size = input.size(d + 2) |
pad = padding[d] |
kernel = dilation[d] * (weight.size(d + 2) - 1) + 1 |
stride_ = stride[d] |
output_size += ((in_size + (2 * pad) - kernel) // stride_ + 1,) |
if not all(map(lambda s: s > 0, output_size)): |
raise ValueError( |
"convolution input is too small (output would be {})".format( |
"x".join(map(str, output_size)) |
) |
) |
return output_size |
@staticmethod |
@lru_cache(maxsize=128) |
def _cal_im2col_step(input_size, default_size): |
""" |
Calculate proper im2col step size, which should be divisible by input_size and not larger |
than prefer_size. Meanwhile the step size should be as large as possible to be more |
efficient. So we choose the largest one among all divisors of input_size which are smaller |
than prefer_size. |
:param input_size: input batch size . |
:param default_size: default preferred im2col step size. |
:return: the largest proper step size. |
""" |
if input_size <= default_size: |
return input_size |
best_step = 1 |
for step in range(2, min(int(math.sqrt(input_size)) + 1, default_size)): |
if input_size % step == 0: |
if input_size // step <= default_size: |
return input_size // step |
best_step = step |
return best_step |
class _ModulatedDeformConv(Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward( |
ctx, |
input, |
offset, |
mask, |
weight, |
bias=None, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
dilation=1, |
groups=1, |
deformable_groups=1, |
): |
ctx.stride = stride |
ctx.padding = padding |
ctx.dilation = dilation |
ctx.groups = groups |
ctx.deformable_groups = deformable_groups |
ctx.with_bias = bias is not None |
if not ctx.with_bias: |
bias = input.new_empty(1) |
if not input.is_cuda: |
raise NotImplementedError("Deformable Conv is not supported on CPUs!") |
if ( |
weight.requires_grad |
or mask.requires_grad |
or offset.requires_grad |
or input.requires_grad |
): |
ctx.save_for_backward(input, offset, mask, weight, bias) |
output = input.new_empty(_ModulatedDeformConv._infer_shape(ctx, input, weight)) |
ctx._bufs = [input.new_empty(0), input.new_empty(0)] |
_C.modulated_deform_conv_forward( |
input, |
weight, |
bias, |
ctx._bufs[0], |
offset, |
mask, |
output, |
ctx._bufs[1], |
weight.shape[2], |
weight.shape[3], |
ctx.stride, |
ctx.stride, |
ctx.padding, |
ctx.padding, |
ctx.dilation, |
ctx.dilation, |
ctx.groups, |
ctx.deformable_groups, |
ctx.with_bias, |
) |
return output |
@staticmethod |
@once_differentiable |
def backward(ctx, grad_output): |
if not grad_output.is_cuda: |
raise NotImplementedError("Deformable Conv is not supported on CPUs!") |
input, offset, mask, weight, bias = ctx.saved_tensors |
grad_input = torch.zeros_like(input) |
grad_offset = torch.zeros_like(offset) |
grad_mask = torch.zeros_like(mask) |
grad_weight = torch.zeros_like(weight) |
grad_bias = torch.zeros_like(bias) |
_C.modulated_deform_conv_backward( |
input, |
weight, |
bias, |
ctx._bufs[0], |
offset, |
mask, |
ctx._bufs[1], |
grad_input, |
grad_weight, |
grad_bias, |
grad_offset, |
grad_mask, |
grad_output, |
weight.shape[2], |
weight.shape[3], |
ctx.stride, |
ctx.stride, |
ctx.padding, |
ctx.padding, |
ctx.dilation, |
ctx.dilation, |
ctx.groups, |
ctx.deformable_groups, |
ctx.with_bias, |
) |
if not ctx.with_bias: |
grad_bias = None |
return ( |
grad_input, |
grad_offset, |
grad_mask, |
grad_weight, |
grad_bias, |
None, |
None, |
None, |
None, |
None, |
) |
@staticmethod |
def _infer_shape(ctx, input, weight): |
n = input.size(0) |
channels_out = weight.size(0) |
height, width = input.shape[2:4] |
kernel_h, kernel_w = weight.shape[2:4] |
height_out = ( |
height + 2 * ctx.padding - (ctx.dilation * (kernel_h - 1) + 1) |
) // ctx.stride + 1 |
width_out = ( |
width + 2 * ctx.padding - (ctx.dilation * (kernel_w - 1) + 1) |
) // ctx.stride + 1 |
return n, channels_out, height_out, width_out |
deform_conv = _DeformConv.apply |
modulated_deform_conv = _ModulatedDeformConv.apply |
class DeformConv(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
dilation=1, |
groups=1, |
deformable_groups=1, |
bias=False, |
norm=None, |
activation=None, |
): |
""" |
Deformable convolution from :paper:`deformconv`. |
Arguments are similar to :class:`Conv2D`. Extra arguments: |
Args: |
deformable_groups (int): number of groups used in deformable convolution. |
norm (nn.Module, optional): a normalization layer |
activation (callable(Tensor) -> Tensor): a callable activation function |
""" |
super(DeformConv, self).__init__() |
assert not bias |
assert in_channels % groups == 0, "in_channels {} cannot be divisible by groups {}".format( |
in_channels, groups |
) |
assert ( |
out_channels % groups == 0 |
), "out_channels {} cannot be divisible by groups {}".format(out_channels, groups) |
self.in_channels = in_channels |
self.out_channels = out_channels |
self.kernel_size = _pair(kernel_size) |
self.stride = _pair(stride) |
self.padding = _pair(padding) |
self.dilation = _pair(dilation) |
self.groups = groups |
self.deformable_groups = deformable_groups |
self.norm = norm |
self.activation = activation |
self.weight = nn.Parameter( |
torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // self.groups, *self.kernel_size) |
) |
self.bias = None |
nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, nonlinearity="relu") |
def forward(self, x, offset): |
if x.numel() == 0: |
output_shape = [ |
(i + 2 * p - (di * (k - 1) + 1)) // s + 1 |
for i, p, di, k, s in zip( |
x.shape[-2:], self.padding, self.dilation, self.kernel_size, self.stride |
) |
] |
output_shape = [x.shape[0], self.weight.shape[0]] + output_shape |
return _NewEmptyTensorOp.apply(x, output_shape) |
x = deform_conv( |
x, |
offset, |
self.weight, |
self.stride, |
self.padding, |
self.dilation, |
self.groups, |
self.deformable_groups, |
) |
if self.norm is not None: |
x = self.norm(x) |
if self.activation is not None: |
x = self.activation(x) |
return x |
def extra_repr(self): |
tmpstr = "in_channels=" + str(self.in_channels) |
tmpstr += ", out_channels=" + str(self.out_channels) |
tmpstr += ", kernel_size=" + str(self.kernel_size) |
tmpstr += ", stride=" + str(self.stride) |
tmpstr += ", padding=" + str(self.padding) |
tmpstr += ", dilation=" + str(self.dilation) |
tmpstr += ", groups=" + str(self.groups) |
tmpstr += ", deformable_groups=" + str(self.deformable_groups) |
tmpstr += ", bias=False" |
return tmpstr |
class ModulatedDeformConv(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
dilation=1, |
groups=1, |
deformable_groups=1, |
bias=True, |
norm=None, |
activation=None, |
): |
""" |
Modulated deformable convolution from :paper:`deformconv2`. |
Arguments are similar to :class:`Conv2D`. Extra arguments: |
Args: |
deformable_groups (int): number of groups used in deformable convolution. |
norm (nn.Module, optional): a normalization layer |
activation (callable(Tensor) -> Tensor): a callable activation function |
""" |
super(ModulatedDeformConv, self).__init__() |
self.in_channels = in_channels |
self.out_channels = out_channels |
self.kernel_size = _pair(kernel_size) |
self.stride = stride |
self.padding = padding |
self.dilation = dilation |
self.groups = groups |
self.deformable_groups = deformable_groups |
self.with_bias = bias |
self.norm = norm |
self.activation = activation |
self.weight = nn.Parameter( |
torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, *self.kernel_size) |
) |
if bias: |
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_channels)) |
else: |
self.bias = None |
nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, nonlinearity="relu") |
if self.bias is not None: |
nn.init.constant_(self.bias, 0) |
def forward(self, x, offset, mask): |
if x.numel() == 0: |
output_shape = [ |
(i + 2 * p - (di * (k - 1) + 1)) // s + 1 |
for i, p, di, k, s in zip( |
x.shape[-2:], self.padding, self.dilation, self.kernel_size, self.stride |
) |
] |
output_shape = [x.shape[0], self.weight.shape[0]] + output_shape |
return _NewEmptyTensorOp.apply(x, output_shape) |
x = modulated_deform_conv( |
x, |
offset, |
mask, |
self.weight, |
self.bias, |
self.stride, |
self.padding, |
self.dilation, |
self.groups, |
self.deformable_groups, |
) |
if self.norm is not None: |
x = self.norm(x) |
if self.activation is not None: |
x = self.activation(x) |
return x |
def extra_repr(self): |
tmpstr = "in_channels=" + str(self.in_channels) |
tmpstr += ", out_channels=" + str(self.out_channels) |
tmpstr += ", kernel_size=" + str(self.kernel_size) |
tmpstr += ", stride=" + str(self.stride) |
tmpstr += ", padding=" + str(self.padding) |
tmpstr += ", dilation=" + str(self.dilation) |
tmpstr += ", groups=" + str(self.groups) |
tmpstr += ", deformable_groups=" + str(self.deformable_groups) |
tmpstr += ", bias=" + str(self.with_bias) |
return tmpstr |
try: |
from annotator.oneformer.detectron2 import _C |
except ImportError: |
_msg = "detectron2 is not compiled successfully, please build following the instructions!" |
_args = ("detectron2._C", _msg) |
DeformConv = create_dummy_class("DeformConv", *_args) |
ModulatedDeformConv = create_dummy_class("ModulatedDeformConv", *_args) |
deform_conv = create_dummy_func("deform_conv", *_args) |
modulated_deform_conv = create_dummy_func("modulated_deform_conv", *_args) |