import streamlit as st |
import altair as alt |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
st.markdown( |
""" |
<style> |
@font-face { |
font-family: 'Tangerine'; |
font-style: normal; |
font-weight: 400; |
src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/tangerine/v12/IurY6Y5j_oScZZow4VOxCZZM.woff2) format('woff2'); |
unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; |
} |
html, body, [class*="css"] { |
font-family: 'Public Sans', sans-serif; |
# font-size: 1rem; |
} |
</style> |
""", |
unsafe_allow_html=True, |
) |
st.subheader("Configuration") |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
symptoms_chance = st.slider( |
'Chances of developing symptoms if infected (per day)', min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.5, step=0.01) |
with col1: |
mean_days_inf_asympt = st.slider( |
'Mean number of days as infectious asymptomatic (without routine testing)', min_value=1, max_value=14, value=4, step=1) |
base_p00 = 1-(1/mean_days_inf_asympt) |
base_p01 = (1-symptoms_chance)*(1/mean_days_inf_asympt) |
base_p03 = (symptoms_chance)*(1/mean_days_inf_asympt) |
with col2: |
mean_days_inf_sympt = st.slider( |
'Mean number of days as infectious symptomatic (when testing on symptoms only)', min_value=1, max_value=14, value=2, step=1) |
base_p11 = 1-(1/mean_days_inf_sympt) |
base_p12 = (1/mean_days_inf_sympt) |
efficiency = st.radio( |
"Performance of device", |
('Standard', 'Conservative')) |
sens_list_standard = {0.0: 0.0, |
0.005: 0.05, |
0.014: 0.1, |
0.021: 0.15, |
0.05: 0.295, |
0.1: 0.434, |
0.2: 0.6, |
0.3: 0.72, |
0.4: 0.79, |
0.5: 0.86, |
0.6: 0.9, |
0.7: 0.925, |
0.8: 0.97, |
0.9: 0.99, |
1.0: 1.0} |
sens_list_conservative = { |
0: 0, |
0.012: 0.050, |
0.026: 0.105, |
0.049: 0.149, |
0.072: 0.198, |
0.096: 0.248, |
0.120: 0.297, |
0.146: 0.347, |
0.184: 0.396, |
0.222: 0.446, |
0.255: 0.495, |
0.300: 0.545, |
0.349: 0.594, |
0.401: 0.644, |
0.467: 0.693, |
0.547: 0.743, |
0.621: 0.792, |
0.699: 0.842, |
0.787: 0.891, |
0.868: 0.941, |
1: 1 |
} |
if efficiency == 'Standard': |
sens_list = sens_list_standard |
else: |
sens_list = sens_list_conservative |
def roc_func(x): |
return sens_list[x] |
def roc_random(x): |
return x |
test_efficiency = np.array([7, 30, 10000]) |
test_efficiency = np.array([7, 30, 10000]) |
FPR = list(sens_list.keys()) |
days_inf = np.zeros((len(test_efficiency), len(FPR))) |
temp_df = [] |
for tau_count, t_e in enumerate(test_efficiency): |
tau = 1/t_e |
for fi_count, fi in enumerate(FPR): |
pi = roc_func(fi) |
p = np.array([ |
[base_p00*(1-tau)*(1-pi), base_p01*(1-tau) * |
(1-pi), 1-(1-tau)*(1-pi), base_p03*(1-tau)*(1-pi)], |
[0, base_p11*(1-tau)*(1-pi), base_p12*(1+tau+pi-tau*pi), 0.0], |
[0, 0, 1.0, 0.0], |
[0, 0, 0.0, 1.0] |
]) |
m1 = 1/(1-p[0, 0]) |
m2 = 1/(1-p[1, 1]) |
p2 = p[0, 1]/(p[0, 1]+p[0, 2]+p[0, 3]) |
days_inf[int(tau_count), int(fi_count)] = m1 + p2*m2 |
routine_tests_required = 30 * days_inf[2] |
no_wearables = [] |
tau = 1/10000 |
for fi_count, fi in enumerate(FPR): |
pi = roc_random(fi) |
p = np.array([ |
[base_p00*(1-tau)*(1-pi), base_p01*(1-tau) * |
(1-pi), 1-(1-tau)*(1-pi), base_p03*(1-tau)*(1-pi)], |
[0, base_p11*(1-tau)*(1-pi), base_p12*(1+tau+pi-tau*pi), 0.0], |
[0, 0, 1.0, 0.0], |
[0, 0, 0.0, 1.0] |
]) |
m1 = 1/(1-p[0, 0]) |
m2 = 1/(1-p[1, 1]) |
p2 = p[0, 1]/(p[0, 1]+p[0, 2]+p[0, 3]) |
no_wearables.append(m1 + p2*m2) |
cost = np.array(FPR)*30 |
no_wearable_cost = cost |
wearable_cost = (1-(1-np.array(FPR))*(1-1/test_efficiency[2]))*30 |
wearable_days_inf = days_inf[2] |
chart_data = pd.DataFrame( |
{'Tests required per month': no_wearable_cost, |
'Routine testing': no_wearables, |
'Wearable-triggered testing': wearable_days_inf}) |
chart_data_melted = chart_data.melt('Tests required per month') |
print(chart_data_melted) |
chart = ( |
alt.Chart( |
data=chart_data_melted, |
title="", |
height=400, |
) |
.mark_line() |
.encode( |
x='Tests required per month', |
y=alt.Y('value:Q', axis=alt.Axis(title='Average case infectious days')), |
color='variable:N', |
strokeWidth=alt.value(6) |
) |
.configure_axis( |
labelFontSize=20, |
titleFontSize=20 |
) |
) |
st.subheader("Outcome") |
st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True) |