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<html><head><title> Home Assistant Python Script to set an entity state</title><meta name="Additional Keywords" content="Github"/>
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<meta name="Created" content="2023-02-25T03:08:00.000Z"/>
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<meta name="Name" content=" Home Assistant Python Script to set an entity state"/>
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</head><body><H1> Home Assistant Python Script to set an entity state</H1><a href="">Link to original Notion Page</a></p><table border='1'><tr><td><b>Property</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td></tr><tr><td>Additional Keywords</td><td>Github</td></tr>
<tr><td>Already Read</td><td>false</td></tr>
<tr><td>Name</td><td> Home Assistant Python Script to set an entity state</td></tr>
</table>&nbsp;<div><h1 class='n_heading_1'>Set State</h1 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Home Assistant Python Script to force set an entity state</p ><h2 class='n_heading_2'>How it works</h2 ><p class='n_paragraph'>This script adds a service that lets you update the state and/or attributes of any entity, similar to the developer tools</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>Requires <code>python_script:</code> to be enabled in you configuration</p ><h2 class='n_heading_2'>Installation</h2 ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>HACS</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Requirements:</p ><ul><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'>HACS version 0.9 or higher</li ><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'>Enabled <code>python_scripts:</code> in your Home Assistant configuration</li ><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'>Enabled <code>python_scripts</code> as option, in the HACS configuration. (If you missed this, kindly read below!)</li ></ul><p class='n_paragraph'>You are only able to use this custom repo with HACS, if Python Scripts is enabled in Home Assistant. Also, "python_scripts" should have been enabled during the HACS setup through "Integrations" in Home Assistant.</p ><img src=''/><p class='n_paragraph'>If you missed that part, you need to remove HACS, and add it again, in order to find the "Python Script" category! This time, remember to set a checkmark in "Enable python_scripts discovery & tracking":</p ><img src=''/><p class='n_paragraph'>Find more information about the HACS configuration <a href=''>here</a> and <a href=''>here</a>. If you used the YAML-way to configure HACS, it's a bit easier. Just edit the YAML configuration for HACS. That parts is also mentioned <a href=''></a>.</p ><img src=''/><h3 class='n_heading_3'>Manual</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Copy the Python script in to your <code>/config/python_scripts</code> directory.</p ><h2 class='n_heading_2'>Service arguments</h2 ><h2 class='n_heading_2'>Usage</h2 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Each call requires at least an entity_id and a state or attributes (otherwise it wont do anything)</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>example:</p ><pre>entity_id: sensor.random_sensor
state: 0
allow_create: true
&nbsp;</pre><p class='n_paragraph'>(Thanks to <a href=''>@rodpayne</a> for the initial script: (<a href=''></a>)</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>I'm not that used to HACS, but i spotted <a href=''>#1</a> - so i guess it's better with more details about HACS here.</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>It would be even better to ask the HACS team to add a disclaimer on the "hacs/settings" page, about missing categories. I guess most users just started using HACS, would like that. But i don't have the time to do that, right now.</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>Thanks for making the scrip ready for HACS, btw :-)</p ></div></body></html>