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import { ref, type Ref } from "vue"
import {Control as LeafletControl} from 'leaflet'
import type { IPointPrompt, IRectanglePrompt } from "./types"
import { driver, type DriveStep } from "../../node_modules/@trincadev/driver.js/src/driver"
export const prefix = " © <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">leaflet</a>"
export const OpenStreetMap = "OpenStreetMap"
export const Satellite = "OpenStreetMap.HOT"
export const maxZoom = 20
export const minZoom = 2
export const waitingString = "waiting..."
export const durationRef = ref(0)
export const numberOfPolygonsRef = ref(0)
export const numberOfPredictedMasksRef = ref(0)
export const responseMessageRef = ref("-")
export const geojsonRef = ref("geojsonOutput-placeholder")
export const currentBaseMapNameRef = ref("")
export const currentMapBBoxRef = ref()
export const currentZoomRef = ref()
export const promptsArrayRef: Ref<Array<IPointPrompt | IRectanglePrompt>> = ref([])
export const mapOptionsDefaultRef = ref()
export const layerControlGroupLayersRef = ref(new LeafletControl.Layers());
export const mapNavigationLocked = ref(false)
export const responseMessageLisaRef = ref("-")
export const promptPlaceHolder = "You are a skilled gis analyst with a lot of expertise " +
"in photogrammetry, remote sensing and geomorphology field."
export const promptTextArray = [
"You need to identify the areas with trees in this photogrammetric image. Please output segmentation mask.",
"You need to identify the roads in this photogrammetric image. Please output segmentation mask and explain why.",
"You need to identify the lake in this photogrammetric image. Please output segmentation mask, explain why and describe what you identified.",
"Describe what do you can identify in this photogrammetric image."
// modified from
export const htmlStatusMessages = [
code: 100,
phrase: 'Continue'
code: 101,
phrase: 'Switching Protocols'
code: 200,
phrase: 'OK'
code: 201,
phrase: 'Created'
code: 202,
phrase: 'Accepted'
code: 203,
phrase: 'Non-Authoritative Information'
code: 204,
phrase: 'No Content'
code: 205,
phrase: 'Reset Content'
code: 206,
phrase: 'Partial Content'
code: 300,
phrase: 'Multiple Choices'
code: 302,
phrase: 'Found'
code: 303,
phrase: 'See Other'
code: 304,
phrase: 'Not Modified'
code: 305,
phrase: 'Use Proxy'
code: 307,
phrase: 'Temporary Redirect'
code: 400,
phrase: 'Bad Request'
code: 401,
phrase: 'Unauthorized'
code: 402,
phrase: 'Payment Required'
code: 403,
phrase: 'Forbidden'
code: 404,
phrase: 'Not Found'
code: 405,
phrase: 'Method Not Allowed'
code: 406,
phrase: 'Not Acceptable'
code: 407,
phrase: 'Proxy Authentication Required'
code: 408,
phrase: 'Request Timeout'
code: 409,
phrase: 'Conflict'
code: 410,
phrase: 'Gone'
code: 411,
phrase: 'Length Required'
code: 412,
phrase: 'Precondition Failed'
code: 413,
phrase: 'Payload Too Large'
code: 414,
phrase: 'URI Too Long'
code: 415,
phrase: 'Unsupported Media Type'
code: 416,
phrase: 'Range Not Satisfiable'
code: 417,
phrase: 'Expectation Failed'
code: 418,
phrase: "I'm a teapot"
code: 426,
phrase: 'Upgrade Required'
code: 500,
phrase: 'Internal Server Error'
code: 501,
phrase: 'Not Implemented'
code: 502,
phrase: 'Bad Gateway'
code: 503,
phrase: 'Service Unavailable'
code: 504,
phrase: 'Gateway Time-out'
code: 505,
phrase: 'HTTP Version Not Supported'
code: 102,
phrase: 'Processing'
code: 207,
phrase: 'Multi-Status'
code: 226,
phrase: 'IM Used'
code: 308,
phrase: 'Permanent Redirect'
code: 422,
phrase: 'Unprocessable Entity'
code: 423,
phrase: 'Locked'
code: 424,
phrase: 'Failed Dependency'
code: 428,
phrase: 'Precondition Required'
code: 429,
phrase: 'Too Many Requests'
code: 431,
phrase: 'Request Header Fields Too Large'
code: 451,
phrase: 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons'
code: 506,
phrase: 'Variant Also Negotiates'
code: 507,
phrase: 'Insufficient Storage'
code: 511,
phrase: 'Network Authentication Required'
export const driverSteps = [
{ element: 'id-prediction-map-container', popover: { title: 'SamGIS', description: 'A quick tour about SamGIS functionality' } },
{ element: '#map', popover: { title: 'Webmap for ML prompt', description: 'Add here your machine learning prompt. Pay attention about markers and polygons outside the map bounds: you could get unexpected results' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-pm-icon-marker-include', popover: { title: '"Include" point prompt', description: 'add "include" points prompt (label 1) for machine learning request' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-pm-icon-marker-exclude', popover: { title: '"Exclude" point prompt', description: 'add "exclude" points prompt (label 0) for machine learning request' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-pm-icon-rectangle', popover: { title: '"Include" rectangle prompt', description: 'add "include" rectangles prompt for machine learning request' } },
{ element: "#id-button-submit", popover: { title: 'ML submit button', description: 'Machine learning submit button' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-control-layers-toggle', popover: { title: 'Map provider selector', description: 'select a different map provider' } },
{ element: '#id-map-info', popover: { title: 'map info', description: 'Section about various map info' } },
{ element: '#id-ml-request-prompt', popover: { title: 'ML prompt quest', description: 'Empty at beginning, this table will contain the machine learning prompt (points and rectangles) section' } }
export const lisaPartialDriverSteps: Array<DriveStep> = [
element: '#map',
popover: {
title: 'Geographic map',
description: 'Choose here the map area where you can execute your machine learning prompt'
element: "#prompt-examples-array",
popover: {title: 'Some prompt examples', description: 'A selection of prompt examples'}
element: "#prompt-text-placeholder", popover: {
title: 'Default prompt prefix',
description: 'A good LLM prompt prefix tailored for photogrammetry, remote sensing and geomorphology (editable)'
element: "#prompt-text-llm-ref", popover: {
title: 'Prompt text',
description: 'Editable text area for the LLM text prompt (you can precompile it clicking on the examples)'
element: "#id-button-submit",
popover: {title: 'LLM submit button', description: 'submit button for the LISA request'}
element: '.leaflet-control-layers-toggle',
popover: {title: 'Map provider selector', description: 'select a different map provider'}
element: '#lisa-response-text',
popover: {title: 'LISA response text', description: 'Output area with the LISA response text'}
] |