import os |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from einops import rearrange |
from imageio import imwrite |
from pydantic import validator |
import imageio |
import tempfile |
import gradio as gr |
from PIL import Image |
from my.utils import ( |
tqdm, EventStorage, HeartBeat, EarlyLoopBreak, |
get_event_storage, get_heartbeat, read_stats |
) |
from my.config import BaseConf, dispatch, optional_load_config |
from my.utils.seed import seed_everything |
from adapt import ScoreAdapter |
from run_img_sampling import SD |
from misc import torch_samps_to_imgs |
from pose import PoseConfig |
from run_nerf import VoxConfig |
from voxnerf.utils import every |
from voxnerf.render import ( |
as_torch_tsrs, rays_from_img, ray_box_intersect, render_ray_bundle |
) |
from voxnerf.vis import stitch_vis, bad_vis as nerf_vis |
from pytorch3d.renderer import PointsRasterizationSettings |
from semantic_coding import semantic_coding, semantic_karlo, semantic_sd |
from pc_project import point_e, render_depth_from_cloud |
device_glb = torch.device("cuda") |
def tsr_stats(tsr): |
return { |
"mean": tsr.mean().item(), |
"std": tsr.std().item(), |
"max": tsr.max().item(), |
} |
class SJC_3DFuse(BaseConf): |
family: str = "sd" |
sd: SD = SD( |
variant="v1", |
prompt="a comfortable bed", |
scale=100.0, |
dir="./results", |
alpha=0.3 |
) |
lr: float = 0.05 |
n_steps: int = 10000 |
vox: VoxConfig = VoxConfig( |
model_type="V_SD", grid_size=100, density_shift=-1.0, c=3, |
blend_bg_texture=False , bg_texture_hw=4, |
bbox_len=1.0 |
) |
pose: PoseConfig = PoseConfig(rend_hw=64, FoV=60.0, R=1.5) |
emptiness_scale: int = 10 |
emptiness_weight: int = 1e4 |
emptiness_step: float = 0.5 |
emptiness_multiplier: float = 20.0 |
depth_weight: int = 0 |
var_red: bool = True |
exp_dir: str = "./results" |
ti_step: int = 800 |
pt_step: int = 800 |
initial: str = "" |
random_seed: int = 0 |
semantic_model: str = "Karlo" |
bg_preprocess: bool = True |
num_initial_image: int = 4 |
@validator("vox") |
def check_vox(cls, vox_cfg, values): |
family = values['family'] |
if family == "sd": |
vox_cfg.c = 4 |
return vox_cfg |
def run(self): |
raise Exception("This version is for huggingface demo, which doesn't support CLI. Please visit https://github.com/KU-CVLAB/3DFuse") |
def run_gradio(self, points, images): |
cfgs = self.dict() |
initial = cfgs.pop('initial') |
exp_dir=os.path.join(cfgs.pop('exp_dir'),initial) |
yield gr.update(value=None), "Tuning for the LoRA layer is starting now. It will take approximately ~10 mins.", gr.update(value=None) |
state=semantic_coding(images, cfgs,self.sd,initial) |
self.sd.dir=state |
family = cfgs.pop("family") |
model = getattr(self, family).make() |
print(model.prompt) |
cfgs.pop("vox") |
vox = self.vox.make() |
cfgs.pop("pose") |
poser = self.pose.make() |
yield from fuse_3d(**cfgs, poser=poser,model=model,vox=vox,exp_dir=exp_dir, points=points, is_gradio=True) |
def fuse_3d( |
poser, vox, model: ScoreAdapter, |
lr, n_steps, emptiness_scale, emptiness_weight, emptiness_step, emptiness_multiplier, |
depth_weight, var_red, exp_dir, points, is_gradio, **kwargs |
): |
del kwargs |
if is_gradio: |
yield gr.update(visible=True), "LoRA layers tuning has just finished. \nScore distillation has started.", gr.update(visible=True) |
assert model.samps_centered() |
_, target_H, target_W = model.data_shape() |
bs = 1 |
aabb = vox.aabb.T.cpu().numpy() |
vox = vox.to(device_glb) |
opt = torch.optim.Adamax(vox.opt_params(), lr=lr) |
H, W = poser.H, poser.W |
Ks_, poses_, prompt_prefixes_, angles_list = poser.sample_train(n_steps,device_glb) |
ts = model.us[30:-10] |
fuse = EarlyLoopBreak(5) |
raster_settings = PointsRasterizationSettings( |
image_size= 800, |
radius = 0.02, |
points_per_pixel = 10 |
) |
ts = model.us[30:-10] |
calibration_value=0.0 |
with tqdm(total=n_steps) as pbar: |
for i in range(len(poses_)): |
if fuse.on_break(): |
break |
depth_map = render_depth_from_cloud(points, angles_list[i], raster_settings, device_glb,calibration_value) |
y, depth, ws = render_one_view(vox, aabb, H, W, Ks_[i], poses_[i], return_w=True) |
p = f"{prompt_prefixes_[i]} {model.prompt}" |
score_conds = model.prompts_emb([p]) |
score_conds['c']=score_conds['c'].repeat(bs,1,1) |
score_conds['uc']=score_conds['uc'].repeat(bs,1,1) |
opt.zero_grad() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
chosen_σs = np.random.choice(ts, bs, replace=False) |
chosen_σs = chosen_σs.reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1) |
chosen_σs = torch.as_tensor(chosen_σs, device=model.device, dtype=torch.float32) |
noise = torch.randn(bs, *y.shape[1:], device=model.device) |
zs = y + chosen_σs * noise |
Ds = model.denoise(zs, chosen_σs,depth_map.unsqueeze(dim=0),**score_conds) |
if var_red: |
grad = (Ds - y) / chosen_σs |
else: |
grad = (Ds - zs) / chosen_σs |
grad = grad.mean(0, keepdim=True) |
y.backward(-grad, retain_graph=True) |
if depth_weight > 0: |
center_depth = depth[7:-7, 7:-7] |
border_depth_mean = (depth.sum() - center_depth.sum()) / (64*64-50*50) |
center_depth_mean = center_depth.mean() |
depth_diff = center_depth_mean - border_depth_mean |
depth_loss = - torch.log(depth_diff + 1e-12) |
depth_loss = depth_weight * depth_loss |
depth_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) |
emptiness_loss = torch.log(1 + emptiness_scale * ws).mean() |
emptiness_loss = emptiness_weight * emptiness_loss |
if emptiness_step * n_steps <= i: |
emptiness_loss *= emptiness_multiplier |
emptiness_loss.backward() |
opt.step() |
if every(pbar, percent=2): |
with torch.no_grad(): |
y = model.decode(y) |
if is_gradio : |
yield torch_samps_to_imgs(y)[0], f"Progress: {pbar.n}/{pbar.total} \nAfter the generation is complete, the video results will be displayed below.", gr.update(value=None) |
pbar.update() |
pbar.set_description(p) |
out=evaluate(model, vox, poser) |
if is_gradio: |
yield gr.update(visible=True), f"Generation complete. Please check the video below. \nThe result files and logs are located at {exp_dir}", gr.update(value=out) |
else : |
yield None |
@torch.no_grad() |
def evaluate(score_model, vox, poser): |
H, W = poser.H, poser.W |
vox.eval() |
K, poses = poser.sample_test(100) |
fuse = EarlyLoopBreak(5) |
aabb = vox.aabb.T.cpu().numpy() |
vox = vox.to(device_glb) |
num_imgs = len(poses) |
frames=[] |
for i in (pbar := tqdm(range(num_imgs))): |
if fuse.on_break(): |
break |
pose = poses[i] |
y, depth = render_one_view(vox, aabb, H, W, K, pose) |
y = score_model.decode(y) |
y=torch_samps_to_imgs(y)[0] |
frames.append(y) |
out_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp4', delete=False) |
writer = imageio.get_writer(out_file.name, fps=10) |
for img in frames: |
writer.append_data(img) |
writer.close() |
return out_file.name |
def render_one_view(vox, aabb, H, W, K, pose, return_w=False): |
N = H * W |
ro, rd = rays_from_img(H, W, K, pose) |
ro, rd, t_min, t_max = scene_box_filter_(ro, rd, aabb) |
assert len(ro) == N, "for now all pixels must be in" |
ro, rd, t_min, t_max = as_torch_tsrs(vox.device, ro, rd, t_min, t_max) |
rgbs, depth, weights = render_ray_bundle(vox, ro, rd, t_min, t_max) |
rgbs = rearrange(rgbs, "(h w) c -> 1 c h w", h=H, w=W) |
depth = rearrange(depth, "(h w) 1 -> h w", h=H, w=W) |
if return_w: |
return rgbs, depth, weights |
else: |
return rgbs, depth |
def scene_box_filter_(ro, rd, aabb): |
_, t_min, t_max = ray_box_intersect(ro, rd, aabb) |
t_min, t_max = np.maximum(t_min, 0), np.maximum(t_max, 0) |
return ro, rd, t_min, t_max |
def vis_routine(metric, y, depth,prompt,depth_map): |
pane = nerf_vis(y, depth, final_H=256) |
im = torch_samps_to_imgs(y)[0] |
depth = depth.cpu().numpy() |
metric.put_artifact("view", ".png","",lambda fn: imwrite(fn, pane)) |
metric.put_artifact("img", ".png",prompt, lambda fn: imwrite(fn, im)) |
if depth_map != None: |
metric.put_artifact("PC_depth", ".png",prompt, lambda fn: imwrite(fn, depth_map.cpu().squeeze())) |
metric.put_artifact("depth", ".npy","",lambda fn: np.save(fn, depth)) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
dispatch(SJC_3DFuse) |