ResumeExtractor2 / utils /
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import os
import json
import logging
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
from huggingface_hub.utils._errors import BadRequestError
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from utils.fileTotext import extract_text_based_on_format
import re
from utils.spacy import Parser_from_model
# Load environment variables from .env file
# Authenticate with Hugging Face
HFT = os.getenv('HF_TOKEN')
if not HFT:
raise ValueError("Hugging Face token is not set in environment variables.")
client = InferenceClient(model="mistralai/Mistral-Nemo-Instruct-2407", token=HFT)
# Function to clean model output
def Data_Cleaner(text):
pattern = r".*?format:"
result = re.split(pattern, text, maxsplit=1)
if len(result) > 1:
# Handle edge cases where JSON might not be properly formatted after 'format:'
text_after_format = result[1].strip().strip('`').strip('json')
text_after_format = text.strip().strip('`').strip('json')
# Try to ensure valid JSON is returned
json.loads(text_after_format) # Check if it's valid JSON
return text_after_format
except json.JSONDecodeError:
logging.error("Data cleaning led to invalid JSON")
return text # Return the original text if cleaning goes wrong
# Function to call Mistral and process output
def Model_ProfessionalDetails_Output(resume, client):
system_role = {
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a skilled resume parser. Your task is to extract professional details from resumes in a structured JSON format defined by the User. Ensure accuracy and completeness while maintaining the format provided and if field are missing just return 'not found'."
user_prompt = {
"role": "user",
"content": f'''Act as a resume parser for the following text given in text: {resume}
Extract the text in the following output JSON string as:
"professional": {{
"technical_skills": "List all technical skills, programming languages, frameworks, and technologies mentioned in the resume, ensuring they are not mixed with other skill types.",
"non_technical_skills": "Identify and list non-technical skills such as leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, ensuring they are not mixed with technical skills.",
"tools": "Enumerate all software tools, platforms, and applications (e.g., Figma, Unity, MS Office, etc.) referenced in the resume, distinctly separate from skills.",
"projects": "Extract the names or titles of all projects mentioned in the resume.",
"projects_experience": "Summarize overall project experiences, providing a brief description of each project as detailed in the resume.",
"experience": "Calculate total professional work experience in years and months based on the resume.",
"companies_worked_at": "List the names of all companies where employment is mentioned in the resume.",
"certifications": "Extract and list all certifications obtained as stated in the resume.",
"roles": "Include the names of all job titles or roles held as indicated in the resume.",
"qualifications": "List educational qualifications (e.g., B.Tech) from the resume. If none are found, return 'No education listed'.",
"courses": "Extract the names of completed courses based on the resume. If none are found, return 'No courses listed'.",
"university": "Identify the name of the university, college, or institute attended, based on the resume. If not found, return 'No university listed'.",
"year_of_graduation": "Extract the year of graduation from the resume. If not found, return 'No year of graduation listed'."
Json Output:
response = ""
for message in client.chat_completion(messages=[system_role, user_prompt], max_tokens=4096, stream=True, temperature=0.35):
response += message.choices[0].delta.content
clean_response = Data_Cleaner(response)
parsed_response = json.loads(clean_response)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
logging.error(f"JSON Decode Error: {e}")
return {}
return parsed_response
def Model_PersonalDetails_Output(resume, client):
system_role = {
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a skilled resume parser. Your task is to extract professional details from resumes in a structured JSON format defined by the User. Ensure accuracy and completeness while maintaining the format provided and if field are missing just return 'not found'."
user_prompt = {
"role": "user",
"content": f'''Act as a resume parser for the following text given in text: {resume}
Extract the text in the following output JSON string as:
"personal": {{
"name": "Extract the full name based on the resume. If not found, return 'No name listed'.",
"contact_number": "Extract the contact number from the resume. If not found, return 'No contact number listed'.",
"email": "Extract the email address from the resume. If not found, return 'No email listed'.",
"Address": "Extract the Address or address from the resume. If not found, return 'No Address listed'.",
"link": "Extract any relevant links (e.g., portfolio, LinkedIn) from the resume. If not found, return 'No link listed'."
# Response
response = ""
for message in client.chat_completion(
messages=[system_role, user_prompt],
response += message.choices[0].delta.content
# Handle cases where the response might have formatting issues
#print('The Og response:-->',response)
#print("After data cleaning",clean_response)
parsed_response = json.loads(clean_response)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
print("JSON Decode Error:", e)
print("Raw Response:", response)
return {}
return parsed_response
# # Fallback to SpaCy if Mistral fails
# Add regex pattern for LinkedIn and GitHub links
linkedin_pattern = r"https?://(?:www\.)?linkedin\.com/[\w\-_/]+"
github_pattern = r"https?://(?:www\.)?github\.com/[\w\-_/]+"
email_pattern = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$"
contact_pattern = r"^\+?[\d\s\-()]{7,15}$"
def extract_links(hyperlinks):
linkedin_links = []
github_links = []
# Iterate through the hyperlinks and apply regex to find LinkedIn and GitHub links
for link in hyperlinks:
if re.match(linkedin_pattern, link):
elif re.match(github_pattern, link):
return linkedin_links, github_links
def is_valid_email(email):
email_regex = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$'
return re.match(email_regex, email) is not None
def is_valid_contact(contact):
patterns = [
r'^\+91[\s\.\-\/]?\(?0?\)?[\s\-\.\/]?\d{5}[\s\-\.\/]?\d{5}$', # +91 with optional 0 and separators
r'^\+91[\s\.\-\/]?\d{5}[\s\-\.\/]?\d{5}$', # +91 with 10 digits separated
r'^\d{5}[\s\-\.\/]?\d{5}$', # Local format without country code
r'^\+91[\s\.\-\/]?\d{10}$', # +91 with 10 digits together
r'^\d{10}$', # 10 digits together
r'^\+91[\s\.\-\/]?\(?\d{5}\)?[\s\-\.\/]?\d{5}[\s\-\.\/]?\d{5}$' # +91 with varying separators
r'\+1\s\(\d{3}\)\s\d{3}-\d{4} ', # USA/Canada Intl +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX
r'\(\d{3}\)\s\d{3}-\d{4} ', # USA/Canada STD (XXX) XXX-XXXX
r'\(\d{3}\)\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # USA/Canada (XXX) XXX XXXX
r'\(\d{3}\)\s\d{3}\s\d{3} ', # USA/Canada (XXX) XXX XXX
r'\+1\d{10} ', # +1 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\d{10} ', # XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+44\s\d{4}\s\d{6} ', # UK Intl +44 XXXX XXXXXX
r'\+44\s\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # UK Intl +44 XXX XXX XXXX
r'0\d{4}\s\d{6} ', # UK STD 0XXXX XXXXXX
r'0\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # UK STD 0XXX XXX XXXX
r'\+44\d{10} ', # +44 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{10} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+61\s\d\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Australia Intl +61 X XXXX XXXX
r'0\d\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Australia STD 0X XXXX XXXX
r'\+61\d{9} ', # +61 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX
r'\+91\s\d{5}-\d{5} ', # India Intl +91 XXXXX-XXXXX
r'\+91\s\d{4}-\d{6} ', # India Intl +91 XXXX-XXXXXX
r'\+91\s\d{10} ', # India Intl +91 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{2}-\d{7} ', # India STD 0XX-XXXXXXX
r'\+91\d{10} ', # +91 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+49\s\d{4}\s\d{8} ', # Germany Intl +49 XXXX XXXXXXXX
r'\+49\s\d{3}\s\d{7} ', # Germany Intl +49 XXX XXXXXXX
r'0\d{3}\s\d{8} ', # Germany STD 0XXX XXXXXXXX
r'\+49\d{12} ', # +49 XXXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+49\d{10} ', # +49 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{11} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+86\s\d{3}\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # China Intl +86 XXX XXXX XXXX
r'0\d{3}\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # China STD 0XXX XXXX XXXX
r'\+86\d{11} ', # +86 XXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+81\s\d\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Japan Intl +81 X XXXX XXXX
r'\+81\s\d{2}\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Japan Intl +81 XX XXXX XXXX
r'0\d\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Japan STD 0X XXXX XXXX
r'\+81\d{10} ', # +81 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+81\d{9} ', # +81 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX
r'\+55\s\d{2}\s\d{5}-\d{4} ', # Brazil Intl +55 XX XXXXX-XXXX
r'\+55\s\d{2}\s\d{4}-\d{4} ', # Brazil Intl +55 XX XXXX-XXXX
r'0\d{2}\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Brazil STD 0XX XXXX XXXX
r'\+55\d{11} ', # +55 XXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+55\d{10} ', # +55 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{10} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+33\s\d\s\d{2}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}\s\d{2} ', # France Intl +33 X XX XX XX XX
r'0\d\s\d{2}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}\s\d{2} ', # France STD 0X XX XX XX XX
r'\+33\d{9} ', # +33 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX
r'\+7\s\d{3}\s\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{2} ', # Russia Intl +7 XXX XXX-XX-XX
r'8\s\d{3}\s\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{2} ', # Russia STD 8 XXX XXX-XX-XX
r'\+7\d{10} ', # +7 XXXXXXXXXX
r'8\d{10} ', # 8 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+27\s\d{2}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # South Africa Intl +27 XX XXX XXXX
r'0\d{2}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # South Africa STD 0XX XXX XXXX
r'\+27\d{9} ', # +27 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX
r'\+52\s\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Mexico Intl +52 XXX XXX XXXX
r'\+52\s\d{2}\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Mexico Intl +52 XX XXXX XXXX
r'01\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Mexico STD 01 XXX XXXX
r'\+52\d{10} ', # +52 XXXXXXXXXX
r'01\d{7} ', # 01 XXXXXXX
r'\+234\s\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Nigeria Intl +234 XXX XXX XXXX
r'0\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Nigeria STD 0XXX XXX XXXX
r'\+234\d{10} ', # +234 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{10} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+971\s\d\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # UAE Intl +971 X XXX XXXX
r'0\d\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # UAE STD 0X XXX XXXX
r'\+971\d{8} ', # +971 XXXXXXXX
r'0\d{8} ', # 0XXXXXXXX
r'\+54\s9\s\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Argentina Intl +54 9 XXX XXX XXXX
r'\+54\s\d{1}\s\d{4}\s\d{4} ', # Argentina Intl +54 X XXXX XXXX
r'0\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Argentina STD 0XXX XXXX
r'\+54\d{10} ', # +54 9 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+54\d{9} ', # +54 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{7} ', # 0XXXXXXX
r'\+966\s\d\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Saudi Intl +966 X XXX XXXX
r'0\d\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # Saudi STD 0X XXX XXXX
r'\+966\d{8} ', # +966 XXXXXXXX
r'0\d{8} ', # 0XXXXXXXX
r'\+1\d{10} ', # +1 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+1\s\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4} ', # +1 XXX XXX XXXX
r'\d{5}\s\d{5} ', # XXXXX XXXXX
r'\d{10} ', # XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+44\d{10} ', # +44 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{10} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+61\d{9} ', # +61 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX
r'\+91\d{10} ', # +91 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+49\d{12} ', # +49 XXXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+49\d{10} ', # +49 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{11} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+86\d{11} ', # +86 XXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+81\d{10} ', # +81 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+81\d{9} ', # +81 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX
r'\+55\d{11} ', # +55 XXXXXXXXXXX
r'\+55\d{10} ', # +55 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{10} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+33\d{9} ', # +33 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX
r'\+7\d{10} ', # +7 XXXXXXXXXX
r'8\d{10} ', # 8 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+27\d{9} ', # +27 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{9} ', # 0XXXXXXXXX (South Africa STD)
r'\+52\d{10} ', # +52 XXXXXXXXXX
r'01\d{7} ', # 01 XXXXXXX
r'\+234\d{10} ', # +234 XXXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{10} ', # 0XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+971\d{8} ', # +971 XXXXXXXX
r'0\d{8} ', # 0XXXXXXXX
r'\+54\s9\s\d{10} ', # +54 9 XXXXXXXXXX
r'\+54\d{9} ', # +54 XXXXXXXXX
r'0\d{7} ', # 0XXXXXXX
r'\+966\d{8} ', # +966 XXXXXXXX
r'0\d{8}' # 0XXXXXXXX
# Check if the contact matches any of the patterns
return any(re.match(pattern, contact) for pattern in patterns) is not None
def validate_contact_email(personal_data):
contact = personal_data.get('contact', 'Not found')
email = personal_data.get('email', 'Not found')
valid_contact = is_valid_contact(contact) if contact != 'Not found' else False
valid_email = is_valid_email(email) if email != 'Not found' else False
invalid_contact = 'Invalid contact' if not valid_contact else 'Valid contact'
invalid_email = 'Invalid email' if not valid_email else 'Valid email'
return valid_contact, invalid_contact, valid_email, invalid_email
def process_resume_data(file_path):
resume_text, hyperlinks = extract_text_based_on_format(file_path)
print("Resume converted to text successfully.")
if not resume_text:
return {"error": "Text extraction failed"}
# Extract LinkedIn and GitHub links
linkedin_links, github_links = extract_links(hyperlinks)
# Attempt to use Mistral model for parsing
# Extract personal details using Mistral
per_data = Model_PersonalDetails_Output(resume_text, client)
# Extract professional details using Mistral
pro_data = Model_ProfessionalDetails_Output(resume_text, client)
# Check if per_data and pro_data have been populated correctly
if not per_data:
logging.warning("Mistral personal data extraction failed.")
per_data = {}
if not pro_data:
logging.warning("Mistral professional data extraction failed.")
pro_data = {}
# Combine both personal and professional details into a structured output
result = {
"personal": {
"name": per_data.get('personal', {}).get('name', 'Not found'),
"contact": per_data.get('personal', {}).get('contact_number', 'Not found'),
"email": per_data.get('personal', {}).get('email', 'Not found'),
"location": per_data.get('personal', {}).get('Address', 'Not found'),
"linkedin": linkedin_links,
"github": github_links,
"other_links": hyperlinks # Store remaining links if needed
"professional": {
"technical_skills": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('technical_skills', 'Not found'),
"non_technical_skills": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('non_technical_skills', 'Not found'),
"tools": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('tools', 'Not found'),
"experience": [
"company": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('companies_worked_at', 'Not found'),
"projects": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('projects', 'Not found'),
"role": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('worked_as', 'Not found'),
"years": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('experience', 'Not found'),
"project_experience": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('projects_experience', 'Not found')
"education": [
"qualification": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('qualification', 'Not found'),
"university": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('university', 'Not found'),
"course": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('course', 'Not found'),
"certificate": pro_data.get('professional', {}).get('certification', 'Not found')
# Validate contact and email
valid_contact, invalid_contact, valid_email, invalid_email = validate_contact_email(result['personal'])
result['personal']['valid_contact'] = valid_contact
result['personal']['invalid_contact'] = invalid_contact
result['personal']['valid_email'] = valid_email
result['personal']['invalid_email'] = invalid_email
# If Mistral produces valid output, return it
if per_data or pro_data:"Successfully extracted data using Mistral.")
return result
raise ValueError("Mistral returned no output")
# Handle HuggingFace API or Mistral model errors
except BadRequestError as e:
logging.error(f"HuggingFace API error: {e}. Falling back to SpaCy.")
print(f"HuggingFace API error: {e}. Falling back to SpaCy.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"An error occurred while processing with Mistral: {e}. Falling back to SpaCy.")
print(f"An error occurred while processing with Mistral: {e}. Falling back to SpaCy.")
# Fallback to SpaCy if Mistral fails
logging.warning("Mistral failed, switching to SpaCy.")
return Parser_from_model(file_path)