# Preparing evaluation datasets |
This readme provides instructions on downloading the downstream datasets used for zero-shot evaluation. |
**About the evaluation datasets:** For evaluating the zero-shot performance of UniMed-CLIP and prior Medical VLMs, we utilize 21 medical datasets that covers 6 diverse modalities. We refer the readers to Table 5 (supplementary material), for additional details about evaluation datasets. |
To facilitate quick prototyping, we directly provide the processed evaluation datasets. Download the datasets (zipped form) [from this link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/EdaUYopuq6lLhOTl0by1A9oBs92y56tV1g4iins9QiFwVg?e=WhKzUd). |
After downloading and extracting the files, the directory structure looks like below. |
``` |
extracted_folder/ |
|ββ LC25000_test/ |
|ββ BACH/ |
|ββ chexpert/ |
|ββ organs_coronal/ |
|ββ thyroid_us/ |
|ββ skin_tumor/ |
|ββ organs_sagittal/ |
|ββ fives_retina/ |
|ββ meniscal_mri/ |
# remaining datasets... |
``` |