import spaces |
import gradio as gr |
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient |
from torch import nn |
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoProcessor, AutoTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast, AutoModelForCausalLM |
from pathlib import Path |
import torch |
import torch.amp.autocast_mode |
from PIL import Image |
import os |
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TVF |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
load_dotenv() |
USERNAME = os.getenv("USERNAME") |
PASSWORD = os.getenv("PASSWORD") |
CLIP_PATH = "google/siglip-so400m-patch14-384" |
MODEL_PATH = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B" |
CHECKPOINT_PATH = Path("9em124t2-499968") |
TITLE = "<h1><center>JoyCaption Alpha One (2024-09-20a)</center></h1>" |
("descriptive", "formal", False, False): ["Write a descriptive caption for this image in a formal tone."], |
("descriptive", "formal", False, True): ["Write a descriptive caption for this image in a formal tone within {word_count} words."], |
("descriptive", "formal", True, False): ["Write a {length} descriptive caption for this image in a formal tone."], |
("descriptive", "informal", False, False): ["Write a descriptive caption for this image in a casual tone."], |
("descriptive", "informal", False, True): ["Write a descriptive caption for this image in a casual tone within {word_count} words."], |
("descriptive", "informal", True, False): ["Write a {length} descriptive caption for this image in a casual tone."], |
("training_prompt", "formal", False, False): ["Write a stable diffusion prompt for this image."], |
("training_prompt", "formal", False, True): ["Write a stable diffusion prompt for this image within {word_count} words."], |
("training_prompt", "formal", True, False): ["Write a {length} stable diffusion prompt for this image."], |
("rng-tags", "formal", False, False): ["Write a list of Booru tags for this image."], |
("rng-tags", "formal", False, True): ["Write a list of Booru tags for this image within {word_count} words."], |
("rng-tags", "formal", True, False): ["Write a {length} list of Booru tags for this image."], |
("style_prompt", "formal", False, False): ["Generate a detailed style prompt for this image, including lens type, film stock, composition notes, lighting aspects, and any special photographic techniques."], |
("style_prompt", "formal", False, True): ["Generate a detailed style prompt for this image within {word_count} words, including lens type, film stock, composition notes, lighting aspects, and any special photographic techniques."], |
("style_prompt", "formal", True, False): ["Generate a {length} detailed style prompt for this image, including lens type, film stock, composition notes, lighting aspects, and any special photographic techniques."], |
} |
HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN", None) |
class ImageAdapter(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, input_features: int, output_features: int, ln1: bool, pos_emb: bool, num_image_tokens: int, deep_extract: bool): |
super().__init__() |
self.deep_extract = deep_extract |
if self.deep_extract: |
input_features = input_features * 5 |
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(input_features, output_features) |
self.activation = nn.GELU() |
self.linear2 = nn.Linear(output_features, output_features) |
self.ln1 = nn.Identity() if not ln1 else nn.LayerNorm(input_features) |
self.pos_emb = None if not pos_emb else nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_image_tokens, input_features)) |
self.other_tokens = nn.Embedding(3, output_features) |
self.other_tokens.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=0.02) |
def forward(self, vision_outputs: torch.Tensor): |
if self.deep_extract: |
x = torch.concat(( |
vision_outputs[-2], |
vision_outputs[3], |
vision_outputs[7], |
vision_outputs[13], |
vision_outputs[20], |
), dim=-1) |
assert len(x.shape) == 3, f"Expected 3, got {len(x.shape)}" |
assert x.shape[-1] == vision_outputs[-2].shape[-1] * 5, f"Expected {vision_outputs[-2].shape[-1] * 5}, got {x.shape[-1]}" |
else: |
x = vision_outputs[-2] |
x = self.ln1(x) |
if self.pos_emb is not None: |
assert x.shape[-2:] == self.pos_emb.shape, f"Expected {self.pos_emb.shape}, got {x.shape[-2:]}" |
x = x + self.pos_emb |
x = self.linear1(x) |
x = self.activation(x) |
x = self.linear2(x) |
other_tokens = self.other_tokens(torch.tensor([0, 1], device=self.other_tokens.weight.device).expand(x.shape[0], -1)) |
assert other_tokens.shape == (x.shape[0], 2, x.shape[2]), f"Expected {(x.shape[0], 2, x.shape[2])}, got {other_tokens.shape}" |
x = torch.cat((other_tokens[:, 0:1], x, other_tokens[:, 1:2]), dim=1) |
return x |
def get_eot_embedding(self): |
return self.other_tokens(torch.tensor([2], device=self.other_tokens.weight.device)).squeeze(0) |
print("Loading CLIP") |
clip_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(CLIP_PATH) |
clip_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(CLIP_PATH) |
clip_model = clip_model.vision_model |
if (CHECKPOINT_PATH / "clip_model.pt").exists(): |
print("Loading VLM's custom vision model") |
checkpoint = torch.load(CHECKPOINT_PATH / "clip_model.pt", map_location='cpu') |
checkpoint = {k.replace("_orig_mod.module.", ""): v for k, v in checkpoint.items()} |
clip_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint) |
del checkpoint |
clip_model.eval() |
clip_model.requires_grad_(False) |
clip_model.to("cuda") |
print("Loading tokenizer") |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_PATH, use_fast=False) |
assert isinstance(tokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizer) or isinstance(tokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast), f"Tokenizer is of type {type(tokenizer)}" |
print("Loading LLM") |
if (CHECKPOINT_PATH / "text_model").exists: |
print("Loading VLM's custom text model") |
text_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(CHECKPOINT_PATH / "text_model", device_map=0, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16) |
else: |
text_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_PATH, device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16) |
text_model.eval() |
print("Loading image adapter") |
image_adapter = ImageAdapter(clip_model.config.hidden_size, text_model.config.hidden_size, False, False, 38, False) |
image_adapter.load_state_dict(torch.load(CHECKPOINT_PATH / "image_adapter.pt", map_location="cpu", weights_only=True)) |
image_adapter.eval() |
image_adapter.to("cuda") |
def preprocess_image(input_image: Image.Image) -> torch.Tensor: |
""" |
Preprocess the input image for the CLIP model. |
""" |
image = input_image.resize((384, 384), Image.LANCZOS) |
pixel_values = TVF.pil_to_tensor(image).unsqueeze(0) / 255.0 |
pixel_values = TVF.normalize(pixel_values, [0.5], [0.5]) |
return pixel_values.to('cuda') |
def generate_caption(text_model, tokenizer, image_features, prompt_str: str, max_new_tokens: int = 300) -> str: |
""" |
Generate a caption based on the image features and prompt. |
""" |
prompt = tokenizer.encode(prompt_str, return_tensors='pt', padding=False, truncation=False, add_special_tokens=False) |
prompt_embeds = text_model.model.embed_tokens(prompt.to('cuda')) |
embedded_bos = text_model.model.embed_tokens(torch.tensor([[tokenizer.bos_token_id]], device=text_model.device, dtype=torch.int64)) |
eot_embed = image_adapter.get_eot_embedding().unsqueeze(0).to(dtype=text_model.dtype) |
inputs_embeds = torch.cat([ |
embedded_bos.expand(image_features.shape[0], -1, -1), |
image_features.to(dtype=embedded_bos.dtype), |
prompt_embeds.expand(image_features.shape[0], -1, -1), |
eot_embed.expand(image_features.shape[0], -1, -1), |
], dim=1) |
input_ids = torch.cat([ |
torch.tensor([[tokenizer.bos_token_id]], dtype=torch.long), |
torch.zeros((1, image_features.shape[1]), dtype=torch.long), |
prompt, |
torch.tensor([[tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|eot_id|>")]], dtype=torch.long), |
], dim=1).to('cuda') |
attention_mask = torch.ones_like(input_ids) |
generate_ids = text_model.generate(input_ids, inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, attention_mask=attention_mask, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, do_sample=True, suppress_tokens=None) |
generate_ids = generate_ids[:, input_ids.shape[1]:] |
if generate_ids[0][-1] == tokenizer.eos_token_id or generate_ids[0][-1] == tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|eot_id|>"): |
generate_ids = generate_ids[:, :-1] |
return tokenizer.batch_decode(generate_ids, skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False)[0].strip() |
@spaces.GPU() |
@torch.no_grad() |
def stream_chat(input_image: Image.Image, caption_type: str, caption_tone: str, caption_length: str | int, lens_type: str = "", film_stock: str = "", composition_style: str = "", lighting_aspect: str = "", special_technique: str = "", color_effect: str = "") -> str: |
""" |
Generate a caption, training prompt, tags, or a style prompt for image generation based on the input image and parameters. |
""" |
if input_image is None: |
return "Error: Please upload an image before generating a caption." |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
try: |
length = None if caption_length == "any" else caption_length |
if isinstance(length, str): |
length = int(length) |
except ValueError: |
raise ValueError(f"Invalid caption length: {caption_length}") |
if caption_type in ["rng-tags", "training_prompt", "style_prompt"]: |
caption_tone = "formal" |
prompt_key = (caption_type, caption_tone, isinstance(length, str), isinstance(length, int)) |
if prompt_key not in CAPTION_TYPE_MAP: |
raise ValueError(f"Invalid caption type: {prompt_key}") |
if caption_type == "style_prompt": |
base_prompt = "Analyze the given image and create a detailed Stable Diffusion prompt for generating a new, creative image inspired by it. " |
base_prompt += "The prompt should describe the main elements, style, and mood of the image, " |
base_prompt += "but also introduce creative variations or enhancements. " |
base_prompt += "Include specific details about the composition, lighting, and overall atmosphere. " |
if lens_type: |
lens_type_key = lens_type.split(":")[0].strip() |
base_prompt += f"Incorporate the effect of a {lens_type_key} lens ({lens_types_info[lens_type_key]}). " |
if film_stock: |
film_stock_key = film_stock.split(":")[0].strip() |
base_prompt += f"Apply the characteristics of {film_stock_key} film stock ({film_stocks_info[film_stock_key]}). " |
if composition_style: |
composition_style_key = composition_style.split(":")[0].strip() |
base_prompt += f"Use a {composition_style_key} composition style ({composition_styles_info[composition_style_key]}). " |
if lighting_aspect: |
lighting_aspect_key = lighting_aspect.split(":")[0].strip() |
base_prompt += f"Implement {lighting_aspect_key} lighting ({lighting_aspects_info[lighting_aspect_key]}). " |
if special_technique: |
special_technique_key = special_technique.split(":")[0].strip() |
base_prompt += f"Apply the {special_technique_key} technique ({special_techniques_info[special_technique_key]}). " |
if color_effect: |
color_effect_key = color_effect.split(":")[0].strip() |
base_prompt += f"Use a {color_effect_key} color effect ({color_effects_info[color_effect_key]}). " |
base_prompt += f"The final prompt should be approximately {length} words long. " |
base_prompt += "Format the output as a single paragraph without numbering or bullet points." |
prompt_str = base_prompt |
else: |
prompt_str = CAPTION_TYPE_MAP[prompt_key][0].format(length=length, word_count=length) |
print(f"Constructed Prompt: {prompt_str}") |
pixel_values = preprocess_image(input_image) |
with torch.amp.autocast_mode.autocast('cuda', enabled=True): |
vision_outputs = clip_model(pixel_values=pixel_values, output_hidden_states=True) |
image_features = vision_outputs.hidden_states |
embedded_images = image_adapter(image_features) |
embedded_images = embedded_images.to('cuda') |
text_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_PATH, device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16) |
text_model.eval() |
print(f"Prompt passed to generate_caption: {prompt_str}") |
caption = generate_caption(text_model, tokenizer, embedded_images, prompt_str) |
return caption |
css = """ |
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padding-left: 20px; |
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text-align: left !important; |
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text-align: left !important; |
} |
""" |
lens_types_info = { |
"Standard": "A versatile lens with a field of view similar to human vision.", |
"Wide-angle": "Captures a wider field of view, great for landscapes and architecture. Applies moderate to strong lens effect with image warp.", |
"Telephoto": "Used for distant subjects, gives an 'award-winning' or 'National Geographic' look. Creates interesting effects when prompted.", |
"Macro": "For extreme close-up photography, revealing tiny details.", |
"Fish-eye": "Ultra-wide-angle lens that creates a strong bubble-like distortion. Generates panoramic photos with the entire image warping into a bubble.", |
"Tilt-shift": "Allows adjusting the plane of focus, creating a 'miniature' effect. Known for the 'diorama miniature look'.", |
"Zoom lens": "Variable focal length lens. Often zooms in on the subject, perfect for creating a base for inpainting. Interesting effect on landscapes with motion blur.", |
"GoPro": "Wide-angle lens with clean digital look. Excludes film grain and most filter effects, resulting in natural colors and regular saturation.", |
"Pinhole camera": "Creates a unique, foggy, low-detail, historic photograph look. Used since the 1850s, with peak popularity in the 1930s." |
} |
film_stocks_info = { |
"Kodak Portra": "Professional color negative film known for its natural skin tones and low contrast.", |
"Fujifilm Velvia": "Slide film known for vibrant colors and high saturation, popular among landscape photographers.", |
"Ilford Delta": "Black and white film known for its fine grain and high sharpness.", |
"Kodak Tri-X": "Classic high-speed black and white film, known for its distinctive grain and wide exposure latitude.", |
"Fujifilm Provia": "Color reversal film known for its natural color reproduction and fine grain.", |
"Cinestill": "Color photos with fine/low grain and higher than average resolution. Colors are slightly oversaturated or slightly desaturated.", |
"Ektachrome": "Color photos with fine/low to moderate grain. Colors on the colder part of spectrum or regular, with normal or slightly higher saturation.", |
"Ektar": "Modern Kodak film. Color photos with little to no grain. Results look like regular modern photography with artistic angles.", |
"Film Washi": "Mostly black and white photos with fine/low to moderate grain. Occasionally gives colored photos with low saturation. Distinct style with high black contrast and soft camera lens effect.", |
"Fomapan": "Black and white photos with fine/low to moderate grain, highly artistic exposure and angles. Adds very soft lens effect without distortion, dark photo vignette.", |
"Fujicolor": "Color photos with fine/low to moderate grain. Colors are either very oversaturated or slightly desaturated, with entire color hue shifted in a very distinct manner.", |
"Holga": "Color photos with high grain. Colors are either very oversaturated or slightly desaturated. Distinct contrast of black. Often applies photographic vignette.", |
"Instax": "Instant color photos similar to Polaroid but clearer. Near perfect colors, regular saturation, fine/low to medium grain.", |
"Lomography": "Color photos with high grain. Colors are either very oversaturated or slightly desaturated. Distinct contrast of black. Often applies photographic vignette.", |
"Kodachrome": "Color photos with moderate grain. Colors on either colder part of spectrum or regular, with normal or slightly higher saturation.", |
"Rollei": "Mostly black and white photos, sometimes color with fine/low grain. Can be sepia colored or have unusual hues and desaturation. Great for landscapes." |
} |
composition_styles_info = { |
"Rule of Thirds": "Divides the frame into a 3x3 grid, placing key elements along the lines or at their intersections.", |
"Golden Ratio": "Uses a spiral based on the golden ratio to create a balanced and aesthetically pleasing composition.", |
"Symmetry": "Creates a mirror-like balance in the image, often used for architectural or nature photography.", |
"Leading Lines": "Uses lines within the frame to draw the viewer's eye to the main subject or through the image.", |
"Framing": "Uses elements within the scene to create a frame around the main subject.", |
"Minimalism": "Simplifies the composition to its essential elements, often with a lot of negative space.", |
"Fill the Frame": "The main subject dominates the entire frame, leaving little to no background.", |
"Negative Space": "Uses empty space around the subject to create a sense of simplicity or isolation.", |
"Centered Composition": "Places the main subject in the center of the frame, creating a sense of stability or importance.", |
"Diagonal Lines": "Uses diagonal elements to create a sense of movement or dynamic tension in the image.", |
"Triangular Composition": "Arranges elements in the frame to form a triangle, creating a sense of stability and harmony.", |
"Radial Balance": "Arranges elements in a circular pattern around a central point, creating a sense of movement or completeness." |
} |
lighting_aspects_info = { |
"Natural light": "Uses available light from the sun or sky, often creating soft, even illumination.", |
"Studio lighting": "Controlled artificial lighting setup, allowing for precise manipulation of light and shadow.", |
"Back light": "Light source behind the subject, creating silhouettes or rim lighting effects.", |
"Split light": "Strong light source at 90-degree angle, lighting one half of the subject while leaving the other in shadow.", |
"Broad light": "Light source at an angle to the subject, producing well-lit photographs with soft to moderate shadows.", |
"Dim light": "Weak or distant light source, creating lower than average brightness and often dramatic images.", |
"Flash photography": "Uses a brief, intense burst of light. Can be fill flash (even lighting) or harsh flash (strong contrasts).", |
"Sunlight": "Direct light from the sun, often creating strong contrasts and warm tones.", |
"Moonlight": "Soft, cool light from the moon, often creating a mysterious or romantic atmosphere.", |
"Spotlight": "Focused beam of light illuminating a specific area, creating high contrast between light and shadow.", |
"High-key lighting": "Bright, even lighting with minimal shadows, creating a light and airy feel.", |
"Low-key lighting": "Predominantly dark tones with selective lighting, creating a moody or dramatic atmosphere.", |
"Rembrandt lighting": "Classic portrait lighting technique creating a triangle of light on the cheek of the subject." |
} |
special_techniques_info = { |
"Double exposure": "Superimposes two exposures to create a single image, often resulting in a dreamy or surreal effect.", |
"Long exposure": "Uses a long shutter speed to capture motion over time, often creating smooth, blurred effects for moving elements.", |
"Multiple exposure": "Superimposes multiple exposures, multiplying the subject or its key elements across the image.", |
"HDR": "High Dynamic Range imaging, combining multiple exposures to capture a wider range of light and dark tones.", |
"Bokeh effect": "Creates a soft, out-of-focus background, often with circular highlights.", |
"Silhouette": "Captures the outline of a subject against a brighter background, creating a dramatic contrast.", |
"Panning": "Follows a moving subject with the camera, creating a sharp subject with a blurred background.", |
"Light painting": "Uses long exposure and moving light sources to 'paint' with light in the image.", |
"Infrared photography": "Captures light in the infrared spectrum, often resulting in surreal, otherworldly images.", |
"Ultraviolet photography": "Captures light in the ultraviolet spectrum, often revealing hidden patterns or creating a strong violet glow.", |
"Kirlian photography": "High-voltage photographic technique that captures corona discharges around objects, creating a glowing effect.", |
"Thermography": "Captures infrared radiation to create images based on temperature differences, resulting in false-color heat maps.", |
"Astrophotography": "Specialized technique for capturing astronomical objects and celestial events, often resulting in stunning starry backgrounds.", |
"Underwater photography": "Captures images beneath the surface of water, often in pools, seas, or aquariums.", |
"Aerial photography": "Captures images from an elevated position, such as from drones, helicopters, or planes.", |
"Macro photography": "Extreme close-up photography, revealing tiny details not visible to the naked eye." |
} |
color_effects_info = { |
"Black and white": "Removes all color, leaving only shades of gray.", |
"Sepia": "Reddish-brown monochrome effect, often associated with vintage photography.", |
"Monochrome": "Uses variations of a single color.", |
"Vintage color": "Muted or faded color palette reminiscent of old photographs.", |
"Cross-processed": "Deliberate processing of film in the wrong chemicals, creating unusual color shifts.", |
"Desaturated": "Reduces the intensity of all colors in the image.", |
"Vivid colors": "Increases the saturation and intensity of colors.", |
"Pastel colors": "Soft, pale colors with a light and airy feel.", |
"High contrast": "Emphasizes the difference between light and dark areas in the image.", |
"Low contrast": "Reduces the difference between light and dark areas, creating a softer look.", |
"Color splash": "Converts most of the image to black and white while leaving one or more elements in color." |
} |
def get_dropdown_choices(info_dict): |
return [f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in info_dict.items()] |
def login(username, password): |
if username == USERNAME and password == PASSWORD: |
return gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value="Login successful! You can now access the Caption Captain tab.", visible=True) |
else: |
return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(value="Invalid username or password. Please try again.", visible=True) |
with gr.Blocks(theme="Hev832/Applio", css=css, fill_width=True, fill_height=True) as demo: |
with gr.Tab("Welcome"): |
with gr.Row(elem_classes="welcome-tab"): |
with gr.Column(scale=2, elem_classes="welcome-content"): |
gr.Markdown( |
""" |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64740cf7485a7c8e1bd51ac9/LVZnwLV43UUvKu3HORqSs.webp" alt="UDG" width="250" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto; class="centered-image"> |
# 🎨 Underground Digital's Caption Captain: AI-Powered Art Inspiration |
## Accelerate Your Creative Workflow with Intelligent Image Analysis |
This innovative tool empowers Yamamoto's artists to quickly generate descriptive captions,<br> |
training prompts, and tags from existing artwork, fueling the creative process for GenAI models. |
## 🚀 How It Works: |
1. **Upload Your Inspiration**: Drop in an image (e.g., a charcoal horse picture) that embodies your desired style. |
2. **Choose Your Output**: Select from descriptive captions, training prompts, or tags. |
3. **Customize the Results**: Adjust tone, length, and other parameters to fine-tune the output. |
4. **Generate and Iterate**: Click 'Caption' to analyze your image and use the results to inspire new creations. |
""" |
) |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
with gr.Row(): |
gr.Markdown( |
""" |
Login below using the internal<br> |
username and password to access the full app.<br> |
Once logged in, a new tab will appear named<br> |
"Caption Captain" allowing you to access the app. |
""" |
) |
with gr.Row(): |
username = gr.Textbox(label="Username", placeholder="Enter your username") |
with gr.Row(): |
password = gr.Textbox(label="Password", type="password", placeholder="Enter your password") |
with gr.Row(): |
login_button = gr.Button("Login", size="sm") |
login_message = gr.Markdown(visible=False) |
caption_captain_tab = gr.Tab("Caption Captain", visible=False) |
with caption_captain_tab: |
with gr.Accordion("How to Use Caption Captain", open=False): |
gr.Markdown(""" |
# How to Use Caption Captain |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64740cf7485a7c8e1bd51ac9/sDjwwSS4L_atPLP_H5Glv.png" alt="Captain" width="100" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"> |
Hello, artist! Let's make some fun captions for your pictures. Here's how: |
1. **Pick a Picture**: Find a cool picture you want to talk about and upload it. |
2. **Choose What You Want**: |
- **Caption Type**: |
* "Descriptive" tells you what's in the picture |
* "Training Prompt" helps computers make similar pictures |
* "RNG-Tags" gives you short words about the picture |
* "Style Prompt" creates detailed prompts for image generation |
3. **Pick a Style** (for "Descriptive" and "Style Prompt" only): |
- "Formal" sounds like a teacher talking |
- "Informal" sounds like a friend chatting |
4. **Decide How Long**: |
- "Any" lets the computer decide |
- Or pick a size from "very short" to "very long" |
- You can even choose a specific number of words! |
5. **Advanced Options** (for "Style Prompt" only): |
- Choose lens type, film stock, composition, and lighting details |
6. **Make the Caption**: Click the "Make My Caption!" button and watch the magic happen! |
Remember, have fun and be creative with your captions! |
## Tips for Great Captions: |
- Try different types to see what you like best |
- Experiment with formal and informal tones for fun variations |
- Adjust the length to get just the right amount of detail |
- For "Style Prompt", play with the advanced options for more specific results |
- If you don't like a caption, just click "Make My Caption!" again for a new one |
Have a great time captioning your art! |
""") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
input_image = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Input Image") |
caption_type = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=["descriptive", "training_prompt", "rng-tags", "style_prompt"], |
label="Caption Type", |
value="descriptive", |
) |
caption_tone = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=["formal", "informal"], |
label="Caption Tone", |
value="formal", |
) |
caption_length = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=["any", "very short", "short", "medium-length", "long", "very long"] + |
[str(i) for i in range(20, 261, 10)], |
label="Caption Length", |
value="any", |
) |
gr.Markdown("**Note:** Caption tone doesn't affect `rng-tags`, `training_prompt`, and `style_prompt`.") |
with gr.Column(): |
error_message = gr.Markdown(visible=False) |
output_caption = gr.Textbox(label="Generated Caption") |
run_button = gr.Button("Make My Caption!") |
with gr.Column(visible=False) as advanced_options: |
gr.Markdown("### Advanced Options for Style Prompt") |
lens_type = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=get_dropdown_choices(lens_types_info), |
label="Lens Type", |
info="Select a lens type to define the perspective and field of view of the image." |
) |
film_stock = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=get_dropdown_choices(film_stocks_info), |
label="Film Stock", |
info="Choose a film stock to determine the color, grain, and overall look of the image." |
) |
composition_style = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=get_dropdown_choices(composition_styles_info), |
label="Composition Style", |
info="Select a composition style to guide the arrangement of elements in the image." |
) |
lighting_aspect = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=get_dropdown_choices(lighting_aspects_info), |
label="Lighting Aspect", |
info="Choose a lighting style to define the mood and atmosphere of the image." |
) |
special_technique = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=get_dropdown_choices(special_techniques_info), |
label="Special Technique", |
info="Select a special photographic technique to add unique effects to the image." |
) |
color_effect = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=get_dropdown_choices(color_effects_info), |
label="Color Effect", |
info="Choose a color effect to alter the overall color palette of the image." |
) |
def update_style_options(caption_type): |
return gr.update(visible=caption_type == "style_prompt") |
caption_type.change(update_style_options, inputs=[caption_type], outputs=[advanced_options]) |
def process_and_handle_errors(input_image, caption_type, caption_tone, caption_length, lens_type, film_stock, composition_style, lighting_aspect, special_technique, color_effect): |
try: |
result = stream_chat(input_image, caption_type, caption_tone, caption_length, lens_type, film_stock, composition_style, lighting_aspect, special_technique, color_effect) |
return gr.update(visible=False), result |
except Exception as e: |
return gr.update(visible=True, value=f"Error: {str(e)}"), "" |
run_button.click( |
fn=process_and_handle_errors, |
inputs=[input_image, caption_type, caption_tone, caption_length, lens_type, film_stock, composition_style, lighting_aspect, special_technique, color_effect], |
outputs=[error_message, output_caption] |
) |
login_button.click( |
login, |
inputs=[username, password], |
outputs=[caption_captain_tab, username, password, login_message] |
) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
demo.launch() |