const generateTab = document.querySelector("#generateTab"); |
const verifyTab = document.querySelector("#verifyTab"); |
const displayVerify = document.querySelectorAll(".display-verify"); |
const displayGenerate = document.querySelectorAll(".display-generate"); |
const uploadForm = document.querySelector(".verify-upload-form"); |
const imageGenForm = document.querySelector(".image-gen-form"); |
const imagePrompt = document.getElementById("prompt"); |
const model = document.getElementById("model"); |
const generateTerms = document.getElementById("generate-terms"); |
const generateButton = document.getElementById("generate-button"); |
const fileUpload = document.getElementById("fileUpload"); |
const verifyButton = document.getElementById("verify-button"); |
const verifyTerms = document.getElementById("verify-terms"); |
const generateImageContainer = document.querySelector( |
".display-generate .image-container" |
); |
const generateActionMenu = document.querySelector(".action-menu"); |
const verifyImageContainer = document.querySelector( |
".display-verify .image-container" |
); |
const uploadedImageContainer = document.querySelector("#original-image"); |
const downloadButton = document.getElementById("download-button"); |
const verifyResultDescription = document.getElementById( |
"verifyResultDescription" |
); |
const verificationOutput = document.getElementById("verification-output"); |
const certificateList = document.getElementById("certificate-list"); |
const outputContainer = document.querySelector(".output-container"); |
const contentCredentialsIcon = document.getElementById( |
"content-crendentials-icon" |
); |
const digitalWatermarkIcon = document.getElementById("digital-watermark-icon"); |
var certificates = []; |
[imagePrompt, model, generateTerms].forEach((item) => { |
item.addEventListener("change", async (event) => { |
setGenerateButtonStatus(); |
}); |
}); |
const setGenerateButtonStatus = () => { |
if (imagePrompt.value && model.value && generateTerms.checked) |
generateButton.classList.add("active"); |
else generateButton.classList.remove("active"); |
}; |
[fileUpload, verifyTerms].forEach((item) => { |
item.addEventListener("change", async (event) => { |
setVerifyButtonStatus(); |
}); |
}); |
const setVerifyButtonStatus = () => { |
if (fileUpload.value && verifyTerms.checked) |
verifyButton.classList.add("active"); |
else verifyButton.classList.remove("active"); |
}; |
generateTab.addEventListener("click", (event) => { |
event.target.classList.add("active"); |
verifyTab.classList.remove("active"); |
setGenerateElementsDisplay("block"); |
setVerifyElementsDisplay("none"); |
}); |
verifyTab.addEventListener("click", (event) => { |
event.target.classList.add("active"); |
generateTab.classList.remove("active"); |
setGenerateElementsDisplay("none"); |
setVerifyElementsDisplay("block"); |
}); |
document |
.getElementById("goto-verify-button") |
.addEventListener("click", (event) => { |
verifyTab.classList.add("active"); |
generateTab.classList.remove("active"); |
setVerifyElementsDisplay("block"); |
setGenerateElementsDisplay("none"); |
}); |
function setGenerateElementsDisplay(displayStatus) { |
displayGenerate.forEach((item) => { |
item.style.display = displayStatus; |
}); |
} |
function setVerifyElementsDisplay(displayStatus) { |
displayVerify.forEach((item) => { |
item.style.display = displayStatus; |
}); |
} |
uploadForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
submitForm(); |
}); |
function submitForm() { |
if (!fileUpload.value || !verifyTerms.checked) return; |
const file = document.getElementById("fileUpload").files[0]; |
let fileReader = new FileReader(); |
fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); |
fileReader.onload = function () { |
document |
.getElementById("uploaded-image") |
.setAttribute("src", fileReader.result); |
}; |
verifyImageContainer.style.display = "flex"; |
document.querySelector(".display-verify .error").style.display = "none"; |
placeholder = document.querySelector(".display-verify .placeholder"); |
spinner = document.querySelector(".display-verify .spinner"); |
placeholder.style.display = "none"; |
if (document.getElementById("verifyresult")) |
document.getElementById("verifyresult").remove(); |
spinner.style.display = "block"; |
outputContainer.style.display = "none"; |
document.getElementById("resultLabel").style.display = "none"; |
uploadedImageContainer.style.display = "none"; |
const formData = new FormData(uploadForm); |
submitFormData(formData); |
} |
function submitFormData(formData) { |
fetch("verify", { |
method: "POST", |
body: formData, |
}) |
.then((response) => response.json()) |
.then((data) => { |
console.log(data); |
fileUpload.value = ""; |
setVerifyButtonStatus(); |
if (data.contains_c2pa == "true") { |
contentCredentialsIcon.setAttribute("class", "check-icon"); |
} else { |
contentCredentialsIcon.setAttribute("class", "x-icon"); |
} |
if (data.contains_watermark == "true") { |
digitalWatermarkIcon.setAttribute("class", "check-icon"); |
} else { |
digitalWatermarkIcon.setAttribute("class", "x-icon"); |
} |
if (data.contains_c2pa == "true" && data.contains_watermark == "true") { |
verifyResultDescription.innerHTML = |
"Your image contains content credentials, which are displayed below."; |
} else if ( |
data.contains_c2pa == "false" && |
data.contains_watermark == "true" |
) { |
verifyResultDescription.innerHTML = |
"The watermark was found, but image modifications were also detected. The last untampered, signed version on file is displayed."; |
} else if ( |
data.contains_c2pa == "true" && |
data.contains_watermark == "false" |
) { |
verifyResultDescription.innerHTML = |
"Your image contains content credentials, which are displayed below. A watermark was not detected."; |
} else if ( |
data.contains_c2pa == "false" && |
data.contains_watermark == "false" |
) { |
verifyResultDescription.innerHTML = |
"Nothing to show: this image contains neither content credentials, nor a watermark."; |
} |
uploadedImageContainer.style.display = "flex"; |
document.getElementById("resultLabel").style.display = "block"; |
document.querySelector(".display-verify .spinner").style.display = "none"; |
if (data.result_media != "n/a") { |
const path = "/" + data.result_media; |
var truepicDisplay = document.createElement("truepic-display"); |
truepicDisplay.addEventListener( |
"validate", |
setVerificationOutputFromValidation |
); |
truepicDisplay.addEventListener( |
"validate", |
setCertificateOutputFromValidation |
); |
truepicDisplay.setAttribute("id", "verifyresult"); |
truepicDisplay.setAttribute("active", ""); |
var truepic = document.createElement("img"); |
truepic.src = path; |
truepicDisplay.appendChild(truepic); |
verifyImageContainer.appendChild(truepicDisplay); |
outputContainer.style.display = "block"; |
} else { |
verifyImageContainer.style.display = "none"; |
} |
}) |
.catch((error) => { |
console.log(error); |
document.querySelector(".display-verify .error").style.display = "block"; |
fileUpload.value = ""; |
setVerifyButtonStatus(); |
document.querySelector(".display-verify .spinner").style.display = "none"; |
document.querySelector(".display-verify .placeholder").style.display = |
"block"; |
}); |
} |
const generateImage = async (text, model) => { |
const inferResponse = await fetch(`generate?prompt=${text}&model=${model}`); |
const inferJson = await inferResponse.json(); |
return inferJson.response; |
}; |
imageGenForm.addEventListener("submit", async (event) => { |
event.preventDefault(); |
if (!imagePrompt.value || !model.value || !generateTerms.checked) return; |
placeholder = document.querySelector(".display-generate .placeholder"); |
spinner = document.querySelector(".display-generate .spinner"); |
generateActionMenu.style.display = "none"; |
document.querySelector(".display-generate .error").style.display = "none"; |
try { |
placeholder.style.display = "none"; |
if (document.getElementById("genresult")) |
document.getElementById("genresult").remove(); |
spinner.style.display = "block"; |
const resp = await generateImage(imagePrompt.value, model.value); |
const path = "/" + resp; |
var truepicDisplay = document.createElement("truepic-display"); |
truepicDisplay.setAttribute("id", "genresult"); |
truepicDisplay.setAttribute("active", ""); |
var truepic = document.createElement("img"); |
truepic.src = path; |
truepicDisplay.appendChild(truepic); |
spinner.style.display = "none"; |
generateImageContainer.appendChild(truepicDisplay); |
downloadButton.href = path; |
downloadButton.download = resp; |
generateActionMenu.style.display = "block"; |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(err); |
document.querySelector(".display-generate .error").style.display = "block"; |
spinner.style.display = "none"; |
placeholder.style.display = "block"; |
} |
}); |
function setVerificationOutputFromValidation(event) { |
return setVerificationOutput(event.detail.manifestStore.toJSON()); |
} |
function setCertificateOutputFromValidation(event) { |
return setCertificateOutput(event.detail.manifestStore); |
} |
function setVerificationOutput(output = null) { |
verificationOutput.innerHTML = ""; |
if (!output) { |
return; |
} |
const viewer = new JSONViewer(); |
verificationOutput.appendChild(viewer.getContainer()); |
viewer.showJSON(output); |
} |
function setCertificateOutput(manifestStore = null) { |
const certificate = manifestStore?.activeManifest?.certificate; |
if (!certificate) { |
return; |
} |
certificates = [ |
{ |
der: certificate.der, |
name: certificate.subjectName, |
decoded: new x509.X509Certificate(certificate.der), |
}, |
...certificate.chain.map((certificate) => ({ |
der: certificate.der, |
decoded: new x509.X509Certificate(certificate.der), |
})), |
]; |
certificates.forEach((certificate) => { |
certificate.transformed = transformCert(certificate.decoded); |
}); |
console.log("certificates", certificates); |
certificateList.innerHTML = ""; |
certificates.forEach((certificate, index) => { |
var li = document.createElement("li"); |
if (index == 0) li.classList.add("active"); |
li.appendChild( |
document.createTextNode(certificate.transformed.subjectCommonName) |
); |
li.addEventListener("click", function (e) { |
setCertificate(index); |
const lis = document.querySelectorAll("#certificate-list li"); |
lis.forEach((element) => { |
element.classList.remove("active"); |
}); |
this.classList.add("active"); |
}); |
certificateList.appendChild(li); |
}); |
setCertificate(0); |
} |
function transformCert(certificate) { |
const { |
issuer, |
subject, |
notAfter: expired, |
notBefore: issued, |
serialNumber, |
publicKey: { |
algorithm: { |
name: algorithm, |
modulusLength: modulus, |
namedCurve: namedCurve, |
}, |
}, |
} = certificate; |
const parsedSubject = parseCertificateValues(subject); |
const parsedIssuer = parseCertificateValues(issuer); |
return { |
issuerCommonName: parsedIssuer["CN"], |
issuerOrganizationUnit: parsedIssuer["OU"], |
issuerOrganization: parsedIssuer["O"], |
issuerCountry: parsedIssuer["C"], |
subjectCommonName: parsedSubject["CN"], |
subjectOrganizationUnit: parsedSubject["OU"], |
subjectOrganization: parsedSubject["O"], |
subjectCountry: parsedSubject["C"], |
issued, |
expired, |
serialNumber, |
algorithm, |
modulus, |
namedCurve, |
}; |
} |
function parseCertificateValues(input) { |
const params = new URLSearchParams(input.replaceAll(",", "&")); |
const responses = {}; |
for (const entry of params.entries()) { |
responses[entry[0].trim()] = entry[1]; |
} |
return responses; |
} |
function setCertificate(ind) { |
const certificate = certificates[ind].transformed; |
document.querySelector(".details .issuerCommonName").innerHTML = |
certificate.issuerCommonName; |
document.querySelector(".details .issuerOrganizationUnit").innerHTML = |
certificate.issuerOrganizationUnit; |
document.querySelector(".details .issuerOrganization").innerHTML = |
certificate.issuerOrganization; |
document.querySelector(".details .issuerCountry").innerHTML = |
certificate.issuerCountry; |
document.querySelector(".details .subjectCommonName").innerHTML = |
certificate.subjectCommonName; |
document.querySelector(".details .subjectOrganizationUnit").innerHTML = |
certificate.subjectOrganizationUnit; |
document.querySelector(".details .subjectOrganization").innerHTML = |
certificate.subjectOrganization; |
document.querySelector(".details .subjectCountry").innerHTML = |
certificate.subjectCountry; |
document.querySelector(".details .issued").innerHTML = certificate.issued; |
document.querySelector(".details .expired").innerHTML = certificate.expired; |
document.querySelector(".details .serialNumber").innerHTML = |
certificate.serialNumber; |
document.querySelector(".details .algorithm").innerHTML = |
certificate.algorithm; |
if (certificate.namedCurve !== undefined) { |
document.querySelector(".details .namedCurve").innerHTML = |
certificate.namedCurve; |
document.querySelector("#curveContainer").style.display = "block"; |
} else { |
document.querySelector("#curveContainer").style.display = "none"; |
} |
} |