Yw22's picture
init demo
# Copyright 2023-present the HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import math
import warnings
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from peft.tuners.lycoris_utils import LycorisLayer, check_adapters_to_merge
class OFTLayer(nn.Module, LycorisLayer):
# All names of layers that may contain adapter weights
adapter_layer_names = ("oft_r",)
# other_param_names is defined on parent class
def __init__(self, base_layer: nn.Module):
LycorisLayer.__init__(self, base_layer)
# OFT info
self.oft_r = nn.ParameterDict({})
self.coft = {}
self.eps = {}
self.block_share = {}
def _available_adapters(self) -> Set[str]:
return {*self.oft_r}
def create_adapter_parameters(self, adapter_name: str, r: int, shape: Tuple[int, ...], block_share: bool):
if block_share:
self.oft_r[adapter_name] = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(1, math.ceil(shape[0] / r), math.ceil(shape[0] / r)))
self.oft_r[adapter_name] = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(r, math.ceil(shape[0] / r), math.ceil(shape[0] / r)))
def reset_adapter_parameters(self, adapter_name: str):
def reset_adapter_parameters_random(self, adapter_name: str):
nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.oft_r[adapter_name], a=math.sqrt(5))
def update_layer(
adapter_name: str,
r: int,
module_dropout: float,
init_weights: bool,
coft: bool = False,
eps: float = 6e-5,
block_share: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Internal function to create oft adapter
adapter_name (`str`): Name for the adapter to add.
r (`int`): Rank for the added adapter.
module_dropout (`float`): The dropout probability for disabling adapter during training.
init_weights (`bool`): Whether to initialize weights.
coft (`bool`): Whether to use the constrained variant of OFT or not.
eps (`float`):
The control strength of COFT. The freedom of rotation. Only has an effect if `coft` is set to True.
block_share (`bool`): Whether to share the OFT parameters between blocks or not.
if r <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"`r` should be a positive integer value but the value passed is {r}")
self.r[adapter_name] = r
self.module_dropout[adapter_name] = module_dropout
self.coft[adapter_name] = coft
self.block_share[adapter_name] = block_share
# Determine shape of OFT weights
base_layer = self.get_base_layer()
if isinstance(base_layer, nn.Linear):
shape = tuple(base_layer.weight.shape)
elif isinstance(base_layer, nn.Conv2d):
shape = (
base_layer.in_channels * base_layer.kernel_size[0] * base_layer.kernel_size[1],
raise TypeError(f"OFT is not implemented for base layers of type {type(base_layer).__name__}")
self.eps[adapter_name] = eps * math.ceil(shape[0] / r) * math.ceil(shape[0] / r)
# Create weights with provided shape
self.create_adapter_parameters(adapter_name, r, shape, block_share)
# Initialize weights
if init_weights:
# Move new weights to device
weight = getattr(self.get_base_layer(), "weight", None)
if weight is not None:
# the layer is already completely initialized, this is an update
if weight.dtype.is_floating_point or weight.dtype.is_complex:
self.to(weight.device, dtype=weight.dtype)
def unscale_layer(self, scale=None) -> None:
# scale is not used
def merge(self, safe_merge: bool = False, adapter_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
Merge the active adapter weights into the base weights
safe_merge (`bool`, *optional*):
If `True`, the merge operation will be performed in a copy of the original weights and check for NaNs
before merging the weights. This is useful if you want to check if the merge operation will produce
NaNs. Defaults to `False`.
adapter_names (`List[str]`, *optional*):
The list of adapter names that should be merged. If `None`, all active adapters will be merged.
Defaults to `None`.
adapter_names = check_adapters_to_merge(self, adapter_names)
if not adapter_names:
# no adapter to merge
for active_adapter in adapter_names:
if active_adapter in self._available_adapters:
base_layer = self.get_base_layer()
orig_weights = base_layer.weight.data
if isinstance(base_layer, nn.Linear):
orig_weights = torch.transpose(orig_weights, 0, 1)
elif isinstance(base_layer, nn.Conv2d):
orig_weights = orig_weights.view(
base_layer.in_channels * base_layer.kernel_size[0] * base_layer.kernel_size[1],
orig_weights = torch.transpose(orig_weights, 0, 1)
delta_weight = self.get_delta_weight(active_adapter)
if orig_weights.shape[1] != delta_weight.shape[1]:
# when in channels is not divisible by r
delta_weight = delta_weight[: orig_weights.shape[1], : orig_weights.shape[1]]
new_weights = torch.mm(orig_weights, delta_weight)
if isinstance(base_layer, nn.Linear):
new_weights = torch.transpose(new_weights, 0, 1)
elif isinstance(base_layer, nn.Conv2d):
new_weights = torch.transpose(new_weights, 0, 1)
new_weights = new_weights.view(
if safe_merge and not torch.isfinite(new_weights).all():
raise ValueError(
f"NaNs detected in the merged weights. The adapter {active_adapter} seems to be broken"
base_layer.weight.data = new_weights
def unmerge(self) -> None:
This method unmerges all merged adapter layers from the base weights.
if not self.merged:
warnings.warn("Already unmerged. Nothing to do.")
while len(self.merged_adapters) > 0:
active_adapter = self.merged_adapters.pop()
if active_adapter in self._available_adapters:
base_layer = self.get_base_layer()
new_weights = base_layer.weight.data
if isinstance(base_layer, nn.Linear):
new_weights = torch.transpose(new_weights, 0, 1)
elif isinstance(base_layer, nn.Conv2d):
new_weights = new_weights.view(
base_layer.in_channels * base_layer.kernel_size[0] * base_layer.kernel_size[1],
new_weights = torch.transpose(new_weights, 0, 1)
delta_weight = self.get_delta_weight(active_adapter)
if new_weights.shape[1] != delta_weight.shape[1]:
# when in channels is not divisible by r
delta_weight = delta_weight[: new_weights.shape[1], : new_weights.shape[1]]
delta_inv = torch.inverse(delta_weight)
orig_weights = torch.mm(new_weights, delta_inv)
if isinstance(base_layer, nn.Linear):
orig_weights = torch.transpose(orig_weights, 0, 1)
elif isinstance(base_layer, nn.Conv2d):
orig_weights = torch.transpose(orig_weights, 0, 1)
orig_weights = orig_weights.reshape(
base_layer.weight.data = orig_weights
def get_delta_weight(self, adapter_name: str) -> torch.Tensor:
rank = self.r[adapter_name]
coft = self.coft[adapter_name]
eps = self.eps[adapter_name]
opt_r = self.oft_r[adapter_name]
if coft:
with torch.no_grad():
opt_r.copy_(self._project_batch(opt_r, eps=eps))
orth_rotate = self._cayley_batch(opt_r)
weight = self._block_diagonal(orth_rotate, rank)
return weight
# Copied from https://github.com/Zeju1997/oft/blob/84cebb965df69781e3d9c3c875f5980b421eaf24/oft-control/oft.py#L144
def _cayley_batch(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
b, r, c = data.shape
# Ensure the input matrix is skew-symmetric
skew = 0.5 * (data - data.transpose(1, 2))
I = torch.eye(r, device=data.device).unsqueeze(0).expand(b, r, c) # noqa: E741
# Perform the Cayley parametrization
Q = torch.bmm(I - skew, torch.inverse(I + skew))
return Q
# Copied from https://github.com/Zeju1997/oft/blob/84cebb965df69781e3d9c3c875f5980b421eaf24/oft-control/oft.py#L155
def _block_diagonal(self, oft_r: torch.Tensor, rank: int) -> torch.Tensor:
if oft_r.shape[0] == 1:
# block share
blocks = [oft_r[0, ...] for i in range(rank)]
blocks = [oft_r[i, ...] for i in range(rank)]
# Use torch.block_diag to create the block diagonal matrix
A = torch.block_diag(*blocks)
return A
# Copied from https://github.com/Zeju1997/oft/blob/84cebb965df69781e3d9c3c875f5980b421eaf24/oft-control/oft.py#L52
def _project_batch(self, oft_r, eps=1e-5):
# scaling factor for each of the smaller block matrix
eps = eps * 1 / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(oft_r.shape[0]))
I = ( # noqa: E741
torch.zeros((oft_r.size(1), oft_r.size(1)), device=oft_r.device, dtype=oft_r.dtype)
diff = oft_r - I
norm_diff = torch.norm(oft_r - I, dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True)
mask = (norm_diff <= eps).bool()
out = torch.where(mask, oft_r, I + eps * (diff / norm_diff))
return out
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor:
previous_dtype = x.dtype
if self.disable_adapters:
if self.merged:
result = self.base_layer(x, *args, **kwargs)
elif self.merged:
result = self.base_layer(x, *args, **kwargs)
result = self.base_layer(x, *args, **kwargs)
if len(result.shape) == 4:
result = result.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
base_layer = self.get_base_layer()
base_bias = base_layer.bias
if base_bias is not None:
# Bias should be added after OFT forward
result = result - base_bias.data
# Execute all the adapters
for active_adapter in self.active_adapters:
if active_adapter not in self._available_adapters:
module_dropout = self.module_dropout[active_adapter]
# Modify current execution weights
if (not self.training) or (self.training and torch.rand(1) > module_dropout):
result = self._get_delta_activations(active_adapter, result, *args, **kwargs)
if base_bias is not None:
result = result + base_bias.data
if len(result.shape) == 4:
result = result.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
result = result.to(previous_dtype)
return result
class Linear(OFTLayer):
"""OFT implemented in Linear layer"""
def __init__(
base_layer: nn.Module,
adapter_name: str = "default",
r: int = 0,
module_dropout: float = 0.0,
init_weights: bool = True,
# Create adapter and set it active
self._active_adapter = adapter_name
self.update_layer(adapter_name, r, module_dropout, init_weights, **kwargs)
def _get_delta_activations(
self, adapter_name: str, input: torch.Tensor, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> torch.Tensor:
delta_weight = self.get_delta_weight(adapter_name)
base_layer = self.get_base_layer()
base_weight = base_layer.weight.data
delta_weight = delta_weight[: base_weight.shape[0], : base_weight.shape[0]]
# don't add bias here, because the bias will be added after OFT forward
return torch.matmul(input, delta_weight)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
rep = super().__repr__()
return "oft." + rep
class Conv2d(OFTLayer):
"""OFT implemented in Conv2d layer"""
def __init__(
base_layer: nn.Module,
adapter_name: str = "default",
r: int = 0,
module_dropout: float = 0.0,
init_weights: bool = True,
# Create adapter and set it active
self._active_adapter = adapter_name
self.update_layer(adapter_name, r, module_dropout, init_weights, **kwargs)
def _get_delta_activations(
self, adapter_name: str, input: torch.Tensor, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> torch.Tensor:
delta_weight = self.get_delta_weight(adapter_name)
base_layer = self.get_base_layer()
base_weight = base_layer.weight.data
delta_weight = delta_weight[: base_weight.shape[0], : base_weight.shape[0]]
# don't add bias here, because the bias will be added after OFT forward
return torch.matmul(input, delta_weight)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
rep = super().__repr__()
return "oft." + rep