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<div class="frame"> | |
<div class="converter-container"> | |
<center><img src="" alt="Tifinagh Converter Image"></center> | |
<select id="languageSelect"> | |
<option value="tifinagh">ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ</option> | |
<option value="latin">Latin</option> | |
</select> | |
<input type="text" id="inputText" placeholder="ⴰⵔⴰ ⵜⵉⵔⵔⴰ ⵖⵉⴷ"> | |
<button onclick="convertText()">ⵙⵡⴰⵍⴰ</button> | |
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<div class="module"> | |
<small><p>ⵉⵜⵜⵓⵙⵖⵉⵡⵙ ⴳ ♥ ⴷ:</p> | |
<a href=""> <center><img src="" alt="Aksel Tinfat "></center></a> | |
</div> | |
<script> | |
const languageSelect = document.getElementById('languageSelect'); | |
const tifinaghToLatinMap = { | |
'ⴰ':'A','ⴱ':'B','ⵛ':'C','ⴷ':'D','ⴻ':'E','ⴼ':'F','ⴳ':'G','ⵀ':'H','ⵉ':'I','ⵊ':'J','ⴽ':'K','ⵍ':'L','ⵎ':'M','ⵏ':'N','ⵓ':'u','ⵒ':'P','ⵇ':'Q','ⵔ':'R','ⵙ':'S','ⵜ':'T','ⴼ':'V','ⵡ':'W','ⵅ':'X','ⵢ':'Y','ⵣ':'Z','ⴽⵯ':'kʷ','ⵯ':'ʷ','ⵇⵯ':'Qʷ','ⵖ':'ɣ','ⵄ':'ɛ','ⵓ':'u','ⵥ':'Z','ⵥ':'ẓ','ⴰ':'a','ⴱ':'b','ⵛ':'c','ⴷ':'d','ⴻ':'e','ⴼ':'f','ⴳ':'g','ⵀ':'h','ⵉ':'i','ⵊ':'j','ⴽ':'k','ⵍ':'l','ⵎ':'m','ⵏ':'n','ⵓ':'o','ⵒ':'p','ⵇ':'q','ⵔ':'r','ⵙ':'s','ⵜ':'t','ⵡ':'w','ⵅ':'x','ⵢ':'y','ⵣ':'z','ⴽⵯ':'kʷ','ⵯ':'ʷ','ⵇⵯ':'qʷ','ⵖ':'ɣ','ⵄ':'ɛ','ⵓ':'u','ⵥ':'z','ⵥ':'ẓ','ⵕ':'ṛ','ṭ':'ⵟ','ⵚ':'ṣ','ⵃ':'ḥ','ⵟ':'ṭ' | |
// ...ⵙⵎⴷ ⴰⴽⴽⵯ ⵉⵙⴽⴽⵉⵍⵏ ⵏ ⵜⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ ⵖⵉⴷ. | |
}; | |
const latinToTifinaghMap = { | |
'A':'ⴰ','B':'ⴱ','C':'ⵛ','D':'ⴷ','E':'ⴻ','F':'ⴼ','G':'ⴳ','H':'ⵀ','I':'ⵉ','J':'ⵊ','K':'ⴽ','L':'ⵍ','M':'ⵎ','N':'ⵏ','U':'ⵓ','P':'ⵒ','Q':'ⵇ','R':'ⵔ','S':'ⵙ','T':'ⵜ','V':'ⴼ','W':'ⵡ','X':'ⵅ','Y':'ⵢ','Z':'ⵣ','kʷ':'ⴽⵯ','ʷ':'ⵯ','Qʷ':'ⵇⵯ','ɣ':'ⵖ','ɛ':'ⵄ','ẓ':'ⵥ','a':'ⴰ','b':'ⴱ','c':'ⵛ','d':'ⴷ','e':'ⴻ','f':'ⴼ','g':'ⴳ','h':'ⵀ','i':'ⵉ','j':'ⵊ','k':'ⴽ','l':'ⵍ','m':'ⵎ','n':'ⵏ','p':'ⵒ','q':'ⵇ','r':'ⵔ','s':'ⵙ','t':'ⵜ','v':'ⴼ','w':'ⵡ','x':'ⵅ','y':'ⵢ','z':'ⵣ','kʷ':'ⴽⵯ','ʷ':'ⵯ','qʷ':'ⵇⵯ','ɣ':'ⵖ','ɛ':'ⵄ','o':'ⵄ','z':'ⵣ','ẓ':'ⵥ','ṛ':'ⵕ','ṣ':'ⵚ','ḥ':'ⵃ','Ẓ':'ⵥ','Ṛ':'ⵕ','Ṣ':'ⵚ','Ḥ':'ⵃ','Ṭ':'ⵟ','u':'ⵓ','ṭ':'ⵟ', | |
// ...add all Latin to Tifinagh mappings here. | |
}; | |
function convertText() { | |
const inputText = document.getElementById('inputText').value; | |
const selectedLanguage = languageSelect.value; | |
let outputText = ''; | |
if (selectedLanguage === 'tifinagh') { | |
// ⵙⵡⴰⵍⴰ ⵙⴳ ⵜⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ ⵖⵔ ⵜⵍⴰⵜⵉⵏⵜ | |
for (let char of inputText) { | |
outputText += tifinaghToLatinMap[char] || char; | |
} | |
} else { | |
// Convert from Latin to Tifinagh | |
for (let char of inputText) { | |
outputText += latinToTifinaghMap[char] || char; | |
} | |
} | |
document.getElementById('outputText').textContent = outputText; | |
} | |
</script> | |
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