Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,594 Bytes
4a51346 |
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# Configure this to _YOUR_ environment in order to run the testcases.
" v 2.6.2.B00"
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# #
# #
# # You will need to make numerous modifications to this file
# # to adapt it to your own testing environment.
# #
# # Skip down to the next "# #" line --
# # -- the things you need to change are below it.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
import platform
import random
import sys
import is64bit
import setuptestframework
import tryconnection
print("\nPython", sys.version)
node = platform.node()
"node=%s, is64bit.os()= %s, is64bit.Python()= %s"
% (node, is64bit.os(), is64bit.Python())
if "--help" in sys.argv:
"""Valid command-line switches are:
--package - create a temporary test package, run 2to3 if needed.
--all - run all possible tests
--time - loop over time format tests (including mxdatetime if present)
--nojet - do not test against an ACCESS database file
--mssql - test against Microsoft SQL server
--pg - test against PostgreSQL
--mysql - test against MariaDB
--remote= - test unsing remote server at= (experimental)
onWindows = bool(sys.getwindowsversion()) # seems to work on all versions of Python
onWindows = False
# create a random name for temporary table names
_alphabet = (
"PYFGCRLAOEUIDHTNSQJKXBMWVZ" # why, yes, I do happen to use a dvorak keyboard
tmp = "".join([random.choice(_alphabet) for x in range(9)])
mdb_name = "xx_" + tmp + ".mdb" # generate a non-colliding name for the temporary .mdb
testfolder = setuptestframework.maketemp()
if "--package" in sys.argv:
# create a new adodbapi module -- running 2to3 if needed.
pth = setuptestframework.makeadopackage(testfolder)
# use the adodbapi module in which this file appears
pth = setuptestframework.find_ado_path()
if pth not in sys.path:
# look here _first_ to find modules
sys.path.insert(1, pth)
proxy_host = None
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg.startswith("--remote="):
proxy_host = arg.split("=")[1]
import adodbapi.remote as remote
# function to clean up the temporary folder -- calling program must run this function before exit.
cleanup = setuptestframework.getcleanupfunction()
import adodbapi # will (hopefully) be imported using the "pth" discovered above
except SyntaxError:
'\n* * * Are you trying to run Python2 code using Python3? Re-run this test using the "--package" switch.'
print(adodbapi.version) # show version
print('"adodbapi.version" not present or not working.')
verbose = False
for a in sys.argv:
if a.startswith("--verbose"):
arg = True
arg = int(a.split("=")[1])
except IndexError:
adodbapi.adodbapi.verbose = arg
verbose = arg
doAllTests = "--all" in sys.argv
doAccessTest = not ("--nojet" in sys.argv)
doSqlServerTest = "--mssql" in sys.argv or doAllTests
doMySqlTest = "--mysql" in sys.argv or doAllTests
doPostgresTest = "--pg" in sys.argv or doAllTests
iterateOverTimeTests = ("--time" in sys.argv or doAllTests) and onWindows
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # start your environment setup here v v v
SQL_HOST_NODE = ",1430"
try: # If mx extensions are installed, use mxDateTime
import mx.DateTime
doMxDateTimeTest = True
doMxDateTimeTest = False # Requires eGenixMXExtensions
doTimeTest = True # obsolete python time format
if doAccessTest:
if proxy_host: # determine the (probably remote) database file folder
c = {"macro_find_temp_test_path": ["mdb", mdb_name], "proxy_host": proxy_host}
c = {"mdb": setuptestframework.makemdb(testfolder, mdb_name)}
# macro definition for keyword "provider" using macro "is64bit" -- see documentation
# is64bit will return true for 64 bit versions of Python, so the macro will select the ACE provider
# (If running a remote ADO service, this will test the 64-bitedness of the ADO server.)
c["macro_is64bit"] = [
"Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0", # 64 bit provider
] # 32 bit provider
connStrAccess = "Provider=%(provider)s;Data Source=%(mdb)s" # ;Mode=ReadWrite;Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Bypass UserInfo Validation=True"
" ...Testing ACCESS connection to {} file...".format(
c.get("mdb", "remote .mdb")
doAccessTest, connStrAccess, dbAccessconnect = tryconnection.try_connection(
verbose, connStrAccess, 10, **c
if doSqlServerTest:
c = {
"host": SQL_HOST_NODE, # name of computer with SQL Server
"database": "adotest",
"user": "adotestuser", # None implies Windows security
"password": "Sq1234567",
# macro definition for keyword "security" using macro "auto_security"
"macro_auto_security": "security",
"provider": "MSOLEDBSQL; MARS Connection=True",
if proxy_host:
c["proxy_host"] = proxy_host
connStr = "Provider=%(provider)s; Initial Catalog=%(database)s; Data Source=%(host)s; %(security)s;"
print(" ...Testing MS-SQL login to {}...".format(c["host"]))
) = tryconnection.try_connection(verbose, connStr, 30, **c)
if doMySqlTest:
c = {
"host": "",
"database": "adodbapitest",
"user": "adotest",
"password": "12345678",
"port": "3330", # note the nonstandard port for obfuscation
"driver": "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver",
} # or _driver="MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver
if proxy_host:
c["proxy_host"] = proxy_host
c["macro_is64bit"] = [
] # turn on the 64 bit ODBC adapter only if needed
cs = (
+ "Database=%(database)s;user=%(user)s;password=%(password)s;Option=3;"
print(" ...Testing MySql login to {}...".format(c["host"]))
doMySqlTest, connStrMySql, dbMySqlconnect = tryconnection.try_connection(
verbose, cs, 5, **c
if doPostgresTest:
_computername = ""
_databasename = "adotest"
_username = "adotestuser"
_password = "12345678"
kws = {"timeout": 4}
kws["macro_is64bit"] = [
"Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)}",
"Driver=PostgreSQL Unicode",
# get driver from
# test using positional and keyword arguments (bad example for real code)
if proxy_host:
kws["proxy_host"] = proxy_host
print(" ...Testing PostgreSQL login to {}...".format(_computername))
doPostgresTest, connStrPostgres, dbPostgresConnect = tryconnection.try_connection(
"%(prov_drv)s;Server=%(host)s;Database=%(database)s;uid=%(user)s;pwd=%(password)s;port=5430;", # note nonstandard port
assert (
doAccessTest or doSqlServerTest or doMySqlTest or doPostgresTest
), "No database engine found for testing"