Runtime error
Runtime error
Browse files
@@ -1,442 +1,441 @@
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# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
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# %%shell
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# %%
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# %%
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# pip3 install -
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audio, sr
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# context
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# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
4 |
# %%shell
5 |
# pip install -q langchain_community langchain_huggingface faiss-cpu gradio openai google-generativeai langchain-google-genai torch torchvision torchaudio youtokentome pypdf accelerate
6 |
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9 |
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
10 |
# %%capture
11 |
# %%shell
12 |
13 |
# # Install the custom version of NeMo by AI4Bharat
14 |
# wget
15 |
16 |
# unzip -q /content/ && cd NeMo
17 |
# bash
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# cd ..
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# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
23 |
# %%capture
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# %%shell
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# git clone -q
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# cd IndicTransTokenizer
28 |
# pip install -q --editable ./
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# cd ..
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# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
34 |
# %%capture
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# %%shell
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# apt-get install libsndfile1-dev ffmpeg
38 |
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# git clone
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# cd TTS
41 |
42 |
# pip3 install -e .[all]
43 |
# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
44 |
45 |
# cd ..
46 |
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48 |
"""## **Restart session**
49 |
50 |
51 |
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
52 |
# %%capture
53 |
# !pip install gradio
54 |
55 |
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
56 |
# %%capture
57 |
58 |
# # INFO: If you're unable to import these libraries, just rerun this cell again.
59 |
60 |
import gradio as gr
61 |
from torch import cuda, inference_mode
62 |
import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr
63 |
from IndicTransTokenizer import IndicProcessor
64 |
from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer
65 |
66 |
67 |
DEVICE = "cuda" if cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
68 |
69 |
print(f"Using device: {DEVICE}")
70 |
71 |
72 |
import os
73 |
from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS
74 |
from langchain_huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
75 |
from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader
76 |
77 |
"""### Load and convert PDF data into vectorDB"""
78 |
79 |
pm_kisan_doc = "/content/PM-KISANOperationalGuidelines(English).pdf"
80 |
81 |
from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader
82 |
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
83 |
84 |
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
loader = PyPDFLoader(pm_kisan_doc)
90 |
pages = loader.load_and_split(text_splitter=text_splitter)
91 |
92 |
pages_chunks = [page.page_content for page in pages]
93 |
print(f"Generated {len(pages_chunks)} chunks of {pm_kisan_doc}")
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
98 |
99 |
faiss = FAISS.from_texts(pages_chunks, embeddings)
100 |
101 |
"""### Querying the vectorDB"""
102 |
103 |
# Test query
104 |
result = faiss.similarity_search("what are the benefits of PM kisan yojna", k=3)
105 |
106 |
# This returns the most relevant doc similar to the query
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
Result_with_score = faiss.similarity_search_with_score("what are the benefits of PM kisan yojna", k=3)
111 |
112 |
113 |
os.environ['GEMINI_API_KEY'] = userdata.get('GEMINI_API_KEY')
114 |
115 |
import google.generativeai as genai
116 |
117 |
def get_gemini_output(prompt, temperature=0.6):
118 |
119 |
genai.configure(api_key= os.environ['GEMINI_API_KEY'])
120 |
model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name='gemini-pro')
121 |
answer = model.generate_content(prompt,
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
return answer.text
126 |
127 |
"""## Build an end-to-end RAG powered Voice Assistant
128 |
129 |
130 |
ip = IndicProcessor(inference=True)
131 |
132 |
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
133 |
# # %%capture
134 |
135 |
en2indic_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ai4bharat/indictrans2-en-indic-dist-200M", trust_remote_code=True)
136 |
en2indic_model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("ai4bharat/indictrans2-en-indic-dist-200M", trust_remote_code=True)
137 |
138 |
139 |
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
140 |
# # %%capture
141 |
142 |
indic2en_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ai4bharat/indictrans2-indic-en-dist-200M", trust_remote_code=True)
143 |
indic2en_model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("ai4bharat/indictrans2-indic-en-dist-200M", trust_remote_code=True)
144 |
145 |
146 |
model_tokenizer_config = {
147 |
"en2indic": {
148 |
"tokenizer": en2indic_tokenizer,
149 |
"model": en2indic_model,
150 |
151 |
"indic2en": {
152 |
"tokenizer": indic2en_tokenizer,
153 |
"model": indic2en_model,
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
def indic_translate(src_lang: str, tgt_lang: str, sents_to_translate: list):
158 |
159 |
lang_map = {
160 |
"punjabi": "pan_Guru",
161 |
"bengali": "ben_Beng",
162 |
"malayalam": "mal_Mlym",
163 |
"marathi": "mar_Deva",
164 |
"tamil": "tam_Taml",
165 |
"gujarati": "guj_Gujr",
166 |
"telugu": "tel_Telu",
167 |
"hindi": "hin_Deva",
168 |
"kannada": "kan_Knda",
169 |
"odia": "ory_Orya",
170 |
"english": "eng_Latn"
171 |
172 |
173 |
src_lang = lang_map[src_lang]
174 |
tgt_lang = lang_map[tgt_lang]
175 |
176 |
if src_lang == "eng_Latn":
177 |
tokenizer = model_tokenizer_config["en2indic"]["tokenizer"]
178 |
model = model_tokenizer_config["en2indic"]["model"]
179 |
180 |
print(f"Using en2indic, src_lang: {src_lang}, tgt_lang: {tgt_lang}")
181 |
182 |
183 |
tokenizer = model_tokenizer_config["indic2en"]["tokenizer"]
184 |
model = model_tokenizer_config["indic2en"]["model"]
185 |
186 |
print(f"Using indic2en, src_lang: {src_lang}, tgt_lang: {tgt_lang}")
187 |
188 |
189 |
batch = ip.preprocess_batch(sents_to_translate, src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, show_progress_bar=False)
190 |
batch = tokenizer(batch, padding="longest", truncation=True, max_length=256, return_tensors="pt")
191 |
192 |
with inference_mode():
193 |
194 |
outputs = model.generate(**batch, num_beams=5, num_return_sequences=1, max_length=256)
195 |
196 |
with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
197 |
outputs = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)
198 |
199 |
if tgt_lang != "en_Latn":
200 |
print(f"Postprocessing for {tgt_lang}")
201 |
outputs = ip.postprocess_batch(outputs, lang=tgt_lang)
202 |
203 |
204 |
return outputs
205 |
206 |
def download_ai4b_tts_model(lang: str):
207 |
208 |
lang_map = {
209 |
"odia": "or",
210 |
"hindi": "hi",
211 |
"tamil": "ta",
212 |
"telugu": "te",
213 |
"punjabi": "pa",
214 |
"kannada": "kn",
215 |
"bengali": "bn",
216 |
"marathi": "mr",
217 |
"gujarati": "gu",
218 |
"malayalam": "ml",
219 |
220 |
221 |
selected_lang = lang_map[lang]
222 |
223 |
download_path = f"/{selected_lang}.zip"
224 |
225 |
if os.path.exists(download_path):
226 |
print(f"IndicTTS Model for {lang} already exists.")
227 |
228 |
def run_tts(text, tts_lang):
229 |
230 |
lang_map = {
231 |
"odia": "or",
232 |
"hindi": "hi",
233 |
"tamil": "ta",
234 |
"telugu": "te",
235 |
"punjabi": "pa",
236 |
"kannada": "kn",
237 |
"bengali": "bn",
238 |
"marathi": "mr",
239 |
"gujarati": "gu",
240 |
"malayalam": "ml",
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
tts_lang = lang_map[tts_lang]
246 |
print(f"Lang code: {tts_lang}")
247 |
248 |
249 |
tts_command = f'python3 -m TTS.bin.synthesize --text "{text}" \
250 |
--model_path /models/v1/{tts_lang}/fastpitch/best_model.pth \
251 |
--config_path /models/v1/{tts_lang}/fastpitch/config.json \
252 |
--vocoder_path /models/v1/{tts_lang}/hifigan/best_model.pth \
253 |
--vocoder_config_path /models/v1/{tts_lang}/hifigan/config.json \
254 |
--speakers_file_path /models/v1/{tts_lang}/fastpitch/speakers.pth \
255 |
--out_path /tts_output.wav \
256 |
--speaker_idx male'
257 |
258 |
if DEVICE == "cuda":
259 |
tts_command += " --use_cuda True"
260 |
print(f"Running IndicTTS on GPU")
261 |
262 |
263 |
print(f"Running IndicTTS on CPU")
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
def download_ai4b_asr_model(lang: str):
270 |
271 |
available_langs = {
272 |
"odia": "or",
273 |
"hindi": "hi",
274 |
"tamil": "ta",
275 |
"telugu": "te",
276 |
"punjabi": "pa",
277 |
"kannada": "kn",
278 |
"bengali": "bn",
279 |
"marathi": "mr",
280 |
"gujarati": "gu",
281 |
"malayalam": "ml",
282 |
283 |
284 |
download_path = f"/asr_models/ai4b_indicConformer_{available_langs[lang]}.nemo"
285 |
print(f"Downloaded ASR model path: {download_path}")
286 |
287 |
if os.path.exists(download_path):
288 |
print(f"Model for {lang} already exists.")
289 |
290 |
elif lang not in available_langs:
291 |
raise ValueError(f"Invalid language code: {lang}")
292 |
293 |
return download_path
294 |
295 |
import librosa
296 |
297 |
def preprocess_audio(audio_path):
298 |
audio, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr=None, mono=True)
299 |
return audio, sr
300 |
301 |
def transcribe(audio: str, lang: str):
302 |
audio, sr = preprocess_audio(audio)
303 |
304 |
lang_map = {
305 |
"odia": "or",
306 |
"hindi": "hi",
307 |
"tamil": "ta",
308 |
"telugu": "te",
309 |
"punjabi": "pa",
310 |
"kannada": "kn",
311 |
"bengali": "bn",
312 |
"marathi": "mr",
313 |
"gujarati": "gu",
314 |
"malayalam": "ml",
315 |
316 |
317 |
download_path = download_ai4b_asr_model(lang=lang)
318 |
319 |
asr_model = nemo_asr.models.ASRModel.restore_from(
320 |
download_path, map_location=DEVICE
321 |
322 |
323 |
transcription = asr_model.transcribe(audio, batch_size=1, language_id=lang_map[lang])[0][0]
324 |
print(f"Transcription: {transcription}")
325 |
326 |
return transcription
327 |
328 |
def query_vector_db(query):
329 |
# Combine the top-3 similar documents from the vectorDB
330 |
result = " ".join([result.page_content for result in faiss.similarity_search(query, k=3)])
331 |
332 |
return result
333 |
334 |
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
335 |
336 |
def process_user_query(user_query, retrieved_doc):
337 |
338 |
prompt_template = PromptTemplate.from_template(
339 |
"You are a chatbot , which provides information to user based on their queries, \
340 |
the user asks: {user_query}, The information from the related query is: {retrieved_doc}. \
341 |
Now give the output based on the query and relevant information that i provided, written in a structured, well-formatted and concise way. \
342 |
The length of the output should be no more than 70 words, must be in 5 lines."
343 |
344 |
345 |
prompt = prompt_template.format(user_query=user_query, retrieved_doc=retrieved_doc)
346 |
347 |
processed_doc = get_gemini_output(prompt)
348 |
349 |
350 |
return processed_doc
351 |
352 |
#Context awareness
353 |
from collections import deque
354 |
355 |
class ContextManger:
356 |
def __init__(self,max_history=7):
357 |
self.history = deque(maxlen=max_history)
358 |
359 |
def add_interaction(self,query,response):
360 |
361 |
362 |
def get_context(self):
363 |
return list(self.history)
364 |
365 |
context_manager = ContextManger()
366 |
367 |
# context = context_manager.get_context()
368 |
# contexulized_query = f"Previous context: {context} \n\nCurrent query: {indic_to_en}"
369 |
370 |
import traceback
371 |
372 |
def process_gradio_input(audio, user_lang):
373 |
374 |
# Use IndicASR to transcribe the input audio
375 |
376 |
query_transcription = transcribe(audio, lang=user_lang)
377 |
378 |
# Convert the Indic text from transcription to English, so that GPT-3.5 can process it
379 |
print(f"Translating indic to en..")
380 |
indic_to_en = indic_translate(src_lang=user_lang, tgt_lang="english", sents_to_translate=[query_transcription])[0]
381 |
382 |
# context_manager = ContextManager()
383 |
384 |
context = context_manager.get_context()
385 |
contexulized_query = f"Previous context: {context} \n\nCurrent query: {indic_to_en}"
386 |
387 |
# Query the Vector DB to get the relevant document from the query
388 |
print(f"Querying vector db")
389 |
retrieved_doc = query_vector_db(contexulized_query)
390 |
391 |
# Extract relevant information from the retrieved document
392 |
print(f"Processing user query")
393 |
processed_doc = process_user_query(user_query=contexulized_query, retrieved_doc=retrieved_doc)
394 |
395 |
context_manager.add_interaction(indic_to_en, processed_doc)
396 |
397 |
# Break the document into chunks for faster batch processing
398 |
print(f"Breaking document into chunks..")
399 |
processed_doc_chunks = processed_doc.strip().split(". ")
400 |
processed_doc_chunks = [f"{chunk}." for chunk in processed_doc_chunks if chunk != ""]
401 |
402 |
# Translate the the extracted information back to Indic language
403 |
print(f"Translating en to indic..")
404 |
en_to_indic_chunks = indic_translate(src_lang="english", tgt_lang=user_lang, sents_to_translate=processed_doc_chunks)
405 |
en_to_indic_doc = " ".join(en_to_indic_chunks)
406 |
print(f"en_to_indic_doc: {en_to_indic_doc}")
407 |
408 |
# Run IndicTTS to generate audio
409 |
print(f"Running TTS to generate audio..")
410 |
run_tts(text=en_to_indic_doc, tts_lang=user_lang)
411 |
print("Finished running TTS")
412 |
413 |
audio_outfile_path = "/content/tts_output.wav"
414 |
415 |
416 |
return en_to_indic_doc, audio_outfile_path
417 |
418 |
except Exception as e:
419 |
error_message = f"An error occurred: {str(e)}\n\nTraceback:\n{traceback.format_exc()}"
420 |
421 |
return error_message, None
422 |
423 |
def launch_gradio_app(show_log=False):
424 |
425 |
languages = ["hindi", "odia", "tamil", "telugu", "punjabi", "kannada", "bengali", "marathi", "gujarati", "malayalam"]
426 |
427 |
iface = gr.Interface(
428 |
429 |
430 |
gr.Audio(sources=['upload', 'microphone'], type="filepath", show_download_button=True), # Input audio
431 |
gr.Dropdown(languages, label="Language", value="hindi"), # Language selection
432 |
433 |
outputs=["text", "audio"],
434 |
435 |
title="Farmer's Voice Assistant 🧑🌾 Powered by AI4Bharat Tech",
436 |
description="Know about latest farming schemes, this system is powered by tools from AI4Bharat, like IndicASR, IndicTTS and IndicTrans",
437 |
438 |
439 |
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441 |