SaiLochana's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""A convenience wrapper for starting gsutil."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import os
import bootstrapping
from googlecloudsdk.calliope import exceptions
from googlecloudsdk.core import config
from googlecloudsdk.core import context_aware
from googlecloudsdk.core import log
from googlecloudsdk.core import metrics
from googlecloudsdk.core import properties
from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import gce as c_gce
from googlecloudsdk.core.util import encoding
from googlecloudsdk.core.util import files
def _MaybeAddBotoOption(args, section, name, value):
if value is None:
section=section, name=name, value=value))
def _GetCertProviderCommand(context_config):
"""Returns the cert provider command from the context config."""
# TODO(b/190102217) - Cleanup code that handles both version of context_config
if hasattr(context_config, 'cert_provider_command'):
return context_config.cert_provider_command
contents = files.ReadFileContents(context_config.config_path)
json_out = json.loads(contents)
if 'cert_provider_command' in json_out:
return json_out['cert_provider_command']
except files.Error as e:
log.debug('context aware settings discovery file %s - %s',
context_config.config_path, e)
def _AddContextAwareOptions(args):
"""Adds device certificate settings for mTLS."""
context_config = context_aware.Config()
# Enterprise certificate is not yet supported for gsutil.
if (
and context_config.config_type
== context_aware.ConfigType.ENTERPRISE_CERTIFICATE
# TODO(b/190102217) - Cleanup code that handles both version of context_config
use_client_certificate = (
context_config and
getattr(context_config, 'use_client_certificate', True))
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Credentials', 'use_client_certificate',
if context_config:
cert_provider_command = _GetCertProviderCommand(context_config)
if isinstance(cert_provider_command, list):
# e.g. cert_provider_command = ['*/apihelper', '--print_certificate']
cert_provider_command = ' '.join(cert_provider_command)
# Don't need to pass mTLS data if gsutil shouldn't be using it.
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Credentials', 'cert_provider_command',
def main():
"""Launches gsutil."""
args = []
project, account = bootstrapping.GetActiveProjectAndAccount()
pass_credentials = (
properties.VALUES.core.pass_credentials_to_gsutil.GetBool() and
not properties.VALUES.auth.disable_credentials.GetBool())
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'GSUtil', 'default_project_id', project)
if pass_credentials:
# Allow gsutil to only check for the '1' string value, as is done
# with regard to the 'CLOUDSDK_WRAPPER' environment variable.
if account in c_gce.Metadata().Accounts():
# Tell gsutil that it should obtain credentials from the GCE metadata
# server for the instance's configured service account.
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'GoogleCompute', 'service_account', 'default')
# For auth'n debugging purposes, allow gsutil to reason about whether the
# configured service account was set in a boto file or passed from here.
legacy_config_path = config.Paths().LegacyCredentialsGSUtilPath(account)
# We construct a BOTO_PATH that tacks the config containing our
# credentials options onto the end of the list of config paths. We ensure
# the other credential options are loaded first so that ours will take
# precedence and overwrite them.
boto_config = encoding.GetEncodedValue(os.environ, 'BOTO_CONFIG', '')
boto_path = encoding.GetEncodedValue(os.environ, 'BOTO_PATH', '')
if boto_config:
boto_path = os.pathsep.join([boto_config, legacy_config_path])
elif boto_path:
boto_path = os.pathsep.join([boto_path, legacy_config_path])
path_parts = ['/etc/boto.cfg',
os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.boto')),
boto_path = os.pathsep.join(path_parts)
encoding.SetEncodedValue(os.environ, 'BOTO_CONFIG', None)
encoding.SetEncodedValue(os.environ, 'BOTO_PATH', boto_path)
# Tell gsutil whether gcloud analytics collection is enabled.
os.environ, 'GA_CID', metrics.GetCIDIfMetricsEnabled())
# Set proxy settings. Note that if these proxy settings are configured in a
# boto config file, the options here will be loaded afterward, overriding
# them.
proxy_params = properties.VALUES.proxy
proxy_address = proxy_params.address.Get()
if proxy_address:
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Boto', 'proxy', proxy_address)
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Boto', 'proxy_port', proxy_params.port.Get())
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Boto', 'proxy_rdns', proxy_params.rdns.GetBool())
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Boto', 'proxy_user', proxy_params.username.Get())
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Boto', 'proxy_pass', proxy_params.password.Get())
# Set SSL-related settings.
disable_ssl = properties.VALUES.auth.disable_ssl_validation.GetBool()
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Boto', 'https_validate_certificates',
None if disable_ssl is None else not disable_ssl)
_MaybeAddBotoOption(args, 'Boto', 'ca_certificates_file',
# Sync device certificate settings for mTLS.
# Note that the original args to gsutil will be appended after the args we've
# supplied here.
bootstrapping.ExecutePythonTool('platform/gsutil', 'gsutil', *args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
version = bootstrapping.ReadFileContents('platform/gsutil', 'VERSION')
bootstrapping.CommandStart('gsutil', version=version)
blocked_commands = {
'update': 'To update, run: gcloud components update',
argv = bootstrapping.GetDecodedArgv()
bootstrapping.WarnAndExitOnBlockedCommand(argv, blocked_commands)
# Don't call bootstrapping.PreRunChecks because anonymous access is
# supported for some endpoints. gsutil will output the appropriate
# error message upon receiving an authentication error.
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
exceptions.HandleError(e, 'gsutil')